Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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80 JR: 1. Rhett Fothergill (Kow): 2. Richord Groham(Vam). 125 NOV: 1. Raben Gray (Vam); 2. Bill Stone (Hon). 125 JR: 1. James Haupt (Vom); 2. Brian Rogers (Vam). 250 NOV: 1. Sheley Cabot (Yam); 2. Tim O'Hara (KTM). 250 JR: 1. G8Ol'ge Heare (Han); 2. Mike Wast (Yam); 3. John Zonder (Yam); 4. Jim Romos (SUl). 250 PRO: 1. Johnny Gardner (Han); 2. John Dauth (Han). OPEN NOV: 1. Chris Haaland (Han); 2. Da.. Poel (M-S). OPEN JR: 1. Patrick Vocchieri (Yom); 2. Jack Rabens (Yam). OPEN PRO: 1. Grog Raub (Yam); 2. John Wells (Han). VET SPTSMN: 1. Rich Kraske (Vom). VET MASTER: 1. Mike Lane IHan). OT SPTSMN: 1. Carl Tresser (Yam). Szucskosuccessful atCRC DeAnza MX By Cathy Barbacovi SUNNYMEAD, CA, SEPT. 9 The California Racing Club revised its motocross schedule, dropping Saddleback while both DeAnza Cycle Park and Corona Raceway were added. Today marked the opening CRC event at DeAnza. Terry Szucsko, known as "Cisco Kid," swept the 125cc Intermediates. While Szucsko held the first-moLO lead, the real contest was for second place between Gilbert ValdezandJeH Barbacovi. The baule came to an end as they crossed paths going through a corner. Barbacovi took the inside and Valdez swept to the outside, and when they headed out of the corner they collided and both went down. Mike Burdeue and Jimmy Palmer took advantage of that fall and placed 2-3. Szucsko tagged and held the lead once more in the final moLO. Ray Groom promoted hi core greatly by laking second, good for second overall ahead of Palmer. When the 250cc Intermediate gate dropped, Indian Dunes regular. Jon Barrick had the holeshot. His lead was brief and soon the riders who were more familiar with the track took over and Ruben Alvarado pulled off the win ahead of Tom Thomsen. In the final moLO the most successful rider was Thomsen who passed not only the 250cc riders but also the 500cc riders in this combined moLO. Thomsen chalked up the best JX>inlS tally and his 2-1 put him in the winner's circle. Doug Davison went 3-2 second ahead of Tony Strangio, as first-moLO winner Alvarado dropped to IOlh in the second round. The 500cc Intermediate class was a motojournalist's affair. Cycle World Managmg Editor Ron Lawson took the spot over Cycle News Associate Editor Kit Palmer. Lawson was riding a 1985 water-cooled CR500 Honda, Palmer an air-cooled '84 model borrowed from Ed Michetti. L.A. COLISeUM ORDeR FORM I MY. on 811S end III "ct.• . Children 10 end under 'It prio. of rwouler 8duh price tick.... Of'fer •• 001. 24, 1184. Meke ghec:ke peyeb'e to end moll to MILLER SUPEIlBOWL O~ MOTOClloa. 3838 S. ~Igueroo St.. Lo. An....... CA 80037. It ."'1 queet'one, all Hotline (714) .......3884. I ':1 P'''. = ADULT .'8(ii)115X 115@1IU = CHILD "I@1 IX = X _ = 115@17.50X _ Ptee.. enctoM a sta.mped _If·add,. . .d ."V_ope. Tlek." will be ,.turned to)lOu In thl. If you filII to encloee an _nll'e60pe, or the 12.00 MfVIce charge. tick.t. will be hekt at the WIU·Cell Window event night -"--'oeM'. TOTAL. TK:KETS CN.38 SUB'TOTAl S a VISA Account. ~ I ----l-' _ IntertMlnk _ EJtp, Det... _ Day Phone ''-_41 _ A......., _ reol.