Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MONEY- SAVE BIG MONEY! • A ll ' 8 4's must go • Choose from one of the largest selections around • We won't be undersold • We are one of t he oldest and most dependable dealers aro und Enlly AA.Aand8. 15pre• • 18 post.C and Sptsmn 512 pre. S15 posl.R ivtr· cily E nduro M/C.lnto 206/922 ·8265 or 922·9163. February 16-18 BAJA EXPEOmON Leaves from San fe lipe. Mexico. Meet in San Felipe Baja CA. R . ide south alongthe coast to GonzagaBay. Intermediate or better rider only_All s insurance. accomodations. fGOd. gas. guides and chase trucks provided. Write 10 Advtnture Treks. 26445 .• Sandy Cr EI Taro. CA 92630 Of call 71 4/ 859·1207. D Anz Cycle Pall Sunnymead. e a CA. 10 miles eest of R iverside on Hwy 60 to Theodore exit. All classes. Ga le 7a m prac 8:30. race 9:30. Enlry S13 . Sptsmn, $15 Pro. Memb. reqd. Info CA. Hwy 50 to Prairie City Rd.• south 10 White roc Rd .• WIst to Park. All k classes. 6 to makea e lass. ExpandJrs 9 am start. OT andVels 11. Nov and Worn 1 pm. minis 3 pm. Enlry $18, $10 Minis. over 60 free . Info 213/830 ·7519. 916/421-35IB. CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS CALIFORNIA HARE SCRAMBLES Perris Raceway Perris. CA. All . d asses. 30% uephs Sptsmn, Pro pb. Slarting gate. 3/4 mile course. Gates open 6:30 am. prac 8. Double Cross lucerne Valley, Camprock Road. limed from Lucerne. CA. All classes l includ ATC. 10% trcnhs. 2·40 mi e loops. new stan area. eventT-shins. finis her pins. Pie plates welcome. 10 am start, Entry S14 mail. S15 post. Brush Busters M/C. Info 714/B26- C CAUFORNIA MOTO RC CROSS Racing. Into 714/37 1-6333. CMC CALIFORNIA MX Ca rlsbad Raceway. Carsbad. CA. l 1 to Palomar Airport Rd.•east 3 mi. ·5 to raceway. All classes. 30% troph. Gate 7 a.m.. sign up 7:30·8:30. prac. B·9. race 9. lolly lI D Sptsmn. 115 Pro1.101 0p.b.I. lnfo714/26 1·6116. 2248. CRC CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS O.A.,. Cycl. P.rk. Sunnymead. CA. 10miles east of R sideon Hwy iver 60 to Theodore exit. All classes. gate 7 am. prac8:30. race 9:30. Enlly S13 _ Sptsmn. $15 Pro Memb. reqd Info . February 18 I EARN $JOO.OO OR MOREl • I The he ight of the European invasion on to the American motocross scene was i n the early 1970's w it h the popular TransAMA Series . In 1971 , fo r example, no American f in ish ed in t he Top Ten standings. So, the fo llowing year, when Sweden 's Ake Johnson won t h e ser ies , people were not surpr ised . But t hey were surprised i n t he way he won. It began on October B, 1972 at St . Peters, MO. Ake won t he t hird race of the series. He won again in Georg ia t he next weekend, and made it t hree i n a row in Flori da. His fourth came in Houst on, TX and n um ber f ive st ra igh t at Car lsbad, CA. Joel Robert held th e recor d of six i n a row in 1970 and A ke t ied him w it h another w in in Phoe nix, AZ.. Th e record was broke n t he f oll owing weekend at Puya llup, WA and added to at Liver more, CA on November 26. Th e f ina l race of t he se r ies was at Sadd leback Park , CA on December 3 and Ake won aga iri, making it nine Trans-AMA eve nts in a row. Cons ide r ing t ha t second overa ll Roger DeCoster was the 500cc World Champion and t hi rd overall Heikki M ikkola was soon to be 500cc .World Champ, it was truly an amazing win streak. Now you know . . . Enter the "I can design a Cycle News ad campaign better than anyone!" contest. Who