Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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3/10 3/17 3/23 Belgium England No rthernIreland 4/14 France 6/2 6/16 6/23 8/25 EAST GREENWICH. R I Austria Poland Finland 8/ 31 Sweden 9/ 8 9/15 Switzerland West Germany R .A.C.E. CALIFORNIA MOTOCRO SS SUNRISE 0·37 MX Corona Ra ceway. Co rona. CA 91 . Frwy E. from LA/ Orange County to Pierce eft-ramp. Rton Pierce to Magnan. rt nolia. rt on Magnolia to Bucha on Bu nan takes you to track All cha . classes 30%trophs toSpts . mn. 150% Propb. Ga open 5pm, prac 6, race tes Sunrise Va lley Cycle Pa Ade rk, · tanto. CA. 2 mi. north of town on Hwy 395. All classes 50%Mini/Vel troph . .. 50% cash p.b. to Vet Ek. District 37 le points. Free D/N parking. Ga 7:30 a.m.• race 9:30. Info 619/245 -1339. C MMC CALIFOR MINIMX NIA 7. E ntry $10. $15P Info 7141735· ro. 1705 or 689·1 91 3. Barona Oaks Raceway. Ramona, CA. Hwy 67 to Lak eside. east on Mapleview nonh on Ashwood . up . Wildca Canyon Rd 11 miles. New l . Beg. class D/ N camping & concessions. Signupcloses 7:30 sharp. Entry . $ 1O yearly memb. $20. Info 619/ RIO 8RAVO MOTO OSS CR Other Major FIM Events 3/ 2-3 Team Ice Ra cing World Cship lozell. West G any erm 3/9 ·101ndiv.l ce Racing World C's hip Assen. Holland 6/ 15 Pair Speedway C'ship Finals s Rybnik. Poland 8/10 Team Speedway C'ship Finals LONG 8EACH. CA 8131 lndiv Spdwy. C' ship Final, , Bradford. England Motocross des Nations 9/8 Gaildor1. West Germany Rio Bravo MX Park. Houston, TX. 5 miles eastonE Moun HoustonRd ott . t . Hwy 59 N. All class es. Troph thru 6th ntry 58. to Sptsmn. 100% Ex pb. E Swimming. showers, game room. gran nds Info 113/ 458-0090. . dsta . Pro. Ad " 5. Inlo415/63 4-3328. m. 9/15 lndiv. long Track C' ship Finals Korsk Denmark ro. 9/29 Trial des Nations Canzo. Italy ISOE L Molina. Spain a 9/30·10/6 NMA Grand National Final 8/4 ·11 Ponca City. O K February 15-16 NEVAOA ROAO RACE l 1 miles past entrance 10 NellisAlr h Force Ba on LasVegas Blvd. north se . 450. 600 750. Open. F·l . F·2 F·3 . . classes. $150 10 600 Pros, $150 10 F-2. Sat open prac 9 am·2 pm. Sun try gates open 7:30 pm. En $15 first 410 every additional. Info 7021 1985 Golden State Skoal 8andit Motocross Series 384·5029. 2116·17 NIGHT DRAGS SanJose. CA Fresno. CA 2/23 ·24 1985 AFM Tentative Road Race Schedule February 16 Carlsbad Raceway Carlsbad, CA. . Racing starts 3 pm $1 jackpot 5 prn , , , $5 jackpot 6 pm $25 jackpot 7 pm , racingends 8 pm. i7 admission. free pit pass. Info 6191127·111 1. AMRA CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS Sonom C a. A Rosamond. CA Sonoma, CA Rosamond. CA 312-3 3/24 3/30·31 4/ 14 4/ 21 5/12 5/ 26 6/8 -9 6/ 30 7/7 7/28 Ind Dunes Cy Park, Valenc ian cle ia. CA. All classes. 