Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS Hom Rapid. ORV Pori<. Richl.nd. WA. 3 mil.. north of Richl.nd on Hwy 240. '6000 in o'llr.1I prizes and canting.neitt. 5th ric, 1984 Central Washington Dlrs Sun Chllllngi Series. Gites op.n 81m, prac 9. rlct 10. En'ry $15 Strt.IlllI. $25 Pro. Trtilht.d S.rv~ .. Promotion. Info 509/248· 1472IPII Mcc.ff.nyl. NEVAOA MOTOCROSS Ftmlty MXTrtct. NV. Nn.dt Stll. MX C'ship Serin. Rae, 5 of 7th raet Info 7021575·2898. CMC CAUFORNlA MX Rtddino. CA. Eost of 1·5 off Rancho Rd.• nd Ai~ Rd. End of Old Orog... Trtil II Iltdeling Airpon. All Sptslllll and 3-"'"lIr dan". Minis. Pro tro""'. 100" Pro pb. Op.n 6:30 .m. prlC 8. rtca 9. Emry $11. $18 Pro. $4 gall. $I 6-12. Info 916/223·5600. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Perris Raceway. Perris, CA. All dassls indud. 3·wnnlers·80/SOc:c. 4-strokll. women, Vetllnd Srs. Truph to hi point high schoo' tllm It end of school .,..r.• 100 to the winner of 3 I.p 30" Sp,.....rophy. N ... fresh cut MX track. PTIC 8 am, rae. 9. Entry .13 Doubl. CrOll Racing m.mbm. non·mtmbm .15. Pros '20. Double Croll Racing. Info October 17 CMC ASCOT MOTOCROSS Ascot P.rI<, Gard.n.. CA. 18300 Vlrmont AWl. Frll pllting. GItIS open 5 pm. prle 8-7. rlCl 7:30. Enuy $12. CMC liclnse reqd. (mlY bl PWch...d It traclli. SplCtltor. $5.50. J". *3.50. kid. $1. Info 714/261· 6116. CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS 8ayItnd. RaCIllOy Pori<. From.... CA. Just olf Hwy 17 II O..tlam Rd. Ixit. UII south Intl'lncl. All classel. Gites 0pln 5 pm. rlCal 7. Info 415/651-2545. CMC CAliFORNIA SUPERCROSS Orang. SIt... Fairground.. off I· 215 in SIn 81man1ino CA. UII O,anga Show Road .xit. AU .m.tlun inchld V.~ OT and Sptlmn. Gil.. 6:30 .m. rtgiltrllion 7·8:30. prlC 7:30·8:30. 'IC' 9. Emry $20 pra. $15 po.t. 3rd _TraraCliSorits 1!114.... 71412618116. 8llA CHAMPIONSHIP FiNAl loution tel b, IMOlWtCId from rid.r vottng. AU elusn plus ATC. Pro pb plus monoy to pt. lund. 33" October 18 _woy BAYlANOS SPEEOWAY 8ayI.nds P.rI<, Frtm.... CA. Hwy 17 It Oumam Rd. 117 mil. 0'1. SPlldway rlcina. GIIII opln 5 pm. rlCIS 7:30. Good food. frH Plrt· ing. c10SI "Its. AMA IInctionld. AIImiuion .7 rieftrs. $ 7 mlchenics. $6 splCtltor•. 13 kid•. Info 415/6512545. October 19 CMC/SHR NIGHT MOTOCROSS S.nd Hill R.nch. 8rtntwood. CA. From Hwy 580 tab VIICO Rd. N. 17 millS to comer of Cimino Oilblo end V_O Ads. tum right. All d...... 30" troph.. 100" Pro pb. Gall opt.. 6 pm. proc 7. rtca7:30. Emry 115. $20 P... Admilli.. $15. Info 415/6343328 (Tom AndtrlOnl. ZAP/CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Santi C1ar. P.A.L Racatr.cll. Hwy 237 Ind G,.•• Amlria Plmw.y. Santa C1..... CA. 33" Sptsmn tro""'. t 25" Pro pb. Nt.. tracll and lighting. gillS opnIn 5 pm. prIC 6:30. ,.1 7:30. Emry $12.lnfo 408/224-4989. Sptlmn trophy. 