knows why getting Cycle News every week is more important than anything else? Who knows what influences you to buy things? You do, of course! Turn to the blank page on page 17, be sure to include our subscription blank, then give it your best shot, using copy, photos, sketches, finished art anything - and we'll pick the winner(s). For each concept or complete ad we choose, we will pay the creator $100.00 (that's the rich part) for the rights to develop it for use in our publications. You also get a credit line (that's the famous part) every time it's used. Anything goes, so get out your pencils, scissors and thinking caps and send your entry (entries) to: Cycle News Subscription Contest . I P.O. Box 498 I Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 / 213/B30·7519. Hwy59 N. All d...... Troph. Ihtu 6th 10 Am_ 100% Ex. p.b. En.1y ' 8. Swim- AMANATIONAL ENDURO Indian Dunes Cycle Park. Va lentia. CA. Gary Semics Mo tocross School. Starts 11 am. goes unitl 3 pm. Br ng i riding gear. motorcycle and lunch. No school day. Have funandimprove your ridingskills. Entry 535. Info 714 / 832 9433. February 20 Baytands R aceway Park. Fremont. CA. Just off H 17 at Durham Rd. wy exit. Usesouthentrance . All classes. fo Gates open 5 pm. races 7. In 415/65 1·2545. February 22 R .E CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS .A.C . Corona RaCllway. Corona. CA. 91 Frwy E from LA/Orano' County to . Plereeoff·ramp Rton PlIrct to Mag. nolia. rt on Magnolia to Buchanan. rt on Buchanan takes you to track. All classes. 30%rrephs toSptlmn.150"Propb. GatesopenS pm. prac6. rlCII 38 li\ Feb . 2 4 - Willow Spr ings Mar. 3 - Sears Point Mar . 24 - W illow Spri ngs 13423 Stanstead Norwalk. CA 90650 (213) 8 6 4 -0 7 0 4 SMX CALIF ORNIA MOTOCROSS Sunrise Valley Cycle Park. A de· lanto. CA. 2 mi . nonh of townon Hwy 395. All classes. CMC poinls. 33% Mini lVet troph.. 50% cash p.b. 10 Vel/Ex. Free D/N parking. Gate 7;30 ' .10.• race 9:30. Info 619/ 245-7339. lake Whitney C ycle Ranch. Whitn.y . TX. On FM2960 off Hwy22. west ofWhitney. Allclasses. Troph. through Bth, $1.170 guarantee d purse. Split sched: Nov. 9 a.m.. Int/Ex. approx. 1:30 p.m. Camping $21vehicle. gate ' 4. Enlly'8 Am.• • 10 Ex. Info 713/ .817/694-2 901. 482-7593 Corona Raceway Corona. CA. 91 . Frwy E. from LA/ Orange County to . Piercectt-ramp. At on Pierce10 Mag· nclie. rt on Magnolia to Buchanan. n on Buchanan takes you to track All . classes. 33%trophs to to Pros 30 minute motos. Gale opens . 7 am. prac 8. firsl race 9. Memb reqcL Info 71 4/ B31·3482. February 27 C NIGHT MOTOCROSS MC TEXAS BURLESON MOTO CROSS Burleson MX Park. south of Ft, Wortfl. TX on1·35 S. from Ft. Wonh to . Ha rdgrove lane. east 2 miles turn righl immedialely past bridge. Al l classes. Troptts Ihru 61t1. 1800 purs e paidper motaand we rall with 10rider minimum. Sl o00 if t5 riders (No Open Exp). No pit riding or lale prato Gale 7 am. Nov prae 8·8:30. mini ZAP/ CMCNIGHT MOTOCROSS . 15 E.p. Into 8171295-890B or 295-1760. Santa Clara P.A.l Racetrack, Hwy 237 and GTlal Ame rican Parkway, Santa Clara. CA. 33%Sptsmn trophs. . . 125%Pro pt. Gates open5 pm prac 1 pm. race 1:30. Gale S5. under t o and over 60 free. Entry $10 Sptsmn, AMRA CALIFORNIA MJ( 6:30. race 7:30. Entry ' 12. Info 408/224-4989. Ind Dunes Cycle Park. Va ian lencia . CA. All c1assllS. 100%pb. Galeopen7 am, prac 8. race 9:30. E ntry $15 Splsmn. $20 Pro. No memb. rtqd. all RID BRAVO~ MOTOCROSS cards welcom•. Info 8051257-4700 .. 