Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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l!") 00 0') ...... WEST America 's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Cla yton. Publisher Mike Klin ger . Com ptroller Skip J ohnson . Asso cia te Publish er Nntionc ! Soirs M tWa .f{t"T Caro line C en drv. Exrrutnv .fi t'C1f'ta n ' to thr Pu blishrr . . Editoria l John t rtrich. Editor Kit Pal mer . A ssociat,. Edi tor f\. Ia 11 I lilg- l·nb eT/i{.A.u ociatt' Editor J im wol con . Associa te Editor Rl"X Reew , Fra t u rr Editor Terry Pra ll. Salt' s ,\lanag(', Milt· Spencer, Sa lt's Mn nngrr Tim Ryan . Sa lt'S .\10 11 0£ ,., Linda Bro w n . Advertising Coord inator Sa l1C1" Wa !llrll . Advertising Edi torial AU;.t la,,' Graphic. end Production Lori Tyson . ( ;raph ic Art ist Larrv Gi ll . (;raph;c Artist Ging't"r De t 'au l. A .u oc;att" ( ;,apltic Artist :\larion Ha ravhi ta. Typt'st'ut'r Shei la Larsen. Tvpeseuer Dt'nni'lo Grn:'nt'. Lab . Te ch, Accoun ting /Oete Proce.sing Donna Brya n. A ccounts R u,il'abl, Coo rdi nato r Geneva Rt>pa n . •-issistnnt Fr;1O H a m we v. Credit Circul8tion Rh eba Smith. .\lanagn Sarah Tav lor. Assistant Lv na U ~. A s-liMam Oe.ler S.... and Service Bob Elliot l, Dealer Sa les ManaK'" W.ntAds J udl H il gen berg , Wan t Ad Sales Service .nd Support C h ris Aircheso n. R ecept io n ist G rcKory Ha n so n. S&S We.t 2201 C herry A\,C'., Lon g Beac h. CA ~ 9 8 . Long Bra ch , CA 90806. P.O . Box 9080 1·0~98 (2U ) · 1 2 7 · 7-l ~ ~ : L.A . Lin e (2 U j 6~6·88H . East ·1190 Fir s( Ave.• 'T u cker. G A• .1 ·1. P .O. 008 Bux 805. Tucker. GA ~0085·0805 . (-\0·1) 9~~·7850. Cycle ~e w , I\\' (' " (USPS \I1-~~OI is published weekl y exce p t th e firS( a nd last week of the ca lendar year for 525 per year b y Cvde Xews, In c.• 2201 Cberrv Aven ue, LOOK Beach, CA 90806 . Second class po ..rage paid at 1.onK Beach . CA. . POSTMASTER : Send form 3579 to Cycle Naws. P.O . Box 49B . Long Beech. CA 90B01 -049B. Subscrip iion rates: One vea r, second cia ..!!. mail, $25: 1"·0 rears. second cla'\ m ail . S-l5 ; Ihrl"(' \'{'a~.'~cond class mail S68: 25 wl"t'ls, Sl i Fort'iJtll ral C's a \·a i1a ble o n rl"quC'S1. Cldt" ~ e-ws wekomes u n'olicill-d l'dilOr ial malrrial indudins; swril's , carloo m . pholO\. (" te. Su ch ma lerial . if publishni. b{'com~ Ih e excl u sive- propC'rt y o f Cycl e ~ t."w !'O . Such aueptC"d ma terial is \ ubj«t 10 re\'ision a~ is 1l("('C"Ssan' i n Ih c:" \OIl' di~nf' · tion of Cycl e ~rw s. U·osol icilt'd matt"ria l whic-h is n o c used will Ix- rC'l urnrd if ;Ic('omp•". m il'll by a self·addrC'SM'd slampnJ C'11 \,t'lOpt" All um,o Jici(t'd m.tle."ria l will bt. h andled wilh re-awnable ca rt' , h Ow('\'l'r , Cycl e." ='=t'ws assumes no responsibility for Iht' saft't)' , loss or damaRe (0 such material . R t" p r in tin~ in wh ole or part o nll by permission o f (he p ublis her . Ad vt'Tlisi llK rall'~ a nd ci rcu lation in forma tio n t\.iI1 bt- M,' nl upon rcq Ul"Sl. &e S.R. D.S. Copyrigh ~ Cycle News. Inc . 