Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BAJA CAUf_ 6RAIII PIIlI l\O-iA_ AMAlo-36 NEVADA GRAIII PIIlI Virginia City. NV_ All dasus. .. minis. "5.000 in prizes. conti.... tin ond co"'. FinisMr pins. AMAlo· 36 POInts. Roc.., 11 Illl Sot. 10.01 Sun. SpIr1< ........ roqd_ EIlIIy O3S. • 50 poll. S10 cosh elus. Enrim a:fJ.ii~:::: i:::::::::::::: i::::: CALIFORNIA FLAT TRAClt lodi Cyd. IIowl. Lolli. CA. Hwy 9: b......n ArmSlrollll 6 8 Mill Rodo. FronllO' Rd. Pro Am. 240-5DOcc '12DO p..... Full Am..... rae. eo51JDce. Cyd. Bowl Production•• G ... 9 •. 01.. ",a<. 9:30. lit. 11. EIlIIy: Pro AM .15. Am. '10. Info Jorry Curry ................................................................................ SUZUKI CaUIT!! 209/388·7182 .. 931·3722. RACING _.Id. CMC CALIFORNIA MOTOCROSS Sprockltt. pn. CA99 '0 _ i l l d. . . 58 E. 10 MI. V ...... N. 4 mill. top of hill. IoU. . liOns. All em-. 3311 _ pb Replica Of RA-125. RH-250 WORKS BIKES '0 to Pros. Got. 6:30 pnc 7:308:30..... 9. EJmy "2. .15 Pro. Info 805/834-021l41Rid< _ .. lJIon 8 __ 1· f\~"s "'EIl-OO~~ TEXAS HAlf MIlE oovils _ ~. olilu. TX. Pro-Am O1DOo to win 100 I"" mlio , . .l\~ ..c.t!l~o.~ "toll..... ~ toll.......~,o "iuv'-:' fO' S tlo"'ce to _ .. AMA·senctionod. loy _ Gn>op ..Iy Proc ..... riel. 2 plIl. Info 8011 Boo- .. lSI 51. I T_ AoI. Doo,Ior -g.- Sioa io. La. to II. &dry: S7 _ '1 I _ _ to ...... doop- .or ........ T..... - . - . .. CIIiI. Far _ lilt " - 59S-57&7 lJI_. _ e - 533-1998 linU G..... 739-1479 _ nus MOTOCROSS 000_531- 8297~_213/~944 . Lon..... TX.. 5 "'les WHI of longview, off 1·20 an Te•. F_ Rd. 2011. All cIIssI. incl.... 4-_ _ MX Port. Info 4091248-2700 IFrId H.iobl). CRC CAUfOllllA MolUCROSS ~ pn. 0_. CA. F"" 55 to Cbopmon IIit. .... 7 ..... to Sonriqo Conyan Rd. RiQIllto _ fire station. left ifIID pad. AI daaa. 01000 Pro ..... plus continooncill f.. Pros ond Sot-. 3nI riel of Sari... EIlIIy 012 mlil ,,5 POst. '20 moil. '25 post Pro. Into Dune"... 213/830-7519. nus WACO MOlUCROSS Wlco MX pn. WIco. TX. 9 miln .... 01 Woeo 51 Hwy 6. AI ell..... T o 5. b dirt...... _ •. MX clull. Sprx-..I h.. hIn. G... opons 8 MI. pllt 9. riel 10. 110 p.r d 3 plI. _ 80 ond undor 8 hoi. W Eo.... M/C. Info 8171752·5094. 1_ _I. En..., NMA ARIZONA OUAUfIER eo..... Roc...,. Al.. 1 \I, mill _It of 99th Ave, and Carefrn Hwy. AI el...... 33,. ..phs. IIIIIlI h. pb. Gill ope.. 11m. pr8C 8. Must 4 015, Into 8021795-2238 IRon r_ KIyo.). CAUf_ RAllYIPOI£R lUI Mollterl, _ Fair.......s. -.y. CA.eo....,, . . _ .. -'_.--vdo. . . - . . biIiI to '-'"'" ... _ ....... prins. 1!I411111y"~ Mot......... 150-175"""'"" ...... - . , Boy ArI. __ Gill 7:30 -. h. -.yde .....9 Entry'5 a post-br April 16. S1 ., . . . - . y Boy E ........ M/C. lIlfo 4lI8/394-11627 lJ-sF. _ _I. Ro.G. _ R lUI _ ... ..., .. _.IIY. _I.. lJI_1.ilIony ..... 9Ih _ ... 5lll UT.""'''_ _.IIY. bit. SlIt l * City. Uno Casino. _ Sandor. b _ 8-9 _ ill SlIt l * City. Hartoy - . Gtoap. .10 don.tio.··p,o, ••• s I. lII.o.A.1nto 414/342-4880. May 5-6 AMA/D-37 PALMS TO PlIES lUI T... wi. _ PIIa pn. .. dII boldl ...... SIotlI - . 51. in SIotlI - . 1_ S...... _I· E ...... w.... Spriop . - - ... SuOlIoy. FiniIIoIr'. pins. SII. IIIIll. Sao. - . rIeI _ _........ ....... _ L __ -. S/5 PIIa Silo in 7-1 u.y; 120-. 025 .... AI , . . _ '30. 1Iistricl 37 ,... _ Morty 805/814- ROAD RUNS _Ha· ~. T AMAIO-37 01._ Sl&IlTS 1tIlII _ .. 7141898-4557. to 5. 01005 bpP'" 115 Illin. cI ). lDOl1 Pro pb_ Concusiom. G.,. opons 7 .... pnc on S... b...... Entry ., 0. .20 Pro .... E'll. East· Til May 13 2225 Cemo Circle. Rancho Cordova. CA 95670 (916) 635-3322 '.~ ~ T GO WITH THE WINNERS ~ IIojo CIIil1niI. _ May 12-13 2918._213/~_ Mey6 Ro.6- SAIl JOSE _AST s.JoIIIlplt. 1740.. lSI Shot s. ...... CA. 1106". io. _ April 29 _10.s..,. _ _ wot 817/488-9133. I. ., Da.... ~414/342 . . . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S.C. RACING 2057 N. Hamner Ave. Norco. CA 91760 (714) 734-0640 (714) 359-8546 TIle S8IsIIDI alSanId. Find out who was doing what a decade ago - Read "Ten Years Ago" Every weelt i C1LBllD1B i I ~ LISTIIII I • ~ . • • • • 1.1... Calendar listings are a free service. Please type or legibly print all information asked for and mail the blank Of' a fascimile thereof 10: Cycle News Calendar, PO Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801. All listings must be received by noon Thursday 10 appear in the following week's Cycle News. No phone calls. please: we can only accept items in writing. You may include an event flyer in addition to the Calendar blank. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • I I FREE~ 4B pagrs 0' the bt'st tot stre~ & MX ncludlng ChampIOnship $upe'rShoJc. TrackPao.vs, Faa Ra....SUtt DlrtPaws. Roosr.-D-FJector. '00' Boots anct more. Send just 5' to (~ postage and handling to: Moto-X Fox. Dept.eN ,Cam bell, CA 95008 5 ..... Service. Parts '84 YZ's AvaIlable S2()()..S300 Aebate on '81 & '82 Open Seven Days _ -----...~ - * CITY CYCLE CENTER * 8423 Rosemead Blvd N DowneV - - -(213r861-6217 -(21311lS,.·!l728_........ I Sponsoring ch,lb/pt'O!nCM.,/unc:llon I I Cl.....~ lrooh.../pu,.. I I Adchuon.1 Info I I 7948 A _ _ Blvd. Downey. CA 90241 1213) B1I1·9967 L.oc:at'On/dlJect.ons I PARTS. ACCESSORIES. REPAIRS Ewent.. Cale/pracuCe/racellme. I I I I Type. Enuvlees ~our "_I'M Phone numtler lor Info t-m . . . codaol I I I I

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