100%pb. Ga opens te 7 am prac 8. race 9:30. En ry $15 , l Sptsmn. $20 Pro. Nomemb. reqd. All cards welcome. Info 805/257 -4700 or 818/98 9·5918. Sonoma, CA So noma, CA Rosamond CA . Sonoma. CA Rosamond CA . Sonoma. CA Rosamond CA , So noma, CA So noma. CA Rosamond CA . Rosamond CA . Sonoma, CA Ro samond, CA Sonoma. CA Ro samon CA d. 7128·29 ·8/2 4·25 8/1 8 9/22 10/ 6 10/2 0 10/27 11 / 22 CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS oeAnza Cycle Park. Sunnymead. CA. All classes includ. Pee Wee's and Vets. 100% Pro pb. 100% trophs for Pe Wees. 50% for Vets, 30% f or e -Sptsmn plus conlingencies. Entry 515 tes . Pro 512 Sptsmn. Ga open 7 am . prac 8:30. race9:30. Membership not required. Info 714/ 924-5859. 653. 5840 or 653·7979 ILLINOIS M/ CAND ATV SHOW I l' Hare Espcsitiun Eenter. Chicago. IL Formore info call 614/891 ·2425. 1985 ARRA Road Racing Schedule 312-3 4/6 ·7 5/ 4-5 6/1 -2 7/4 f6-hour) ' 7/ 6 8/3·4 8/ 31-9/1 10/ 5-6 1112-3 11 /30·12/1 Rosamond. CA Rosamo CA nd, Rosamo CA nd, Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA Rosamond. CA Ro samond. CA Kerker Superbike Series and Honda 500cc Interceptor Series Road Races 3/24 4/ 14 5/26 6/ 30 7/ 28 8/ 16 9/2 2 10/2 0 Rosamond. Rosamond, Rosamond, Rosamond. Rosamond. Rosamond. Rosamond, Rosamond, CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA 1985 Hi-Point Golden State Enduro Series 2117 ~ . " Ouicksilver Enduro (0-36) 3/3 Co yote Derby Enduro (0-37) 4/2 1 ·37) Hi Mountain Enduro 10 4/28 Polecat E nduro 10 ·361 5/19 nduro (0·361 Fool" Gold E 11 /2· 3 CEA Enduro (0·37) AR IZONA ROAD RACE 10 miles south of Phoen AI. on ix. xit 1 -10. E on Maricopa Rd. All rtasses-Box Slack. Superstreet, Formula 1 Gates '·2. open 7 am prac 9, race 12:30 pm . Entry ' 3D l st. $15 Znd. $10 3rd . PRRO. Info602/248·8214. CALIFORNIA GRAN PRIX Perris Raceway. Perris. CA. Frwy 9 1 to 15 south appro x. 20 mi. to 74. East 8 mi. 10 Hhs . 1 1;. mile 10 burton. rt 10 ft track. All classes , 30% trcnhs. 100% Mini Beg. Contingencies by CEET. Gates open 6:30 am, prac 8. E ntry $16 mail, $20 post, $10 year memb. Doucing. Info 714/ 371· ble Cross Ra 6333 OKLAHOMA TULSAMX Tulsa, OK. South of Tulsa lntemational Raceway off Hwy169 N& North 36th St. All classes 33% troph 150% . Ex . p.b, Gate 8 a.m.. prat o9:30. race 11. En $8 Splsmn. $12 Ex.. 54 try gate..Tulsa Area Motosport . Inc.lnl o s eree · '5. Am. '1 0. E $20. Into 8ill Law x. 214/882·4215. CMC CALIFORNIA MX Carlsbad Raceway. Carlsbad CA. . 1 to Palomar AirportTd. easl3 mi . to ·5 e raceway. All classes. 30% truph. Gat 7 a.m.• sign up 7:30·8:30, prac. 8·9. race 9. Enlry $10 Sptsmn $15 Pro .• ($10 to p.b.}. lnto 714/261-6116. CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS DeAnza Cycle Park, Sunnymead . CA. All classes includ. Pee Wee's and Vets. 100% Propb, 100% troph for s Pee Wees. 50% for Vets. 30% for Sptsmn plus contingencies. entry $15 Pro, $12 Sptsmn Ga open 7 am. . tes prac 8:30. race9:30. Memb ership not reqd. Info 714/92 4·5859. 