Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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w Cl o w a:: ~ > III g o ::r: lL ~ ~ l-o Q,) ..c o ... u o Jeff Roskelley soared to a third place in the Pro claaa at Alaaka 'a Kincaid Park, thia atter troublea in the first moto. 250 EX: 1. Shlwn Mlhn; 2. Rob HIli; 3. Shlnon Shamblin. 500 BEG: 1. Mlrk Gibbs; 2. Curtis Powell; 3. eaniel Stinson. 500 NOV: 1. #6; 2. #39: 3. 1187. 500 INT: 1. 1143; 2. Micheel Price; 3. 1158. 500 EX: 1. Rlndy Normln; 2. Rick Lee; 3. Dlnny Sanchez. 4-STROKE BEG: 1. Rick Rethovet; 2. Jeff Jones. 4-STROKE NOV: 1. FrInk Nenstiel; 2. Larry White; 3. Michael Robbins. 4-STROKE rNT: ,. Louis Peick Jr.; 2. Jon Wells. 4-STROKE EX: 1. Rlndy Normln. WOMEN NOV: ,. Mimi Selly. WOMEN INT: 1. Use Peterson. WOMEN EX: 1. Klren Leitinger; 2. TIm TrICV; 3. Sherry l.owefy. VET 250 BEG: ,. Jerry Wooderd: 2. Bill Schultz. VET 250 NOV: ,. Mike Simpson; 2. Jerry Mullins; 3. Steve Youngberg. VET 250 INT: 1. Jeck Pritchlrd. VET 250 EX: 1. Alln Gerkey; 2. Jeff Larsen; 3. Jonn Frenco. VET 500 BEG: 1. DIve Irvin; 2. HI' Wildey; 3. DIne Thompson. VET 500 NOV: 1. Bill Short; 2. FrInk Nenstiel. VET500INT: ,. Jim HewkinsSr.; 2. RllphDudley. VET 500 EX: 1. John Perry. 2. Rllph Mendenhall; 3. Danny Sanchez. Good, Butler serve up Alaska MX wins By M.R. Edge ANCHORAGE, AK, SEPT. 9 (Han); 3. Konny Moddu. {VIm); 4. Rob I..8e8on (VIm); 5. Tom Smith (Suz). 250 INT: 1. Tom Thomsen (ylm); 2. Doug DI.ison (Suz); 3. Tony Strlngio (KIwI; 4. Chris Cedmln (Suzl; 5. Ruben AI.lrlldo (Suz). 250 PRO: 1. Tommy Combs (Ylm); 2. Tony Spear (Suz); 3. Scan ConIWlY (ylm); 4. Colin RYln (VIm); 5. Gerry Lattimer (KIwI. 500 INT: 1. Ron Lawson (Hon); 2. Kit Pllmer (Hon); 3. Scan Vonzor (Hon); 4. Ruben Fllcon (Hon); 5. Jeff Cllusen (Hon). VET JR: 1. Richlrd Buler (Ylm); 2. Kevin Soltlon (Suzl: 3. Lani Emlry (Suz). VET INT: ,. Robort Cooko (Hon); 2. Plur Wilde (Ylm). VET EX: 1. Mlrino BIS1ionell (Suz); 2. Ron Tuzinsky (Ylm); 3. Mikl Norris (Suzl; 4. Jlcobs (Hon); 5. Nick Costollo (Hon). Tutfobene, Peick top D-37 Doublecross GP By Charleen Ho CARLSBAD, CA, SEPT. 9 The Four-Stroke and 200cc Division's put on quite a show for the Doublecross D-37 Grand Prixat Carlsbad Raceway. Joey 82 Tuttobene (l2Scc Pro) topped the 200cc class as Louis Peick Jr., (Inter·mediate) paved the way for the bellowing four-strokes. With a mid-morning start, the200s and four-strokes enjoyed the overcast weather. Shannon Shamblin (12Scc Pro) dialed it in and stole the holeshot as the pack exited the drag strip, up and over a wooden bridge and into a left-hand corner dogleg. Joey Tuttobene (l2Scc Pro), Ken Campbell (12Scc Pro), Randy Norman (Four-stroke Pro) and Louis Peick Jr., (Four-stroke Int.) clung side by side as they too left sight. Craig Lee (l2Scc lot), Richard Van Der Linden (l2Scc Int), Frank Nenstiel (Fourstroke Novice), Greg Roybal (l2Scc Int) and Mark Vanscourt (l2Scc Int) tucked in close behind as Jon Wells (Four-stroke lot), Rick Rethovet (Four-stroke Beg.), David Bress (l2Scc Novice) and Mike Hallahan (12Scc Novice) trailed alongside. Shamblin set an impeccable pace as Tuttobene and Campbell fought side-by-side. Lee moved into fourth as Van Der Linden, Peick and Roybal made their moves. Vancourt, Nenstiel and Bress rounded the top ten overall. Shamblin increased his lead as Norman moved into second. Tuttobene and Campbell perservered as Lee, Van Der Linden, Roybal and Vanscourt fought (or positions. Peick, Bress and Hallahan set the stage for some fierce passing as Leivan moved into sight. Shamblin and Norman dropped out due to mechanical failures as Tuttobene grabbed the lead. His smooth and consistant pace was pay- ing off as Campbell, Lee, Van Der Linden and Vanscourt were the top five runners. Peick, Bress, Hallahan and Leivan diced back and forth as Kevin Yamauchi (12Scc Beg) entered the realm. Tuttobene and Campbell set their distance apart from Lee, Van Der Linden and Vanscourt, while