Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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".tber. Callf.r.I..ArI. . . . . . . .th.ra N. . . . .• Soatb.r. Callfor.I..Arl. . . . . . . .tb.r. Ne...... ".tber.·ArI. . . . Western hotline (Above) Racing was tight at CRC'. MX at the Dunes. (Below) Todd Huegel (81) and Tom Gergen dice in the 260cc Intermediate class at Corona. . Suz) right behind. Sayeg crashed on the first lap, handing the lead to McLain, while West moved by McGlaughlin. It took West about another two laps 10 make up the distanceon McLain, and when he caught him midway through the race, they put on quite a show. West pulled alongside McLain going into the first corner at the beginning of the fourth lap, but was shut off by the Kawa aki pilot in the turn. West bauled back throughout the lap and tried the same move on the following lap but couldn't get by. McLain managed to put slower riders behind him that held West up on the final lap and kept him from making a charge for the lead. McLain crossed the line a comfortable distance ahead of West, while McGlaughlin led the Novices home. Sayeg recovered from his crash in the first malO and charged into the lead of the second ahead of McLain. West gated poorly and was in fifth behind Novices Buddy Antunez (Kaw) and McGlaughlin. After two laps of dicing, West finally made his way by and set out after Sayeg and McLain. At mid molO, West caught up, and the three were bunched together with McLain holding down first, Sayeg second and West a dose third. West passed Sayeg but was repassed a lap later when West went wide through a t.urn to get around a slower rider. Sayeg took the inside, and exciting the comer the two bumped, yet, both stayed upright. When the white flag flew, West was back in second and close enough 10 McLain to read the stickers on his rear fender. The two battled all the way around the track, but West couldn't get by and came up short at the end. Sayeg crossed the line in third but was later disqualified. McGlaughlin passed Antunez halfway through the race to capture the Novice win. Results !6 BOSTK EX: 1. Eddie Hick. (Y....I; 2. Mille"""" (Suz); 3. I.DwelI ' " " ' " - (Yaml. 125 BEG 11: ,. Bill Gilbert (Yam~ 2. Mille SteinhofI(Hon~ 3. Tom Cardona (Suz). 125 BEG 1/2: 1. Jeff Oroa:o (KIw); 2. Ph~lip W...-r (Han); 3. David Salina.(Kaw). 125 NOV: 1. Steve Kendall (Suz~ 2. Alan Pien:e (KIw~ 3. CIlad Smart (Suzl. 1251NTl/l: 1. Scott Myers (Y....); 2. Chad Parker (Kaw); 3. Billy Whitley (KIw). 125 INT 1/2: 1. Fra"ia Brundage (K_); 2. Jeff Barbacovi (Yam); 3. John Davia (Y....~ 125PRO: 1. TocIdcampbell(Kaw);2. _rManneh (KIw); 3. Craig canoy (Hon). 250 BEG: 1. David Ba_"(Hon); 2. Ronald Williams (Hon); 3. Bob Michael (lion). 250 NOV: ,. Henry Corry (Suz); 2. Joe Merrien (Hon); 3. Andy Barth (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Mike Megallene. (Yam); 2. Lance Rieman (Yam); 3. John (Hon). 250 PRO: 1. Kri. Bigelow (ylm); 2. John Drury (Hon); 3. Pout Mclain (Hon). 500 BEG: 1. Handy Hickalow (Suz); 2. Daan SoxIon (Hon). 500 NOV: 1. AI.. Milly (lion); 2. Joe Crouch (Hon); 3. Jeff CII_n (lion). 500 INT: 1. Rodger Mccabe (Hon); 2. Ruben FIIcon (Hon). 500PRO: 1. Scot1 Morgan (Hon); 2. MlrkMldock (Hon); 3. Gory Kilhy (Hon). VET JR: 1. Donnis Lawrlnce (Hus); 2. RobIn Cooke (Hon); 3. Tom Spurgin (Hus). VET !NT: 1. Banyt Johanaon (Hon). VET MASTER: 1. Jeff Harriolt (Hon); 2. Nick Coslello (Hon); 3. Jody Weisel (Yam). Mclain claims victory at Corona nightMX By Nate Rauba CORONA, CA, APR. 6 A new triple jump section and rebuilt jumps had most riders logging a lot of air time tonight at Corona Raceway. Between flights Mike McLain hooked his Kawasaki up with the ground to win both molOS of the combined Mini Expert/lntermediate/Novicerace, but only after some tough competition from Intermediates Ron West and Larry Sayeg. McLain followed Sayeg (Pomona Valley Kawasaki) through the first turn in moto one, with Novice Donny McGlaughlin (Kaw) and We" (BTSI PEE WEE: 1. Mike M..... (lion); 2. Chris Comar (Kaw); 3. Eddie Moregl (Ylm). MINI BEG 12·: 1. Dana Wiggins (Kaw); 2. Robin Naber (Kew); 3. Jeb Brock (Yam). MINI BEG 13+: ,. Donny McGlauohlin (Kaw); 2. Buddy Anlunez(K_); 3. DavidWodaszewski (Kaw). MINI INT: 1. Ron Wist (Suz); 2. larry SaYlll (Klw). MINI EX: 1. Mike Mclain (Kaw). 125 BEG I: 1. Jeff Hays (Yam); 2. Billy Beltz {Suz~ 3. Dave Olay (Suz). 125 BEG II: 1. Phil Alamangos (Vim); 2. SIeve Voung (Ylm); 3. Brad Fletcher (Yam I. 125 NOV I: ,. Chad Sman (Suz); 2. Chris Winkler (Honl; 3. BJ Mill_UOh (Yam). 