Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r----- - - - - - - - ------------------:-1..J ~ x ~ Parking Lot Sale > a: a: w ... > Up To 50% Off Motorcycle Accessories IZl o b x Stock up now on . . . Touring Apparel. MX Gear. Tires, Tubes , Tie Downs, Helmets , Lubri cants. Spark Pluqs, Tour ing Accessories And Much. Much Mo re l CL SAT. &. SUN. February 23 & 24 Rain Date the following weekend. ~II~ House of Handlebars I~I 801 East Artesia Blvd., Long Beach, CA (213) 423-2064 ~ (213) 423-7936 Pete Maly rode his mid-70s CZ to the 250cc Pro class win at the fifth annual CZ World Championships at Corona Raceway. A Subscription is a boredom prescription _ SRA G,.nd Prix India n Dune•• CA. J.n. 2 7 WoodlandMX Woodland. WA . J an . 27 KEITH 5£Il1I IAMO IIEFF 1st 125 Ex. - KTM 12 5MX h t a .T.H.G. " e 0 -37 Ha,. . Hound Lucerne V• ....,. CA. J an 27 RDlEREEH ADAA New V. r G.P. Phoenix. AZ. Jan. 8 151Vet 250 Am. - KTM 250 MX @ N - KIM 125M X EDDEEDLEIl 1at Sen ior Am . - KTM 250MX JOIN THE TEAM For More Informat ion and a Brochure . Wri te ; KTM West 315 W. Bradley, EI Cajon. CA 92020 MICHELIN HI-SPORT .NOW IN STOCK 120170 100/80 160/60 130170 160 /60 V V V V V 1 6 TF-1 1 1 8 TF -1 1 17 TG- 2 2 18 TG- 2 2 1 8 TG-2 2 D.O.T. Approved St re et Leeal High Performance Track Gr ip UNBEATABLE CALL NOW 800-628-4040 .. ~ ~MII"'II , ... "'fRRC . • ' 0 801'61 · WILBRAHAM MasSACHUSE S 01"5 TT 413· 7346211 - Out\lc!E' M a~~nll~ !l ~ ~\Ii. 800·628 40'0 . over in the Modified cla ss. Bo th riders were moved to the Exhibition hill for a mo ve up eliminat ion to get an overall winner of the class. In the end Pet erson won the elimination over Carl Co llier. R uss McCoy took second pl ace in th e stock 500cc class, riding his Dependable Off Road YZ490. EI Madmon pl aced th ird with hi s Yamaha 490. In th e Open Exhibition class, riders welcomed veteran Steve Stith on his S.D. Racing/ Bridgestone/ Bosch/ Supertrapp Harley Davidson and newcomer R ussell McCoy on hi s Dependabl e Off Road 1200cc Harley Davidson . Peterson was first over with a 18.44 time a nd Steve Stith riding his H-D to ta ke second. Dave Turner o n hi s T riumph finished thi rd , a nd for his time on another big bore Harl eyDavidson , Ru ss McCo y too k fourth p lace. Results M INI: 1. Robie Peter son (Hon); 2 . M athe w David (Vam). 250: 1. Per ry Schou lt on (Han); 2. Don Oros co (Vam ): 3 . J im Schoulton (Hon). 500 STK; 1. Kerr v Peters on (Hon): 2. Russ M cCoV (Vam); 3. EI M adm on (Vam). 500 A LT: 1. Kerry Peterson (Hon); 2. Carl Collie r IKaw); 3. Tom Kell y (Mai) . 500 M OD; 1. Kerr y Peterson (Hon) : 2. Davi d Ges· toso (Han); 3. Car l Colli er (Yam). 