Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Trophee (Continued from page J 5) Thorpe, O'Mara and Johnson following. The positions changed lillie throughout the middle laps. As the time wound down to the last 10 minutes it was Rinaldi in third over a tight ballie between Jobe and Carlqvist for fourth. Thorpe held sixth over Nilsson with O'Mara and Johnson each a distance behind the other. The pressure apparently got to Rinaldi as be dropped LO fifth on one lap behind Jobe and Carlqvist and then to sixth behind Thorpe. Jobe began to close the gap on Glover as the laps ran out and was three seconds back in third when the flag dropped. Carlqvist, in fourth, was five seconds up on Thorpe with Rinaldi and Nilsson in sixth and seventh. A full 24 seconds split seventh place O'Mara from Johnson. Ward was jubilant. It was his day and rightfully so. It seemed he could do no wrong, even when he appeared to never ride the same exact line twice. "I just did what I had to so we could win," said Ward. "If Broc had looked like he wasn't having problems then I wouldn't have tried LO pass because who won the motoqidn't malleI' as much as winning the title.' didn't really have any problems although in the final laps it felt like the front tire was going soft or something." The "or something" proved LO be broken knobs on the left side of the front tire. Not the totally broken off kind, but one which were still on the tire by some of the rubber. "I've never seen a tire do that before. It's a really strange thing," said tuner Asch. '" have LO say this is the high point of the season for me. I'm not Jeff's regular tuner. Mike McAndrews' wife was having a baby and he didn't come." "I should have won the moLO," said Glover, "but' couldn't seem LO get the track dialed in about 10 minutes inLO the moLO and nothing I did seemed 10 go right." "I worked really hard for third in moLO one after a bad start," said O'Mara, "and things seemed to be going the same way in molO two. , didn't want to make any mistakes 10 let the team or Eric Crippa, my luner, down. , gOI a pit signal we had the title won with Jeff and Broc out front so I played it safe." Johnson was again the quietest of the riders, but let off a bit of steam in the trophy presentation when the riders were handed bOllles of carbonated grape juice - not the champagne variety - to spray the crowd. -For the fourth time in succession and what will probably be the laSI time, the Americans came away with the World Championship trophy as they have in the same number of MolOcross des Nations events. NeXI year, unless there is a major pOlitical battle in the FIM's Fall Congress LO alter the new World Championship team MX Cormat, one event called the MoLOcross des Nations will see 125, 250 and 500cc riders Crom each nation go head-IO-head in a single two-moLO event. • Results OVERALL: 1. U.S.A. (Broc Glover IRick Johnsonl Johnny O'MaralJeff Ward) 16; 2. Sweden (Hakan Carlqvist/Conny CarlssonlAnders Erikson/Jorgen Nilsson) 61; 3. Italy (Alberto Barolzi/Maurizio Dolce/Michele Rinaldi/Mark Velkeneersl 73; 4. Belgium (Georges Jobe/J. Claude Laquaye/Andre Malherbe/Andre Vromans) 97; 5. Finland (Kurt Liungqvist/MattiTarkkonen/Simo TaimolAri Viiril 109; 6. Germany(Arno Drechsel/Alois Niedermayr/ Manfred Schaeuble/Werner Siegle) 113; 7. Netherlands (Peter Herlings/Toon Karsmakers/Gert-Jan Van Ooorn/Kees van,derVen) 128: 8. Great Britain (Kurt Nicoll/Willie Simpson/Dave Thorpe/Jeremy Whatlay) 67 (3 DNFsl; 9. Luxembourg (Guy van Gijsegen/Jacky Martens/ Jo Martens/Jan van Poppel) 1 " (3 DNFs). lst MOTO: 1. Ward (Kaw); 2. Glover (Yam); 3. Terry Cunningham, 1984 National Enduro Champion 1be Lubrication Leader. ELEVEN Super Bike Rec:e. Held on the Finot Sundey of Eec:h Month Beginning in Februery Eech Veer $5.00 Gen. Admission includes Saturday Practice, Saturday Night Camping and Eleyen Championship Grand Prix Events on Sunday. Rider Information Contact ARRA Son'" Borbo.., Californio (BOS) 966·5700 Willow Spring. In1emational Raceway Ro..mond. Colifornio (B05) 256·2471 O'Mara (Honl; 4. Rinaldi {Suz}; 5. Malherbe{Hon); 6. 9. Valkenaer. (Gil); 1 D. Martens (KTM). 2nd MOTO: 1. Ward; 2. Glover; 3. Jobe; 4. Carlq- Thorpe (Hon); 7. Johnson (Yam); 8. Vromans (Hon: vist; 5. Thorpe: 6. Rinaldi; 7. Nilsson (Hon); 8. O'Mara; 9. Johnson; 10. Carlsson (Yam). 21

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