8RA db! ptl rtCI. dbl pts 10 be . . . .d in .11 dISH. t....rds 8RA C'ship .nd P.. pt. fund mon•.,. Sign-up 9 am, PfIC 10. flCe 11. E ..ry $10. $15 Pro. Non mambs. •deI $3. Info 605/348·8361 10.1. Fri.nd). RIO SRAVO MOTOCROSS Rio BrIVO MX PIB.. HoUllon. TX. 5 millS last an E. Mown Houston Rd. off Hwy 59 N. All cl...... Trvph !tIru 6th 10 Sptsmn. 1DOlI Es pb. Entry i8. Swimming. showers. gl"l room. grandstands. Info 713/458-0090. CAUFORNIA EURO HARE SCRAM8LES Hallist" Hill•• Upptr R.nch O.R.V. P.rI<, Hollist". CA. a..... 125. 250. Optn. PP. OT. V.tI. 200 Nov. Rt",h. .nd ttophs ttlt 11m. day. Sign-up 7:30 am • 2 pm Sunday. First flCI 9 1m. Entry 120. los G,tos Mit. Info R.A.C.E. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Coronl Rae..... Coron.. CA. 91 Frwy Ef..m lA/Orang. County. Pil'" off-rlmp. rt on Piercl to Magnoli.. rt on MIIgnolia to Buthmln, rt on Buchmin Ilbs YOll 10 trICk. AU etlslls. 3K troph. to Sptlmn. 15K Pro pb. Gites opln 5 pm. prac 6. rlU 7. Entry $10. $15 P... Info 7141735·1705 or 689·1913. 408/943·9070. CRt FAMilY ENDURO Rnor. north of &.stow. CA. All cl.SSI. indud ATVI. 28 troph•. Speciel Beginner cl.... 1 loop, no mlmb. reqd. no trophl. Entry mail. po.t. ATV••ntry $10 $23 post. Rlgular ,",ry *20 mail. $23 post. Thi. is. REAL femily .nduro. COWl will b, tlsy but int.....ting with emphasis on tim. kteping. tt will b, well mlltld with no botdInecb. impouiblt spllds or obst.d".lnfo 714/689·8114. .,5 .,8 CRC CAUFORNIA MX Saddlobacll P.rI<, Orange. CA. Frwy 55 to Chipman lI'Cit. last 7 mi. to Santi.go ~~<:>.J. right to county fi... statio" ~~~ ..n rd put fir,station. All dll ~ 3K bra. to Sptslllll. ell" p.b. to Prol. 2 mota•. Gat, 7 '.m.. prlC. 8. r_ 9:30. Emry $12 Sptsmn. 115 Pro; CRt mambo raq·d. Calilomia Racing aom. Info 2131 830·7519. October 20 NIGHT ORAGS C.rtsbld RlicIWIY. C.rtsbld. CA. MotorcycllS welcome. Info 619/7271171. CAUFORNIA TT Airport RICIWIY. Portirvilil. CA. All Cllllli. GIt:I and sign-up 5 pm. proc 8. roc. 8. Entry $5 pit. $5 ptr bike to ridl. Spinnl,. MIt. Info 2091781·8341. 1JaIdtnd._ CAlIFORNIA SUPEReROSS e-y CoIiA.... Oaldand, CA. Milltr High Ufo Super· crall. Toyota 1liiy IttIry 4:30 pm. gill. optn 8:30 pm. opening _ .. nil. 7:30. racing 8. Ti_ 011 II •1 BASS aM .nd participating Y....... do...... Info r_ 0_ 813/822·8929. CMC CAlIFORNIA MX Carlsll CA. 1·5 to P Airport Rd..... 3 mi. _ . A I _•. 30" 1rtIpIl. GIl. 7 am. sign up 7:311-8:30. prte. 8-9. rtCI 9. Entry $1 0 Sptann.. $15 Pro ($10 to pII).lnfo 714/281·8118. _WOY. cart_. '0 CMC CAlIFORNIA SUNIISE MX Sunriat Vahy Cyd. Pori<. Ado· lInto_ CA. 2 mi.llOJlt ~ _ 011 Hwy 385. AI d...'!1~~~ oIini/V.. 1rtIpIl.. 5K cash ~~~ ~../Ea. CMC points. Frt. OIN partting. GIla 7;30 '.,".. rtCI 9:30. Info 819/245·7339. TEXAS WOlF CMU MX Rio VlItII, TX. AH ctuul inc!. 8awg. Troph. ",",ugh 8th if 8 or mora riell,. in dan, 1st pllCI Int. tICI;.n $100 lIVings bond. ht pltce Nov. rtcaift. $50 lIVings bond. 13.030 pun. by moto .....rtll (2001 p.b. if Iall!tl.n 15 ridon/cl..s: 50" of gl.e in bad welther). Split "hid: Nov. prlC. 8:30 I.m., riders ""'ting 9: 15. _ 8:30; I... Ea. prac.