Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Yamaha rider Mark McPerry was the first amateur, and fifth overall. Following in sixth overall was Craig Corda, back on a Honda. 480 after racing three-wheelers last season, Yamaha rider Bruce Smith was seventh overall and R ip pin ' Ro bbie Pip p in was motoring through in eighth. Rounding out the top 10 were 250cc riders Jeff Ben nett and Steve Kosman, both coming back from broken wrists. Leading the Vet class was Expert Brett Cushing. Dick Deniso n was leading the Senior class, with Roger Adsit in tow. The end of the second loop found H a tfield holding his lead, Moen out of gas and Tucker pushing his bike through the p its afte r a seizure. Bird was now in second place with O pen riders McPerry, Corda and Smith following. Todd Kennedy and his 250 Yamaha had worked through the pack with Ben nett behind and now In sixth. R ich O'Brien was riding his first desert race and had passed Kawasaki West rider Bob Bell for the I25cc lead. Another I25cc rider, Dan Morgan, was only seconds behind. Cushing felt lucky to be leading the Vet class. "I tried to make two hips and ran out of gas at the big hill. Some kindhearted three-wheeler riders gave me theirs. No Vets had passed me so I decided to keep going for it." In the Senior class, Adsit had passed Dennison for the lead. . The third loop found Hatfield and Bird exchanging the lead several times, with Bird taking over for good in the mudhill section. Other position changes took place in the 125cc class. Kearney Mesa Yamaha rid er O 'Brien went down and was recovering while Bell went by to take the lead. Mo rgan was dropping back, but managed to hold third in the 125cc class . This mostly wide-open track took its toll on the bikes. By the fourth loop over 10 people had met their fate on Seize Lake. Bird powered across home check, holding a comfortable lead to overall the race on his KTM. Hatfield finished second overall ,leading the Open class. Open riders Corda and Smith came through close together after dicing throughout the last half of the lap. Todd Kennedy fin ished fifth overall. The first Amateur across the line was Open class rider Mark MePerry. "I think this'll be my last Amateur race . It's my best finish ever. Please mention Coast Coatings, North County Yamaha and HPS. They've helped me alot." Bob Bell led the 125cc class home after getting his second wind. ''I'm out of shape but at least I'm over the flu. I didn't think I'd make it all four laps." Benn ett finished next as the third 250cc rider. Morgan nailed down second 125cc with a last-lap pass of O'Brien who finished third. Cushing, still thanking his new ATV friends, won the Vet class with Expert Adsit leadin g the Senior class home. The first Amateur 250cc rider across the line was James Hable. Bowden, Ricks take Team Tamm Miniwins By G.W. Zuki TYLER, TX, JAN. 12 The first two days racing at the Team Tamm First Annual Force of the Eighties Texas Classic at Swan MX Raceway featured th e younger competitors in the Mini wars. Bob and GordieT amm, promoter Bill Law, the 10other sponsors , and all in attendance could have wanted for only one thing - warmer weatherl The cold snap brought subfreezing temperatures to the racing on Saturday. O vercom ing the conditions, the very first Texas Classic moto victory went to "Wild Willy" Bo wden in the 80cc Open Stock 9-11 class. Bowden was on his way to three class crowns; blowing away the competition in four of his six starts, and leading on all but a half-dozen laps. In the first 60cc Open fracas, Bowden worked from fifth on la p one to take the lead on lap three, only to lose his hard-fought gain with a miscue on the final circuit. Jody "Buckwheat" North broke the tape ahead of Billy De Baca and Bowden. Fourth place in both motos was Heath Kirk land. Jeff Ash by was fifth and Mark Ra usch sixth. The second meeting went to Bowden start to finish . De Baca beat North to the flag for runner-up spot. Kirkland, Josh West, and Steve O lsen fin ished fourth through sixth. ' Bowden swept through the 80cc O pe n Stock battles with De Baca, Kirkland, North, Tommy Lee, and West trailing o n round one. Ro und two found Ashby, North, Kirk land, Colin Edwards, and