Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 05 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Northern California-Northern Poster Special! NORTHERN DATELINE $10 Value For Only $5 ATV fr. . willi Nev8d8-0regon-Weshington-ld8ho-Ut8h-Alas~ is",-.4 Ie ....r ......xe_ . . . .-eliti. . lTV ActiGa ....,. usolutely -.cri(llli-..,. IlIhcn,tilalllll'. . . . . ATV N••• IlIhcrillli-If• . . . . . .,.11 11 IlIIy $5l1r 12 .xciti.. iaMs. at _ . IM,-. wiII 1lIr $5 ....'ItIIy. dII,,·. _ _..... - , 1 0.', tell. I cIIIH. If lit. ,.. e~.iel If alii ~ 1Iy ,. .,It! l' • 14"ma •• Ilit~ IlIIIitY _k. U dII . . , e..,. .. ...... Ie ~., I JlIf If .aciti.. lTV ICti-. . . lit I , . . . , fr..! lTV ActiGa ....-n I " ....... ..,.,1tIIy Iw, $5 .,ieel. $1.58 Iw, !WI•• jest U Olw, . . .'11. Spie• ., 'If,.. JII'''''- tiUy! Loren Shockey (2), Werren Hickmen (289) end Jim Anderson bettie for the leed of the 250cc Expert cless et Boise's motocross. p • •- - _ • • • • • _ - - _ • • • • __ . _ - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - _. . . . . ._ - - - . Fill Out Coupon Completely. Neme Address City o Stete Zip _ ENTER my sUbscription/renewelet $5 end send me e FREE posterl I went the 0 Three-Wheeler 0 Odyssey 0 Rece Kert poster. o Send e gift subscription et $5'to: Neme Address _ City Stete Zip _ And with that gift send 0 me/ 0 them e FREE poster! IIThey went the 0 Three-Wheeler 0 Odyssey 0 Rece Kert poster. • 0 POSTERS Only" Pleese. $5 for one. Additional posters $2.50 each. Indicate number of posters desired: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Three-Wheeler Odyssey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rece Kart Note: California residents must add additionally. 6'12% o Peyment enclosed sales tax on all posters ordered separately or Cherge my 0 MasterCerd 0 VISA ~~#--------------------Expiretion dete Signature _ ..,.- _ The issuer of the card identified on· this item i.authorized to p.y the amount shown •• TOTAL (together with any other charg•• due thereon) subject to and in accordance with the agreement governing the use of such card. MAIL TO: ATV Ne.s, P.O. Box 1030, Lone, CA 90801 OR CALL: (213) 59s-t753 for M••tere8rd/YISA orders! Ca_ and Mexico (1 2nd c.... '10. O1h.r for.ign rat.. availabl. upon requ..t. Check 6 Mo 34 ------_ -----_..._------_._._--_._._------------------~ Order. PIIv-ble in U.S. funda. Kendig (Han); 8. Arney Wick (Han); 9. Marty Zirbel (Yam). SPORTSMANn MICRO: 1. Richie Reynolds (Kaw); 2. Shane Butchart IHon); 3. Ryan Anderson (Han); 4. Bart Jordan (Kaw); 5. Ryan HuHman (Yam); 6. James Cyr(Kaw); 7. Chris Brandon (Kawl. MINI B: 1. Shane Butchart (Han); 2. Mike Sudweeks (Yam); 3. Troy Hodge (Yam); 4. Jeson Ender· son (Hon); 5. Jason Brumpton (Suz); 6. Shayne Murphy; 7. Scott James (Yam). MINI EX: 1. De"'er Humbard (Kaw~ 2. Jimmy Brown (Yam); 3. Chad Wallwork (Yam); 4. Chad Case (Han). 