Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Triumph Tiger Cubs. One cle.n. sherp. One for oper... Both engines _ellenl. '500 both. (806) 944-1425. (1151 Incredible Deals on '83 Husqvamas. The I?rice is a deal, Motorcycle Trailer 5 Rail. suspension. speretire. hubcaps, t4OO. Days (818) 341-2266, eves (8181998-2022. but it's the Husqvama that makes it inCredible~ ~ 00 0') ...... s=, you could buy any on<: of a dozen diffaau c1~ut mocoteycl~ and ga a deal. But fOt a ~ time you can get a deal that's in=diblc. A deal that 'n put a smile: on your fatt and a world cbss Husqvama bawttn your Icntts. ~'vt: goc a VERY LIMITED ..... .... - '82 VZ100J 19771'1 OSSA Ph.nlom GP II 250cc motocross. excellentcond~ion.oper galore 1450/080. (2131 .. 973-7295. Dinosaurs Perris TT May 20. ODMC. and d«als. 0.. (115) 1315) '83490 IT of 1983 2SOCR and SOOCR machines available: at "last chance" pric~ AND with some: spc:c:i2l "goodlc:s": 0 Buy a new 1983250CR supply ............ Excellent condition. runs great. $1200. (213) 4342935. (415) In a 1984 update /ttl-FREE. UfJt/aW /tit incl"" tanir, seat, sItU covers, - . .. . , . -,-, • '78 RD 400 E DG Heads .nd Pi..... New•ir forks, eele bars, new tire•• KaN air filters. excellent condition, "500.(213)924-2556. (115) Speedway Bike $1000. 2-Valve Jawa, immaculate condition. (714) (314/15) 848-3406. Verycleenandfast. manyextr. pIIrts. asking 8500. (8181894-8035. (115/16) lor 11995. and llJf!'U tbrow ~ (115/16) 1984 KTM 250 MX Must sell. ridden 4X '2300. leave meuega. (818) 889-6043. (113-18) ~ ~1., .. - I t)~- - - , (J. .. , ***PMC Race Engineering*** Offering Pro-Flow Fuel Injection for the Kawasaki 81-84 GPz 1100 & 80 Classic. 396.90 exchange. 14.7 H.P. improvement over stock. ·Oistributor for: Wiseco. Andrews & Murrav 1-1800) 222-7761. send to 3700 S. High. Oklahoma City. OK 73129. (213/EOI/TFN) DUCATI250cc PRODUCTION Road R.cer. 8675. (314/15NW) 1816) 525-1080. Bultaco - Hodaka Parts lJorga .upplv. UPS. COD. SAVAREA CYCLE. (213) 649-1700. (112-17NWX) Used Suzuki Parts '960 to current models. Save 50% or more. HUB SUZUKI. 6990 49th St. North, Pinelles Park. FL 33565.1813)527-8475. (207.".,321NSE) Dinosaurs Perris IT MaV 20. DDMC. (315) '79 Yamaha SR500 Like new condition. 2000 miles. $1400/080. (2131 316-0920. 1314/15) Dave Emdes TZ250H $4500 Winner of three nationals in 1983. Bike is fully sorted and ready to win. Askland Pipes. Lectrons, Meg•• Lockheeds. menV ""are•. C.II Bob Endicott (714)541 -5343. (714) 673-4931. (114/15/NW) Yam. YZ80H Cowtrailer-Racer o Buy a new 1983 500CR for 12495. and you gd ,.. '84 update ItJt plus " jiw st:r-speed _taioft. of M/C pens .nd ec:c:e_ie8. CROSSROADS CYCLE CENTER, 28062 Bouq_ cenyon. Seugus. CA 91350. (806) 255-5353. (215) FREE CYCLE NEWS STICKlE Best' SIr_. -- **Simply The Totel hydraulic _ng systems. Celipers. _ cylinders. Dile. ..-. Recing.• you ... no< buying BREMBO. you ... paying _ _ for _ . 8REMBO BRAKES. P.O. Boa 730, ~ CA (250/NWIEOl/TFN) 95452. (707)833-2822. J_ right for your tool boa. Truck. V.n, Treiler. icebox. girlfriend or boyfriend; or maybe it'. your wife, huebend or kid that _ • CYCLE NEWS STICKIEI All you heve 10 do i........ S.A.S.E. 10 CYCLE NEWS WEST. P.O. Boa4l18. Long 8eecIl. CA 90801-0498. AnN: FREE STICKlE OFFER. (525ITFNI '81 Yl 465. tresh 1IllP .nd, chain 1II'Ocketa. T_ '650. (818) 848-2133. 014/181 '82 KZ 1000 5-1 SuperbiUonly29_ - _ still eround. (6121 894-9n4. (144/151 WANTED DEAD OR AUVEI...1979 Honda CR Motor -125cc. Jon - - v a . (213) 595-8588. (115/161 PLEASE OONT WAIT. Stt your Husqvama Dc:aIc:r roday. ~ are only a few machInc:s Ic:ft. And you MAICO 440 GS 1975 newcluteh. fork se.I•• gr.phics, fenders. plate._ etc. Jon - _eledev•• (2131 5~5-6586. (115/161 know how hard It Is to catch a Husqvarna once: il gc:ts out of your'Dc:alc:r'. Showroom. The: only place: you'll 1983 XLX Harley-Davidson Russ Darnell MX School e:ateh II Ihen Is in the: winnc:r's April 17&18 Seddlebeck_ June 11·15 Whitnev. T..... June 18-22 Tulu, Oklehom•. August 13-17 Rio 8re.... Houston, Texes. August 20-24 Indien Dunes, August 27-31 Seddlebeck. Also .v.ilable. Americrosa Tours 12 week MX traIning program. (7141980-3212. (212-15) clrckwhc:rc: you belong. With less than 500 mi.... This H-D is not even broken in yet. Extra detaila put on professionally. WhV pay over .5K fore 1984 when 14100. will get Ihis onel Cell (408) 997-7899 eves only. (314/151 Dc:aJc:rs. ~ KTM 125 Dayat Bay Area Cycle Selurday 4-21-84, 10-3 p.m. See. AoI<. Ride. 8uy 1984'. hon_ 125. V _ , g. . . _ _•• refreIItments. _ _ informetlon conteet: SAY AREA CYCLE CENTRE. 5606 W. Menchester. LA., CA. Ne.r lAX. (213) 849-1700. (114/15X) OW31 760 Roadracer 295 pounds. All handcrefted. rete prCMtn. DynoDeveloped motor. many extr... (408) 578-0670. (213-15/EOINW) White Power Performance For Honda Pro-Link $65 '82 IT 465 New top end. main cr." bearing, chain. sprockets. Meaelers, Profession.llv meinteined. '975. (714) 559-8887. (2151 For Sale Nickel pleted Knivht frame. new in '83. 1475 or best offe<. (313) 679-3445. 13/14/15NEI See the n.w KTM·••1 So. C.I'. 111 KTM deeler. lJorgest KTM pert. inventory w~h daily UPS service. PRO-CYCLE KTM. 1285 Lincoln. Anehiem. CA 92806. (7141772-8170. (2451TFNI to White Power specifications and asemble using WP oil. Three day service. Send shock with rider _ivht.nd cl... 10: WhQ Power Racing, 120 S. Verity. Middletown. OH 45042. 513/422-6622. (2-13/15NEX) leA th.n 10 hours lOIal. Excellent condition. Must sell.•850/0BO. Tom••fter &pm (213) 595·7135. (314/151 • Partldpatlng **1984 Pro-Cycle KTM's** Geniune White Power performance for your stock shock. We modify your piston. adjust your damping Suzuki RM1251983 flee 1982 250XC 81499. 1982 430XC OR 1983 250XC 81799. 1983 500XC '2299. 1983 50DCR 6-speed trans. and '84 plastics 82399, We're known for our "WE CARE ATTITUDE" CROSSROADS CYCLE CENTER 26062 Bouquet C.nyon. Seugus. CA 91350. (8051255-5353. (2t5) bI.... odometet.lltidplete. EJtber WtIJI, you 'U own OM 01'" most powerftU and . - t 1 I ~ I a on ~ o{wtnnhtgtll Motocroa, v-rt, Cross COfDIIr)I or H~ Sm:mrbla. ...................I"•• • .., lit ea,..f. Set * Gigantic Husqvama Sale * So. eels. I_growing Suzuki/Hulity Dee_ip now offers KTMI Come in.nd _ our compIet.line '81 RM125 SUZUKI. good cond~ion, runs good, best offer. '650. cell eIler 8 p.m. (2131582-3578, Phil. (1151 Set up for dirt or ready to have fun on, Worb shock. good rubber .nd motor. 