Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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fiY P.AP.A Wf.ALfY 2/8·9 2/ 23 3/3 3/ 9 3/ 31 4/ 13- 14 4/ 20 4/ 27 5/4 , 5/ 18 , 5/26 6/2 , 6/ 8 6/1 6 6/ 23 6/ 30 , 7/7 7/14 7127 .. '.' " 8/ 11 8/ 18 , (SX) Sea ttle, WA (SX) Atla nta, GA , . (Nar' I) Gainesville, FL (SX) Da yto na Beach , FL (N at' l) Sacramento , CA (SX) Pont iac, MI (SX) H o uston . T X (SX) Da llas, T X (SX) O rla n do, FL (SX) Pasadena, CA ("'at'l) Mt. Morr is, PA (N ar' I ] Atla nta, G A (SX) Chicago, IL (N a r' I ) Den ver, CO (N a t 'l) Los Angeles. CA (G P) Carlsbad, CA (N a r' I) Buch anan , :\f1 (G P) New Berl in , NY (Nar' l) Bingham ton. NY (Nat'l) Millville, MN (Na t' I) Washouga l, WA The mysterious aluminum box located near the carburetor on the new works 260cc Honda is now rumored to be a battery holder. The battery supplies juice for an electronic ATAC system. After every race, the battery takes about 20 minutes to be recharged and is very similar to batteries used in remote-controlled cars. Co ntrary to a ru mor circula ti ng in severa l pa ns o f th e co u ntry , a ll U.S. helmet manufacturers have n ot lost th eir product lia bili ty ins urance en masse. A few co mpanies experienced a problem wh en their in surance carrier folded , bu t replace ment cove rage was quickly obtained. Er ik Buell says he 's ready to deliver Buell RW750 road racers for $15,900 includ ing a spares kit. The water-coo led. rotary-valve, two-stroke squarefour is eligible for AMA Formula One in 1985 because it f irst ran prior to 1980; bore and stroke are 66.4 x 54mm for 748cc. Features include a six-speed transmission, Dymag wheels, Buell laminated steel /a luminum brake discs, monoshock rear suspension; electro/pneumatic anti -d ive, magnesium forks and 163 bhp at 10,500 rpm. Send your checks to Buell Motor ce.. S64 W31751 Highway X, Mukwonago, WI 53149,414/3923170 , A dele'gation from Tientsin. China has purchased the bankrupt West German Zundapp factory and will ship the entire operation to Ch ina. A team from Iran also bid on the plant. but its offer did not reach the government-appointed receiver in time. The Ch inese paid 16 m illion Deutschemarks (about $6 million) . Kawasa ki sponsored a remak e o f Peter Starr's Take It To T he Lim it; th e new vers io n o f th e mo vie is called Ta king ItTo T he Lim it a nd in cludes new fil m featuring J eff Ward a nd Wayne Rainey, as well as dr ag racers Ni gel Pat rick a nd Ru ss Collins. T he film debu ted in Corp us Chris ti, Texas a nd Long Beach, Ca lifornia recent ly. The Cicero, New York Town Board recently unanimously voted to fire patrolman Joseph Barrett for engaging in a high-speed. dirt-road pursuit. The problem was that Barrett was in pursuit of a 12-year-old boy riding an ATV, and that he gave chase in a full-size police car. Both the boy and Barrett were slightly injured when the ATV struck a stone -covered cu lvert, launched int o the air. and crashed through the cruiser's windshield . Fortunately, the boy escaped serious injury by being thrown clear of the collision. Damage to the police cruiser's windshield and undercarriage was estimated at $2,300. 2. Jay Gleason rode a fleet of 1985 Yamahas at Baylands Raceway in Fremont. California recently and came back with a fleet of quick and fast times for stock motorcycles. Riding a V-Max, Gleason turned 10.33 sec. @ 129.87 mph; on an FZ760 he turned 10.78 sec . @ 124.13 mph. Times for the Maxim XJ700X were 11 .3 2 sec. @ 116.68; the air-cooled Maxim XJ700 went 11 .81 sec. @ 110.29 mph; the FJ600 went 11 .78 sec . @ 111 .38 mph. T he AMA h as a n no u nced a co m p lete G rand National Champion ship Motocross Series schedu le fo r 1985 wh ich will co ns ist of 22 races: 12 Supercrosses an d 10 o u tdoor Nationa ls, T he AMA will a lso sa nction two G Ps. with the 500cc event agai n a t Ca rlsbad , Ca liforn