125 B: 1. Troy Hedge (Yam); 2. De",er Humbard (Han). 125 EX: 1. Sean Hart (Yam); 2. Mike Enderson (Han); 3. Troy Norris (Han); 4. Chad Wallwork (Han). 250 B: 1. Howard Yordy (Honl: 2. Bruce Wheaton (Han); 3. Brendon Murphy {Yaml: 4. Dale Waterman (SUl). 250 INT: 1. Toby Ashley (Kaw); 2. JeH Carson (Han); 3. Jim Brandon (KTM); 4. Kit Farley (Rickman). 250 EX: 1. Mickey Fay (H-D); 2. Ron Yamamoto (Yam); 3. Rod Reynolds (Kaw); 4. John Colton (Kaw); 5. Eric Sanerwaite (Hon); 6. Del Schwitzer (Hon); 7. Sean Han (Yam); 8. Ryan Fisher (Yam); 9. Dean James (C-A); 10. Don Wilson (Kaw). OPEN B: 1. Scott Mathey (Han); 2. Denny Feigenspan (Han); 3. Troy Rose (Yam); 4. Lavar Spack· man (Yam). OPEN INT: 1. Bren Howard (Han); 2. Marty Zirbel (Tri); 3. Bob Best (Yam). OPEN EX: 1. 8ren 8arkman (KTM); 2. Ron Yamamoto (Han); 3. Tom McCullough (Tri); 4. John Wincewiez (Tri); 5. Randy Green (Han); 6. Kim Best (Yam); 7. Mike Sullivan (Han); 8. Jeff McDaniel (Kaw); 9. Rodney Reynolds (Han); 10. Chris Fitzhugh (Han); 11. Arney Wick (Han); 12. Duane Gerrard {CoAl. MOTOCROSS MICRO: 1. Ryan Huffman (Yam); 2. James Cyr (Kaw). MINI B: 1. Jason Enderson (Han); 2. Kevin Merrill (Yam); 3. Mike Harris (Han); 4. Ryan HuHmen (Yam); 5. Dennis Randall (Han); 6. Ryan Koford (Han); 7. J.D_ Formesbeck (Kaw); 8. Angela Davis (Kaw). MINI X: 1. Jimmy 8rown (Yam); 2. Chad Wallwork (Yam); 3. Tom Hiler (Kaw). 125 B CLASS 1: 1. 8rian GaHord (SUl); 2. Tom Hiler (Kaw); 3. Dian Carlson (Suz); 4. Sid Morris (SUl); 5. 8ryan Hunter (Yam). 125 B CLASS 2: 1. Chris Strong (Yam); 2. SIeve Davis (Yam); 3. Chris Koford (Han); 4. Jasan Enderson (Han); 5. Terry Thomas (Kaw); 6. Rick Taylor (Kaw). 125 INT: 1. Mike Enderson (Han); 2. Jamie Sloelsmith (Han): 3. Tracy Ridgeway (Yam); 4. Ford Farnock {SUllo 125 EX: 1. Jim R. Anderson (Kaw); 2. 8rad Baker (SUl); 3. Steve Newberry (Kaw). 2508: 1. Rick EvanslHon.l: 2. Rob Johnson (Yam}: 3. David Gurvis (Han); 4. Mitchell Lorry (SUl); 5. JeH Anderson (Yam); 6. Eric Lansing (YamI; 7. Tim Behrman (Suz); 8. 8rian Bertsch (Han); 9. Jeff Murray (Han); 10. Steve 8ecken (Kaw). 250 INT: 1. Steve Cooper (Suz); 2. Bob Kran (Han): 3. Ron Wehr (Yam); 4. Darin 8aker (Yam); 5. Justin Moose (Han). 250 EX: 1. Jim Anderson (Yam); 2. Warren Hickman (Yam); 3. Loren Shockey (Han); 4. Ed Hickman (Yam). OPEN B: 1. Denny Feigenspan (Han); 2. Tim Bas· sart (Han): 3. Roger Slack (Yam): 4. Jim Sharp (Hus). OPEN INT: 1. Otis Berg (Yam); 2. Dennis Lee (Han). OPEN EX: 1. Warren Hickman (Yam); 2. Joe Wright (Han); 3. John Christian (Han). OLD DUFFERS: 1. 