Roybal, Bress, Peick and Hallahan set a new time. Leivan and Yamauchi kept each other in sight while John Wendell (l2Scc Novice) and Dave Herreria (I 25cc Novice) let their positions be known. Tuttobene and Campbell drew the crowd's eye as some (ine passing of lapped riders was exhibited by both. Lee, Van Der Linden and Vanscourt maintained their positions while Roybal succumbed to mechanical (ailure. Bress moved into sixth while Hallahan overtook Peick. Lei van and Yamauchi were still going at one another. Tuttobene, Campbell, Lee, Van Der Linden and Vanscourt were the ones to watch. Bress pressed past Hallahan with Peick and Leivan close at hand. Yamauchi and Wendell continued their duo in (ront of Herreria. The top ten maintained a consistent pace unlike the duo of Wendell and Herreria. Herreria madea daring pass moving up another position. while Wendell was being speculated by Sean Smorick (12Scc Beginner). On the white £lag lap, Tuttobene and Campbell became intertwined with additional lapped riders as did Lee, Van Der Linden and Vanscourt. Bress set quite a distance on Hallahan while Peick, Leivan and Yamauchi kept company. Herreria, Wendell and Smorick slid into some close lines with anticipation o( the final lap. With the checkers came top honors for the 200s of Tuttbene, Campbell, Lee, Van Der Linden and Vanscourt. Bress finished top Novice with Hallahan and Leivan some distance behind. For the four-strokes, Peick dialed in numero uno with Nenstiel, Well's top Intrmediates and Rick Rethovet as top Beginner. Results 60: 1. Cnris Cortoz; 2. Eric Hlug; 3. Jlson Clrroll. BO BEG: 1. Stln Hlso; 2. Chris Hlught; 3. JUln Martin Avila. BO NOV: 1. Joe Hobdon: 2. Don Cllrk; 3. Joff Fine. BO INT: 1. Bress; 2. Dunn Voyer; 3. Dugln Sanders, 200 BEG: 1. Kevin Vlmluehi; 2. Seln Smorick; 3. Joe. 200 NOV: 1. Dlvid Bress: 2. Mike Hllllhln; 3. Greg Leivan. 200INT: 1. Crlig Lee: 2. RichlrdVln Der Unden; 3. Mlrk Vlnecourt. 200 EX: 1. Joey Tunobono; 2. Ken Cempboll; 3. Shanon Shamblin. 250 BEG: 1. 117; 2. 117.0: 3. 11106. 250 NOV: ,. Bob Cerney; 2. Rey Schooley; 3. Kent Hewksworth. 260 INT: 1. Kinney Jones; 2. John Towneend; 3. Rick Denieon. Racers met at Kincaid Park for one of the last times this year for an Alaska Motorcycle Racing Association motocross. For many the end of the season means a time to kick back but for Joe Good it means to go for it. Good started the year out slow with numerous mechanical problems, but a switch in brands has left him with the AMRA l2Scc Expert series lead. Early season leader Kelly Butler has also experienced some mechanical difficulties and has lately had to settle for second. Good gave up a sponsored ride when breakdowns threatened his chance for the series overall and now, on a self-sponsored Kawasaki, looks to be a shoe-in for the title. Kawasaki Cycle Cache-sponsored Butler holeshot the first 12Scc Expert moto with Anchorage Cycle Sales-spon_sored Ralph Blanchard and Good right behind. But it wasn't long before Good had passed both to take the lead. Out in front Good put it in overdrive and pulled away from the others to take the checkered flag. Moto two saw Good jet into the lead and stay there with Butler in second. Blanchard was out for the day with a stuck piston ring. Butler did win moto one of the Pro class while his main competition, Good and Jeff Roskelley, finished out of the top !O with transmission and ignition problems, respectively. Suzuki Motorcycle and Marinesponsored Jim Stewart shot into the moto two lead after finishing second in the first moto. But by the halfway mark Roskelley had put his Kawasaki Cycle Cache KX in front of Stewart. With Butler stuck in mid-pack Stewart looked to be in line for the overall but a lapse of concentration found him on the ground. Good was then up to second and chasing Roskelley but couldn't gain any time on him. Butler worked his way up to third by the moto end behind firstplace Roskelley and second-place Good. Stewart rolled in fourth. The overall went to Butler with his 1-3 finish. Butler's younger brother Robb was the only double winner of the day taking overalls in both the 80cc Expert and !OScc classes on his Kawasakis. Father Rich pulled in a third overall in the Veterans class. The Goods are also a family team with brother Francis (Kaw) getting fifth in the 2S0cc Expert class. Results 80 NOV: ,. Scan Stllford (KIWI; 2. Chris Stewerd (ylm); 3. DImon Brown (Hon). 