ia, a nd th e 250cc event in New Berlin (U n adilla) , New York, Seri es sponsorsh ip is to be a n no u nced short ly. Th e sche d u le fo llow s: 1/26 , (SX) San Diego , CA 2( ? .r:: " .': " ." ', ••(~ X) Anaheim , .C:~ The NM RA 's d rag raci n g schedu le is s ti ll i n the wo r ks acco rdi n g to NM RA's J im Harri s. " Wha t we have fina lized is what we wi ll ru n P ro Stoc k o n ly at six Na tiona l Hot Rod Associat io n Nati o nal s d urin g the year." said H arris. " P la ns right n ow do no t ca ll for an y Top Fu el or Funn y Bike co m pe tition to be ru n at car na tional s. We are still working o n a lot o f thi ngs incl udi ng a sched u le for o ur a ll- bike meets. " The Dirt Diggers North Motorcycle Club will host amateur sportsman motocross at Hangtown on March 30, the day before the March 31 Pro races. Entries are limited and the only entry form will be published in Cycle News issue #6, dated February 20. Ken Maely, famous maker o f d in track steel skid shoes , can not ma ke the Houston Astrodom e Ca mel P ro Se ries open ing ro u nd du e to in juries suffered la st year, Maely, who hasa ttended every H o uston race. still ha sn 't rega ined hi s eyesight since the J une 1984 acc ident. so he can' t deli ver steel shoes to the even t. Mor e information is a va ila ble from Maely a t } 141735-0540. Kawasaki will provide a KLT11 0 three-wheeler to be given away at each of the remaining Great American Motorcycle S< ATV Shows. A Yamaha V-Max will be up for a free drawing at Atlanta. San Francisco and Philadelphia. At the Chicago Show, Suzuki has provided a V-4 Madura for a special drawing. At several shows, local dealers will use motorcycle drawings to attract showgoers to their booths. The consumer show series continues in Atlanta January 18-20, San Francisco January 25-27, Chicago February 16-17, and Philadelphia March 15-17. Constru ct ion is nea r completion on new riders' Tounges, incl udi ng sho wers, a t Will o w Sp rings Int ernat ional Ra ceway. T he lo u nges shou ld be ready for the first ARRA roa d race o f the seaso n. Pat Owens of Los Angeles TradeTechnical College is quick to point outthat Yoshimura RS< D of America mechanics Don Sakakura and David Wolman, seen in Cycle News, December 19. are graduates of the college's motorcycle repa ir program . Owens also proudly names Trade-Tech graduate Bill West, recently hired by Husqvarna Motor Co. And according to Owens, motorcycle labs and lecture rooms at the college have new paint and the latest posters in place for the semester starting this month, and that's as good a reason to select a college as anything . More information is available from the college at 400 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016. Kawasa ki's Tea m G reen p riva teer. su pport program will have a truck a t the H u ro n , Holl ister H ill s and Lake Madera ro u nds o f th e CMC/S koal Golden Stat e Seri es in Ca liforn ia , SCO RE Internat ional a nd High Desert Raci ng Assn, (H DRA) will coo pera te on a desert -race series in 1985; po ints towa rd series cha m pions h ip s will be paid a t th ree SCO RE a n d .th ree HDRA events. Mor e info rmation is ava ila ble from HDRA a t 702/ 361-5404 o r SCORE a t 818/ 889-92 16. Phoenix Road Racing Organization (PRRO) has just announced their 1985 officers. Returning as president is Kevin Elliott; Jeff Anderson is vice president; Doug Lindsay secretary; and Tom Krause treasurer. Board members at large for the new term are Greg Wing, Randy Bechtel and Nick Nicolini. All PRRO officers are also racers. The Laverda Owner's Club (U.S.A.) will hold an 80-mile road ride starting atthe Howard Johnson's motel at 1-95 and Rt. 92 in Daytona Beach, Florida on March 9 at 1:00 p.m. The ride will be followed by dinner in an Italian restaurant and a club business meeting at the Day's Inn at 839 S. Atlantic in Ormand Beach. More information