Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ted Hunnicutt was hot at the Jackrabbits' 0-37 Dual European Scrambles, topping the Open Experts twice. OVER 30: 1. Troy Rapp (Yam~ 2. Terry Burghardl (Hon); 3. Den Howle (Hon); 4. Arley Williams (Hon): 5. John lHon). 1251NT: 1. Tommy Collier (Kew); 2. Da.. Skinner (Yam I; 3. Todd EJchberll'll (Kew); 4. Jeeon Lenvston (Yam); 5. Buster Grahem (Kew); 6. Tony Leuter (Kew). 250 INT: 1. Tony Leuter (l(ew); 2..ley Jostrand (Kew); 3. Todd Esc:hberII'Ir (l(ew); 4. John Morell (SUI): 5. Devid Beokin (Hon~ 6. .Jeff Ce_1 (Kew). 125 PRO: 1. Kit VlCk (Kew); 2. Dennis Daft (Yam); 3. Billy Whitley (Kew~ 4. Eddie Vreeland (Hon): 5. Cheel P'lrker (Kew~ 6. Rusty Dovell (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. Dennis o.ft (Yam); 2. Jerry Surber Jr. (Hon~ 3. Mike Brey (Kew~ 4. Rusty Pipes (Kew); 5. Ron Dunfee (Ysm); 6. Bryan Abernethy (Honl. s-v McCoy real in SRACMX By Larry Johnson PUEBLO, CO, SEPT. 9 Brant McCoy increased his slim lead in the Sports Riders Association of Colorado BOcc Expert class by winning the overall, 34 although he didn't win either moto. At the same time, his top pursuer, Darren DeLoach, was having prob· lems. Barry Carson jumped to an early lead in moto one, which he held to the checkers. Robert Rose chased early before yielding to McCoy and DeLoach. DeLoach, involved in a firstturn pile-up, had to charge hard to finish third. Jay Martin grabbed the mota-two holeshot and went flag to nag for the win. McCoy folJowed in second and on lap four was being challenged by 'DeLoach. On the next go-'round, DeLoach endoed trying to pas McCoy. By mota's end, DeLoach was only back to sixth after remounting, and had to settle for fifth overall. Robert Revoir did not win a mota in the 80cc Amateur class either, but he al a captured the overall. Scott Chisman stole the first mota holeshot ahead of Jeff Hopkins and Revoir. The order remained the same to the checkers. In round two, Kenny Carson took the lead on lap two and held it to the finish. Revoir, meanwhile, was working his way up from fourth to second, where he finished. His 3-2 day bettered Hopkin's 2-4 and Troy Lessar's 4-5. Shawn Morgan and Ryan Echer diced for both motos in the 60cc Amateur class with Morgan getting the upper hand each time. Echer was pressing Morgan hard in mota one when he crashed and finished well off Morgan's pace but still in second. In mota two, Echer spent the whole race catching up to Morgan, and at the nag he was side-by-side with Morgan. But Morgan took the win by a wheel-length. Results 60 NOV: 1. Brian Diehl (Vam); 2. Ched Boggs (Kaw); 3. AI"" Neir (Yam). 60 AM: 1. Shewn Morgan (Kew); 2. Ryan Echer (Kaw). eo NOV: 1. Darrin McKnivht (Kew); 2. Dennis Grimes (Yam); 3. Erich Whiteford (Kew). eo AM: 1. Robert Revoir (Kew); 2. Jeff Hopkins (Kaw); 3. Troy Lesser (Vem). 80 EX: 1. Brant McCoy (Vaml; 2. Barry Carson (Vam); 3. Jay Martin (Kawl. 125NOV: I.JerryJohnson (Kaw); 2. MikeGuinn (Hon); 3. Kurt Eichecker (KTM). 125 AM: 1. Barry Carson (Vam); 2. Robert Rose (Kaw): 3. Darrell Denning (Hon). 125 PRO: 1. Kevin McKnight (Kaw); 2. Tim Buchli (Vam); 3. Jim MitchellfCag). OPEN PRO; 1. Lyman Green (Vam); 2. Curt Frank (Hon); 3. Mike Rentfrow (Hus). OPEN AM; 1. Kendell Coniff (Suz); 2. Don Kesterson (Hon): 3. Rick Doug (Vam). OPEN PRO; 1. Chris Sundstrom (Hon); 2. Dave Newell (Hon); 3. Robert Hanrahan (Vam). VET NOV; 1. Don Doubleday (Vam); 2. Gene Lucas (Yam): 3. Danny Hagins (Hon). VET AM: 1. Rick Merrill (KTM); 2. Bruce Mills (Yam); 3. Robert Kimbrel (Hon). VET EX; 1. Monty Kyle (Vam); 2. Dan Greenwood (Yaml; 3. Richard Dostal (Hon). SR NOV: ,. Jim Anderson IKaw); 2. Devid Rockwell (Hon). SR EX; 1. Jim