Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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One drawback ma y be the fact that caffeine is a stim ula n t. So me sports ban or limit th e use of stim u lants. Caffeine in cr ea se metabolism , increases th e resting heart rat e, ma y in crease blood pressu re, tends to constrict blood vessels in the head, a nd reduces a p pe ti te. While caffe ine doe s quicken nervous/ m uscle system commun ica tions it a lso can produc e nervousn ess. Caffei ne may crea te a reli a nce in its users . Ca ffeine a lso tends to increase u rin e p roduction whic h co ntri butes to deh yd ra tion in ho t weather. An d dr in ki ng a hot beverage on a ho t day p laces additio na l demands on the bod y's coo ling system. Caffein e is a lso found in tea, ca ndy, stay -awak e pills, and co la so ft dr inks. (T he FDA" req ui res a co la id entifica tio n for a ny so ft drink con tain ing caffeine.) Compared to coffee, tea co ntains about ha lf as much caffe ine, so ft dr in ks contai n abou t one-thi rd as much . . Ca ffein e load in g does appear to offer a n edge to a serio us end urance athlete, but no t o ne that should be u tili zed with ou t co ns ideri ng a ll th e fa ctors involv ed with stimulant use. Sugar loading Avoid sugar load ing beforeco mpetition . Food or dri n k wi th a h igh sugar content can provide an energy surge about 30 min utes after ingestio n, but this is oft en followed by a longer lastin g energy dro p . Sugar intake triggers th e release o f insulin from th e pancreas . Insu lin lowers th e sugar co ntent of th e digesrive syste m and a lso reduces th e am ount of g lucose (blood sugar) released from th e liver. Th is lowerin g o f bl o od sugar (known as rebo u nd h ypogl ycem ia ) can crea te the bla hs. Sym p to ms are weakness, di zzine ss, or headach e. Rebound hypogl ycem ia may also trigger an urg e to ea t to correct th e lower ' blood sugar condition crea ted paradoxica ll y - by eati ng sugar. Fo r this reason , it 's best to avoid q u ick sugars like candy , honey, soft dri nk s, or even a th letic dr inks (wh ich con tai n glucos e) before competition. . How ever, o nce stre n uo us exert io n begins, suga r-rep laceme nt food s (p referabl y fru it a nd d ilu ted a th le tic drinks) ma y be inges ted fo r gl ucose and min eral repla cemen t. Athletic diet don'ts Sm oking: Mountin g eviden ce ind icates that smo king, especia lly cigarette smo kin g , is ha rmf ul to th e heal th . O ne study reports th a t smoki ng doubles the cha nce o f d ying before age 65. An oth er study indica tes that a physically active n on-smoker is n in e times less li kel y to di e of a heart attack than a smoker. A o ne-pack-a -day habit is estim ated to reduce life expe cta ncy seven to 10 yea rs. As ide from th e h ealth aspec ts. smoki ng is ha rm ful to athletic condition in g a nd performance beca use of its a ffect o n o xyge n uti lizatio n. One study showed that 10-15 puffs on a cigare tte creates a sig n ifica nt decrease in oxygen ha ndling capacity. Drugs: While some stim u lants do provid e q u ick ene rgy, th eir negati ves far o u tweigh a ny ga ins. Wh atever goes u p m ust co me do wn. The amphet a m in e h ig h whi ch p rodu ces hyperactivit yand, someti mes, aggressive feelings, .is o ften followed by dep ression. Speed im pa irs th e user 's j udgmeru, bu t he doesn ' t know it. He thin ks he's performing better, bu t n umerous tests in di cate th e op pos ite. In particular , a m p heta mines tend to affect the abil ity to mak e in stant decisi ons. Speed user s ca n develop system s simi lar to tho se of a lco ho lics. Dependency. Nerves. Headach es or upset stomachs. In creased heart beat, especially in hot wea the r. is another syrn p- tom, one that ca n prove fa tal. T he a m p hetam ine user may a lso suffer more serio us inj u ri es beca use he is less sensitive to pain . He' ll be mor e in clined to contin ue because h is body ca n ' t wa rn h im p ro pe rly. Am pheta min es a lso ten d to reta rd recovery from injuries. Depressants (barbitua tes) sho u ld not be used to calm the nerves because th ey dep ress physical activit y. Steroids: The use o f a n obo lic stero ids is co ntroversia l. Steroi ds do seem to a llow q u icker recover y af ter maxi m um stress