Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Don't miss out... SUBSCRIBE NOWI (Above) Shobert and Parker were side by side in the opening laps. (Below left) Third-placer Pete Hames leads Doug Garrison (51) and Steve Morehead in their heat. (Below right) Junior winner Chris Carr. ahnough the ignition began going away with two laps LO go and Pearson's bike popped rather than sLOrmed across the finish line. Randy Green finished second but there was only one tra nsfer up for gra bs. In the other semi Morehead had his E quire/KK Supply/Storz/Bill's Pipes/D's-sponsored moum out in front. In the middle laps Lance Jones had Morehead perspiring heavily, bUl the cagey Ohio veteran evemu· ally uiumphed and was imo lhe National. last Chance Qualifier Land led for the firsl two lap, bUl Jones led the more imponanl last eight. His win made the line-up Harley-Davidson 13, Honda 2. Junior National There are 500cc four-suoke singles, lhen there are 500cc four-stroke ingles, and then there i the Ron Wood-prepped Wood Rotax that Chris Carr rides. After turning in fasl time and winning his heat by a parsec, Carr's performance in a yellow plate 12-1apper should be listed under "Junior National; destruction or." Carr wasn't the fastest off the line - Chad Felicia was - but Carr rode it high through the first twO turns, took the lead and ran away from the pack. Winkie Frietas was second off the stan, but lost that to a Mike Arthur/Don Estep duel. lL wem on for beller than half the race, but Arthur finally came out on LOp. Carr. following a showy wheelie acros thefinish line, was all grins in winners circle. "I wanted this one a lot," he said, "This is the first half mile I've won this year and iI'S great LO win all four types of evems. I wam to thank Ron Wood; he prepared the bike and it ran great." National Parkers fast heat awarded him the pole and he responded with the holeshot. However, Hames and Shoben passed the Michigan res idem to lead i('across the line at the end of the first lap. In turn two on the second lap Parker got into a horrendous tankslapper and was thrown La the ground hard. The red flag wa displayed and the race came LO a hall. Harley-Davidson team mechanics were in a frenzy to get Parkers machine ready for the restan under the eight-minute rule. Parker was 'exa'niih'ed'B}' a'pl1y'itlan' and'il 'wa several minutes before the Michiganite was declared ready to race. The restan was shan-lived when officials red-flagged it and sem Jorgensen 10 the penalty line. On the lhird attempl al starting lhe National everything worked and Harne wem 10 the head of the pack that onsisted of hoben, Poovey, Pearson (who rode above and around most of those who laned in front of him), Farri , Boody and Eklund. From the semi on Pear on had decided on the high road, and by the fiflh lap il had worked well enough for him LO move LO second. Behind him were Shoben, Parker, Poovey, Farris, Eklund and Mmehead. Hames' lead continued umil he began the eighth lap, where Pearson's haybale-lUssing route began LO pay dividends and he took the lead. Shonly past the halfway poim the order consisted of Pearson, Hames, Shoben, Parker, Poovey, Morehead and Eklund. Hames was ridinga strong race but Shoben proved that his Honda ride was not counesy of h is pleasan t Texas accem when he nailed the Californian for second on lap 15. From lap 15 to the finish the LOp four posi tions were sel wi th Pearson carrying a big wheelie across the finish line LO win over by lWO secomls over Shoben, Hames, Parker and Morehead. Boody got by Eklund with two laps remaining to take ixth, and Eklund was followed by Farri ,Gar· ri on, Menens and Mickey Fay to round out the LOp 10. Pear on had changed ignitions between the semi and the main, and spark plugs during the restan, and il proved LO be just enough. Pe-arson's ignition failed as he cra sed the finish lineon the last lap of the National; if it had been a 21-lapper, Shoben would have been the victor. • 50% SAVINGSI Cycle News, America's weekly motorcycle newspaper, brings you an action-packed year of motocross, flat track, endurance, speedway and road racing. Plus all the latest news, personalities, bike test, a weekly Calendar section, tons of Want Ads, and much more! ~-------------------------------------------------------- save 50% over newsstand price on Name Address City _ _ _ Stat8 Zip _ Signature _ MC # Visa # Expiration Oat8 _ _ The issuer of the cerd indentitied on thIS Item is authorIzed to pay the amount shown as TOTAL (together with any ocher charges due thereon) subject to and In accordance with the agreement governing the use of such cerd. Results CYCLE NEWS (1 year) 050 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS (2 year) 0100 ISSUES CYCLE NEWS (3 year) 0150 ISSUES Please send me the 0 EAST 0 WEST edition EXPERTS 20 LAP NATIONAL: 1. Scott Pearson (H·D); 2. Bubba Shobert (Hon); 3. Pete Hames(H-D); 4. Scott Parker (H-D); 5. Steve Morehead (H-D): 6. Ted This is a renewal Please bill me I enclose check or money order Boody (Han); 7. Steve Eklund (H-O); 8, Rod Farris (H-D); 9. Mike Garrison (H-D); 10. Tim Mertens (H· D); 11. Mickey Fay (H-D); 12. Alex Jorgensen (H· D); 13. Don Howard (H·D); 14. Lance Jones (H-D); 15. Terry Poovey (H-D). Time: 7:20.772. new track a.. $45 : .. $68 _ 0 0 0 _ Canada and Mexico (1 year) 2nd class $43. Other foreign rates available upon request. Check &. Money Orders payable in U.S. funds. record. AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIDNSHIP/ CAMEL PRO SERIES POINT STANDINGS: 1. Ricky Graham (267); 2. Bubba Shobert (228) 3. Randy Goss (225); 4. Scott Parker (206); 5. Doug Chandler (197); 6. Ted Boody (178); 7. Alex Jorgensen (141); 8. Terry Poovey (122); 9. Mike Baldwin (117); 10. Hank Scott (116); 11. Steve Morehead (103); 12. (TIE) Pete Hames/Scott Pearson (93); 14. Steve Eklund (87); 15. Richard Schlachter (71); 16. (TIE) ,JjtT)'P.y/ilicpl,l\lIf,ldy,Renfrowj (6\); 1 G~ry S<;Ott 16D; 1~. Wes Cooley (Slf); 20. Jon Cornwall (47). $25 Send to: ~ I I (]Jill w:B /WEST P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 '" ., .c~~ ~?,II~J~,1 ~) ~~~,:,74~3 • J , '

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