Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Creek was rerouted by 40 volunteers broken into three groups and supervised by the U.S. Forest Service. All work was completed in about two hours. Not only single volunteers were represented, but there were full families - young children to adults working, from pulling marking flags to moving downed trees! Those who registered with the Forest Service were put into a drawing for prizes. ScOll Hammond walked away with the grand prize, a Grand Sport tire and lUbe. There was a variety of other prizes as well. After the drawing all present received a certificate from Kal-Gard and a bollie of Duralube Oil. A special thanks to the weekend's sponsors, Kal-Gard, Duralube, Zero Racing Products and JP Enterprises. Also, thanks 10 the Forest Service for their hard work in pJanningour trail maintenance systems, and to Tom Crimmens and Mike Mendoza for their supervision and eHorts in the planning. . This year's volunteer series has ended with a vast amount of work accomplished. We have achieved an extremely good man-hour-IO-work ratio, thanks 10 those who unselĀ£,ishly donated their time and eHorts in maintaining the trail system. We thank all those who helped out this, and other summers. See you on the trails next! BILL HERNDON Los Angeles, CA "NASTY" JIM PILON Sunland, CA Civilized pipes I just read your article about RZ pipes (Cycle News, September 19)1 Wait a minute! Why wasn't I called to send out a new set of our RSC Competition Chambers or a fresh set of Noguchis? The RSC pipes, I might add, are even faster than the Noguchis and offer several improvements. Re!@!.ding our mainstay, the AlIspeeds,let me say, since you chose not to, that these pipes are very civilized. They oHer a wide torque curve, a quiet as stock sound and excellent durability. Additionally, we did not say they run best with stock jets. They don't. Depending on conditions, they run well with 250 to 3OOs. I feel shortchanged that it was mentioned we said otherwise. We feel that RZ350 owners have a right 10 know that there is a pipe like the All speed out there. Not everybody succumbs to the quarter-mile mentality and these tests are falling far short of our product's true potential. We also have our Competition Chambers for owners who want to go real fast (as in racing, where they are very successful). All we ask is that you look at the Allspeeds' true purpose and include our other pipe in this type oftest. A lillIe objective journalism would seem less reprehensible herel STANCHlRAS RSC Performance Atlanta, GA You knew what kind of test we were doing and repeatedly asked us to include A l/spud pipes; you told us that the pipes did not require rejetting; you had plenty of opportunity to replace the RSC Noguchi pipes - which broke in normal use - and did not; the existence of RSC Competition Chambers is news to us... Editor. Meager little experience This is another open leller 10 Larry Jensen. In regards 10 point #5 in the letter appearing in Cycle News (September 26), I am writing because of my own "meager lillie experience" about drugs and racing. At this time I am recovering from a broken right tibia and fibula and extreme soft tissue damage which was caused by another racer who put me into the wall at Ascot Park during a CMC race in August of 1983. After ome investigation by myself I have since learned tha t th is oth er racer was seen smoking a joint in the pits prior 10 our heat race. There is no excuse for drugs in any type of racing. This is not a meager little experience to me. ROBERT POPE Garden Grove, CA l-< (1) ..0 o ..... u o Continental sizes We enjoyed your excellent article on motorcycle tires in the September 5 issue and appreciate the mention of Continental. One slight correction concerns the working demensions of our new SuperTwin TK44 rear tire in size 4.00-18. This tire when properly inflated and warmed up has a width of 4.72 inches, not 6.72 inches as reponed. Although industry standards keep tires of the same size from diHerent manufacturers within specific tolerances, there are sligh t variations. Faced with close IOlerances, a rider should either measure a tire already in service or consult the manufacturer's chart. A second point concerns the importance of inflation pressure in discussing load rating versus speed. You are correct in pointing out that the load capacity for Continental's V-rated SuperTwins at 60 mph is 50% higher . than imprinted on sidewall for its 150 mph rating. Inflation must then be 40 psi. For example, our TK44 rear tire in the new size 140/90-16 is Vrated for safe sustained speeds to 150 mph. Its load rating is 6461bs. at this maximum speed, but the rating increases 10 a generous 989 lbs. at 60 mph. The important point is that either maximum also assumes maximum inflation pressure of 40 psi. Increased pressure reduces flexing and thus minimizes heat build-up. For high speeds or high loads, keep the pressure up! ARNOLD VAN RUITENBEEK Vice President, Continental Lyndhurst, NJ The reference to 6.72 inches was a typographical error... Editor. Needs chrome OUR MICHELIN nRE WOULD BE HERE. BUT IT'S OUT CELEBRATING. I am going to San Francisco from Miami and r would like 10 know of a place where they chrome bike parts in California. STEVEN EGG.ER PSC 1315 APO Miami 34002 Badsey fun machine How can I contact Bill Badsey (Cycle News, September 12)? BILL MULLANE SacramenlO, CA You can contact Badsey at P.O. Box 9275, Anaheim, CA 92802 ...Editor. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position of Cycle News, Inc. Send letters to Voices. Box 498. long Beach. CA 90801_ /-'ere's why: At the AMA National at Mid-Ohio in Lexington Buboo Sfobert on a Michelin-equipped Hondo won the Forrrolo 1event. Then Fred Merkel on a Michelin-equipped Hordo won the Superbike event Then Sam McDonald on a Michelin-equipped Hondo won lhe Formula 2 event. We love it when our tire wins. Because every time we win, we learn some new way to make our street tir"es even better. So the more we win, the more )Iou win. MlCHBJN. BECAUSE SO MUCH IS RIDING ON YOUR nRES. 5

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