Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"( lost a couple of thousand bucks, but what tbe hell, we had to have a track championship, didn't we?" said ever-philosophic promoter Jim Naylor. The decider came in event 22 where the so-far unbeaten Moran and Lance King went head-to-head. Moran got the gate, held the inside line, and that was the title, as well as King's only loss during his '84 Ventura debut. Pfetzing, who not only learned how to gate but also lost his tan while in England, was ahead in four of his five rides, but wilted a couple of times. He led Moran for a lap in event eight, but the champ got by on the inside around turn four. But even more impressive was the one and only "Showtime" Bob Ott who beat everyone he was supposed to and even more, scoring a healthy dozen points, good enough for a tie with Brad Oxley for third. However, Ott beat Oxley in their race, and even dusted off Pfetzing as well. "He reminds me of Kelly," said Tom Moran, the father of fast speedway riders. Moran's clincher was a last-ride cruise over a weak field, surprising everyone when his bike didn't break down. In Second Division racing, all the hot guys fizzled except Jeff Jones, who took his eighth trophy of the year on his home track. He won his heat, semi and tbe main with good gates, and the latter after a battle with Rich Sweaney. ~ CI(") i-< Q.) ..0 o ..... u o YOU TAP YOU Results OVERAll: 1. Kelly. Moran (15); 2. Lance King 114); 3. Bob Ott/Brad Oxley 112); 5. Rob Pfelzing 11 , ); 6. Ed Castro (10); 7. Bobby McClain (9); B. Mike MazzoC8ne (7); 9. Andy Nonhrup 17); , O. Keith Larsen (5); l ' . Rod Sullivan 14); 12. Craig Schaefer 13); , 3. Walt Farnum 12); , 4. Mark Dwyer 12); 15. Tim McCasland 12); , 6. Joe Kreisberg (2); '7. Shane McDonald (2). If I get hurt on the field, I can't make the play. So I protect myself And that goes double for off-road riding. Out on the trail, things happen even faster than they do on a football field. So you've gotta protect yourself. Always wear an approved ATV helmet, a good pair ofboots, gloves and eye protection. Make sure your is in good operating condition. Never drink when you ride. Think safety. . Ferris, Bast best Baylands By W.H. Spencer FREMONT, CA, SEPT. 13 The 19th week of Class A Speedway at Baylands Raceway Park saw Tom Ferris win the Scratch main just as he did the opening night, while teenager Bart Bast got the best of the Handicap show, downing Mike Delacy in a fine fight. Ferris and his Peterich Cycle machine gated quickly from the pole and squared the first turn, leaving Delacy powerless and Duane Yarrow stuck. Paul Orlandi rode the high line to take the second spot but Ferris held a fine line throughout and took the win. Bast, 17, had to work around Mark Zeissler and Mike Parsons in the Handicap race that became a thriller when Delacy rode along in the passing project and then challenged for the last four corners but came up a few inches short in the ordeal. Bast has continued to improve and should be a contender for the next few seasons, as will Delacy. Rob Damron rode off with his fifth and maybe last Division Two main riding around newcomer Rick Hicks in the process. Bryan Henrickson took third over Mark Day. • Results SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Tom Ferris; 2. Paul Orlandi; 3. Duane YarrOW'; 4. Mike Delacy. HANDICAP MAIN: 1. Ban Bast; 2. Mike Delacy; 3. Mark Zeissler; 4. Mike Parsons; 5. Duane Yarrow; 6, Darrell Anderson. SEC DIV: 1. Rob Damron; 2. Rick Hicks; 3. Bryan Henrickson; 4. Mark Day; 5. Rick Stephen.; 6. Jeff Brown. THIRD DIV: 1. Brian Davi. Jr; 2. Mike Hart; 3. Ta. Hervey; 4. Jeff Santos; 5. BryanAsh; 6. Bill Hermant. '" J ~, I r r Because not protecting yourself when you ride, is like lining-up against me without a helmet And I don't think you'd want to do that. FIYr more injormatian, ajree riding instructian booklet and the locatian ofthe Hcmda dealer nearest you, call 800-ATC-3WHL. HONDA-- wwa WS . . .SAFEIX ALWAYS WEAR AHELMET AND EYE PROTECTION. ATC Is a ~1tWed Honda l.rademaric.ClI* American Honda Motor Co.. Inc. r-------------------------------l EBC When You Move••• 1. For FASTEST service attach old mailing label in space below If mailing label is not available, print your old name and address in this box. BRAKES _n T1lE BEST CA_ BUY AJDEAS If you don'l use EBC you haven't IlOI the beSt and you paId 100 much lor what you dId gel. ESC R~ce Proven Brakes for Road BIke/DIrt Bikes and ATV's are Ihe hOt sel-up lor your bike. DEALERS Gel with 11. O.E. PlItts gIve lour 10 one ove,stock compared 10 EBC - Save '(Ourself some money and give the mien a beller deal Everybody Wins, ..,.T_-"leCe_o 12880 ......, A.... SylMar. CA .1342 .... '.1.'3&2-5534 ... Please allow 3 weeks for change to take effect. 2. Print your NEW address here. . I Got - opIaIoa' Writ. • letter to til. EdItor! ~ ..... 0 ..."70.y. 1'·7Weekdeys. to-6 S.t. & Sun. ~~~ Ma~arcvc.. I' \ W 1_ I urger Aoo •••or'•• Selection ~'::.~ 8314 Beach Blvd.. Huntington Beach. CA Sto... 714) 84".5300",!",",_~.,..;-II ,( 1 l ) l' r I I I ) I AOOAESS CITY - ~ 8UN!lH IN E '/'I NAME j 3. Mail to: Clrcul.tion DePllrtm.nt CYCLE NEWS, INC. P.O. BOX49B LONG BEACH, CA 90801-049B STATE ZIP _ I I I I I I Lff~rJI7-f.... -TTI-,-I'---T--_;_"jT'~IJiTiT~"'l"'f_t . 29 ,,

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