Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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, • Enter the "Pick a CAG.I'VA" Cycle News Sweepstakes - 1984 AMBRICA'S WBBILY MOTORCYCLB lllWSPAPBR Pick the 1984 Cagiva you want! Your Choice: 1984 Cagiva WRX250cc Enduro Bike or 1984 CagivaWMX125cc Motocross Bike • You can be a winner - enter now! All contest entries must be mailed in. Subscriptions only call toll frepl Call 1 800 331 1000 rlQr.t now Opp.rators are standIng by 24 hours Ordpf 1 year 6 months Subscription information Subscribe to Cycle News. America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper. Available in an Eastern or Western United States edition, Cycle News delivers all the motorcycling news to your door every week. The latest race reports from your local area, the national circuit and around the world are brought to you just as they happen, Read about new motorcycle models and products as they are introduced. Get an up-close look at the people making the news in the motorcycle sport and industry in the regular, exclusive Cycle News interviews. Plan your motorcycling activities with the Cycle News calendar of events -the most comprehensive compilation of local, national and international motorcycle events available, Shop for the latest products, services and bargains with Cycle News display ads and the active Want Ad section. Cycle News brings the most motorcycle action to your home every week. Subscribe today and you might be the lucky winner of a new Cagiva Off-Road motorcycle. If you want to start getting your newspaper right away, call your subscrip'tion order in now toll-free! Operators are standing by now! 1·800-331·1000. 50 Issues 25 Issues 525 00 S 13 00 Contest Rules Fill out the official entry form attached (or a 3" x 5" facsimile) including your name. address. City, stale, zip code and phone number. Indicate the motorcycle you want (one machine only. please), the number of issues you want for your Cycle News subscription and your method of payment. Mail in your entry form. One entry per person. Each entry must be in a separate envelope. One prize per household. All entries must be ¥ostmarked by June 30. 1984. The odds of winning will be determined by the number of entries received. All entries become property of Cycle News, Incorporated. Winners' names will be available after the drawings upon request and a setf· addressed stamped envelope. No purchase necessary. Contest is void where prohibited. Subject to all locaL state and federal regulations. Tal( and transportation Iiabilily is the responsibility of the winner. By accepting the prize the winners agree to accept responsibility for city and state licensing and registration requirements. No substttute prize will be given. nor cash eqUIvalent paid. If an unlicensed driver or minor wins the prize, it will be licensed in the name of a parent or legal guardian. In accepting the prize. the winner grants Cycle News. Incorporated. permission to promote and publicize his or her photograph and the prize win. Offer good only in the United States of America. All Cycle News, Incorporated. employees and their families are not eligible. Drawing will be held July 3rd. 1984. For more information and specifications regarding these motorcycles, contact your closest Cagiva dealer or call Cagiva North America, Incorporated (213) 538-9337. Fill out your entry form completely, choose your motorcycle, cut out and mail today! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM MaU to: "Pick A Cagiva!" Cycle News Sweepstakes, 1984 BOJe 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Please print and "" out completely so we can contact the winner! Name P.O. Address _ City Phone Number.....:. o _ State .!..... Zip _ _ Signature _ Visa # MC # -------------------~.lijiii!!!~ Expiration Date _ .~ The issuer of Ihe card identified on this item is authorized 10 paV the amount shown as TOTAL (touether with .nvother charges due lhereon) subject to and in accord. nee with the agreement governing the use of such card. 40 " YES! I'LL SUBSCRIBE TO CYCLE NEWS AND ENTER ME IN THE SWEEPSTAKES. I want: 0 Cycle News East 0 Cycle News West Send me: 0 15 issues (trial subscription) $10.00 025 issues (6 months) $13.00 050 issues (1 year) ,$25.00 Please: [J Accept my payment enclosed (check or money order) o Charge my 0 MasterCard or 0 Visa o Send me a bill The Cagiva I want to win is: (choose one only) o The 1984 Caglva WMX125cc Motocross Bike o The 1984 Caglva WRX250cc Enduro Bike o No, I do not want to subscribe now, but let me know if I have won a prize.