Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A. 500cc ~ • INTERCEPTOR BOX STOCK ~ ROAD RACE SERIES 1985 Mickey Fay (13), Alex Jorgensen (4 4 ) and Doug Chandler f ly off Houston's TT j um p. noi se beh ind m e was ," said Pearson . " I a lways kn ew th ey were right th ere just wait ing for me to make a mistake." Right a fter th e halfwa y flags, both Pearson a nd Parker got a break . Park er was running seco n d aft er droppin g first Eklund an d th en Sho bert back o ne position eac h . Sh obert, in a n effo rt to get a ro u nd Pa rker, cha rged off th e jump and headed into the tight ri ght-hander with too much speed. T he result was th at h e ra m med in to Parker. Sh obert went down , Parker went wid e to regai n co n tro l a nd Pear son opened u p some breath ing room . Shobert resu med h is race well in th e back of th e pack. On Shobert 's acciden t. Ekl und moved back to thi rd wi th J on es fo urth a hea d of a Cha nd ler/Fay duel for fifth with Carr leading a seven-rider co lu m n. Pear son 's ou tsid e lin e up in th e cushion a t the top o f the track beg an to lose him grou nd as Pa rker bega n to gobble u p gro un d with th e laps windi ng down. Ekl und was a lso on th e move, bu t hi s stra tegy of waiti ng unr il rh e lat e la ps o f the race when he hoped th e o thers wo u ld be [ired back fired because h e go t tired hi m self and co u ld n ' t moun t the challenge he wa n ted . ' O n lap 20. Par ker m oved into the lead o ff tu rn [W O , held o ff Pear son as he en tere d th e infi eld a nd bv the tim e he reach ed th e sta rt / finis h' lin e had pi cked up a bo u t five bik elength s. Pearson tried in vain to find a n open ing to regain th e lead , bu t a fter nearl y hillin g Parker en tering' th e infield o n th e next two laps he backed o ff to try another tacti c which proved just as frustrating . Parker took th e ch eckered flag sta ndi ng u p on hi s foot pegs a nd waving both ar ms in th e a ir in jubila tion. Parker slowed in hi s victory celebration a nd bot h Pearson a nd Eklu nd were verv close a t [h e lin e. Parker colllinued arou nd th e trac k holler in g and wav in g as the crowd ack now ledged h is victo ry. H e co n ti n ued the sho w for a nother lap, th is tim e w it h th e chec kered flag . " Pe rs istence, tha t's wha t won th e race." sai d Parker. " AI a nd T ex to ld me wh at to do a nd even th ough I wanted to mov e up top a co u p le o f tim es I sta ved low a nd th at 's wh at won. I'm sorry Bubba cras hed, bu t th at 's racing lu ck . I a lmost wen t down wh en he hit me. He y, this is m y first TT Nati ona l win and I'm lead in g th e point sta n dings a s well , wh at more ca n yo u as k for to sta rt th e season ?" • ; . fIflj.. . · ·· u • i 3 GOOD REASONS ~HONDA • : T~"'~'~' ON"A HONDA 500cc INTERCEPTOR FOR THE· 1985 AFM ROAD RACE SEASON A Racer 's Sponso rship Program Ho nda Dealerships who pa rticipate by spo nso ring a racer involved in t he series may win a five -da y trip 10 the Islan d of Mau i fo r two and stay a t t he H yau Regen cy Ho tel. Th e Ma ui vac a tion will be awarded to the H onda Dea lersh ip wh o spo nsors the o vera ll winner of [he Ho nda 500cc Slack , InterceptorSeries. Willow Springs Inte rnati onal Raceway Honda SOOec Inte rceptor Series ' Rou nd I Rou nd ': \t.u ch 24, 19/j ~ Apr il 14, 1985 Round ) ~t ~ )' 2b. 1 9/j ~ Round'" Round 5 Jun e 30. 1 9'1 ~ Round 6 Round 7 Round Il A ugU\ 1 18, 1911 5 Septem ber 21, 1985 Oct ober 20. II,l S H Ju l~' 28, 19li5 2 Honda 58 ,000 Purse Fund The Eig ht -Race H on da Series will pay a $1,000 purse per race: Fir st Place, $450; Second P la ce. $250; Third Pl ace, $ 150; Fou rt h Pl ace, $ 100; a nd Fifth Pl ace , $50. 3 Honda 57,5 00 Points Fund The top seven series point s lead ers will split a $7,500 poin ts fund at th e end of t he H onda 500cc Int ercep to r Series . TH E RA C ES WI LL BE H E LD AT W ILLOW SP RINGS INT E RNATION AL RACEWAY . LANCASTE R. CA LI FO RNIA . T O P ARTI CIPATE A LL YO U NEE D IS A 1985 AFM CO M P ET IT IO N LI CE NSE AN D A H O N DA INT E RC E P T OR . SO MAK E PLANS NOW T O BE ON T EAM HO N DA FOR 1985 . FOR FURTHER I NFO ~MAT I O N CAll : (21 3) 864-0704 OR (71 4) 682-9649 LET'S GO HONDA RACING!!! FOLLOW THE LEADER Smith & Ashcraft Win 'Wit h Hi-Point Outfitted completely w ith Hi -Point Racing Equipment. Dan Smith and Dan Ashcraft w in First Overall in the SCOR E Parker 400 for the second year in a row. After more than f ive hours of racing through 40 degree temperatures and sno w covered desert, Hi- Paint's " Dynam ic Duo" beat th e secon d place team by almost four minutes. Results See your Hi -Point Racing Prod ucts Dealer t oday and check out the com plete line-u p of Hi- Point boots fo r '85. From MX t o dirt track to tra il, he has qua lity Hi- Point boots to fit your needs. 25· LAP NATIONAL: 1. Scott Parker (H·D); 2. Scott Pea rson (Hon ); 3 . Steve Ekl un d (W -R); 4 . Ron nie J ones (Hon); 5. Doug Chandl er (Hon); 6 . M ickey M en 's sizes 5 th roug h 14 in Red. Blue or Black. Hl- Pcmt M ini MX Boot s avail able in youth sizes 1 through 7 in Red. Blue or Black. Fay (Hon); 7. Alex Jorgen sen (W· R); 8. 8 ubba Shobert (Hon); 9. Chris Carr (W-R); 10. Terry Poovey (H·D); 11. Keith Day (Hon): 12. Scott Adams (H· D); 13. Tim Me rten s (Hon); 14. Ra ndy Green (Hon); 15. Ricky Grah am (Ho n). Time : 12 min .• 2.4 33 sees. 12-LAP J UNIO R NATIONAL; 1. Winkie Fre itas (W-R) 2. Keith Gregoire (Hon); 3. Ra ndy Roos e (C; A); 4 . Rusty Roger s (H· D); 5 . Frank Garcia (Hon); 6. Curtis Cannon (Yam) ; 7 . Ted Taylor (W -R); 8 . Tim Stults (Han); 9. Tim Skov (W - R); 10 . Kent Jessen (W· R); 11. Aaron Hill (W-R); 12. Adam Sabedra (Hon). . - lI t l l )' I · , r . 1 , Il I < I" • ., I , i ' J. J .J , I 9

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