~red St. Zlp,===-=-_ _ tr'O"me ..... of Ihe" Com Ju,n~~ ~~~~J 9 I/~ ~ ,. ...,~ KHJ-J'V ____ I 0 MASTERCARD Neme "Coc.CoI.'· Ie • • I --::::-::::-_ TOTAL ,"- City ! +S2.OO PEA 0II0E" SERVICE CHA"G.. E_---=S.:.2:.:.oo=-_ You can charge your ticket. INVITATIONAL AMATEUR SERIES FINAL-INTERMISSION! I1Xr Produced end Arrenged by St8dlum Moloraporta Corp. TOYOTA TRUCKS ODI marker DI mm, • • ' P '''.n ..'' Ql'-\I>Rll[\;\II\" I \\ '" \ Results PEE WEE NOV: 1. Robby Hommond (Vam); 2. Jon Pouls(Yam); 3. Dustin Nelson (Vam); 4. Gary Peterson (Yam); 5. Tany Catolde (Yam). PEE WEE EX: 1. Jeff Willoh (Yam). 60 NOV: 1. Oavid Ochoa (Kaw). 60 INT: 1. Joey Cunis IKaw); 2. Ryan Spurgin (Kaw); 3. Brian Peterson (Kaw); 4. Jeff Willoh IKow). 60 EX: 1. Joel Tokarsky (Kaw). 80STK BEG: 1. Shane Scorpiello(Kaw); 2. Chris Ellenwood (Vom); 3. George Wilkin IVam): 4. John Horn (Yam); 5. Moose Wine ISUl). BO STK NOV: 1. Mike Brooks IVam); 2. Oustin Evans (Kaw); 3. Michael Loftus (Kaw); 4. Wesley Klein (Kaw); 5. Dennis Urban (Vam). 80 STK INT: 1. Bubba Erickson IKawl; 2. Denton CampbeIiIVam); 3. Brod Edginton (Kaw). 80 MOD NOV: 1. Dustin Evans IKawl. 80 MOD INT: 1. Denton Campbell (Varni; 2. Bubba Erickson (Kaw). 125 BEG: 1. Randy Danylo (Vam); 2. Roy Bloodwonh (SUl); 3. Philip Wurster (Han); 4. Andrew Trotter (SUl); 5. Candro Acencie (Kaw). 125 NOV: 1. Daryn Walls (Kaw); 2. Chris Winkler (Han); 3. Scott Murphy IKowl; 4. Howard Tresville (Suz); 5. Kevin Wheat ISuz). 125 INT: 1. Terry Szucsko (Kawl; 2. Rey Groom (Han); 3. Jimmy Palmer (Kaw); 4. Mike Burdette (Kaw); 5. Jeff Barbacovi (Vam). 125 PRO: 1. Todd CompbeIiIKow); 2. n Swonl (Han); 3. Tim Rutherford (Kow); 4. Lance Gonon (Kow); 5. Wofer Schoeffer (Han). 250 BEG: 1. Larry Fields (Han); 2. John Singletary (Vom); 3. Scott Rippens (Yam); 4. Don Wilborn (Vam); 5. Wolfgang Krogman (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Ran Urman (Yam); 2. Johnny Sacco "",_ T~I.!:!!~.~ =-Boots-Awesomel _ .._ .._........... .' n... .,"-1.. __ RZ 350 PIPES 101% GUARANTEED! • brushed aluminum silencers 11 slreel sel. 1 race sel) 101% money back guaranrelalns side and center sland, all for only 5185.00. Dealers and dlslrlbut~rs invited. t..,. f.P.r.mW..... lo.. RS-RD2SO. 150.". Dey toM H·I, H·2. ATY plpes_v.neb". Ued"'. Ca. tsa2 (717) ~1m -_-- _- Iii. - _......... -- '_a_ . -="'r:...=.--'" "'-.----.. 1 __........._.......... .., . ......._.""'._11. y._.. _ ".... .... l1li_ _116__ -- 1JIr_ .._ ~- ~ T_t~,... .- _..............~ _-_._......--- ==:- :.'::.__--'".. . . .. -,-_ . &Irt _ , . _ , .., ... ,..... ClIIIr-. ,.......... _r _ _ _- 0nIw1' c:.....-. ....,. ......... =~"l" At TIll.. ... 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