Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Lucerne Valley - Red Mountain - Plaster City ..." Searchllcht - Sidewinder Road - Superstition Mountain - Jean - Rand Mounta.... - Lucerne Valley - Red Mounta Desert Hotline r----------------------,-----------,'" W t.' z ::J " w " ~ > '" e l- e :x: 0.. hard riding carried Alexander/Shuler to the finish first. After four, long . hard loops, the victory was theirs. Alexander and Shuler were happy with their win and wanted to thank their sponsors Montclair Yamaha, Oakley Grips and Paul Thede from ST. Racing. Both riders wanted to thank their clubs: Alexander, The Vikings, and Shuler, The Stump Jumpers. Coming in for second overall and first 250 was the Stearns/Barney tearn. Barney said he caught Shuler at one point then bailed, ending his bid for the lead. They also thanked their sponsors Pro Cycle, Dick Allen Yamaha and Keith Reeves American of Honda. Third overall took honors in the C bike class Tom Elias/Duane Summers who rode a hard race today for their sponsors Howard and Son in Pheylan, Cagiva N. American, Pro-gas, Duralube and Oury Grips. Matthews/Krause pulled in for the fourth, and second in the 250cc class. Riding an unbelievable race today was Bill Saltzman. Bill came in at fifth overall, first iron man, and first in the Open Vet class. Results KTM rider Kurt Butler took third overall in the CRC Desert Fools Enduro, just tWo days after getting his foot out of a cast. Alexander/Shuler shoot to Rovers H'n'H win By Shirley Upp LUCERNE VALLEY, CA,APR. 8 The team of Mike "Downhill" Alexander and Ron Shuler, mounted on a Montclair 495 Yamaha took the overall win 30 this weekend in Lucerne Valley. The Rovers had a great turnout for their 10th Annual Hare & Hound Boner Run. It was a team race with two, 35-mile loops, and each rider had to travel each loop once, for a total of 140 miles. When the banner dropped it was Ken U pp taking the start for tearnmate Ken Oviatt, both are Pro Cycle riders. The LeMans start had Upp off the line like he was shot from a gun. Mike Alexander took ·the start for Sh ul,er. Scott Stearns, taking the start for partner Charles Barney, was having one of his best bomb runs ever, staying with Upp and Alexander. At the bomb; Upp jumped on the fastest trail to retain the lead, with Alexander falling into second. A mile past the bomb Upp was starting to pull away from Alexander. Third was the 250cc team of Paul Krause and Andy Mathews, followed by the 250 of John Blakeney and Mike Fitz· gerald. Running fifth was Mark Zoller, who was out in the lead in the C bike class. ' In the Novice start, the Open class team of Gabe McNeese and Rodney Smith had the lead a mile past the bomb.. Second was the team of John Kruger/Steve Acheltree, with Marc Kibbe/Tim Weichers in third. Up with leaders and leading the Beginner class was Craig Mann on a 250. The team of brothers Mike and Wayne N use came flyin/!; by in fifth. Upp was starting to build up a nice lead and was heading into check twO when his bike decided to quit. With mechanical problems putting him out, it was Alexander taking over tfie lead and glad to be out of the dust. After one loop, Alexander handed over the arm band to Shuler for the second loop. Runing second overall was Mark Zoller on a 125 KTM. He handed it off to Gre/!; Johnston who was ready for his turn. Scott Stearns, who had moved up to third, gave the bike to partner Charles Barney. The second C bike was that of Tom Elias and Duane Summers, at fourth