653·5840 or 653·7979. RESULTS : Self·addreued. atamped envelope required for retum of results Carlsbad Ra ceway Carlsbad. CA. . All classes. Cashto Pros. 20% tmphs. finisherpins. each class race45 minX. hip utes. M GP, ATV pta. Members not reqd. Parade lap8 am, races8:30. Mail entry $16. non member S20. Post entry $20, non members $25. If under 18. perenb' (check or mone., order) , ignet ure must be or bring to not . ri zed or ligned P.O . BOX 388 Corone Raeewe ., in front of R.A .C .E. CORONA. CA 91720 . Office officiel. Rand sburg CA. All clases. 20% , trophs. FRApIS. finisher pins. 2 loops, 70 miles. Silence reqd. This is a tun rs family enduro with course layout by Larry La ngley. All entrieswill be eligi· ble tor 1985 Yamaha Tri·Zinger give· away. 8 am start. Entry $20 mail. $21 post non-members add 52. Call for . special family discount. BeginnerS17. one loop. no trephs. Info 7141777 · 2969. Corona Raceway. Coro na. CA. 91 Frwy E. from LA/ Orange County to Pierce ott-ramp. Rton Pierceto Mag· nolia, rt on Magnolia to Buchanan, rt on Buchana lakes you to ·track. All classes. 33$ troph to sptsmn. cashto s Pros. 30 minute motes. Gate opens 7 am. prae 8, first race 9. lnlo 714/8 31· CIRCLE ONE CJ RCLE ONE SIZE SKILL l EVEL RIDING NUMB ER MIN I Beg Nov 12 5 175 CC ·. _ _ TEXA C NR S O OEMX PRINT PRINT 3 _ 1£1.111 . . ~~:OLl.::'1 PRINT 2'~-.:d:':" AGE_ _ PHONE 1_ _ 1 SPONSOR: ---;-;_:-: --;;:- Str eet Number --=:- -::- City _ -,,_ Sta te REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO ENTER RESTRICTEO AREA: Jn cc n sid e r eno n of m y being ad mitted to a reas f rom which t be ge ner a l p u b liC IS eduded pe~~~~~~g:~~a;:el~:~:~I': ;nay~nJ~:~n;hlIe on t he se pr e m ise s 10 d ri ve at high so -d s a nd 10 t es t my driVing skl l [s an d to check th e [a f h rm t ha i I a m gOing 10 e nga ge ,n these highly h aza rdous ac t iVitie s 0 1 m V o w n votmon I he reby aff ,rm th at I en ter the se re slrlcted are a s f u ll y awa re of th e hazard s 10 my person and propert y ther ein, a nd I ass u me all risk s • allendenl thereto , even ,I,nlury or damage ,s cau sed by the neg hge nc e c t an ctn er p ar ty , I a ll irm t tret when l e n rer t hese r e strlCl ed area s. I d Oso as a vo lu n ta r y p art lc ,p a n t In th e ac t j"" ll eSco nd uc ted th e r e ln .1f t am '"Jured . In any m anner . or my pr op e rt y IS da maged," a ny ma n ner while I am wjthJl'llh ~ r estr ic ted a rea I a n la fu ll a nd un co nditiona l ~~~e~:e'~;. ~~~;~:;:~~;~:~:I~:~;n~lb::::~~h:raac~~v~re~~~~fn";~:;~~~~~~~ :~~~:Ck ow ne r s, partICipa nt s. off lc,a ls . employee s. On behalf o f m yse lf . m y heir