19B5. Tradamark Cyc la News registered U.S. Patent Office, All rights reserved. ON THE FRO NT PAG E: A drawing of t he GSXR750 Su zuki engi ne . For an inside l oo k at the f our c yl - inder. o il-coo le d m otor. see pag e 2 10. (Balow ) Hollister Go lden St at e 125cc Pro w inner . Ri c k Ry an . Photo by Kit Palm er. Ugly supercross SUpC.'HTO~S is "I an i ll ~ In turn \ 'l'I Y 1I).:l y. At Ana lu-im I rounu-d six fi~ llIs - a m-ar riol viu uui ou . T beI im- fOI wi ll-ca ll tickets was OI l<.' hou r long. T hai 's will-call. I pa id in .u lvnnrr- so I wouldn ' r han ' 10 wa il. I can 't takr m v kid becaus(' drunken IX'lOS ale sta lii n ).: fi).:llI s. a nd th " Ana lu-i III co ps wen-lu-lpit'" 01 act in).: lu -lpk-ss, Bill, wors: o f a ll. th e I~l c in g was boring . Th e p ro racing. thai is. J im )I oll ey a nd m lu-r pl i"a H'('rs ).:a n · us OUI mon ey's wort h. BIll Ihe pros li ned up like du cks in a ro w a nd ped al led a ro und t lu - uuck . Cin' 111(' back III V mrnorross. Cin' 111(' hack Saddkha·ck. I wan t h ills, h(·IIIIS. wh oops. and rac in l-:. I dnu 't w.uu a pa r.uh- o n a go lf «o u rst'. i\IIK E SA I.IS Bl JRY Lom ira . C.-\ Motocross and journalism H o w ahoul dt'n'nl journa lism? Every l\Io lOCross, Dirt Bikt'. t'tc. ma~ :ll illt' I pick up is It'nihlt'! (With lilt' t'xct'plion of C ydr .vrw.~ , of co u rse). T he fir st Ihing is the cover - you kn o w, lh e shots Ihat all kids are try ing to emu late at the local race tracks; most of th e lime the bi ke is tota lly ou t o f comro l. These aren 't real ;\IX pict ures. And Ihen IIwrt''s Iht, leSi on Iht' KT:\I in o nt' of tht' lIla~alilH's thai sa id il had a " rt'a l kick· hu ll 1Il0lOr." Wdl. I ~I I('SS Ihal Idl s lilt· a ll I wal1l to kno w a lxlul tht' KTM 's pow t'rhan d. Or, how ahoul doi n~ I h i n ~ s 10 your hik e just for Iht, sake o f l ook in ~ " tt'ch no." Lt'l nH'colll p la in a hil furtht'r. En'rv ridt'r (no n-p ro o r sponsol'l'd) I ( xlk ~ li k(' a bi ll boa rd - en'ry squa rt' inch is p laslt'I'l'd wilh cor por al t' 1.0. It 's frt't' adn ·rt isllw n l for a numbt' r of ('O llIpa llit's, a nd Iht' rid t'rs pa y for il. Also. sladiulll racin ~ is ruinill ~ nH)lo!ToSS; not fo r Iht' big hovs, bUl for Ih t' anTagt' ridt'r. Siadi uin and ~ ·n· lI n a t u l~ d . t Ylx' tracks, han'sl adiulll Jumps Iha l han' St'11l half Iht' Novict' class 10 the hospital . or 10 rhe 1 0c.l1 welder for Irame wo rk . BIll the rea l kill er is the stad ium tracks in Europe, w here the tra ck ru ns th rough th e sta nds a nd o n pavement . Ca ll me a wimp. or ca ll me a sour grape. hu t I'm sic k of a ll the h ype and ge nera l B.S. in 1Il01 0!TOSS. T he tra ck a l l nadil la, NY and 'II Car lsbad , CA. a re m y idea o f ~real trark s - thi s is rea I motocross. Do vou reme m ber wh at Bren t Mu sh"l~el: did 10 C BS Sports? H(' star ted ni ckuam ing nll rlu-big sra rs li ke Pa ul Silas " Ch a irm an o f t he Board." Now rhev'redo ing it in moIO

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