80b 8rah (Han); 2. Dane DeChambeau (Yam). REGIONAL n TROPHY DASH NOV: 1. Randy Roose (Han). JR: 1. Chris Fillhugh (Han). EX: 1. Randy Green (Han). NOV MAIN: 1. Winkie Freitas (Rot); 2. Randy Roose (Han); 3. Jace Carter (Han); 4. Jack "Bugsy" 8001h (Rot); 5. Ricky Nelson (Yam); 6. Robert Jolutla (Yam); 7. Marty Zirbel (Yam); 8. Marl< lilian (Han). JR MAIN: 1. Rod Reynolds (Han); 2. Chris Fitzhugh (Han); 3. Ryan Fisher fC·AI; 4. Daniel McDonnell (Han); 5. Robert Moran (C-A); 6. Terry Wahl (C-A); 7. Mike Lawrence (Han); B. Gary Trull (Rot). EX MAIN: 1. Ron Yamamolo(Hon); 2. Frank WOfd III (Tri); 3. Mickey Fay (Rot); 4. Randy Green (Han); 5. S.... Eklund(H-D~6. Brett 8II_n(ICTM); 7. Dan Bennett (Han): B. John Wincewicz (Tri). Holden, Dick dice at Canadian RR By Alice Macpherson WE nVOOD. B.C.. CANADA, APR. 15 New rival, ew Zealand champion Robert Holden and B.G champion Steve Dick, kept the spectator enthralled as they ran a continuou dogfight each time they were together on the track. Holden had one uash and Dick had two, but when the dust cleared. one of the two wa alway the winner. During the open racing, Holden trailed Dick in the firs! heat. Unfortunately, Dick grabbed too much brake going into turn four on the first lap of the econd heaL. It was a spectacularget-off. but Dick walked away, unharmed but frustrated. Holden had hi turn in 250cc GP, when the Suzuki he was piloting went down going onto the backstraight. Alan Inglis cruised to the first position for both heats on his Rolls Research Yamaha. Tuner Bryan Rolls ran one of his own super Yamahas in 600cc Cafe, and was the rider to beat. Since no one did in the first heat, his close third place behind Dave Hughes and BruceChewonka in the second round was good enough for the first overall. In the sidecar world. AMA number one Bruce Lind and Jack Hart came out to race but withdrew when the rain tarted to come down. This left the Wildman clan batding for first and second. John Wildman and passenger Rick Davison came out the winners, cha ed by the father and son team of Dave and Ashlev Wildman. "They (John and Rick)' really have more drive in that motor. I tried to hold it on while following them through turn two and couldn't keep up," said Dave, The race of the day was the last heat of 750cc Production, where Dick bided his time from the start and finally out-mOiored Holden coming out of the steep hairpin. • Results 600 PROD: 1. Robert Holden (SUl); 2. Craig Turner (Yam); 3. Steve Crevier (Yam I. 600 CAFE: 1. Bryan Rolls (Yam); 2. Pablo Macovei (Kaw); 3. Devid Hughes (Yam). 250 GP: 1. Alan Inglis (Yam): 2. Scott Moon (Yam); 3. Colin Hancock (Han). 750 PROD: 1. Steve Dick (Han); 2. Robert Holden (SUl); 3. Darryl Fletcher (Kaw). OPEN: 1. Robert Holden (Suz); 2. Roland StuartSmi.h (Kaw); 3. Ken Broier (Kaw). SIDECAR: 1. John Wildman/Rick Davison (Suz); 2. Dave Wildman/AshleyWildman (8eagle); 3. Phil Roney/Harry Rihela (K_). SUPERBIKE: 1. Joe Bleckburn (Han); 2. Richard Dey (Duc).

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