Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CAUFOAIllA AME MOTOCROSS Dian Dunes. V,I,nei., CA. 2 mi ...".f 1·5 on Hwy 126. CIo... s: Beg. Jr. Int. Exp, Pro. 10 riders to mike • _ . '1000 Pro pws,. All . _ will receive Bud Mug. Gites open 7 1m. prIC 8. flC. 9. Mem flqd. Th. lludwei.., Ch.II• • Mug. Enny: Pr.. '20. Beg '10••Ill... '15. P..I 1IItries· Add '5. Info: 213/881·5776. TEXAS MOSIER MX Mosilt V ..I.y MX Part. FI. WDI11t. TX. All d.......604 g....nte.d b purse. No pit riding .. let. prlt. Pree. 8 ...... re"9;InI.Ex_.l:30p.... Entry.ll Spl..." .16 Ex. Got•• 5. 1nf.214/357-4196. TEXAS SWAN MX Tyter. TX. Exit 69 S loom 1·20. 2 miles to CR 411. rillht 2 mi and un loft. .igns on told. All dull•. Troph. 10 5th. $1005 Ex purn, t 5 rider min. dus. 10011 Pro peybed. Conce.· .i.... ceatping .21...... hDDl<· ..... p1I _ ell nig/tl. Slnigln·""" progrIm PriC 9:30 1m, rlCi 11. EntrY gall '5. A.... 11 O. E1Ifl120. Inf.8i11 lAw 214/882-4215. "oc.. AIIZONA CANYON MX Clnyon Raceway, 1Yz mi. Wilt of 99th A" Hwy, AZ. All el 33% Sptsmn tr""".. 10011 b p.b. Inf. 602/934-5021 (Babl. 583·0515 (Taml. CMC CAUFORNtA MX Seddl_ Part. 0,,"11". CA. Frwy 55 to Ch.pmln Ixit. 7 mi. 10 Senti.g. C .,.. Rd. right ,. e.unty • fire Italion.lett on rd Pllt tire stltion. All d...... 30% tr.pll. GI.. 1:30 I.m., sign up 81 priC. 8-9. rKl 9:30. Entry .10 Sptsmn. .15 Pr.. Inl. 114/551·3323. ..It NEVAOA OESERT GP W....mucCl, NY. Nonh on Hwy 95 appro•. 4 millS 10 Winnemucci Mm. Classes 125 to Open. Nov. 10 Exp. District 36. Silver bett buckle for tim 0/A. Rider Inlel 9:30 1m. rlCl It 10. Entry 125 pre. 130 post. Flying W. MIt, AMA/0·36.lnfo 1021623·2453 (leonerd Hornb"'1l"I. TEXAS COIIIlOE MX Conr. MX Part. Conroe. TX. 3 mi. south of town to S.n Jlcinto Rivet'. All daues. Truph. or gift elft to 8th in Nov. dassas. Cone........ - . . . --.s. Splil _ : prec. 8 a.m.. rICe 10; Int/b racl 1 p.m. Enlry '8 Sptsmn.. "5 ~ G... '4. Inf. 112/756-4114 (Conroo Soz.I. 213· 2336 (lredl). CAUFOtlNIA AMA/ORAGIIlK£ ORAGS S.erlmlnto Raceway. Slcramlmo. CA. ExuliJior Rill. All dillS. Sup'r full to Youth 1M Str••t King. AU riders Wlkomt. TrICk opens 9 '111. prac 10·' :30. r.". 2:30. Info 916/7281620 IMil.. AME CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Indien 0.... Part. Vellncie. CA. 1·5 I. Hwy 126, g....11. All el..... includ. ATV. 3011 IfDIlh•• 1000_ .. Pr.. 125cc. 25Occ. Open. Gill 1 em, prec 8. ree. 9. Entry '15, '20 post, 120. 125 Post. P.... IludweiSl' MX Ch.IIe Cup. No mlfOb. reqd. f.. Begi lnt. 818/881·5118 (SIlir· ley SIlDfl). May4 AME CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Iodi.. Ounes PIIt. ~5 .. Hwy 126, go ...... AI d ..... incIud. ATV. 4IllI .....,... pb '15. 6eIe . . . 5 pm. prec 1, _ 8. Entry 113. 120 Pro. Bud.Iiser Firsl Frid.y night. Info 818/881·5118 ISItiIloy Shorel. May 5-6 CAUFORNlA 6ftANO PIlIX Pe!ris . - - . PIfris. CA. 91 Frwy. £ .. 15 Frwy. S. (E-'I .. Hwy 14 £ . - Penis 8 miIas •• Elie SI. left II mila .. trick. Set dassas ell cIueified V.b. Minis. 101· 2111 _ .. ell und_. Sun. dassas 4-_. OT, 2SD·Open Int.... Exp. s... _" 250-0pe0. Nov••1 Pros. _ 20111Ttlphs, -"I. 1 hr. 1fII, rece. 80% Pro plI pet elesl. 2011 0I.1IlIY" - . . 