Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 46 of 47 Ohli••hock ...../ ...-. Slrigleshock Service WHITE 8ROS - 11750 S..• b...d Ci,cl•• Sllnton. CA 90660. Compf.t. service & set-up on III .i..lahocks, U.i-Trok. P,o-Li.k • FIliI Whit. P••or. 110 2 doy t.,n d. (714) 895-1991. p.rts/.ces. Pro-F••I .a Di.l. 307 19th SI.. 8.k..sfi.ld. CA 93301. (805) 324-6266. scon's - C.mpl.t. lo,k • shock ..rwic••n.11.ingl•• du.1 shoclls....... Float Proli'" Unitrok. Ohlin•. F Works. POrlin....rts at '40.00. 2627 Hon.lulu A.... Monlro••• CA 91020. (818) 248-6747. HOIIDA SHOCK SPECIAlIST- TOWII AIID COUIITRY CYCLESuzuki 1.1es. servici. Icc.sorin. Insur.nel. H.rd to ..t p.rts.••il o,d.. p.rts. 1635 W. C.........ohh. F.n.rIon. CA 92633. (714) 871-2460. .ost. "rts , RACERS CHOICE - Git do. b.11 fo, I.... W. lin .n tho IltlSl Rood RICO. Str.lIl.n~ ATC h...h••horp .d••d improvi hi-splld stlbility. Satisfiction laarantlld.. 1 daly SIn. ollliMli••I./twin .hocks. Gon.. in. ports in R.building/ro...wi.g. 1 d.y t.'n.....d. Ohli•• SERVICES Bolt Removal Service TAP-EX co. - 8",k.n studs dili.IIITIt.~ wi....1Il ~.m II h".! Alto EZ - . *il1.. I ..... .... U.S.• IIIIIlric ...".~ i.. sorts i_II... 1 Uy sortic.. ..... ports. 1825 W. 1441h. Gor~ .... CA 90249. (213) 323- 3134. HEUIOII CO. - ..... t... r.",oWlI strYic•. $'.4., •• 'S, drills. EZ••11II ,.....d by tr.. ,,,cns. TIl"•• ,opoi"t ".c- ....rts illStll8ll1. UPS ..nic•. 231 W. Ch..lolll A.......,0wi•. CA 91016. (8111 351-U96. Brake &. Lamp Certificates Lo8ARD • UIIDERWODD 321 E. I.,.,iol Hwy.• L. (213) 691-0553 or (714) 8798252. Qulily HDIIDA sol... .nie•. plrtI • i.sur.lIC. line. 1946. Opon 7 ays • _.k. 3 ..... _ 01 57 Frwy. Ho".. Engine Building and repair CUSTOM .AIIUFACTURED CYlIIIDER UIIERS. P"'"typo 2 Cyd.~. Ch, Ilor.. 1I.... 1f. S... Eo c.... W."". hlc.. 720 242. G,_ _ OR 97030. (503) 6675224. GET THE J08 DOllE RIGHTIBoriog by lOfIlDlcIoiliots. S _ . . . ."1 h.... 10 I.clOry spoc•. chino sh.p ...... e-,.... .. .te. c".ks "bh.. S.. ~" ...... callIchor....iIL. COIIdil·. • /C S.nic•• 7225 C..... A .... c..... Pork. CA J1630. (213) 346-0472. Number Plates 8UFFAlO IIU.8ER PLATES........, plltlS I: sucke,s CUI': to.. ..adl for motofcycl, I: ATV·......y dirt .cc_ries. S.r serwiCi. 1201 killa,· noy S... li..,mo". CA 94550. C••••ry (415) 443-7012. Pipe Protectors 8AlllAi 8ROS. RACIIIG soI.Ii.n lor "m.d pi,. p,......... .... 8....i 8,os. pipo shi~. Adj. I. III 1250c d"••,.. pi,... n• .ol~i ....1_. 0' 14 ..... 11.01• S27.95-S32.95. Ash dill... P.O. 8.. 41457. E.... Rock. CA 90041. (213) 256-4922. yo., Exhaust Systems Racing Fuel COFF.AI·S ha Iloilo hdI Ii.. 01 ATV bi.h porl c. .ohouIIl systolll'. All g I1. .