Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WEST ~ Cl<") .... (l) ,.0 o .... u o the major factory' teams' will be in Rosamond for the race with Honda." Yeah, all none of them. There are minor details; Cooley winning the "Suzuki" (don't tell Honda that) Eight-hour; Cooley winning his first-ever Winston Pro Series F-J race "last year" (actually three or four year ago) at Road America. There are referral to the AMA as American "MoLOrcycle" (instead of Motorcyclist) Association, and Cooley's "20-month-old daughter Alexis born Christmas day 1982" (how about 1983?)_ Some of these are minor, perhaps typographical errors, sure, and roadracing could use all the press it can get, but gee .... These are professional athletes in a professional sport and the very least they deserve is to have their names' spelled correctly, or at least close. Perhaps I could get a job at the Antelope Valley Press! America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Cla)'lOll. Pubbshn Mike Klinger. Comptroller Skip Johnson. A~Qcialt! Publish~r/ Natronal Snit's Manager Caroline Gendry. £xuutil~ Surt!tary to tltt! Pubtuhn Editori.1 John Uldeh Ed,lor D.dc Brown. Senior Editor Kil Palmer. Assocu'(e Editor Rl'X Rc..'esc. Ft!alurt! Editor PAULGECK Tarzana, CA • Advertising Terry Prall. Sales Manager Mike pencer. Salt'.f Mn1lagf!r Tim Ryan. Sales Manager Linda Brown, Adt1t:Tl;sing Coordmntor Nancy Wastell. AdTI("rtising .Editorial Maybe, but probabLy not untiL you Learn to add - A Lexis CooLey was born in 1982 ... Editor. ASSIstant A hard life Thought John Ulrich might like this picture to document the difficult conditions he works under. Kellie Truelson. Adllt"rtising As~·,.)ttHJt Gr.phics .nd Production Lori T\'!>OIl. GraphIc Artist L1rr)' Cill. GraphIC Artist Marion Halashila. TYPt!Sf!ttn Sheila Larsen. Ty~sl!ttn Dennis Gn-ene. Lab, T«h. Accounting/O.t. Processing Donna BryOlll, AccQl.wts RUt'ivDblt! Coord'nator Gellt"\'3 Repass. ASSIStant Fran Hamwt'y. Cr("dit Circul.tion Rheba Smith. MauQ/{t!r Michel1t' H"l)na. AsslSltmt Sardh Ta)·lor. Assistant Dcbbit' Walker, ASSIstant Lyna Hood. Assi tant Oe.ler S.....nd Service Bob Elliott. Dt"alt!r Sal("s A'a11agn W.ntAds Judy l-liIKenix'rK. IVant Ad Sales Service .nd Support Chris Aitcheson, Reuptio,,;sl Gregory Hanson, S~S West 220 I Cht:rry Aw., Long Beach. CA P.O. Box 498. Lnng Beach. CA 90801().I98 (213) 427-7433: L.A. Line 636-8844. 1190 First Ave.. Tucker, GA, P,O. Box 805. Tucker. GA 30085-0805. (404) 934-7850. Cycle News West (USPS H 1-340) is publishrd weekly except the first and last week of the C"alendar year for $25 per year by Cycle News. Inc.. 2201 Cherry Avenue. Long Bead•. CA 90806. Second class post~lgt: paid at Long Beach. CA. POSTMASTER: Send form 3679 to Cycle _ . P.O. Box 498. Long Beech. CA 90801-0498. Subscription niles: Ont' year. s('cOlld class mail. 25: two )'('ars. second class mail. '15: tllrn- years. s«ond class mail $68: 25 weeks. SI3, ForeiKn mtes avclil;:lblt.' on request. Cyclt" Nt'ws \\'t'lcomes unsolicited editorial m.llt'rial including stories. C"drtoons. photo~. ('Ie. Such material. if pubJi~hed. bt-comt'.ll lht" exclusin~ property of Cycle News. Such aca'pted malt'ri::ll issubjen to re\'ision as is llt'eess3ry in the sole discretion of Cycle News. Unsolicited material which i5 not used will be retumed if accompanied by a self addressed .lliamped envelopt'. All unsoliciled material will be handled with rt'...sonable care. how('\'er. Cyclt" New.ll assumes no responsibility for tht' safely.lo:..sordamaKe to such m~ltt'riart only by permission of lhc publisher. Ad\'erlisin,,; mit's and circulation informalion ",ill Ix- sem upon rt'

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