West lining up behind Bowden . North led the start of th e first 80cc Modified moto but it was short-lived when Ashby grabbed the reins on lap two. Ashby led for three but Bowd en bounded into the lead before the w hi te flag wa ved, and raced on to the checkers. Lining up in second and third were De Baca and North. The second rnoto was Bowden's a ll the way. Taking control at th e start and leading all th e laps, Bowden sta cked North, Edwards, Ashby, De Baca , and Lee at the finish. Team Green rider Jack Ricks turned in a pair of doubles to claim 80cc . Intermediate Stock and 80cc Intermediate Modified honors. Ricks, riding an '84 stock bike, upstaged the combined Intermediate Expert fields by consistently clearing turn one with th e pack at his back . However , his holeshot heroics would soon give way to the expertise of fellow Team Green rider Jason Langford. Ricks ran well with the Experts and clobbered his Intermediate competition. In the 80cc Stock clas s, Cliff Donnelly challenged from second place after overtaking Travis Motley on lap three. Fourth through sixth were Shane Kuehler, Scott Finkensteadt, and Brent Peterson. Round one of the 80cc Intermediate Open Modifieds found Donnelly again in pursuit of a hard charging Ricks. Finkensteadt, with a fine ride, charged from last place on the first lap to ultimately finish third. Motley and Kueh ler, and Peterson filled the top five. In the second contest Finkensteadt got a good gate and was Ricks ' closest competitor. Donnelly was third with Peterson fourth. At the flag Ricks was perfect on the day, as Finkensteadt outdid Donnelly for second place in moto and overa ll. Motley, Kueh ler, and Peterson repeated th e second set. • Suzuki 01 Van Nuys $$$ GREAT AMERICAN $$$ DIRT BIKE SALE l!"l COMPETITION '84 RM80E On ly $799 ' 82 RM125Z Only $999 '82 RM465Z Only $1299 ' 8 3 PE175D Only $1199 ...... ' 8 2 SP125Z Only $699 ' 8 2 SP250Z Only $ 1099 ' 8 2 SP500Z Only $1299 '82 DR250Z On ly $1 099 '83 DR500D Only $1399 Why Buy Used When You Can Have New For Less. ** FlNA.NClNG U INSURANCE A.V A.lLA.BLE** Suzuki of Va. Nuy. 16141 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91406 *3 Blocks West of San Diego Freeway * (818)994-2800 PERFORMANCE .UNDER PRESSURE • T- 2 Zcvcle oil 100:1 • T-2 M X 2cyc le o il 50:1 • G- 1050 mot or & gear (4 cycl e) • shock & fork oil • Z-12 grease .1 :11 cha in lube • R-30 & R-20 2cycle gea r oil NEO OIL eo. 2865 Gundry Avenue Long Beach. CA 90806 (213) 595-720B - D EA LER IN QUIRIES IN VITE O SEND FOR FREE LITERATURE (818)9~2882 "THE CHOICE OF CHAMPIONS" INSIST ON ALPINESTARS PRO MX/ENDU BOOTS FROM HI-POINT See your Hi -Point Racing Products dealer toda and check out the complete line -up of Hi -Point bOOlS for '85. From MX to dirt track to trail. he has quality Hi -Poin t bOOIS to fit your needs. HI-POINT RACING PRODUCTS (East) 3709 West Erie Av e.• Lora in. OH 44053 (West) 2650H Mercantile Dr " Rancho Cordova. CA 95670 You n eve r lose w i th Cycle New s SO UTH CITY CYCLES TEAM 60 OPEN: 1. Casey Pinkston; 2. Richard Winn; 3 . Husqvarna Shawn Mann . 60 OP EN THRU 8 : 1. Shawn Mann; 2 . Robbie Storbeck; 3. Jaso n SchultL DUAL PURPOSE OFF-ROAD Results Ska ggs; 3 . J ason McGee . 60 OPEN 9-11 : 1. Willy 8owden; 2. 8illy De Baca ; 3 . Jody North. 80 OPEN STK 9 - 1 1: 1. WiliV Bowden; 2. J ody North; 3. Heath Kirkland. BO OPEN MOO 9-11 : 1. Willy Bowden; 2. J ody North; 3. Bill y De Baca . 60 NOV STK 12- 16 : 1. Mike Nicholas; 2 . Kr is Carl; 3. Dent on Hickey. 80 NOV MO O 12-16: 1. Gary Benton; 2. Charlie W inn; 3. Mike Nicholas. 80 INTSTK 12 -16 : 1. Jack Ricks ; 2. Cliff Oonn ell v; 3. Travis Motley. 80 tNT MOO 12-16: 1. Jack Ricks ; 2. Scan Finkensteadt; 3 . Cliff Donnenv. 80 EX STK 12- 16 : 1. Jeff Emig : 2. Dale Storbeck; 3. Jason Schultz. BO EX MOO 12-16: 1. Jason Langford; 2 . Da le 00 0') OPEN HOUSE Meet Team HU SQV A RN A and see t he 19 8 5 Husky's Frida y, Feb . 15 Ope n House 5 p.m . - 9 p.m. Free Refreshments A ll Husky Pr oduct s 15% Of f UPS Daily "' 511 M a yfair Ave . S.S.F. CA (41 51 583c3519 ALL 3-P LY RATED 3:00.21,4:10.14R..100/ 90,4:10. 18; 4:5Ox18 4:50. 17, 4:50 x18 R, 5:OOx18, 5:00x17 35 ....

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