3. Fre. 0/. ceroping, Iredl prepped .Ith dey. No prec. no ploy bib•. GeII 6:30.m. 111 reee 8. both deys. Entry 115 f.. fim rece. 11 0 ........ Pros ,40. Gall In '6. kids 6·12 '3. 5·unde, tree. Inf. 114/991· 8615 IAI Smithl· CAUFORNIA TllAll RIDE Stert .. WoIIeylO", CA. Amuel spring treil ri.... 2 deys. 125 mil.. .Ith dey. Spoci.1 ....., ISOE·styl•. Ovemight remotl Clmpoul. All food .nd gel suppli.d. CIe"'e T·shin. I.. • 11 ri",,,. Tot.1 cost lor .ntry .85 ~ by Apr. 251ll. Post .ntry i. .1110: Now W. T Don hren 209/754-5204. ,eiIride.. May 6 AMA WASHOUGAl MX 23 onil.. N.£ of PonIend, 011.1·5 •• Hwy SR 14. go ••It liang coh.... 10 Hwy 140 in Washougel. 1 _ signs t. 1'1Ck. All elesses. 30% trophs. 100% Pro plI. G .... _ 1 .01. pree 8. ree. 10. Entry .12, '11 Pr•.• 5 wlldL 6· t 1 13. under 6 fr... Nonhw· 1St MX Enterprises. Info 5031248· 1106 or 206/892·5441. CMC CAUFORNlA MX Seddl.bed< Part. Orenge. CA. Frwy 55 to ChlplMn lxit. .ISI 7 mi. to Sontilllll Cenyon Rd. right I. county fin station. leh on rd past fin stllion. All c1 3IllI trDIIh. G... 1:30 •.01.. sign prec. 8·9. re" 9:30. Entry 11 0 Sptsmn, 115 P,.. Inf. 114/551·3323. CAUFORNIA OEANZA MX DeAnu Cydo Part. Sunnymeed, CA. 10 ml .111 01 Riverside on Hwy 60 .. T1te lrit. Alldassas. 3011 . - dey Spb trDIIh.. lOOl1 Pel W trDIIh. E ryIIody g_ 2 ....... .. .. Free _ping. Plitt open 1 deys. Got. 6 "01.. prec. 8:30. reee9:30. Entry.1 p1I + Sf 0 Sptsmn, 114 Pro; non· _ . odd 13. Info 114/653·8068• 5840. 1919. TEXAS AUSTIN MX Austin Austi" TX. U.S. 183 S I. Smith Rd (IDuIh 01 M.,.rol. pllntl. H ....'d Rd III • lor sign.. All de..... 50% troph. Illrough 51ll. 201111 ~ p.b. Concessions. Inte c,,"ping I: fishing. Split schedull: Now sign up 7 I.m.. PriC. 8. reCi 9; Inti Ex sign up noon, r." 1:30. Gill '5 .dult. uncI,,·8 fre•. Entry .10 Splsmn.• 15 EI. ~f. 5121443·1621. 321·5254 (Rocky). Motosports.--. ARI20NA OEER VALUY MX De" V.lloy Cycle P.rt<, AZ. 11ll St.' 00" V.lloy Rd. All el...... 33%traph.• 100% Pro p.b. N. pit riding. Gif. 6:30 I.m.. Pl'lt. 8. flel 9. Entry 110 Sptsmn.• 15 Pr•. W.lCh .4.duft, .2 12. Ph.nil $upIf. cross R _ . Inc. Inf. 6021861· 4169 (John). 1m"'" AIIZONA CANYON ST • TT Cmyon III mi. "''' of 99th Ave • Cerofreo Hwy. Phoenix. A2. All ele..... 33% Sptsmn trDIIh. ,. 51ll, 100% b p.b... 33% 01 eles. ,. 5th. Class Ctree. req'd f.. E~ roc • mended for ell - . . GI.. 10 .. rider's ....ting 11. rK' aftlt prIC. Got. te..: 14 eduIt. 12 child _ . 12.•5/1like ("'dUClld .. sip upl. Entry .10 Sptsmn. "4 ~ Inf. 6021 918·0661 (1Us1. 583·0515 (T"'1. Rete_. AME CAUFORNIA MX Spr.c..... P.rt<,1lekersfi.ld. CA. All desses. Pro p.b.• 3IllI Sptsmn tropb. Free 0IN eem,iltll- GeII 1 •.m., prlt. 8. reed. Entry .12 Splsmn•• 11 Pro (.151. p.b.l: AME m.mb. req· It tredt ('201. AmlriCln MotDCfOU Enterprius. Inc.• P.O. Box 1421. R.Sld., CA. 91335. Inf. 2131 881·5118. CMMC CALIFORNIA Mill MX Ilero.. 0.. . - - . Remon., CA. Hwy 67 18 lIbside••ISI on Mlplmew. north on Ashwood. up Wildcat C8nyon ReI 11 millS. New Beg. de... OIN eDllClS' lions. Sign up clous 7:30 sta.p. Entry $10. yllrly mlmb. $15. Info 114/561·1344 (G.ry). 441·9348 (O....i.l. _ping' TEXAS BURLESON MX Soulh 01 Fo

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