500 EX: 1. Kerry Peterson (Han); 2. Russ M cCoy (Vam); 3. David Gestoso (Hon) . OPEN M OD: 1. Kerry Peterson (H· D); 2 . Dave Turner fTri); 3 . Steve St it h (H· D). OPEN EX; 1. Kerry Peterso n (H· D); 2 . Stev e Stith (H· D); 3. Dave Turner (Tri); 4 . Russ McCoy (H- D). Ma/y, Johnson top CZ World Championships By Terry Whytal ent husiast Pete Maly dominated the 250cc Pro race, sweeping bot h mo tos ahead of Ro bert Dykmans. Dykmans earned the runner-up overall hon or with his 2-2 score as Phillip Hall chased him to the finish flag to p lace third for the day. David Tams topped th e 250cc Novice c:z. battle with the classically stylish J oe Lorenzo pi cking up second after a fierce duel with Tams, Mitch Wells and Cycle News ad ma n T erry Pratt. Wells finished the da y in third while Pratt had to settl e for fourth. Greg Berg piloted hi s nine-yearold Suzuki RM to th e Vintage Bike win with a 1-2 score. Marty Bivens rode hi s sano (and quiet) '75 Honda to second overall a head of CZ-mounted Jim Keeton. In th e Stock CZ shootou t Mitch Well s came up th e winner reaching the chec kers firs t in th e five lap sprin t race to wi n so me trick tro phies su pplied by th e CZ Club. J oe Lorenzen picked up second a nd Victor Armi jo p laced third wh ile Terry P ra tt again finished fourth. Result s OPEN PRO: 1. J imm ie Jo hnso n; 2. Dave Bickers: 3 . M ike Drews . 250 PRO: 1. Pete M al v: 2 . Robert Dvkmens: 3 . Phi lip Hal l. CZ STK: 1. M itch We lls; 2. J im Keeton; 3 . Vict or Armijo. 250 NOV: 1. David Tams; 2. Joe Lorenzen; 3 . Mitch Wells. VINTAGE INT: 1. John Pavich (Hus ): 2. Horst Leitner (Puch); 3 . John Baumgartner (BSA). VINTAGE OPEN NOV; 1. SauITambrano (Mai); 2. Saul Tambrano (Mai); 3 . Ben MarQuez(CZ); 4 . David Breetwood (Ma t ). VINTAGE 250 NOV: 1. Greg Berg (Suz); 2. Grego ry Brown (Hon); 3. J im Keeton (CZI. Bird bombs D-38 Banzai run CO RONA, CA, JAN. 27 UPS Next Day5ervice Master Card, Visa American Express (201 )561-1260 WE SHIP ANYWHERE! ... [fI] ANCRACOAPORATlON 34 2233 EAST GRANO AVENU E EL SEGUNDO. CA 90245 ~i By Diane Bell Former World Champion Dave Bickers came out of retirement to challenge the youth at the fifth annual Cl World Cham- SUPERSTITION MTS , CA,JAN. 27 pi onshi ps held thi s year at Co rona International Raceway. In th e end, it was Jimm ie Johnson who took the .Open Pro hon ors, with Pete Ma ly sweeping the 250cc Pro division. Bickers topped th e first Open Pro race wi th a wi re-to-wire win over runn er-up John son, but J ohnson charged back to reach th e checkers ahead of Bickers in round two an d take the overa ll win wi th a 2-2 score over Bickers 1-3. R oss Maeda won th e seco nd moto, bu t a DNF in the first race kept h im from th e lead er board. Mik e Drews ro unded o ut the top three. Southern California's leading CZ KTM rider J ohn Bird outdistanced the competition in AMA Dis trict 38's second annual H MRlDCMC Banzai race. The track layout was extremely fast. taki ng the riders through 20 miles of choppy , fast desert , including two dry lake beds and a pole line road. A tight five-mil e mudhill section finis hed th e loop . The 10:00 start found open Yama ha rid er Scott H atfi eld leading the bomb run throu gh th e entire first lap . Hatfield was tailed th rough home che ck by T om Moen o n his Yam aha 490, a nd l 25cc rider J am es Tucker. Bird, who took th e number three plate in th e I 25cc class last year , seems to have adapted well to h is KTM 250 and was leading his class in fourth overall.

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