Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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" O fficia l gaso lin e ' Pure Oil ' is furnished an d must be used." The American All-Terrain Veh icle Assoc iation (AATVA ) has reformed under the name of the California All Terrain Vehicle Association (CATVA). Theassociation 's purpose is to represent the needs of A TV enthusiasts in the coming legal battles over land use. as well as sponsoring desert races. hill cl imbs and sand drag events. Membership is $30 per year. Contact: CATVA. 3550 Foothill Blvd .. Glen dale. CA 91214. Desert racer Chris Crandall, not AMA official Ro n Crandall, should have been headlined in last week 's HiPoint Racin g Prod ucts advertisement. Chris Crandall won the Whiskey Pete's World Championship Hare and Hou nd in Hi- Point boots which are now availabl e in white, red, blue and bla ck. AMA District-36 held their awards , banquet for the 1984 racing season on Janary 12. Topping the awards ceremony were Jeff Irwin for Enduro. and Aaron Hill for short track. The dreaded DNF trophy went to Matt Cullins for his stunning performance at the Cycle Gear Hare Scrambles. Bell Helmets, for th e ei ghth yea r, will be involved in sponsorshi p of th e Superbike races at Da ytona an d La gun a Seca . Du e to the change in for mat at Daytona with th e Superbike race now th e Da ytona 200, th e Bell Superbike Bonus will be added to th e rac e purse. Following th e Jul y 13 Bell Superbike Classi c at La guna Seca, Bell will award th e Manufacturer's Perpe tual Trophy to th e motorcycle manufacturer who accumu lat es the most points in th e two race s based on AMA Grand National Champion ship point scoring. Champagne Travel is offering group-tour packages to the Moto- ' cross des Nations in Germany. and the International Six Days Enduro in Spain . The two tours will allow ample time for sightseeing. and include airfare. accommodations. rental cars. and more. The Motocross des Nations Tour runs from August 31 through September 9. and the ISDE tour runs September 19 through October 7 . For inf or m at io n and prices of the tours. contact: Champagne Travel. P.O. Box 67. Amherst. OH 44001 . 216 /282-7075 . All AMA Distri ct 37 Enduros now fe- d tures a n ew class : 30+ Vet s. All di spl acements race in th e sa me class. For information co ntact Art Moore, (805) 492-3595. A Huntington Beach. California. motorcyclist recently accepted a $400.000 out-of-court settlement for injuries sustained in a July. 1981 tangle with an auto. Kenneth Anderson. 20. decided to settle his case when lawyers for the defense were allowed to claim that he was partly at fault for his injuries because he was not wearing a helmet. If the case had gone to trial. it would have marked the first time such a defense argument was used in a California court. The AMA District-36 Sha sta Dam Grand Prix Hare Scrambles are scheduled to be run April 14, with classes for 86-125cc, I26-200cc, 201-250cc, 251-0pen, Senior 35-44 . Super Senior 45+ and Four Stroke. P rizes include a 100-oz. silver bar for the overa ll win ner. Conta ct V-R Racing. 811 North ridge n-.. Redding, CA 96001. 9161 243-4277. WERA has announced that the 1985 Grand National Final will be run on November 7 at Road Atlanta - a date that returns the event to its traditional second-weekend of-November timing . Round 13 of the National Endurance Series is also set for Road Atlanta. on No· vember 9 . Other WERA Road Atlanta dates for 1985 are : June 1-2 National Sprint Races. and August 17 for round eight of the National Endurance Series. For more inf ormation contact WERA. Drawer H. Bluffton . SC 29910 . 803 / 784-3105 . ' Sears Point Ra ceway is gelling a Iacelift, with a complete repaving of th e 2.52-mile circuit sch eduled ( 0 be comp let ed by February 18th . Also under co n struct io n at the track is a new 34,500 square foot garage and shop co m p lex located in th e paddock area. Ferry transportation for the Isle of Man TT races is now routed from the Lancashire port of Heysham. England. replacing the previous routing from Liverpool. There will be extra sailings at TT time. possibly reducing the usual six -hour wait for a ferry. Reservations are recommended . and up -to-date information is available from the Isle of Man Steam Packet Co . Ltd .• Sea Terminal. Heysham. LA3-2XF England. H erndon Corporat ion . th e U.S. d istri butors of Moto Morin i. is o ffering a 16 da y tour of Italy, Au stri a. Germany a nd Switzerland in co nj u nction with th e purchaseof a 1985 (U .S. spec ifica tio n) Morini 501 Cam el or Morini 350K2 to be pi cked up a t th e factory in Bologna, Ital y. The tentativ e price is 4,500 including a irfare , lodging, m eal s and sh ip me nt o f th e bik e back to th e U.S. For more info call 215/562-3155. Austrian Kurt Mahr has signed with Husqvarna to ride works bikes in the 250cc MX GPs . Mahr will team w ith Swede Anders Eriksson. ABATE of Florida will he sponsorin g Speed Week ca m p in g fa cilities , ac ross from the New Sm yrna Speed wa y. a bo u t 15 m ile s south o f Dayton a. ope ni ng on March 4 a nd closin g March 10. Runn in g wat er a nd toi lets are p rov ided , but yo u ' re o n yo u r own for showers. The ca m pgro u n d will be o n Stat e Road ,14 . betw een 1-4 a nd 1-95. • MQ'!0RCYCLE INDUSTRYS The new Montesa Cota 330 trials bike has a double-cradle frame and an aluminum alloy swingarm. leadi ng- axle forks and Betor gas shocks. Akront aluminum alloy rims and Michelin t ires. The new engine is lighter and narrower than the 350 engine it replaces and features primary kickstarting, a works replica exhaust with a unique expansion box. and light er flywheels than the 350 . The fenders'are plastic. and the seat and tank pivot upward for easy maintenance. More inf ormat ion is ava ilable from Cosmopolitan Motors at 215/672-9100. CtlANGE Moved Dynojei Resear ch , man - Born Sold Mi che lle Astrid Cox, February 2, to Buddy Cox of Yamaha Parts Distru but o rs In c. Pans Marketing a nd wife Deanna, in southern California. Married ISDE Enduro rider Jeff Fredette, to Patty Mulk ey on th e island of Oahu, H awa ii , o n February 5, 1985. ufa cturer of carburetor re-jetring and modification kits . from Wasau , Wisco n sin to 1630 Foothi ll Dr., Boulder City, NV 89005, 702/294- 1524. Franchises for seven Van ce & Hines H igh Perform an ce Centers, retai l accessory and servi ce sho ps, a ll loca ted in southern California with 20 applications still pending: eac h fran chise selling for $50,000 plus 5% o f gross with a ll prospective mechanics required to attend a four-w eek Van ce & Hines service sch ool su pervised by famed su pe r-tun er Byron Hines. Named Excl usive di stributor for Frank Thomas boots in Californi a a n d Nevada, In terlin k Motorcycle Distributors of Ra ncho Cordova , CA. In terlink wi ll handl e th e comp lete range of racing, touring, street and dirt boots in both mens' and ladies' sizes. Wadded Three 1986 Suzuk i GSXR750s at the wor ldwide press introduction in Hamamatsu, Japan o n February 2-3 : Am eri can Ken Frankel. who lives in Japan a nd writ es for th e J apanese magazine The Bike. crashe d one: the other two were cra shed by Italian and Bel gian jo urn a lists. • 7

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