s. e sec utces. or a dm lm st ra to rs .l agr ee 10 hold harmless a nd ' nde mnlfy a lt Ir ack o wn e rs . pe ruc rpe m s, off, c la ls. e m p lo yee s. pr om ot ers , or c m ers wh c er e respo ns.bte fo r the aCtIVi ti e s w !l hl n the resmctec ar e as, for an y damage s o r ,nJury 10 m y per son or propert y READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING INTO RESTRICTED AREA I HAVE READ THIS ENTRY BLANK YES NO BLOOD TYPE IF UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE. PARENT MUS T SIGN _ PARENT'S SIGNA TURE RIDER'S SIGNATURE SPEEDWAY & ATV ON ICE McNichols Coliseum - Denver, Colorado Friday, March 1st, 8 :00 p .m. $9100.00 Purse Tickets Available at Select-a-Seat For rider info contact: Finish Line Promotion Inc . (3 0 3 ) 986-3546 AdvERTisiN~ 5454. Na tional. Salinas R amblers M/C. Info 408/44 9-5561. TlIAT WOR~ DISTRICT38 DESERT RACES ~ RACE SCHEDULE CRC Feb . 17 Carlsbad ATV CI••ses At All Events GRAND PRIX FEb . 2 4 - MOTOCROSS DeAn .. hb. 17 - MOTOCRO SS Mer. 3 - M OTOCROSS Indien Dun e s Ind ian Dun e s .. L- (2 13 183 0-7 5 19 _ _--' C ALIFO RNIA MARATH ON SRA Schedule February 24 - NOR TH COUNTY YAMAHA Presents t h e 5th Annual King of t he Desert Race $ 1 000 First Overall King Class ' 4. under 6. ' 1. Info916/3 42·0063. Conroe MX Park. Conroe. TX 3 mi. . south of town toSanJacinlo River. All , classes. Troph or gift cert. to 8th in No classes. Concessions. showers & v. . ba throoms. Splilschedule; prac 8 a.m.• race 10: Int/Ex. race 1 p.m. Enlry $8 . Sp tsmn. $t 5 Ex Gate $4. Info 712/ Rocky R idge. Decatur. TX Race . #1301. start time 9:30 am. Texas · Cross Counlry Racing Assoc. 8 t 7· 756·4114 (C onroe SUI ). 273·2336 (track). WASHINGTON ENOURO Follow arrows from Belfair. WA. ZAP/CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS · CRC CALIFORNIA MX Santa C lara P.A.L Ra cetrac Hwy k. 231 and Great Amercan Parkway. i Santa C lara, CA 33% Sptsmn Irophs . , 125% Propb. Gates open 5 pm. prac Indian Dunes CyeJe Par . Valenc k ia. CA 1 to Hwy 126. All classes. Brass . -5 for Sptsmn cash for Pros. 2 long . motos. Gate 7 a.m.•prac. 8, race 9:30. • 6:30. ri co 7:30. Entry 112. Info • 408/224-4989. Entry $13 Sptsmn. 115 Pro; memb. req lnfo 213/830·7519. ·d. Open classes. 45 miles CandSptsmn with no gas stop. 80 miles A and B with gas Slap. ATV highly recom· mened. Pinsto all finishe 30%gold rs. , silver. bronze awards to top finishers. Sign-up 7-9 am firsl riders out 9:01. . Drawing for ,positions February 10. February 15 CYCLE MA KE CORONA RACEWAY -r-r- ADDRESS _-,..._ ALIFO RNIA ENOU RO AMA C New Idria. CA. 100 mile Quicksilver Cycle landSpeed way. 14 milessouth 01 Chico, CA. 24 milesnorth of Marys· ville on US99Eand NelsonRd_Sign · ups start 7:45, first race 8:30. Entry s1O S6eac team riders. Spectators . h