81B/9B9-5918. Rio Bravo MX Park. Houston. lX. 5 miles east on E M . ountHouston Rd. off Hwy 59 N. All classes. Tra phthru6th 1 Sp 0 tsmn 100% Ex pb. En.1y 'B . . Swimming. showers. game room. grandslands. In 713/ 458·0090. fo CMC/SHRNIGHT MOTOCR OSS Sand Hill Ranch. Brentwood. CA. From H 580 take V wy asco Rd. N. 17 miles to corner of Camino Diablo and Vasco Reb . turnright. All classes. 30% tmphs. 100% Pro pb. Gate opens 6 pm. prac 7. face 7;30. Entry s15. 520 Pro. Adm. '1 5. Info 415/634 -3328. February 23 CALIFORNIA GRAN PRIX Corona Ractway. Corona. CA. 1(tth annual.nd LAST UN·LEAPYEAR GRAN PRIX. All classes. G ates open 6:30 am. first prac 7:50 am. firstrace 9:30 am. E ntry $15 mail. 522 post. Team race $10 mail. S12 post. Info 714· 689·1913. SRA RIVE SIDE G R RAN PRIX Riverside Raceway. Riverside. CA. Off Hwy 60. 20%tmphs. finisher pins. Allclasses. Entry 518 mail. $25 post. M. mb reqd . (I 1O y. arl. 251-Op.n . / and ATC-Ody praeinAM. race in AM. 0·200ccandSen-Vets prac in PM race inPM, G/N campingo.k. Gatesopen4 pm Sal. lnl o 714/B2B·135B CALIFORNIA OBSERVED TR IALS AFM CALIFORNIA RR PRACTICE Willow Springs Raceway. R osamond. CA. Hwy 14 10 Rosamond exit then wesl 5 miles 10 track. Prac open to all AFM riders. l icense available al track. license fee S45. Starts 8 am. Entry ' 50 f.. day Info 213/ 864·0704. . NIGHT DRAGS Carlsbad Raceway C . arlsbad. CA. racing starts 3 pm. I t jackpot 5 pm. Indian D unes Cycle Park. Valencia. CA. All classes. 100%pb. Ga open tes 7 am. prac 8. race 9:30. Entry S15 Sptsmn. S20 Pro. No memb. reqd. all cards accept. Into 8051257·4700 Of 818/ 989·591B. CALIFO RNIA MOTOCROSS OeAnza Cycle Park. Sunnymead. C All classes includ. Pee Wee's and A. Vels. 100% Pro pb. 100% trophs for Pee Wees. 50% tor V ets. 30% for ntry$15 Sptsrnn. plus contingencies. E Pro S12 Sptsmn. Gates open 7 am. . prac8:30. race 9:30. Membershipnot reqd.lnfo 714/924-5859. 653·5640 or 653·7979. February 24 Road Race Sched ule CMC SUNRISE MX Baylands Raceway Part. Fremont CA. JUSI off Hwy 17 at Durham Rd . exi . Usesouth enlrance. All classes. t gates open 5 pm, races 7. Info 415/651·2545. March 1 8:30·8:45. 1strace 9. lnl lnd Ex pra c AMRA C FORNIA MX ALI I ENTRIES CLOSE MARCH J, J985. WhilmOfe. Sc. 100 mile national. fo Columbia Enduro Riders Asoc. In B031791·758B 7. Enlly .I D.115 Pro. Info 714 1735· 1705 or 689·1913. ' 5 j. ckpol 6 pm. . 25 jackpot 7 pm. I ming. showers. game room grind· . stand•. Into 713/458 -0090. TEXASLAKEWHITNEY MX CMC NIGHT MO TOCROSS racing ends al 8 pm. S7 admission free pil pass. Info 619172 7· 1171. Cycle News, Incorporated, employees and families are not eligible. Contest entries become the property of Cycle News, Inc., and cannot bereturned. Rio Bravo MX Park. Heusten TX. 5 mi. east on E Mounl Heusrcn Rd.• off . CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS SCHOOL GET RICH! GET FAMOUS! RID BRAVO MOTOCROSS ALIFORNIA ROAD RACE AFM C WillowSprings Raceway, R osamond. CA Hwy 14 to Rosamond exit then . west 5 miles to track Stk Prod, Mod . Prod. Suptslrt. GP. Sidecars, Singln. twins classes. Gate 7 am, pTac 8:30. race 11:30. Entry S30 first $ t 5 each additional. $6 watch. under 12 S2. Info 213/8 64·0704. Broadway bil on US 101 in Santa Maria. CA. 100%cash pbExp. calssall else 20%nophs. Helme ts reqd.Slarts 10 am sharp. land use $4. entry 55. Experts S1O Spillway Park/SLO Pitts. . Info B051735·4854 WASHINGTON MO RO TOC SS M ablon Dunes. 