by accelera ting th e hea ling process. Th is a llows wei ght exercisers to su bject their bod ies to heavier an d mor e frequent stresses. For this reason. man y weight lifters, bod y builders, field ath letes (such as sho t putters ), a nd foot ballers do use stero ids . Steroids a lso increase wa ter retention in the body, a llo wing the body to add bulk quicker. But steroids do n o t increase ten don integrity as they permit inc reases in m uscle strength . This can lead to problems with stra ins and bo ne fractures. Steroids seem to offe r little or no advantage to a n aerobic at h lete or any a th lete who isn 't p us hi ng hi s stren g th trai n ing to the limit. Possibl e dan gers attrib u ted to steroi ds incl ude liver dam age. intestin a l bleeding, a trophy of th e testicles, in creased heart attack risk , reta rdation o f gr owth in you ng ath letes, in creased bl ood pressure, a nd stim ulation o f masculin e trai ts in fem ales. Soma trop hin: This human gr owth h ormone is favored by some a thletes for muscle bu ilding. The a th letic ap plicatio n of the drug is quite recent. So ma trop in , which is d iffi cult to dete ct in the bod y. is no t curren tly ba n ned by international at h let ic or. ga n ization, mainly beca use there isn ' t su fficient evidence regarding its possible negative effects. So ma tro p in , like steroids , sho u ld be a voided. Onl v th e most seri ous strength at h letes' sho u ld even co nsider its usa ge, a n d th en o n ly with p roper medi cal su pe rvision. A lcoh ol : T he Am eri can Dietetic Associati on does not reco m mend th e use o f beer , win e, or an y a lco ho lic beverage as a source o f ca lo ries, as a muscle relaxa nt, or as an ergogen ic (energy p roducin g )aid. Beer a nd win e do cont ain some carbohydra te energy, bu t a lco ho l itself offe rs non-nu tritiona l ca lories. Alco ho l is a depressa nt of th e centra l nervous system. Its use slo ws reaction tim e, im pa irs coo rdina tio n, and inc reases fatigue. Alcohol ca n also accelerate deh ydrat ion, interfer e with liver glycolysis. and possibly ca use a n irreg u lar h eart beat if co nsumed befo re physical exertion. Soft drinks: Avoid soft drin ks as a source of fluids or energy during co m petitio n . especially on hot days . T he h igh sugar content can contribu te to rebo u nd hypog lycem ia. Man y soft dri n ks contai n caffeine , a sti m u la nt whi ch ma y aff ect performa nce. Low ca lo rie soft drinks a re o ften h ig h in sod iu m (sa lt) whi ch sho u ld be avoided duringexerrion, especially . in hot weather. Soft dri n ks may a lso contribute to muscle cra m ps in some in d ividu al s if co nsu me d in ho t wea ther o r a t hi g-h altirud c. • Championship T raini ng, by Dean Miller and L en Weed, includes Brad La cke y's com p lete year-round trainin g pro gram as w ell as in-depth fitness and train in g inform ation for all spo rts. 112 pages, over 80 photos and ill ustratio ns. T o order, send $9.95 plus $1.50 po stage and handling to Cl ean sh eet Enterprises, P.O . Bo x U1C. T arzana. CA 91356. Cal iforn ia residents add 65( sales tax . DIRT DIGGERS NORTH MIC PRESENTS THE 17th ANNUAL HANGTOWN MOTOCROSS CLASSIC MARCH 30, 31 , 1985 Prairie City, OHV Park Sacramento, Cal. SPORTSMAN DAY- MARCH 30,1985 · Sponsored By *Honda of Sacramento* : : : : : : : : : : All Classes - Including Vets and Old Timers Novice, Amateur, Expert AMA and District 36 Rules App ly AMA and District Cards Requ ired Pre-Entry Only - $20.00 Entry Per Class No Refunds - No Exchanges Entries Open February 20th - Close March 2nd Early Entries Will Be Mailed Back Only Cycle News Entry Blank Wiil Be Accepted Participation Pins & Slickers Overn ight Camping -:- County of Sacramento 366-2061 General TIcket Informati on Write to: Howe Ave. Box Off ice, 925 Howe Ave. Sacramen to, CA 95825 (91 6) 920-1 121 Please Note J!iiAI No Bott les. Dogs. or Bicyc les will be allowed on race day ~ ENTRIES MUST BE ACCOMPAN IED BY 1. Money Order or Casbler's Chec k - No Perso nal Checks 2. Photocopy of AMA Card (Rider Class ification), AMA District Card 3. One Lega l Size, Stamped, Self-add ressed Envelope Per Entry Incom plet e Entries Will Be Returned Post ive Proof of 1.0. Will Be Chec ked at Chec k-In arid Tech Inspecti on Notari zed If Under 18 Years of Age