Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a Dodge sandwich. Wilh one lap to go, Fuerst gave it his best shot and got the lead back to take the win with Eddie Dodge second and Andy third. Klatt also finally got thing working and although he finished third he took no placement since he is a Pro rider. The comment was made that if the vintage bikes kept showing up they would get their own class was met with boos from the Dodge brothers who want to race with the newer tm!chinery. Still if there is enough interest in the older bikes, Racing Association of Cycle Enthusiasts officials said they would give them a class of their own and if they wanted they could also race the regular event. Results TT PEE WEE: 1. Devid King (Hon); 2. Robbie Hirsch (Yem). MINIS: 1. Ron West (Kew); 2. David Welch (Hon); 3. Lonnie O'Neal (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Lyle Dove (Vam); 2. Mark Sheets (Vam); 3. Tyson Voll (Kaw). 250 AM/EX: 1. Mark Ledbetter (Kaw); 2. Bob Gabler (Vam); 3. Greg Nelson (Vam). N.S.O.T.H.G.: 1. Don Meiner (Vam); 2. Gilles Giauffer (Vam). OPEN NOV: 1. Jim VanDyke (Hon); 2. Glenn Turner (Yam); 3. Charles Marcucci (Yam). OPEN AM/EX: 1. Jim Street (Vam); 2. Robert laChance (Hon); 3. Richard Schroeder (Vam). OPEN MONEY: 1. Jeff Johnson (Hon); 2. Ross Klatt (H-D); 3. Bobby Sanders (Vam). HALF MILE MINI: 1. Ron West (Vam); 2. David Welch (Hon); 3. Lonnie O'Neal (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Mark Sheets (Vam); 2. Tyson Voll (Kaw); 3. Donald Andre (Vam). 250 AM: 1. Don Ambrose (Vam); 2. Matt Stoutenburg (Vern); 3. Bob Gabler (Yam). 250 EX: 1. Mark Ledbetter (Kaw); 2. Brian Barrick (yam); 3. Russ Geita (Bul). N.S.O.T.H.G.: 1. Bob Huntsmen (Vam); 2. Richard Schroeder (Yam); 3. Gilles Giauffer (Yam). OPEN NOV DIV I: 1. John Fuerst (Yam); 2. Eddie Dodge (Ind); 3. Andy Dodge (H-D). OPEN NOV DIV II: 1. Ricky Stecyk (Vam); 2. Merk Bailey (Suz); 3. Charles Marcucci (Yam). OPEN AM: 1. Robert laChance (Hon); 2. Brian Runyan (Yam); 3. Don Meiner (Vam). OPEN EX: 1. Jim Kesler (Vam); 2. Dan Kane (Yam); 3. Jim Steet (Yam). 250 MONEV: 1. Brian Berrick (Yam); 2. RustY Gaite (Bul). OPEN MONEV: 1. Jeff Johnson (Hon); 2. Ross Klatt (Yam); 3. Ron Sheets (Rtx). Hunnicutt doubles in Jackrabbits' D-37 DES By R.A. Alexander REDMOUNTAIN,CA,AUG.25-26 The Shamrocks' Ted Hunnicutt (Yam) continued to ride in a red-hot fashion, blistering the competition in the Jackrabbits AMA D-37 Dual European Scrambles. Hunnicutt captured the Open Amateur/Expert everits on both days to run his win streak to four in a row. Husky's Dan Smith, looking a little sore from his crash at the previous event, started on Saturday but only made one lap before pulling out of the race_ Smith G1me back the following day, however, and finished a close second. Smith's teammate Dan Ashcraft was on the gas both days, starting with a second on Saturday. On Sunday he took a fourth behind Hunnicutt, Smith and M-Star rider Chuck Stearns of the Checkers. Honda