3 miles wesl of Mabton. WA on Hwy 22. All classes. 30% trophs. 100% Pro pb. Track is wide and sandy. no rocks. newSlating gale. camp O Gate 7 am. prac ing .k. 9-10. race 10:30.Enlly '1 0• • 20 Pro. Squis Racing_Info 509 /8 37-4438 her .A.C.[ CAlIFORNIA MOTOCROSS R Corona Ratlway Corona. CA. 91 . Frwv- E. from lA/Orange County to Pierte aff·ramp. At. on Pierce to Magnolia. rt on Magnolia to Buchanan. rt on Buchanan takesyou10 track. A U classes. 30%I«Iphs10Spllmn.150% Pro pb. Gatesopen 5 pm. prac6. reee 7. lolly lID. • 15 Pro. Into714 17351705 or 689-1913. CMC/SHRNIGHT MOTOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch. Brentwood. CA. From Hwy 5BO .ak. Va",o Rd. N. 17 miles ttl comer of Camino Dialbo and Vasco R ds.. turn right. All classes. 30%tmphs, 100%Pro pb. Gale opens 6 pm prac7, race 7:30. Newnight and , track. Entry 515. $20 Pros. Info Tom And.rson. 415/634 -332B. RID 8RAVO MOTOCRO SS R Bravo MX Park. H io ouston. TX. 5 n mileseast onE Mount Housto Rd. off . Hwy 59 N. Allclasses. Trophtflru 6th 10 Sptsmn. 100% E pb. Enrly 'B . . Swimming. showers. game room. grendslands.lnfo 713/45 8·0090. ZAP/CMC NIGHT MOTOCR OSS Santa Clara P.A.L Racetrack. Hwy 237 and Greal American Parkway. Santa Clara. CA. 33%SipsmnIrophs. 125%Propb. Gates open5 pm, prac 6:30. race 7:30. Entry $12. Info 40B 4·4989. I22 MEXICOGRAN PRIX Entries open loday. race will be April 21 with S1000 going 10 we rall winner. For more info call 714/ 898· 4557 or 213/428 ·4971. March 2 or B37-3595. CALIFORNIA MOTOC SS RO Sa Hill Ranch. Br.ntwood. CA. nd Take V asco Rd. from 580 north 17 miles to corner of Camino Diablo. tulO right. First ranch on right. All classes. 30'11 troph•• 100%Propb. Sand track prepared everyrace. Gate open 6:30 am. prac 8:30. race 9. Entry $15 plus $5 Pro. S5 watch. Info 415/6 34· 3328 or 63 4~6 5 9 6 . CALIFORNIA DESERT RACE Northeast of Plaster City off Huff R oad on the Ancient Dry La B ke ed. Ki ng of the D esert race. 5 times around a 30 mile loop. $1000 first ove rall. $1000 divided belween 2· 10thplace. 70%pb 10allKing classes. No memb. reQd , $50 mail entry S65 . post. Non·king classes $20 mail, $25 post.lnlo 6 19 /5 79 ~ 1320 . CALIFORNIA MARATHON Cycleland Speedway. 14mites south of Chico on US 99 and Nelson Rd . Sign·ups sian 7:45. races sian 8:30. E nlry 511. Ieam riders s6 each. $4 walC Info 916/ 342·0063. h. C ORNIA CROSS COUNTRY RACE ALIf PrairieCity DHVPark.Sacram enlo. NIGHTDRAG S Ca rlsb.d Raceway. Cartsb.d. CA . racing slans 3 pm S1 jackp 5 pm . ot . $5 jacltpo1 6 pm. S25 jackpol 7 pm . racing ends 8 pm. S7 admission. free p;1p.... lnfo 61911 27· 1171. AMRA CALIFORNIA MX Ind ian Dunes Cycle Park. Valencia. CA. All classes. t 00%pb. Gate opens 7 am. prac 8. race 9:30. Entry $15 Sptsmn. $20 Pro. No memb. reqd. all cards welcome. Info 8051257·4700 or 818/9B9· 5918. CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS OeAnza Cycle Park. Sunnyrn ead, CA. All classes includ. Pee Wee's and Vels. 100% Pro pb 100% trophs for Pee Wee. 50% for V ets. 30% lor Sptsmn, plus contingencies. Enlry $15 ates open 7 am. Pro, $ 12 Splsmn. G prac8:30. race9:30. Membership nol requ;" d Info 714/9 24·5859. 6535840 or 653·7979. AMA / 0·38 AWA RDS BANOUET Ca tamaran.399 Mission Blvd.. San Diego. CA. Tickets $18 each. NO TICKETS AT THE DOOR TICKETS GO . ON SALE 2/ 24. For more info 619/42 7·5759.

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