Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TEri TBIS WEEKEND BEAD FOR YOUR COUNTRY BOME. YEARS AGO For those who like their sports acllon fast aDd furious An in- d epth article took a look a t r ear suspens io n trav el for o ff-roa d motorcycles. and described a rad ical ra n tilever-mount rear shock/spring assem bly. The co nvers io n increased rear trav el o f a stoc k 380 CZ to a whopping 4.5 inc hes, a nd cos t a bo u t 5220. hold on for "American Sports Cavalcade" for everything from aulo radDg 10 rodeos. Satardays. The Spee dway Moto rcy les League finalized the salt, o f two speedway lea rn fran chises at $100,000 eac h, 10 owners/prom orers in Seattle a nd in the San Fernando Valley (CA). Speedway team racing was ex pec ted 10 become big bu siness within the next two years . Sandays, wllDess" the speclade of exdtIDg Saperbike radDg on 66The Peter Starr Molorcyde Show." Frank Newbury of Buena Park Honda matched his team of Honda-mounted rid ers aga ins t th e horsemanship of riders from th e Hidden H ill s Stabl es. The horse vs. bik e showdow n featured eigh t events of rodeo-st yle compet it ion, In th e end. th e sco re was horse 28. bikers 12. A rematch wa s scheduled for February 23. Bob Hetrick a nd Mark Cherry fough t 10 a 1-2 fin ish a t th e season opene r o f the Flor ida Winter Speed way Series. Eddie Cole powered h is Bult aco to two stra ig h t wins a t th e BCA-san crion ed motocross races a t Indi an Dunes. making hi s fir st west coast ap pea ra nce in qu ite some lime. "Americ:aD Sports Cavalcade" Satanlays, " 12:30 PM, 6:00 PM (PST) Jon Woo took a break fro m th e rigors of AMA Dist rict 36 mot ocross act io n. and worked h is wa y from th e middle of the pack to tak e the win a t th e Chico scra m bles. liThe Peter Starr Motorcycle Show" SDDdays, 12:30 PM, 5:30 PM (PST) Dan McWhorter rook a runaway first p lace al Elsinore T'I' scrambl es, rid ing a radical Montcsa with di sc brak es a nd a T rackrn aster frame. Bernie Schreiber m issed first p lace by a n eyelas h to win ne r Marland Whaley a t th e ATA tri al s in Po wa y. Ca lifornia. Thou gh th e scores were ti ed a t the finish. Wh al ey ni cked firs t place by havin g six "o nes" to Sch reiber's five "ones." 1HE NASHVlLU: NETWORK... .AMERICAS COUNTRYHOME C.GRQUPW SA ELlITECQMMUNlCATl N S 1985 T Q An impression test o f the 250cc Maico End uro graced Cycle N ew s' centersp read. coming to the conclusion th at " the Maico has p lenty of power, a nd an un ca n ny abi lity to pu t it on the grou nd. All in a ll . a fu nct ional desig n . th a t. wi th bett er deta il in g. wo uld rank a mong the best of the end uro moun ts." R JOHNSON ICK RAC ING " "T R O PH EE des NATIONS VID EO CASSETTE" Rick Johnson Racing. Inc. 1951 47th Street. Number 29. Son Diego. CA 92102 Send $49.95 plus $3 postage and handling Please allow four to six weeks delivery. VHS D BETA 0 11

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