~ for qllllity. p.rfo,m••c•. 39200 Sor.phi.. R~.. .."i.I.. CA 92312 (714) 671-4100. PRO-FUEl- High porl ....Ii.. 108 .01.... L Frame Straightening Radiator Repair THE FRA.E SHOP - PAUL THEDE'S RACE TECH Ropei, crocud' b.1l ..onni.... rodialon • ail c.oIor•. W. Ii. whot ....... c•• ·t. All . .", p,a... • UPS I c. 10, BEllIIEn'S LECTRDII FUEL SYSTE.S. - C....'1lIlrS for .....plc e-aII_ ••"'. C CE WoI8. HOIIIa oofy 500 or 600 ...... cytillllor liliy. Dyoo . . -•. 1922 I.W. Gro.t. Hilll ..... OR 97123 (503) 140-307'. Crank Shaft Repair ,..,.,.I PROFESSIOlAl crook *oil ,,crooko .... nIy fKtory Iluri .. ..../_sins. W .... ,.r1I. $fooeioliz. ill .Ioc. Col Will Cyelo. 42'7 WISt 0. . FllIo..... CA 92633. (714) """I 523-8677. Custom Engine Tuning Profa- ....1 col... spoci.nts. All famIs, frooloM. .......... whooI ..c.llIililli... ClIlpllll ••101. . Iocilily .. ropoir ........ c-. Iios, troll tN .cc.. c,abIlI f.......... or11 1074 .orc_ liIo. S _ CA 90180. (714) .,3-1700. DR JOHIlS - P..cisia. fr_. stroit....Ii... H.d ,ok.. P.. SlICk. D rt .. ci '1 wh..... III fo,k .......1' 'AI.... ATV. cao ....... fio ro,.•. 1524 "A" I_striol P..k S... C.wio.. CA 91722. (213) 332-1598. cr._ • PRO-TEC - G. wilor..... f.ctIriIs .. _1CCWIIIIy lo'_ lIow lloodl.oIyoio .. _ . . .str.hI ...... i. . . R' D Iocilily. (714) 738-8631. (213) 617-6759. 212 G.';Ii. 8".. CA 92121. __,....D, MIIlch,..,. c_,.... Cylinder work Insurance HAIIDCRAFTED CYllIIDER lIl1ERS IIISTAllED - CIS11 Ch,om•. High ,.rlormlllC. porting. t.m ........ UPSddy. (BilW....'·.) IIW Slon E 903 liE elll G, OR 97030. (503) 681-8430. CAlIFORlLlA ••to,eyclo 1 ...,10... Atoney I.. c.11 ..Ie ins. W. t ¥lrious i... co's. P.o.. or wra for Dur lowlll ,Ill. for your "/c. (714) 956-5222. (213) 637-0751. PO 8.. 3871. A••h••• CA 92803. Enduro Rollcharts Manufacturing / Marketing Services .Dim... ... _.1Is t._-•.., .pIio_- .. JART - E.,. Rollchor1s bay" noM - UoIlIhy II foclDry or· - - ,., . . ." • .., pIoc. iii.... - RIflE PLASTICS - D.....dl "'etorod Riflo soW uti• ....,. Rillo c.. Ilolp .hip lat/UPS d.ily. .f Sh....port/8os"or. (318) 7420218/(3161 635-9731. ~dvertisers Index 3227 P,od.c...127. P.m.n•• CA 91768. (714) 594-7755. PRO-TEC - C..- rid.....-"". or r'p8ir ai, singll·shock Eli.i••t. SDsp.nsion-clUllll IW.p. buck • iIIJD$p.nsiDft. A & A Promotions. • • • • • • • • 40 A & A Racing Service. • • • • • • 40 AfM •••••••••••••••• 36 Rentals OFF ROAD REITAlS - ./C - Dirt. St..1l, ATC70-250. lllIys. Tri-.... 10-225DX. Suz.. ..... 