Thompson (Hus). Gray hooks up at Cycleland ST By David James CHICO, CA, SEPT. 8 Kenny Gray on his ABCO Business Forms/Smith Painting/ JMI Racing/John Mason-sponsored Honda took three wins at the Moural Associates Cycleland Speedway. Gray, who closed in on the District 36 black-plate points lead, showed excellent short track skill by winning the 250 and 500cc Expert mains, as well as the extra money race. The 250cc Expert main started out as an elbow-to-elbow contest between Honda-mounted Mike Gresham and Gray, but Knight Racing Frames! Shoei-sponsored Teddy Taylor got the holes hot on his Honda. Gresham claimed the second spot after he tangled up with Gray. With their handlebars locked together, Gres- ham went down, and Gray came up with second. But Gray lost a lot of time, and Taylor sensed this. For the first couple of laps Taylor seemed to maintain a constant distance, but with only three laps to go, Gray started making his move. As they entered turn one, Taylor stayed inside and Gray outside. Gray had a nice drive oH the turn, pulled ahead along the back straight, and from then on, it was Gray. Taylor settled for second and JMI Racing's Dave Kerr picked up third. For the 500cc Expert main Mike Gresham roared his Honda to the front, but Yamaha-mounted Gray kept the throttle twisted going into the first turn and led coming out of the turn. After the race he said, "I like it when the track is wet and tacky, because you don't need to shut off." On lap five, Gray had established a tremendous lead. However, the interesting part of the race was Hondamounted Taylor. Slowly, he started closing on second-place Gresham. With the white flag out, Taylor patiently followed Gresham's line as Gresham pushed his Honda hard into turn three while hugging the inside, but Taylor had him figured out. Taylor went in deep and he got on the gas early. He then powered his way around Gresham for the secondplace finish by a wheel. Meanwhile, Gray collected more points for the black-plate number one. Results 250 EX: 1. Ken Grey (Hon~ 2. Ted Teylor(Hon); 3. Dave Kerr (Yem). 25ONOV; 1.~EaIes(Yam~2. Mark Hoover; 3. David Gresham (Yam~ eo NOV; 1. Paut Seim (Kew~ 2. Paul_(Yam~ 3. S _ Greshem (Yam~ SOD EX: I.KenGrey(Yam~ 2. Ted Teylor(Hon);3. Mike Gresham (Hon). EX1'IIA MONEY: 1. Ken Gnay (Yam~ 2. Ed Teylor (C-Al; 3. John Teylor (Mel). SOD NOV, 1. Sherman Gnaaham (Hon~ 2. ~ E_(Yam~ Nicholls buzzes to S.I.R. RR wins By Bruce Scholten KENT, WA, SEPT. 9 It's a new era in 450cc class racing as the two-stroke Yamaha RZs continued their domination at Seattle International Raceway's AMA semi-pro road race. Tony Nicholls came down from British Columbia, Canada, to give some local RZ riders a hard time. "I had a helluva time beating Mark Haskins in the Production race," said Nicholls, "but the bike seemed to hook up well with the new Laser and Metzeler Perfect rear tires." Nicholls is yet another motocross hero whose injuries prompted an i'1terest in road racing. He works hard and bears watching. "I was fast from the first, but inconsistent. So I drove down to S.I.R. a while back to practice for three hours and that helped." icholls also won the 450cc Cafe race, but this time Some Clown Racing's Tom Marx took second, relegating Haskins' RZ to third. It's worth noting that Chris Ninaud rode a 250 Moto-Morini V-twin to eighth in this race. Vintage racers not only don't die, they don't fade away either. Instead of a few old clunkers putting around, a healthy contingent of very handsome machinery gridded for the combined 500ccand Open final. The Triumph of John Westphalen led John McDougall's big Norton to the wire. Steve Giblin's SG Machine-sponsored BSA was the first of 10 half-liter