1375. (8021 582-9330. (115) ENDURO TIMER/COM80 '89. De.ler inquiri.. invited. Send for free 1984 cats log, Clairmont Cvele Supply, 4461 Clairmont Mesa Blvd.• San Diego. CA 92117.(619)272-1162. (215/NW) * '84 KTM'S HERE NOW * 1982 RM 125 Ridden onlV four times. Purchaed new Nov. 1983. Mend new condition. '896. 17141 241-0626.(315} - Bultaco Parts for 4 Speed Ass't. Elec. Trans. and engine pieces. S50. Some 5 speed stuff. 1602) 582-9330. (115) '78 Toyota Corolla Motocross Camper 8RAND NEW 1983 Yl 490 motor. '700/080. (213) 868-4857. (115) Fast '83 Interceptor Built for fast touring, Mac Pipes. re jetted, rear sets, Phantoms, solo seat, Fox Twin Clicker. lower bars, touring bags, bener brakes, horns and lights. Escort Radar equipped, 86000 invested. asking $4200 firm. (8181896-7894. (1151 Brown. 2 door hatchback, excellent Condition inside and out. five speed with air, new clutch, brakes, mustse". $3100/080. (714)859·0933 days. (71 4) 645-7547 eve./ 1415) Jim West's 1969 Ford DOO Stick. Holds bike•. bed•• built-in•. 82200/080. (805) 497-0059. (315/16) WANTED - 8ULTACO SHERPA T. '16-'81 in ....lIem mechenical.nd phvaicel cond~ion. (209) 924-7898. (115/16) '82 RM 125 excellent condition. Bought new 4-83. Evenings (714) 772-2929. (1151 CRF Rocket Pipes CRF i. lhe _ in pipe technology. we .re the first 10 offer 100% 'Works" stvte, _ _ Dyno .nd ..... bISting, pi. . . full 1OO1l.~.-gue rantee our imitalors will haw to offer. The _ from CRF is for: TRIIY Zi_, Yl80/ 100. Yl8O-125D-L Yl25OG-L. VZlIT465/49O< CS) CR125 B2-84, CR25083-84. ATC 200lC. ATC 25011. (CI KX80 .11, 1OC1 25 80-84. KX260 83-84. KXT250. (D) KTMI25/250 84{EI RM125 79-84••nd more. R_il eleelers cell: Crotch Rocket Fectory (8061 683-1426. (214/15/NW) _i_ **' - 1984 250CR Husky - . Raced twice, _ion, need money. must sell f.stl "975. (714) 887-3049. (114/15) 1984 KX 250 Kawasaki Excellenl condilion. r i _ 3 month., Pro-Circu~ Pip•• p.rts. '1795. (714) 833-8749. (114/15) Wanted '82 GPz 750 Reer wheel .s.embIV. eale. disc:. (805) 964-3074. (315/18) Allspeed RZ Chambers 50 Europe'. 111 exhaust system. Chrome 8179.95: bIec:It cer.mic '189.95. RZ products cetelOll, 13 ( RSC PERFORMANCE. P.O. 80a 14884., GA 30324. (BOO) 222-1452: in Georgi. (4041878-3832. (214ITFN) Speedway Bike and Spares 2 Valve JilWi. excellent condition inside and out. Spere wheela. fuel oil end more.•1250/ 080.(7141651-1857. (3151 spr_. ATK Fork Brace The best Fork Br.ce on tadeya market. F.vor.ble tested in magazine. and endorsed by calif. Superbike School. Av.i1.ble for Herlev Davidson. Honde. Kawasaki. Suzuki and Yamaha from 1976 up. Instills in. few minutes. see your dealer. 869.95, Vi.../MC or COD. ATK LEITNER CORP. 2650-C W.lnUl Ave.. Tustin. CA. 92680.1714)731-5114. c.II toll free outside Ca. (800) 854-4023. (215/17NW) 1984 Honda CR250 Excellentcondilion, m_aeIl•• IBOO/080. G"'llll_ . dava(818)786-7588,eves_r8C8181983-0308. (115/161

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