•pp.... 1:30 p.m.. . - 2. Gill $5. Entry flO no Es.lnfo 817/373·2753. -._- . RIO 8llAVO MOTOCROSS Rio 8rt.. MX Pari<, Houlton. TX. 5 mi. lUI an E. MDunt HoUlton R.I.. off Hwy 59 N. A I _ . T....... tIwu 8ltI to Am.. 100" Es. p.'. Entry II. s.o . ...... _"""713/458·0090. AMAlO·37 RIVER RUN CoioraokI_. e- _ .. P_. Entry *35 inc".. all ..... Entry ~Illiltd. 8 am start. flttui. _ ..... start. Sauoday light party for lure. Trophy pr..lntltian. Info 213/361·2235 or 8051251·1352. CAlIFORNIA TT Spracbtll Pari<, _ald. CA. 5 lllilts norlh 011 Mt. Varnon _ Hwy 58. Part is II foat of _ _ All AmI _ indud. V .... 10K Pro pII 1250. 500. 7501. 9ltI rlCl of 10 bi10IIldy tor C'ship Mrios. GIla 4 pm. prac 8. rtCI 8. Emry $) rtCI. $5 WItch. BakaraIitoId IlICIn Assn. Info 805/323- 7877 (Sob Van MIII'I. October 20-21 CMC CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Sand Hill Ranch. 8rtntwood. CA. All Sptsmn d..... run Sat..11 Pro d..... indud. If! ATVs Ind Mini Experts run Suo. $4000 puna ptr ...... GIl.. opln 6:30 1m. registration 7-8:30. proc 7:311-8:30. first rtCI9. Emry 115 pro. post Ama. *30 pra. 135 post Pro. 3rd _ T_.caI Strio.,984. Info 714/261·6118. no October 21 :- f. lJ ifl11 Info 714/924-5859. ~RACING ... ~TIRESl:~> ----_.~~ EXCLUSIVE Western U. S.A. TEXAS FlAT TRACK ANO MOTOCROSS Sulf.lo Splldway. 81h Un. Rd. 2 milts WIst of 1·35E in Carrofton. TX. GatlS open lOam. prlC noon. Sptsmn and Pros paying $125 first, $)5 IIContl. $50 lllird. $15 fourth and fifth. Sptsmn .ntry '8. $I 0 P,o. Info DISTRIBUTOR 8171488·9133. 714/371·8333. CMC CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Indilfl Dun•• eyel. Park. Valencil, CA. All Cll"". Sign-up 1-8 1m, prac 8·9. rtca 9:30. Entry $) gil.. $10 Am•• $15 Pro. Info 714/261-6116. CAUFORNIA O.AN2A MOTOCROSS O.Anza Cyel. Pari<. Sunnymotd, CA. 10 millS east of Riverside on Hwy 60 to Theodore Ixit. All cllsSIs. 30" same dlY Sptsmn trophs. 100% Pee WII tropllJ. 1001 Pro ph. Evtrybody goes 2 motos. Free camping. p,f1t open 7 days. Gil' 6 1m, prec 8:30. rtca 9:30. Entry $7 g.1t plu. " 0 Sptsmn, S14 Pro. Non mlmb add $3. Cl CAUFORNIA POKER RUN 2nd Annual Oklob. Flit Pokar run. 880. troph•. and fra. cemping. Wrilt 8oIl1.ohr. 417 E. Cantrtl. Sant. Mari.. CA 93454 or call 805/922·1295 for Hap Jones Distributing Co. P.O. Box 3236B San Jose, California 95152 mort info. CAUFORNIA ROAO RUN Kindrtd Spirits Outridtr 81..Ii' Run for P.I. Minion. SCMA. Info 818/331·8598. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Perri. Raceway. Perris, CA. All ct.u.. indud 3·......1"1. 6O-80cl:. 4-JtroUs, WOmlin. Vets IIId SrI. TrDJIh to hi point high school team It end of school.,..,.