Race Numbe rs Wiil Be Assigned OFFICIAL SPORTSMAN ENTRY This is The Only Entry Form Accepted ------ eli pan d Ma iI ------------------------Hangtown '85 Official entry blank CLASS Oat.. a Event Print Na me City _ Make of Mach ine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Addr es>L' _ __ _ DiaL 3 6 No. II Inc o mplet e, en t rle. will be ma iled back _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ A.M.A. Num ber' 51818 " _ Explr8L a _ _ _ _ _ _...,- M otOO N O O' _ I here by agree to confo rm and to co mply w ith th e rules go vem lng th is contest in connection w ith th e Com petit ion Rules of the Ameri(;an Mo to rcycle Association. tee, and A.MA Dist rict 36 . ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT IN CONSIDERATION OF permisaion to anter lor . n)' purpose th e NON -PUB L IC AREA {de hned . . any are a to wh ic h admission Is not ope n to the general pub lic. lndudlng bu t not Rmited 10,pit .fa... judging areas. speci al ProtnOtiONl J. reas. ... dng surfaces. wa lkwa ys, officials' and PlirtidPlinta' .reas. etc.) 01 the above loc at io n. and/o r In turthef'conslderatlon of perm ission 10cese-ve andlorpartidpate ln th.abovedescribed eve nt In any caPlicity wh atsoever, r he reby u nde~tand an d agree •• follows: 1. I RELEASE. DISCHARGE AN D AG REE NO T TO SUE me Ame rican Moi OtCYCle AuociaUon. Its aNicers. trus tee s.. employeea and age nts, event official&. .ponsors. motorcycl. owners. mechanics and pit cre w, and ow ners an d I...... of prem tN Sused In co nnection with the even t and each of their reaoective .mploy••••nd agenta,lrom all dalms, d.mands. act'ona, eau... of actIOn. liabili ty loa or lnjury( includi ng death) 01whatsoev.r ki nd, nature or de aenpt lon that may arta. to my person and prope rty, In any way resulting from or arising in con nection wIth the aboYe-deacribed event wh il . I am In th e NON·P UBl tC AREA; 2. I ASSUME FULL RES PON SI BILITY FOR AND TH E RISK O F los s, damage or lnjury (inc lud tng deat h) of wnatecev er kind. nat ure or de sc ription thai may ariNlo my person and pro pe rty notwlthata ndl ng any neg ligen ce 01I he Am. rlca n Mol orcv c te A&IociatiOn. lt s othcers. trvete ee, . mploy• • s and age nls, .venl officials, pr omot. ,... sponaora. mOlorc ycl. ow ners, riders, mec ha nics and pit crew, and owne rs and lesse es of pr.mise. uaed In co nnectio n with the event, and .ach of their r. spectlve .mployeea and agents, wh ile I am for any rea son In the NON -PU BLI C A REA. because I .nl.r the NON· PUB LIC AREA volunt ari ly and upo n re liance of my own ju dg men land ability anetknowledg. of Ih e riska and hazard. 10 myse Hand prope rty whil•• nt.ring. upo n and de part ing such ar. .. 3. I INDEM NIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS t he American Moton::ycl. Anoelation. tta aNlee", trustees. .mployees and ag. nt.. . vent off icia ls, promol. rs, aPOnsors, mo torcyc~ own . rs. rtde" meetlanlea and pi t crew, and ow ne rs and I. ..... of used In co nnection w it h the .vent and .ach of their reapectlve employ • • • and age nl" fro m any loa.. liabili ty. damage., or cost .ach ot th em may Incu r due to my pr ese nce In the ~deacrl bed NON-PU BLIC AREA 4. THI S RELEASE, ASS UMPTION OF RIS K AND INDEMNITY AGREEME NT SHALL BE BIND ING UPON my hei rs. admini. trat ors, . xecutors and p&ig na. It any POrtk>n of t h. R.I...... AuumpUon or Ritk and Ind. mnify Agre.ment Is held Invalld-Ih. ba lance shall notwith sta nd ing continu. In full lega l force and .Nact r HAVE READ AN D VOLUNTARIL Y SIG N THIS RELEAS E. ASSUM PTIO N OF RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEM ENT, and I certify tNt no oral r.presentatlon. . Iatemen ta or Induce ment. apa rt 'rom the fo regoi ng w ritt en agreemenl have bee n tl"\IIde. I HAVE READ TH IS ENTRY BLAN K AND AGREE TO THE ABOV E CONDInO NS. (Sing In Ink) Rld e" s Slgnatur. Rid . " , Ag.. a _ IF RIOER IS UNOER 18 YEARS OF AGE , PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST SIGN ANO HAYE ENTRY8LANK NOTARIZED BY OFF ICIAL NOTARY PUBUC FOR PERM ISS ION TO RIOE. (Si gn In Ink) Parent o r Guard lan'a Sign ature _ -------------------------------------- -----------~ Mall Entries To: Dirt Diggers North M.C., P.O. Box 1074, Fair Oaks. CA 95628-1074 25

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