rider Derrick "Paydirt" Paiement captured the 250cc Expert win on Saturday, finishing just seconds ahead of fellow Honda rider John Blakeney. Blakeney took the win on Sunday as Paiement faded to fourth with a flat tire. Ed Ogden of the Checkers recorded a 3-2 weekend. Looking smooth and stylish, Lori Farmer took her Honda to wins in both days of Women's Division racing. Fellow Expert Vicki SCOlt was second each time out. Cagiva-mounted Tom Elias was another double winner, taking the C bike class both days. Charlie Morris (Hus) was runner-up on Saturday; Greg Johnston (KTM) on Sunday. Of note was the close third-overall finish of first Amateur Brian Harri on Saturday. Also performing well that day was first Novice Malt Alexander (KTM). enior Division leader Bill Saltzman swept his class as well, leading wire to wire on both days. Bob Ashcraft, who has an oHspring of orne note, took the Senior Open Novice winon aturday, whileSoCal member D.R. Burch look the Senior Open Amateur laurels on Sunday. In the Vets class on Saturday, Darryl Elli streaked to win over Saltzman and Bill Becker of the Rovers. On Sunday, Mike Fitzgerald turned in a fast bomb run and then held on to take the overall on a 250. • • C(j .... v ...0 o ..... Results SATURDAV OPEN: 1. Ted Hunnicutt (Vam); 2. Dan Ashcraft (Hus); 3. Chris Crandall (Atk). OPEN AM: 1. Nick Voung (Hon); 2. Craig Rimlinger (Vam); 3. Alex Long (Varni. OPEN NOV: 1. Dale Linek(Yam); 2_ Mike Johnson (Yam); 3. Jame Fowler (Yam). OPEN BEG; 1. Mike Eiland (Vam); 2. Jess Anders (Hus); 3. Henry Sorcelli (Hon). 250 EX: 1. Derrick Paiement (Hon); 2. John Blakeney (Hon); 3. Ed Ogden (Vam). 250 AM: 1. Ken Hansing (Vam); 2. Dennis Torgerson (Vam); 3. Tim Clark (Vam). 250 NOV: 1. Laird Schweikart (Hon); 2. Darrel Tayler (Husl; 3. Frank Westrum (Vam). 250 BEG: 1. Charles Lamson (Vam); 2. Kit Hale (KTM); 3. Chris Lind (Vam). 175 EX: 1. Tom Elias (Cag); 2. Charlie Morris Jr. (Hus); 3. John Braasch Jr. (Hon). 250 AM: 1. Brian Harris (Cag); 2. Tony Stuart (Yam); 3. Bob Schrieder (Vam). 250 NOV: 1. Matt Alexander (KTM); 2. Shawn Van (Yam); 3. Ed Larosche (KTM). 175 BEG: 1. Keith Loonsfoot (Suzl; 2. Tim Thompson (Suz); 3. Jason Lcdas (Suz). VET OPEN EX: 1. Darryl Ellis (Yam); 2. Bill Saltzman (Husl; 3. Tim Saueressig. VET OPEN AM: 1. Jim Robinson (Hus); 2. Tom Martin (Hon); 3. Pete Medina (Hon). VET OPEN NOV: 1. Glenn Lyles (Hon); 2. John Taylor (Vam); 3. Mike Voung (Hon). VET OPEN BEG: 1. Tom Van Beueren; 2. John Hadash (Hon); 3. Randy Keefer (Yam). VET 250 EX: 1. Bill Becker (Hon); 2. Charlie Vandevoore (Kaw); 3. Earl Schuler (Yam). VET 250 AM: 1. Steve SpragIe (Hus); 2. Ken Hodgton (Yam); 3. Tim Clark (Yam). VET 250 NOV: 1. Mike Reagan (Husl; 2. Bill Howell (Vam); 3. Bob Freeman (Hon). SR OPEN EX: 1. Bill Saltzman (Hus); 2. Art Knapp (Hus); 3. Curt Horst. SR OPEN AM: 1. John Hessick (Hus); 2. Sterling Varner (Hus); 3. D.R. Burch (Hon). SR OPEN NOV: 1. Bob Ashcraft (Hus); 2. Bob Henna (Hus); 3. Dick Hughes (Hon). SR 