Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 04 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Beraal'dl.o- Ve.tara - A....ra Faria bests Bast at IMS By Scott Daloisio SAN BERNARDINO, CA, APR. II "Flyin' Mike" Faria thrilled his new sponsors at Budweiser by taking his second Scratch main in a row at John LaDoucer's Inland Motorcycle Speedway. Faria's win, however, was almost overshadowed by Mike Bast, who appeared in his looth Scratch main at IMS. Also sponsored by Shoei, Oakley, Kal-Gard and STP, Faria came [rom the inside spot on the grid to lead Bast into turn one. Much to the delight o[ the crowd, Bast tried LO get by Faria on the outside over the first two circuits. When that didn't work he dropped down to the pole but that also proved unfruitful as Faria opened up a lead that he maintained to the checkers. Even though Faria had it in the bag, the action was by no means over. As they exited turn [our on the last lap, Brad Oxley attempted LO pass Bast on the inside [or second. Bast chopped down in front o[ Oxley with a very aggressive block and raced across the line in second. As they approached turn one on the slowdown lap, Oxley ran inLO Bast. Bast started LO fall, and collected Kelly Moran. Moran had nothing LO do with the extracuricular activities, but as happens many times in these situations, the innocent bystander got the worst o[ it. Moran £lew orr his bike and was being dragged behind Bast's when he got his arm caught in the rear section. Arter they came to a sLOp it was [eared that Moran had been seriously injured, but a[ter a few tense minutes he walked away under his own power. In one o[ the prettiest rides seen at IMS in many a moon, local hero John Sand0T!a (San Bernardino Valley College/Malcolm Smith/Moto Pro Lubricants/Team Tamm/STP Wes) took the Handicap main [rom the 40. Dennis Briggs took the lead [rom the start over Keith "Comeback Kid" Larsen. Several times Larsen pulled outside o[ Briggs and looked ready to take over the point position, but Briggs always proved equal to the challenge. Sandona had come blowing through the pack and he took Larsen first, then passed Briggs as they passed under the white flag. Riding like a man possessed, Sandona put the crowd on their [eet as he flew past the checkered. Briggs hung on for second as Mike Curoso took third. Bob Ott (Jaw) moved [rom the 10yard line to pass Bryce Eikelberger in turn [our on the opening go-'round and he went on to win the Second Division main. Ott had to hold off a charge Crom Andy Northrup, who has been moved up to First Division [or this next week. Wayne Leutz, riding with a cast over his broken wrist, finished third. 0 Results SCRATCH MAIN: 1. Mike Faria (Wes); 2. Mike Bast (Wesl; 3. Bred Oxley (Wes); 4. Kelly Moran (Godd). HANDICAP MAIN: 1. John Sandona (Wes); 2. Dennis Briggs (Good); 3. Mike Curoso (Wes); 4. Keith Larsen (Wes); 5. Brad Oxley(Wes); 6. Ed Castro (Jaw). SECOND DIV: 1. Bob Ott (Jaw); 2. Andy Northrup (Jawl; 3. Wayne Leutz (Was); 4. Pat Hawley (Good); 5. Bryce Eikelberger (GOOd); 6. Shane McDonald (Jaw). THIRD DIV: 1. Ron Williams (Jaw); 2. Don Butler (Jaw); 3. Doug Benjamin (Weal; 4. Chris Mistretta (Jaw); 5. Walt Farnum (Jaw); 6. Ed Marshall (Jaw). JUNIOR MAIN; 1. Tim Gewecke; 2. Jessee Finch; 3. Dave Busby; 4. Billy Faits; 5. Josh Larsen; 6. Greg Hancock. GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ~ CHOOSE YOUR NEARBY REGION AND QUAUFY IN THE BEST ••"'a -'~A& MOlOCROSS NATIONAL PAOGRAM IN THE UNITED STATES . . . a~~_ .III' ..., .. ' ra:itX ........ i\UG. 6·12, 1984'&:;R~_r;~YY=-:'~~f=f4 WESTERN 2 ~~~~~~~~ CALL YOUR REGIONAL MANAGER FOR ENTRY FORMS & INFORMATION. WElTlM1 =~ == w.::: .1JlAI'TIM ~;= ,."", "'_NY H' ......-,IN '-2S 5·27 1nd.00nelCA 5·13 PIrIgon,1N t~ =.."t ~~o =CA == _. GltyE.-1 ..,122·. ""!123-4211 '-29 5-20 ...."0 ..,. 6-24 _CA - _ . CA CA Huron. CA _ CA &entwood.CA TII-ItIJf ::.::.. 5-6 SMd Point, 10 5-151 CoMItI . . .., ~IO 6.17 hMIou.....T. 1IlCIlY1I11l.' ~~ ...,......., 5-6 AIbuq~NM 5-t3 6-3 '6-11 hIiI nt_ 5·13 '5-26 ·20 l:~ =:~: Trinided,CO 5-27 OIII1hom1C1t 59lh & Doug, Cllrtmore,OK 5·12,13 5,26,27 Sprlngfield,MO 6·16,11 C*lIhomaCity ,_.. -~~~~ ~ -.... -.. ,,·J'a:II:I·-IE!S,,]'_'-. ~ -,'S _ _~ _ -:;'.1"'\:R'J~~ ... . . " ,,~, .Y l\ ~ G ~~fi ='rx ~~_:-aldedt~rcycle ~rlJ ....)..,,_____ =:::: s-'li.20 eo.v.. " _ Lakewhltney TX .-28 Brron.ll IV' ::~ ""~~ ... ~7~= 4·M - .... - W. -- ~:~8 Cldil.KY =~It, TN 1-8 et.rksYiIlI.TN NOCENT1W. Shoth.nn. Buchalter 5171l15-t5TI 5.12 MidIand,MI 5-13 M~Ml .-19 • ....,.,., 6·30,7-1 Tulu, OK -..uII 5-20 Midland, Ml IIOUNTA.-o """"Jonoo .-.,- t:. Icee!" 3(1d ~o "',(1IG,!G\~~3telJr5 ,.,. M)Q(Y :'~"'7 C": ~scsc ,." =." t:: =:~ • BKk. . . . F. . . . . sa.tGMe II III UE . YourSupporlSponsors... ~ :'":Iey ~ .lIm~ aa: tW L . '·20 _.GA ~O ~''''':-." :O:':....':,.. I

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