overall. It was Krause and Matthews ahead of the Willis/Zollinger team .at fifth and sixth. The first Vet and real ironman was BIll Saltzman. Next bike through was also an Open Vet team, Darryl Ellis and Jeff Vaughn. Leading the 250cc Senior class was the team of Ron Hall and Don Whitehorn. Each rider did his share of hard work, and 'when Ron Shuler took over for Alexander he was still lead· ing at the end of the second loop. The Stearns/Barney team caught up and pulled close on the last two loops, but OPEN EX: 1. Mike Alexander/Ron Shuler; 2, Ver· lin Van Zee/Mike Mulconery; 3. Keith Mertz/Mark M.ngold. OPEN AM; Leo Scott/Rick Gvertin; 2. Mike Bo· ling/John Reed; 3. Alex Long/Joe Je..eph. OPEN NOV; 1. Bob Wethern/Bob Fr.nco; 2. M.rc KibbielTim Weichers; 3. Bill Evans/Chris Hart. OPEN BEG: 1. Webster/Hooper; 2. V, Lenone; 3, J. Bitker, 250 EX: 1. Ch.rles B.rney/ScOlt Ste.rns; 2. P.ul Krause/Andy Matthews; 3. Steve Webb/John McCormick. 250 AM: 1. Keith Whitlack/Mark Borgone; 2. Paul Baker/John Elarice; 3. Alan Peel/Dennis Torgerson. . 250 NOV: 1, CI.rk Wi.lmoth/Mike Sp.ns; 2, D.n Childs/Jim Nesmith; 3. Brad Giblits/Brent Smith. 250 BEG: ,. Craig Mann; 2. James Fowler/ Charln Lamson; 3. Ray Bylsma. C EX: 1. Tom Elias/D. Summers; 2. Mike Jones; 3. Greg Johnston/Mark Zoller. CAM; 1, John K.rell/Guy Kibbe; 2. Ch.rlie Morris/Joe Osteen. C NOV: 1,Jim Gilpin/Phil Wood; 2. John H.ller /Gary Curry; 3. Bill Crawford/Tom Wells. C BEG: 1, Bob Alex.nder Jr/ Alex.nder; 2, Ron Johnston; 3. Lowell Martin. VET OPEN EX: 1. Bill S.lIzm.n; 2. Steve Thompson/Jim Robinson; 3. Ed Seyler/David Burson. . VET OPEN AM: 1, H.nk S.n Miguel/Keith Ten· nis; 2. John Thompson/CliffWood; 3. Mark Romp/Jim Shunerwarde. . VET OPEN NOV; 1, Andy Rocoo/Bob; 2, Dick Brownell/Doug Erlemann; 3. C. Carson/Po Martin. VET OPEN BEG; 1, Jim H.mmons, VET 250 EX; 1. Wes Anderson Jr /Monte Lee; 2. Earl Shuler/Jeff Robins; 3. Ron Paproski/Lester Stiffler. VET 250 AM: 1, C. Loonsfoot/Bill Childers; 2, Howard Dolan/Bruce Joseph; 3. George loren/G.ry Jones, VET 250 NOV: ,. Tim Carlson/Jerry Gilpin. VET 250 BEG: 1. Laon.rd Guild; 2, John Cowgill. SR OPEN EX: 1, Jim Lang/H.rold Cooper; 2, L Lehigh/C. Morris; 3. L Eli.s/E, F.rrell. SR OPEN AM; 1. CI.rence Willis/D.le Br...• field; 2, Lyle P.lmer/Steve Hollister; 3, B, Scott/C, Horst. SR OPEN NOV: 1. Robert Thom.s/Ne.1 Etherton; 2. Ken Boyd/Ken Nichols; 3. John Hessick/Ray Bonham. SR OPEN BEG: 1. Rich.rd Hughes; 2. Mich.el Alessi; 3. Fabien Unhassobiscay. SR 250 EX; 1. Don Whiteborn/Ron H.II; 2. Wayne Goodman/Dave Kersting; 3. A. Guzman/D. Postma. SR 250 AM: 1,0, Deichm.n/Mike Dyott; 2, Bill Richardson; 3. Bob Shaw/E. Leizopilote. SR ··C" EX: 1, G. Purser/J.n Lehotan; 2. Ed Ogden; 3. E. Austin/Tom Burroughs. SUPER SR: 1. Gus P.ul/R.mon Louie; 2, Ed Phe· lan/Jim Sers; 3. Norm Stuart. WOMEN EX: 1. Diane Holeman/L. Farmer. WOMEN AM: 1. V. Scott/Joh.nn. Needh.m; 2, Denise DeVines/Susan Srenman. Wiechmann wins CRC Desert Fools enduro By Mike Klinger RED MOUNTAIN, CA, APR. I No finisher pins, flash floods were forcasted, and as a matter of fact, the entire enduro had been cancelled. April Fools signs were posted all over the desert in honor of this year's California Racing Club's Desert Fools enduro. Open AA .rider Mark Wiechmann (Yam) "fooled" everybody else by taking the overaH win wi th a score of 1.60, just nine seconds ahead of CRC ace Scott Sampson's 1.69 on a KTM. Twenty-four seconds off of Wiechmann's score for third overall was KTM-mounted