80 EX: 1. Robb Butler (~); 2. Kolly Styles (KIW); 3. D8vid Cool< (KIW). 125 NOV: ,. Mlrk Crooby (Hon); 2. Dlrren Rupe (KIWI; 3. Roger Neth (Kew). 1251NT: 1. Cenyon Heneen (ylm); 2. Greg Chet· tenon (KIWI; 3. Lance L e _ tHon). 125 EX; 1. Joe GoOd (Klw); 2. Kelly Butler (Klw); 3. Kyle Schlub (Klw). 250 NOV: 1. Edwin Sims (KTM); 2. Donnyflussell (ylm); 3. Glren Gietzon (VIm). 250 EX: 1. Jim McCllin (Klw); 2. John Foote (Ylm); 3. Bill Slndstrom (VIm). 500 NOV; ,. Ted Stern (Hon); 2. Mike Smith (Hon); 3. Troy Johnn (Hon). 500 EX: 1. Bred Bomhoff (Hon); 2. Bruce Stingley (Hon); 3. Mlrk Brown (Suzl. VETS: 1. Jlmie Lin_iler (ylm); 2. Dlle Hirsell (Hus); 3. Rich Butler (Klw). 105: 1. Robb Butler (KIWI; 2. Ron Holien (Klw); 3. Kelly Styles (KIwI. PRO: 1. Kelly Butler (Klw); 2. Jim Stewlrt (Suz); 3. Jeff Roskelley (Klw). Langford, Ricks click at Swan Mini 'nt'l By Gary Willer TYLER, TX, SEPT. 9 Kawasakis crushed the competition as Team Green/Good Times Cycle riders Jack Ricks and Jason Langford led the parade at Bill Law's second-annual Minibike National at Swan MX Raceway. Kit "Quick" Vickcontinued the green storm by winning the 12Scc Pro class, but Dennis Daft rained on the parade by taking the 2SOcc Pros on a JTIScott/Yamaha Support mount. Among those attending the event were former National motocross (and road race) stars Donnie Hansen and Steve Wise. Hansen held MX schools and seminars on Friday and Saturday; Wise delivered theSunday-moming devotional. Eleven-year-old Ricks, of Stuttgart, Arkansas, successfull y defended three 1983 championships, adding two second-place finishes and a fourth in an ambitious day of racing six classes. Ricks took most of the holeshots, going wire-to-wire numerous times, including both 60cc Stock swings where he defended his championship over Oklahoma hopeful Steve Petree (Hon). Cary Grant (Kaw), third with a 3-3, was followed by Colin Edwards II (Kaw). Ricks had little trouble defending the 60cc Modified crown by posting both wins. Byron Claytoncame second on a Kawasaki scoring 3-2 over Petree's 2-3 and Edwards' 4-4. Ricks won the first 80cc Stock moto but faltered in the second stanza and was runner-up to Willowbrook Yamaha's Stanley Chomer. However, Ricks responded with the defense of his 80cc Modified crown, but had to battle a fierce competitor in Honda ace Cliff Palmer. Palmer pounded out a wire-to-wire first moto win. In the rematch Palmer again led to the halfway point before Ricks ripped off the lead and the overall laurels. Chomer (3-3) was third ahead of Kawasaki pilots Lance Friend, Trey Owens and Tim Hodes. At it again in 8Scc Pro-12 action, Ricks and Palmer traded wins. This time Ricks grabbed the first moto and was leading the second contest when he went down with less than a lap and a half to go. Palmer was white flagged about seven seconds ahead of Ricks. The stage was then set for the most exciting finish of the day. A determined Ricks threw caution trackside as he pushed the Team Green machine to the limit in pursuit of Palmer. Ricks clicked seconds off the lead and caught Palmer as they cleared the second table top jump. Out of the final turn side by side and totally gassing it, Ricks' amazing last-lap ride fell one wheel short as Palmer's Honda nosed him out. Third through sixth went to Chomer, Jim Morton (Kaw), Clayton and Jo Jo Falla (Kaw). Jason Langford, from nearby Arp, made good on his home track by taking five of six motos and carting off 80cc Stock-IS, 8Scc Pro-IS, and !OSec

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