Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Sai"t Louis Inkrutiorud 1ltI£ewtly ......- ...... _ _ _...e_ _ _ e - . l .......IT_ _._.. - _ -.... c e-._ .._ , .-.,- BYPflPfi WfflLfY ~1II=::;:-;:~"'I"?iVw:i~~~i"'I;:o-i~uffi'Jii;.)~ ir 0.. '" C a: ~ C w I I --L _ _ . > '" ~ 0 e . .___ -_ II This diagram shows the proposed exp.nsion of the existing St. Louis Intern.tion.1 Raceway drag-racing and motocross facility in Belleville, Illinois to include. 2.2-mile, 13-tum road race cour... Press materials released along with the diagram list tentative 1985 events including • WERA Netional Endurance Series race on May 25-26 and a WERA National Sprint on July 1314. Initial investment - to be raised from private sources is estimated at .1.5 million. More information is availatlle from the track at 618/2712900. :I: 0.. Here's the 1985 KTM LC80 with Pro-Lever rear suspension, a disc front brake and a water-cooled 80cc reed-valve engine. The LCSO has a Bing carburetor and a six-speed transmission. The Miller Masters $50,000 challenge race immediately following the Superbowl of Motocross final at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, Californja, November 3, will now include the top 10 riders of the Insport Supercross Series through the Oakland SX, inst~ad of just the previous supercross event winner. This means Team Tamm's Alan King and Kawasaki's Billy Liles will be added to the line up, along with a few not-yet-named international riders and one wild card Last Chance Qualifier winner to be announced soon. Terry Vance announced he has IOId his Suzuki-powered Top Fueler to IDBA end NMRA racer Lerry McBride and his Kawasaki Pro Stock. to .an un-named racer in Kentucky who plans to run it in Pro Comp. 2 Saddleback is dead (Cycle News, September 26), but will it rise again? That's the question being asked as rumors persist of e££orts to resurrect the former Orange, California offroad playground. According to California O££ Highway Motor Vehicle Commission Chairman Mike Bishop, the idea of bring back Saddleback came upat the last commission meeting at Pismo Beach. Bishop says that a letter of inquiry to Orange County is being drafted, as is similar communication to the management of the Irvine Company, which owns the land Saddleback sits on. The letters, say Bishop, will ask if monies could be used to re-open and operate the facility. Former Saddleback operator Vic Wilson, currently a consultant for the California Parks and Recrea- tion Department, says that he has had three meetings with Irvine Company officials, "but the last meeting didn't go very well." Wilson explained that despite a polite reception to his proposal, company officials stated that they would have to field itto Irvine's upper management for further action. Wilson said that prior to the meetings he contacted representatives of the four major motorcycle manufacturers, the MIC and SVIA for their support and that they were "100% behind the re-opening of the park and its necessity to the motorcycle industry and the people of Orange County." As part of his proposal, Wilson Slated that he brought with him letters of recommendation from these organizations for submittal to Irvine, but he doesn't feel optimistic about the future. On the other hand, Bishop believes that there is a chance that Saddleback can be re-opened. Wilson suggests that if riders want to let the Irvine Company know how they feel about Saddlebad., letters can be sent to Mr. Ronald Hooven, clo the Irvine Company, P.O. Box I, ewport Beach, CA 92658. Forfurther suggestions, Mike Bi hop says that he can be reached at 805/965-9722. Leif Persson, who rode for Husqvarna in the 'S4 500cc MX GPs, will not sign with the Swedish factory for 'S5 and is expected to get a spot on the Yamaha teem .Iongside H.kan C.rlqvist. Dave Chase and Brett Howell rode a Husqvarna to fourth in the 250cc class in the October 13 Frontier 500, not a Honda as reported last week. Englishman Dave Watson, who rode in the 500cc MX GPs during 1984 but sustained a broken leg before the end of the ..ason, is due to his cast come off in November. W.tson will then be fitted with a removable cast so that he can get into riding without risking further injury to the leg. Harley-Davidson Motor Co. Chairman Vaughn Beals will be the keynote speaker at the 1984 Texas Motorcyle Dealers Assn. seminar in San Antonio, Texas December9-IO. Beals will speak at 9:00 a.m. December 10 on the subject "The Mutuality of Interest Between Dealers and the Factory." More information is available from the TMDA at5i2/479-0425. The Dirt Diggers Motorcycle Club will hold its first-ever Pro motocro.. Novem. 3·4 in Kernville, California, sponsontd by lubredyne with a .1500 pur... Pros race on Sunday, Novem. 4 for .40; Sportsmen race S.turd.y for .20; gate entry is free .nd overnight camping is av.ilable. MarkSauroupsetI984NMRAChampion Terry Vance to win in Pro Stock at the NHRA Winston World Finals in Pomona, California on October 21. Sauro, a former Vance 8c Hines Racing employee, riding an Advanced Machine-sponsored, Vance 8c Hines prepared 1979 Suzuki GSlOOO, cut the best light of the meet (0.417 seconds reaction time), and turned the best time of the day with his 8.61 seconds, 150.50 mph winning pass. Vance, whose Kawasaki jumped out of gear and bent valves earlier, had qualified fastest at 8.475 seconds and 154.10 mph; Vance redlighted, then broke in the final. Complete coverage next week. Southern C.liforni.'s Mike Beier won a three-leg race in Scheweningen, Holland on October 20, finishing 4-3-2 for the overall. Notables entered in the r.ce included former 500cc moto- cross Champion Hakan Carlqvist and American A.J. Whiting. Beier tied for the overall win in an international motocross at Milano, Italy on October 14 with 1-3 moto scores; he'll be in Europe for a few moreweeb before returning home. Official point standings for the WERA/Dunlop National Endurance Series aren't much different than the estimate we printed last week. QuesterlSullivan Racinl!; leads with 746.39 points from eight finishes in the besteight-finishes-count series; Team Hammer is second with 706.36 points from seven races; Z-P Racing third with 690.07 points from eight races. The final race at Road Atlanta on November 10 has about 100 points up for grabs, depending upon mileage covered in the four-hour, doublemileage-points event. Tatum Communic.tions, which syndicaltes sports-oriented programming including supercross events, h.d a film crew .t the October 13 Frontier 500 off-road race in Nevada. A program on the race should be in the works soon. Frontier 500 winners Larry Roeseler and Kurt Pfeiffer will ride the November 2-3 SCORE Baja 1000 on a fourstroke Husqvarna. Speaking of the B.j. 1000, one of the entries for Class 30 (riders ov. 301 is Paris-to-D8k8r winner Gaston Rahier on • 980cc BMW twin. R.hier will be riding with former West ISDE star Eddy Hau. MORE ISDE BITS AND PIECES: Bronze medalists Kevin Hines and Bob Shillinger were inadvertently left outof last week's 500cc results. Husqvarna's rider Hines finished 52nd in class with a score of 9,485.57 points while KTM rider Shillinger was 81st with a 21,048.23 tally... The score for Horst Geissenhoner, the overa1l80cc class winner, should have read 7,55!l.25, ajumpof20 points over the score originally listed... Swedish rider Ingemar Osterberg celebrated his 50th