250 EX: 1. Jim Bringhurst (Hus); 2. Ron Hall (Yam); 3. AI Guzman (KTM). SR 250AM: 1. Gary Brick (KTM); 2. John Braasch Sr. (Vam); 3. Denny Wilson (KTM). SR NOV: 1. Tom Gowing. SR 175 EX: 1. Larry Gordon (Kaw); 2. David Kersting (Kaw); 3. John Ven (Yam). • SR 175 AM: 1. James Wilson (Kaw); 2. Jack Overholt (Yam). WOMEN EX: 1. Lori Farmer (Hon). WOMEN AM: 1. Joanna Brownell (Hus); 2. Denis Devines (Suzl. WOMEN NOV: 1. Cindy Goodman (Hon); 2. Sharon Brown (Yam); 3. Anne Crawlord (KTM). SUNDAY OPEN EX: 1. Ted Hunnicutt (Yam); 2. Dan (Sa no) Smith (Hus); 3. Chuck Stearns (M-S). OPEN AM; 1. Rick Guertin (Vern); 2. Craig Rimlinger (Yem); 3. Steve Liebleit. OPEN NOV: 1. Doug Broaddus (Honl; 2. Dave Miller (Honl; 3. Daniel Olson (Yam). OPEN BEG: 1. Jess Anders (Hus); 2. Mike Eiland (Yam); 3. Keith Arnold (Suz). 250 EX: 1. John Blakeney (Hon); 2. Ed Ogden (Yam); 3. John Rudder (Cag). 250 AM: 1. Ken Hensing (Yaml; 2. Dennis Torgerson (Vam); 3. Curt Crandall (KTM). 250 NOV: 1. Sandy Robertson (Vam); 2. Darrell Teylor (Hus); 3. Laird Schweikart (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. Jim Dranou (Vam); 2. Ron Byrum (Hon); 3. Kit Hale (KTM). 175 EX: 1. Tom Elias (cag); 2. Greg Johnston (KTM); 3. John Braasch Jr. (Hon). 175 AM: 1. Ty Davis (Suz); 2. Deve Kennedy (KTM); 3. Merk Dey (Kaw). 175 NOV: 1. Gary Christie (Hon); 2. David Alford (Kaw); 3. Shawn Van (Yam). 175 BEG: 1. Clint Daniel Jr. (Kaw). VET OPEN EX: 1. Darryl Ellis (Yam); 2. Mike Mulconery (Hon); 3. Bill Saltzman (KTM). VET OPEN AM: 1. Jim Robinson (Hus); 2. Tom Hanson (Husl; 3. R. Patterson (Mai). VET OPEN NOV: 1. Steve Downing (Hus); 2. Glenn Lyles (Hon); 3. Cody Watts (Hus). VET OPEN BEG: 1. Randy Keefer (Varni; 2. John Hadash (Hon); 3. Mike Alessi (Husl. VET 250 EX: 1. Mike Fitzgerald (Husl; 2. Bill Becker (Hon); 3. Earl Schuler (Yam). VET 250 AM: 1. Ken Hodgton; 2. Jerry Gilpin (Yam); 3. Jim Hruby (Varni. VET 250 NOV: 1. David Schneider (KTM); 2. Mike R.agan (Hus); 3. Tim carlson (Hus). SR OP EX: 1. Bill Seltzman (Hus); 2. Art Knapp (Hus); 3. Bill Healy (Hus). SR OP AM: 1. D.R. Burch (Hon); 2. John Hessick (Yem); 3. Bob Scott (Hon). SR OP NOV: 1. Jim Hammons (Hus); 2. Ed Denbou (Yaml; 3. Bob Bentsen (Yam). 250 SR EX: 1. Jim Bringhurst (Hus); 2. AI Guzman (KTM); 3. Paul Ziegler (Vam). 250 SR AM: 1. Ed McNebb (Hus); 2. Dennis Wilson (KTM); 3. Art Cossio (Yam). 250 SR NOV: 1. Tom Gowing (Vam). 250 SR BEG: 1. Brian Kamisto (Hon). WOMEN EX: 1. Lori Farmer (Hon); 2. Vicki Scott (Hus). WOMEN AM: 1. Joanna Brownell (Hus); 2. Denise DeVines (Suz); 3. Laurie Hammel (KTM). WOMEN NOV: 1. Suzi Loonsfoot (Hon); 2. Liz Scott (Kaw); 3. Loree Dayton (Hon). u o C orb10 ~~~ZE =tiC THE '8OO-S38-703SUSAO WORLD'S • 800-662-6296 in CA "GUNFIGHTER" The Seddlei. Now Available for Ninja. Red, Bleck and Grey. Color Matched or All Bleck. The Designer Look By Mike Corbin. Retail $149.00 123-C Lee ROIld Box 1562. Wetsonville. CA 95077-1562 .. 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