Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 06 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Now/$l,l99 SIIve on the Good DellIs at the Following Authorized KBw_k1 DeeIera. 1660Hwy.95 (602) 758-3200 KAWASAKI OF GOlETA 323 Megnolia (805) 964-7893 KAWASAKI OF OCEANSIDE 1425 South HID Street (619) 722-1941 Santa .....,CA CENTRAL COAST CYCLES 1921 N. Broedw~ (805) 928-2050 Beaumont, CA BEAUMONT YAMAHA KAWASAKI 680 Beaumont Ave. (714)845-4819 HARBOR KAWASAKI 1517 pllClftc Coat Hwy. (213) 5»3386 tWbor~A Oxnard,CA KAWASAKI CENTRAL 1475 So. Oxnard Blvd. (805) 486 6303 Santa MonIc8, CA LEMONADE CYa.E WORKS, INC. 2212 Uncoln Blvd. (213) 392-8697 HoII)'wood, CA HOLLYWOOD KAWASAKI 1339 N. HIghIend Ave. (213) 466 8451 P....-nounl, CA MID CITIES HONDA KAWASAKI 15725lJ1kewood Blvd. (213) 531-1225 sen Pedro, CA BURBANK KAWASAKI 1329 HoI»wood W~ (818) 848-6627 ~Pa'k,CA Indo, CA YAMAHA KAWASAKI OF INDIO RIversIde, CA T~ FOO YAMAHA KAWASAKI Bullhud~AZ BULlHEAD KE CENTER EIuI't.nk, CA GoIeta.CA OCHnslde,CA CENTURY MOTORCYCLES 1640 South PIIClftc Ave. (213) 832-8190 VAllEY SUZUKI KAWASAKI 704S~Ave. (818) 347- (819) 347-6588 (714) 687·1373 7139 Fo0thlII Blvd. (818) 352-3277 CoetII ...... CA CHAMPION KAWASAKI BMW 1980 HIIttIor Blvd. (714) 642·2311 l~ood,CA BI KRAUSE SPORTCYCLES 1257 S. La Bree (213) 671-0405 Sen Bem8rdlno. CA RINCON KAWASAKI 263 South E Street (714) 884 6481 Venb.n,CA KAWASAKI YAMAHA OF VENTURA. 3029 E8II MaIn SL (8OS) 653 5884 CovII1Il. CA COVINA KAWASAKI 1017 W. 58n Bem8rdlno Rd. (818) 967-4181 Lanc:eater. CA Sen Gabriel. CA Vlctorvl.... CA KAWASAKI SPORTCYCLES 40 Weal Avenue I (805) 948-1019 TEMPLE CITY KAWASAKI 5300 North Roeemeed (818) 287-6167 HI DESERT KAWASAKI CYCLE 15354 7th Street (619) 245-6949 NewhlIII, CA NEWHALL KAWASAKI 24364 Sen Femalldo Rd. (805) 254-2111 56 83-6291nc1o Blvd. c-H MOTORCYCLES 4020 Tyler Street Santa AM. CA .Z 87301 SANTA ANA KAWASAKI 1850 E. EdInger (714) 541-5217 - Whittier, CA WHITTIER KAWASAKI, INC. 14043 E. Whittier Blvd. (213) 945-3494 r

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