Kurt Butler, 1.84.'Butler just had the cast removed £rom his foot on Friday, then he raced on Sunday. Another ironman, Bill Fulmer Jr, finished fifth overall after breaking his back in February at the Prospectors' enduro. Kristi Hamner, a 200 B class woman tied for the overall with Scan Jacobsen, Mini A for loop . one honors. Both winners lost only two seconds. Real problems developed on loop one. The 30 mile loop was outstanding until the very last check, back at camp. When laying out the course some ribbons were misplaced, and unfortunately, directed many riders back to camp. These competitors completely missed the final tie-breaker check. The check had to be thrown out, which made the one-loop race no race at all. Eighteen riders 'zeroed' the loop.. The final section leading to the first loop tie· breaker check was a fast 30 mph hustle with a very abrupt halt on the down side of a hill, in which to be clocked. Too bad (or the mishap, things could have been quite interesting. With check five thrown out in loop one, many riders zeroed six of seven checks, and the tie-breaker on loop two was the real decider. A 30 mph section leading to 36 mph for approximately four miles mixed up the scores well. After all the dust had settled, Yamaha IT490-mounted Mark Wiechmann posted the best score. Following Wiechmann were Sampson and Butler. Fourth overall was Rand'y Kemp, then Bill Fulmer Jr, Tracy Lewis, Greg Newland, Robb Mesecher, Rich Danial and 10th overall Jerry Russell. . Results OVERALL: 1, M.rk Wiechm.nn; 2. Scott· son; 3. Kurt Butler. OPEN AA-SR: 1, H.rry Keast, OPEN A: ,. Tracy Lewis; 2. Dave Little. 250 A: ,. Jerry Russell; 2. Bill Keese; 3. Red Foster. . 200 A: 1, Tom Wilhelm; 2. Robert Leach, MINI A: 1, Scott Jacobsen. OPEN A-4ST; 1. Skip Cristy, 200 A-4ST: 1. Tony C...g•. OPEN A-SR: 1. Art Fallsmore; 2. Mervyn Murray; 3, Ron Webb. 250 A-SR: 1. W.rren Stirling; 2, Ed Butler, OPEN A-SSR: 1. Hutchens, OPEN A-V: 1, Hibb.rd; 2. W.yne St.nfield; 3.1 Charles Monroe, Jack Labrum. 250 A-V: 1. Bruce Boring; 2. Doug Dania Is. 200 A·V; 1. Glenn Larson, 250 A-W: 1. D.n. Bell. OPEN B: 1. M.rk E. Anderson; i. Don C.sey; 3, Ray Hoffman. 250 B: 1. Jesus PI.scencia; 2. Rob McClell.nd; 3. Jeff, 200 B: 1. Tim Hoover; 2. Denny Walker; 3. Troy Sk.ggs. MINI B: ,. Darin Trippensee. 200B-16: 1. TommyVe.tor, OPEN B-4ST: 1, Randy Klassen; 2. Eric Nicholson, 250 B·4ST: 1. R.ndy Schw.lenberg. OPEN B·SR: 1, Roger Alves; 2, G.ry Niederhuth; 3. Steve Toomey. 250 B·SR: 1, Donald W, 6imone. 200 B·SR; 1. Dennis Sc.mmell. OPEN B·SSR: 1, Roy Hudson, 250 B·SSR; 1. Nick Laz.ris, OPEN B-V: 1. Pete Skorheim; 2. Mike Ferro; 3. Robert Keller. 250 B-V: 1. George Chase; 2. lee Johnson. 200 B-V: 1. Ronald Nunnally; 2. Joe Treweek. 200 B-W: ,. Kristi Hamner; 2. Kathy Labrum. OPEN C: 1. Keith H.rt; 2, M.rk Fischer; 3. Ken McKenney. 250 C: ,. Bryon Barr; 2. Will Kennedy; 3. George Hamill Jr. 200 C: 1. Charles A. Montoya; 2. Gary Meeker. 125 C: 1. SIeve Hill. MINI C; ,. William Jerry Hughes. 250 C- 16: 1, Scott D.w, OPEN C·4ST; 1, Mike Agner; 2. Steve Maddox; 3. John Uhern. 250 C-4ST: 1. Jeff Fitzp.trick, OPEN C-SR: ,. Erbie Daw Jr; 2. Wayne Embree; 3. Ed Shelton. 250 C-SR; 1. Tony Durprau. OPEN C·SSR: 1, B, B, Morgan, OPEN C·V: 1. Ken Woodling; 2, Mike Bradley; 3, Phil Currey 250 C-V: ,. Klaus Dieter Koepp; 2. Rick Hoffman; 3. Jim Schmardebeck. 200 C-V: 1. Perry J. Eychaner. 200 C-W; ,. Birgit Hudson; 2. Sally Marquez.

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