125 NOV II: 1. Tony Megalianes(Hon); 2. Chris Pillow (Hon); 3. Jeff capt (K_). 1251NT: 1. Gery Lacy{Hon); 2. Joey Cox (Kaw); 3. Tim Benson (Ylml. 250 BEG: 1. Kon Baur (Vim); 2. Jeff Thom.(Yamt 3. Dan Wilborn (Ylm). 250 NOV: 1. Rich Mihalic (lion); 2. Jim Williams (Suz); 3. Darin M_x(Hon). 250 INT: 1. Bruce Harcrow (Hon); 2. Mike Megallanes (Yam); 3. Tom Brown (Honl. (Mai); 2. Daniel Cuker OPEN BEG: 1. Don (Suzl; 3. Rick Sanford (Hon). (Hon); 2. Paul PitOPEN NOV: 1. Greg zonke (KIw~ 3. James _ (Hon). VET: 1. Ron Way (Hon~ 2. Bob LowIhar (Hus). COMB PRO: 1. DonG_(KTM~ 2. PoulMclain (Hon~ 3. Willy Musgrew (Hon). "-'Ia canon Chandler wins Gardena Gold Cup HaHMile By Maureen Lee GARDENA, CA, APR. 6 Doug Chandler won the Expert Final at the Gardena Gold Cup half mile on his Jerry Griffithprepared Honda twin, becoming the first man towin at the event as a Novice, Junior and Expert. Chandler's victory also marked Honda's first 750cc half mile victory at Ascot. Chandler Started out the night by setting fast time - 22.41 seconds but was beaten in the fastest heat by Mike Garrison. Chandler lead briefly but Garrison grabbed it and won. Second heat went [0 Steve Morehead - winner of the '83 Gold Cup - with Dan Ingram second spot. Third heat had Mike Minnig into turn one first, but Pete Hames was by very quickly on his way 10 the win. In third was Gary Scott who soon had his hands fuJI with Don Howard. Both of them got by Minnig and Howard was leading Scou in second place when his bike let go on the last lap. Randy Green won the semi with Jeff Johnson second. Mike Gilkey became the last transfer [0 the main with Mickey Fay fourth. After three Trophy Dash restarts, Mike Garrison won, with Chandler and Hames fighting for second with Chandler getting it. Come the main Garrison got out in from again with Chandler and Morehead in hot pursuit. Chandler was quickly in full command and around the third lap Pete Hames went down in tum one. Garrison and Morehead ran with Chandler for awhile but Chandler soon pulled further and further ahead. The rest of the pack shook down to Bob Land in fourth, then Gary Scott, Dan Ingram and Randy Green. In the closing laps Morehead had the upper hand over Garrison and was in second Land's motor let go, costing him fourth. Scott finished fourth. In the large Junior division, fastest heat was the Iirst. won by Chris Carr on a Wood-~otax. George Roeder II drew attention to himself by coming slraight up lhrough the pack to a strong second over Dan Roberts. Chad Felicia won the second heat by a good margin over Rod Reynolds and Mike Arthur and Roger Thomp· son were the direct transfers from the third heat. In the semi, Ryan Fisher, Harold Raggio, Don Roberts and Dan McDonnell had a grand old time swapping the front places around until they settled down into the final placing of Roberts, Fisher, Raggio and McDonnell. The Junior main was less exciting. They all just settled down into their finish placings from practically lap one, although winner Carr kept putting more space between his back wheel and Felicia, Roeder and Roger Thompson, the other fTOnt runners. Novice Vir~il Thom..E,son rea!ly dusted off the first Novice heat. Randy Roose won the second and Adam Sabedra won the third and the pole spot for the main event. Hondamounted Sabedra look oCC with the lead again in the main followed by Larry Dunnagen and Jim Harrell. As the laps dropped, Sabreda stayed out front with Randy Roose and Winkie Freita coming up [0 finish second and third. Results TROPHV DASH: 1. Mike Garrison (H·D); 2. Doug Chandler (Hon); 3. Pete Hames (H-D); 4. Moreheld (H·D). NOV MAIN: 1. Adem SabrIda (Hon); 2. Randy Roose (Hon); 3. Winkll Freha. (W-RI; 4. Larry Dun· nagen (Vam~ 6. Jam.. Harrell (lion); 6. Anthony Holdsclaw (W-R); 7. John Taylor (W-R); B. Dlrin BI_ston (Hon); 9. Virgil Thompson (Yam); 10. Jim Gentile (Yam). JR MAIN: 1. Chris carr (W-R); 2. Chad Felicio (W-R); 3. George _ r H (H-D); 4. Roger Thompson (H-D); 5. Don Robins (H·D); 6. Ryan Fisher (C-A); 7. Dlniel Mcdonnell (H·D); 6. Rod Reynolds (Hon~ 9. Hlrold R_io Jr (Vem); 10. Michael Arthur (C-A). EX. MAIN: 1. DoUO Chandler (Hon); 2. SIeve Morlheld (H-D); 3. Mike Glrrison (H-D); 4. Gary Scot1(H·D); 5. Dan Ingrlm (H-D); 6. Randy Green (H-D); 7. Sal Hoffman (H-D~ B. Mike Minnig (H-D~ 9. Jeff Johnson (H-D); 10. _ Land (H-D); 11. Mickey Fay (W·Rt 12. Pete Ha..... (H-D~ s.-

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