SILENCER TYPE R.A.C.E. GRAND PRIX ENTRV BLANK Ensenada. Mexico. Motorcycle classes only. Registration limited to ·in 400 participants. Ch eck will start at 10 am to 7 pm on February 16. Ra ce r starts 7 amon2/ 17. Ent y 540 A & B riders. Criders $25,post entry add $5. Mail enlry closes 212. Info 6191292· 634·6596. PRINT Clrc [e 2 MEXICO ENO URO '5 watch. Into 415/634·3328 or CIRCLE ONE ""AM E ~~,,:,:_ (30+1 Ve ts & Girls ' 4 gate. 6-12 '1. Into916/223·5600. 91 8/ 266-6136 (Rick). way G,r[s Exp Vets new seperate ATV track. Open 6:30 . am, prac 8. race 9. Entry $11, $16 Pro TEXA MOSIERMX S Info 214/357·4196. Int 250 500 CM CCALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS Redding. CA. E. of 1 eft Rancho ·5 Rd. andAirport Bd. End of OldOregon Trail atRedding Airport. All Sptsmn classes. Minis, Pro trophs. 100% Pro pb. All C C MC ALIFO RNIA HARE SCRAMBLES Entries must be postmarked before FEBRU~RY 20 or brought to Raceoffice by 12 Noon FEB. 22 -----------FILLOUTCOMPlETElY.--- ~------ Info 213/83 0-7519. C FO ALI RNIA FUNOURO DEADLINE: Me il Entry & .1 6 to: CORONA RACEWA Y CRC CALI FORNIA GRAN PRIX Sand Hill Ranch. Brentwood. CA Take Vasco Rd . from Hw 580 north y 17 miles to corner of Cam ino Diablo. turn right. 1S ranch on right. 30% l troph Pro pb. Races start 8:30 am s. Entry 515 Sptsmn $15 plus $5 Pro . . Mosier Valley MX Park. Ft. Worth. TX . All classes. $804 guaranteed Ex. purse. No pit riding or late prac. Prac. 8 a.m., race9. lnl & Exprac 1:30 p.m. ' . E ntry $11 Sptsmn. $16 Ex. G 55. ate ~ Tyler. TX. Exit 69 S from 1 -20. 2 miles to C 471. right 2 mi. andturn R left signs onroad All class es. Troph. . to 5th. $1005 Ex. purse 15 ridermin. , class. 100% Pro p.b. Concessions. hookup. gales camping 521veh.• open all night. Straight thru prog ram. Prac. 9:30 a.m.• race 11. Enlry: gale 3482. February 17 .- .. TEXAS SWAN MX · SMX CALIFORNIA MOTOCRO SS February 15-17 ~E m 565·2406 fLe,} 619/571-5531 or . 277-2743 (8ruce ). CM C/SHRNIGHT MO TOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch, Brentwood. CA. From Hwy580 take Vasco Rd . N. 17 miles to corner of C amin Diablo and o VascoRd turnright. All classes. 30% s. trophs. 100% Pro pb. Gat opens 6 e pm prac7. race 7;30. Entry $15. 520 , 10th ANNUAL TEXAS C ROSS C UNTRY RAC O ING 265-9596. 24 Hour Rice Info: (619) 427-5759 ~ Race With The Best AA A. B CandSptsmn. 200. 250and . . Aecot P..... - Fri. Nighte. Sterle April 6 'Ca rl. d Raceway - 1 ~/2nd /3rd /4th Sun . N . mo . De Anz. Cycle P..... - 1,t Sun. ... mo . Sunri_ Cyc" Park - 2nd/4th Sun, ... mo. L... (714) 261 '-6116 CORONA RACEWAY 2AC.£ Fri . Sat. Fri. Sat. Sun. Feb. 16 Motocross Schedule Feb . 16 Ody.3-WhI .. Feb. 22 Motocro.. Feb. 23 FT, 'h mi. TT Feb . 24 UnLeep Vear GP 37

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