• ,0010 winne, of 3 lip d..h. 30" Sptsmn ttoph..... tr..h cut M)( trade. Prec 81m, rice 9. Entry .,3 Double tmu Rlcinll member., non-members Pros • 20. Double C a Racing. Info 714/371·8333. .. .,5. CAUFORNlA POKER RUN Start II Cyd. P.rts W ~ 13882 .. Beedl Blvd.. Westminster. CA. Sign-i" II 7:30·9:30 .m. 50/50 drawing. Priz.. ind.... 81W t.V.. 8 pc luggag. sat. ctwdlm phone, plus man. Fril colin tnd doughnuts .......... llrqt County Road Ridtrs. Info 714/530· 8378 or 213/418·5828. AMA/0-36 EURO SCRAMBUS Prliril City OMY Pill Prliril City. CA. All 0-36 tlUlIs plua Mini Bike race. 2 hOll" Sptsmn Iftnts. 1 hOlJ' short COUI'II Mini Bib rael. GatlS OPIn 6.m. lst ,_ 9. Entry $18. $10 Mini. $ 3 Wllth. Dirt m.lrs North M/C.lnfo 916/363-3153. NEVAOA MOTOCROSS Ftmlay MX Trtcll. NV. Nn.dt Stll. MX C" ship. 61h riel of 7 race serils. Info 7021575·2898. 10AHO MOTOCROSS OMC Racaway. Soill. 10. Sagus 8asin Rd. to Cartwright Ad. Follow signs to tJIcl Mini - Opln clISIIS. Entry $5 Mini. $10 81g and Int. $15 Es. W.tch $3. $1 6-12. Info 208/3770409. AMA WASHINGTOII MOTOCROSS 23 mil.. N.E. of Portland. OR. Talt. 1·5 10 Hwy SR 14. go 1111 .Iong Columbil to Hwy 140 in W"hoUOII. Follow signs to trIdt. All d...... 30% trophs. 100% Pro pb. Open 7 1m. prle 8. riCO 10. Entry $12. $17 P,o. Adminion $5. 8·1 t 13. unclor 8 trll. Info 503/248·11 06 or 206/892· 5441. OKlAHOMA TULSA MX Tulu. OK. South of Tulll Inttma· ti.... Racaway off Hwy 189 N' North 381tl St. All cI.... 33" 1rtIpIl. 1501 Es. pb. GIl. 8 '.m.. prlC. 9:30. rIC. 11. Entry $8 Splsmn, $12 Es.. $4 gats. Tulu AnI. MotOlporl•• InC. Info 918/288-8138 (ficlll. TEXAS MOSIER MX MoW, Valley MX Pori<. Ft. Worth• TX. All _ $804 _ _ td Es. p..... No pit riding or Itta pm. Prtc. h.m.. rtCI9_1ot. Es pm. 1:30 p.m. Entry $11 Sptamn. $18 Ea. Gil. $5. Info 214/357-4198. TEXAS CONROE MX Conrtll MX Pori<. Conrot. TX. 3 mi. _ 01 town to SIn Jaci..o Riftr. All _ . Tropil. or gilt can. to 8tIl in Mcrv. daIn. coacrrions IhowIrs' - - . Split_: prac. 8•.m.. . - 10; 1ot/Ea. raca 1 p.m. Entry i8 Splsmn, $15 Ea. GIl. 14. Info 7121 758-4114 (Connl. Sull. 273-2338 WINNERS! Carlsbad MX Carlsbad, CA, Aug. 26 1st 125 Pro DAVE BERGER KTM 125MX e TNT Raceway Lubbock, TX, Sept. 9 1st 125 Nov. RANDY MANDRELL KTM 125MX JOIN THE TEAM For More Information and a Brochure. Write: KTM West 315 W. Bradley, EI Cajon, CA 92020 DYNOJET RESEARCH, YOUR MOTORCYCLE CARBURETION RECALIBRATION SPECIALIST. • DYNOJET III SERIES: Offers you substantial 'performance for stock machines with street exhaust systems and intake modifications. • DYNOJET IV SERIES: For stock machines with racing exhaust system and intake modification. • The DYNOJET CARBURETOR RECAUBRATION gives you Smooth bore Performanca. Adjustability with Stock Carburetor Driveability. • Smooth Bore Performance without the smooth bore price. • The DYNOJET ·RECAUBRATION SYSTEMS are available for over 60 lata model motorcycles. HONDA YAMAHA SUZUKI OEM PA.RTS AND ACCESSORIES for .otorc~cl ... Scooten &ATV. We carry a full lin. of ICC.IlMes from ovar 120.manufacturers at dlecount prices. DYNOJETRESEARCH 1323 Schofteld Ave. Schofield. WlSCOnlin 5"78 • (715) 359--1921 ltrt

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