4. jot shill. P.rts/.cc. 101 ..rtic•• U·H.ol II,. los Al....... (213) 594-8901. (714) 8911381. 0,. . . (714) 771-7390. Al... (811) 334-1234. KTM Amerita • • • • • • • • • • • 39 Kal Gird Mig. • • • • • • • • • • • 38 J.e. Agajanlan •.•..•••... 33 American Honda •• 6&1.18&19.29 Bel Ray 21 Boym. En•............ 38 Burba" Yamaha 40 CMC •••••••••••••••• 37 CRC ••••••••••••••••• 37 Steel Shoe STEel SHOES - K . . . .Iy. . ..nco 1950. Dirt Trock S70. LI. WI. Spdw" S75. S... - . S,.cify ,... typ•• 14 -10.. hoots S75. Evorydl;"g lor Spoodw". 8510 8otlfon1 .......y. Cor.... CA 91no. (714) 735-0540. CanAm •••••••••••••• 13 Chltmpton Moriwati • • • • • • • • 33 City Cycle Center ••••••••• 45 Corbin Pacific • • • • • • • • • • • 35 Corone RacaWlY ••••.•••• 37 Cosmopolitan Motors ....•.• 38 CN Address Change. . • • . • •• 29 Cycle News Products •.••• 43,45 Cycle News Sub. Inlo. •....• 11 Caeca ......•.••..••• 40 District 31 ..•...•.•••.• 36 Or. John Frame Straightening .. 43 Double Cross Racing Assn.. • • . 36 Oynojet Research ••••.••.. 39 TIRES. STUFF - ./C Tiro Clltor. 8'idg.......-22••23. II•• Cb••• Shio di,t Ii"•. Tllring buffs - •• cho••• Ii,a .k~. y.u ••it. 2116 E. ChI,lat... LnV..... IIV89104.(702) 382-1824. ail, ..ywtl.... 3227 P,".cor .127. " -••• CA 91768. (714) 694-7755. International Speedway ... 37.40 Hap Jones Inn. .........• 39 Joe JonlS DISl .•.•.•••.• 40 ATV ••••••••••••• 44 hondli... Quick turnaround (714) 731-0531. (213) 697-6759. 282 8ro.. CA 92621. Tires Helmet Service 8Ell HEl.ETS - I . . . .boIIl ..... f.ctory c_.. Sonic. D.,..? ••hI yow B•• H....1t Iooil ...., ••'" Iik••••! Fro. i..,.eti•• willi q_. C C•••• t...., s.nic. D.,t. b_... 10 '.IlI. • 12 , .•.•11I 1 p.•.• 4 , . . . . .-Frilll(213) 921-9451 or 714/522-1292. SIMI VAllEY CYCLES - Yomlh./ dirt bib hi•• o.t. '64 YZ250s in S.I. '82-63-64 dirtlstro.t bik... c.n us blfor• .,au buy, op.n Tues-Fri til 7 p.m.. Sit 9;30-5 p.m. 2902 Los AI••ln A••.. Simi v.n.y. CA (805) 522-3434. renin production susp.nsion compon.nts to work bltt,r th.n thl gUI,lntlid. Compllte strvici. custom rite springs. hitlch Splctro susp.nsion fluids. ,II rlei.. Of.lni,81iau. Anlll- t_~ EDCo Dic. c..t....".III custl... / Michelin TIre Corp. • . . • • • .. Moto·X Fall •.....•..... Moto One •.....•.•..•. M/C nre Enl .••...•..•• Motor Cycle Video •.•..•.• MotolWeek Illustrated 38 Indian Dunes .••.•.....• 31 r------------------------------------, Cycle News Products Order Form Fill in the Vi. . /M••t., Charge bla. or Mnd check cw moMY ord.r to: P.O. BOX 498. long BeBch CA 90801-0498 Na.., DEALERS _ AddteH _ z,. ellV ere

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