When it's time to gear .....d.'.t. .
up for summer, ride down ~ '~
to Suzuki, where there's a ~\.
.. ,,~~~~~~
3 or 4-wheel ATV to ,fit every·,,\. mlhe_"UndedSJ-. , .
1Xfw _'Xiy
member of the faml.ly.
zuki ATV beCap Off Your Summer: Buy any new Su t more than
you'll ge
tween June 1and August 31, 1984 and adrunner cap and
a great deal. Suzuki will give you a Qu r- ~ ~ 1
a commemorative medallion desk the ~ ~c 1
mometer to cap off your summer fun
The most fun
you can have offroad is on a Suzuki
Quadrunner. Because
ou can ride is the
now the most powerful4-wheel ATVy and stability to
Quadrunner LT 250. It has the r to tread,
take you places other ATVs fea
start to finish,
And so your ride can be more fun double A-frame
there's a push-button electric starter, smooth shifting
independent'front suspension, even gear.
5-speed transmission with a revers
Tbe,SeasatlaDaJ.SanId.,<~, "J::~i,..