Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1985 02 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ade la n to 's main stree t 10 con cl ude. T he tussle for the 250 Amateur/Expert win featured a determined ride by Eric H all g a th , w ho s truggled u p th rough the pack to take the win aft er a fall on the pa vement in th e first turn. T h ere was a batt le for second pl ace too , wi th Eddie O gden coming in with a finishing spurt 10 ta ke th e n ag a hea d o f N ick Yo u ng , wh ile two o f the other top co nt enders ran o ut o f gas o n the last loop a nd had 10 push their bik es in . O nce the Novice/Beginner riders settled down off the start, th e race was in the hands of Bra d Eyre on a KT M a ll th e way . Brad was well pleased wi th h is victory, especia lly, h e said, a fter n OI ridin g fo r abou t nine years . J im Brown strea ked pa st S teve Mazzei ri ght o n th e fin ish lin e 10 ta ke second in the Novice/Beginners. "The two of us had a g rea t race - fought it out a ll th e way round," said Bro wn . " T he only thing 1 didn 't lik e a bo u t the race was falli ng off on th e pavement. I don 't like p avem ent o n a mo tocross bike beca use o f the knobby tires. You don ' t have any traction." The seco nd race o f th e day was a special event for the 30-a n d -o ver mem bers o f the Over The H ill Gang. Ea rl Shuler led for most o f th e race, bu t wa s pipped a t th e po st by R ick H a ll. " I pa ssed him o u t th ere in th e boo ni es," sai d H a ll. "T he co urse was a little rougher th an it was o n Sa tu rda y, bu t it was a lot war mer too." G reg Humber rode his way into th ird, com plai ni ng a bou t th e straig hts . " My only problem was th a t I d idn 't bring enough gears for the fast bits ," he said afte r the race. The O pen bi kes p ro vided some of the most spectacu la r racing of the G rand Prix, with a neck-in -neck bat - tie a ll th e way between T ed Hunni cu tt , Randy Norma n, a nd Dan Ash cra ft, who was sti ll recoveri ng from Scor e' s Parker 400 Desert ra ce I he day befo re. Norm an ca rne th ro ugh 10 win , with a recor d th ree p its. " I h ad 10 p it three ti mes d uring th e race," he sa id. " Yesterday I ran ou t o f ga s and lost the race - 1 wasn 't go in g to do tha t agai n." Ash craft cross ed th e fin ish in second af ter lo sin g h is brak es early in the race and plo wing throug h th e banner o n th e fir st corner. " I lost rnv brak e rod three tim es a nd had 10 sto p a nd p UI it on ," he sai d. " And my a rms pumped up real ba d o n th e stan 100 . " T ed Hu n nicu tt took third o n hi s Yamaha. " I thought th e co u rse wa s rea l rough, " he sa id. " I'm tryin g to recover from a crash last week end a nd th is course hun ." Firs t Ama teur home was Brian Ha rr is, o n a H on da . . All three top ri ders in the Open Novice/ Begin ner class complained th a t the cou rse was rough . " I went over the bars in th e back section, " said first-p lace T erry Alt ma n . " II was rea l cho p p y back there." Mike Ca m pe au storme d th rough in th e last lap 10 stea l secon d from Matt Schw eitzer's Husky. " I race dese rt." sai d Schweitzer. " I was scared to even enter becau se of the st reet sections. The stan was bad 100 - people were everyw here." Adela nto City Councilwoman Mary Sca rper said the G rand Prix had th e full support o f the lo cal comm u nity, a n d that sh e would like to see it back next year. " Yo u wo ul dn ' t be here if we didn' t wa nt the race," she said. " We have 10 hol d pu bli c hea rin gs on thi s a nd we didn 't have one citiz en object 10 it. It generates a lot of money for a small cit y." Race co-ordi nato r Bo b Taruer sai d The transition from dirt to pavement made for tricky going - knobby tires don 't cl ing to pavement. th e Desert Vip ers were p lease d wi th the weekend, but a little d isa ppoint ed wi th th e tu rnout. " We had a 10 1 o f g uys turned back a t th e Cajon Pass beca use of th e snow an d th at hun o u r turno ut, " he said. " But yo u wa it. 1 bet th is will be th e biggest race in Ca lifornia in a co uple of years . Wh ere else do mot o rcycles get 10 race righ t th rough to wn? Mot or cycle rid ers deserv e 10 be on th e main street, not o n some litt le ba ck street." - Unofficial Results Saturday Program SR AM/EX: 1. J im Bri ngh urst (Hus); 2 . Ric k Hall (Yam ); 3. AI Guzman (Suz). SR NOV/BEG : 1. Ed Denbow (Yam); 2. Jim Hammon (Hus); 3. David J udd (Husl. UNClASSIFIED: 1. Kenn y Parry (Yaml; 2. Randy Norma n ( H on ~ 3. Steve Par ry (Yam). 0 -175AM/EX: 1. Dua ne Summers (Cag); 2.John Braasch (Kaw) ; 3. Keith Senn (KTM). 0 -175 NOV: 1. David Alford (Kaw); 2. Bill Craw for d (Yam); 3. Tom W ells (KTM) . 0 -175 BEG: 1. David Donoho (Hus). WOMEN EX: 1. Joanna Brownell (Hus); 2. Vicki Scott. WOMEN NOV: 1.Toni M arcdante (Yam); 2. Deana Tomkinson (Kaw ); 3. Ton i Hayes (Han). OT MX CLUB: 1. Bob Dah lgren (Han); 2. Den nis Rosenbe rg (Han); 3. Tom W idick (Suz). VET AM / EX: 1. M ike M art in (Hus); 2. M ike Fitz gerald (Hus); 3. J im Fishback (Han). VET NOV/ BEG: 1. Bab A lvis (Hus); 2. Steve Evers (Honl; 3. Chuck Lenno x (M ai). M INIS: 1. Nick y Pounds (Suzl; 2. Tim Wa rden (Kaw); 3. David Onda s rv aml. Sunday Program 250 AM /EX: 1. Er ic Hallg ath (Han); 2. Eddie Ogden (Yam); 3. Nick Young (Yam). 250 NOV/ BEG: 1. Brad Eyre (KTM): 2. J im Brown (Yam); 3. Steve Mazzei (Yam). OTHG : 1. Rick Hall (Yam): 2. Earl Sh uler (Yam): 3. Greg Humber (Yaml . OPEN AM /EX: 1. Rand y Nor man (Han); 2. Dan As hcra ft (Husl; 3. Ted Hunn icutt (Yam). OPEN NOV/ BEG: 1. Terry A ftma nn (Han); 2. M ike Campeau (Yam); 3. Matt Schweitzer (Hus). 27

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