machines 10 see the checkered flag. Richard Mitchell u ed a Matchless to beat Steve Harding's BSA for second. Joe Davis was on hand to contest five classes, and he took three. ''The people at Renton Suzuki are ex-racers; they're good to work for and they've been solidly behind me all the way. I wanted to win the number one plate for them, and afte.r tallying up all the points, I think it's sewn up," said the somewhat-tired victor of 600cc Production, Cafe and Open Cafe. Davis is also a successful drag racer with his llOOcc Godzilla Suzuki. But since its crankshaft broke at Westood, he put its fairing on an old eight-valve, one-liter Suzuki, and he used that 10 defeat Steve Littlejohn in the Open race. Results SUPERBlKE; ,. Chuck Wiley (Su~ 2. Keith Pink· staff (SUI~ 3. Dale ZIock (Suz). 450 MOD; 1. Tony Nicholls (Yam); 2. Tom Marx (Yam~ 3. Mark Heekins (Yam). OPEN VINTAGE: 1. John Westphalen ITri~ 2. John McDoug11l (Nor); 3. Alan Demel ITri). OPEN PROD; 1. St_ Uttlejohn (SUI); 2. Joe Devi. (SUI); 3. Mervin Braun fHon). OPEN MOD PROD: 1. Joe Devis (SUI); 2. S _ Littlejohn (Kaw); 3. Dave Samoa (Kew). F-l; 1. Keith Pinksteff (Suz); 2. Chuck WileyfSul); 3. Joe Davi. (SUI). BOD PROD; 1. Joe Davi. (SUI); 2. Doug Renfrow (SUI); 3. Ken Wimer (Hon). BOD MOD PROD; 1. Joe Devi. (SUI); 2. Jeff Moder (Yam): 3. Ken Wimer (Hon). OPEN GP SINGLE: 1. Howard Pinkstaff (Yam); 2. Matthew Ward (Yam); 3. Tod Cornwell (Yam). SOD VINTAGE: 1. S _ Giblin (BSA); 2. Richard Mitchell (Mat~ 3. Stave Harding (BSA). 750 PROD; 1. Shewn Srnoak(Hon); 2. Brian Sato (SUI); 3. Rey Saagle (Hon). B60 MOD PROD: 1. Dsi. Zlock (SUI); 2. Lerry Veviv (SUI~ 3. Rey Segala (Hon). 750 MOD PROD; 1. Shawn Smoak (Hon); 2. Brian Sato (SUI); 3. Rick Mungle (sull. 450 PROD; 1. Tony Nicholls (Yam); 2. Mark Haskin. (Yam~ 3. Tom Man< (Yam). TIle groom goes vroom at Corona HM/TT By Elaine Jones CORONA, CA, AUG. 26 Jeff Johnson got married Saturday, came racing on Sunday and proved marriage agreed with him by winning both the TT and half mile and Open Money goes at Corona Raceway. Johnson Jet it all hang out in the Open Money TT where he took his Honda 10 the front off the pack and never gave the rest of the field a thought. Jay Lewis started second but Bobby Sanders got by him on the second lap and then Ross Klatt followed one lap later. Klatt and Sanders played cat and mouse for several laps before Klatt took over second with two laps to go. With time running out all Klatt had to do was ride defensively and that's exactly what he did. The half mile was not so easy for Johnson. He did get the lead off the line but this time Klatt was in second and Ron Sheets, was third. Coming up on the halfway mark, Johnson got a surprise as Klatt went by. It took some real manuevering to find a line that would put Johnson in front again, but it happened on the white£lag lap when Klatt got a little high in tum four and Johnson was there. He regained the number one spot and held it to the checkered with Klatt second and Sheets third. Kla tt had one more race to run and this one was just for fun because he was asked to ride an Indian to see how his friend's bike would hold up against the Dodge brothers entries. The boys from Acton, California, were on hand with two Indians, one Harley and one Triumph. The class was the Open Novice half mile, division one. Off the line it was John Fuerst on an ordinary Yamaha with the lead. Harley-mounted Andy Dodge was second and Indian-mounted Eddie Dodge was third. Klatt, having problems sorting out the shift mechanism of the Indian, was seventh. On the third lap Ed Dodge and his Indian took over the lead so Fuerst was now

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