Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Singleshock Service WHITE BROS - 11750 Seaboard Circl•. Sltnllln. CA 90680. Comptl'l $Irwice & s••-up on .11 sinll.shocks, Uni· Track, Pro· Li.k. FI••ter 80 Whilt 1 t. 2 d., t.rn ...u.d. (714) 895-1991. SCOTT'S - Com pl... lorb 80 shock service on.1l single & duel shocks, Monos. Flalter. Prolink. Unitrak. Ohlins, Fox. Works. Porting starts .t $40.00. 2627 Honolulu AYe., Montrose, CA 91020.(213) 248-6747. HONDA SHOCK SPECIAlISTProg. nlying mods eliminlte harsh. sharp .dged bumps/impro•• hi-sp..d sltbility. S.tisflctioa guarlnteed. 1 day SlrY. Ricb Joh..... 19333 Sturpss Dr..•. CA 90503. (2131 371-3887. _______ For Diller Directory Info. CIII Cycle News _ (213) 427-7433 SERVICES Bolt Removal Service TAP-EX co. - studs disi.I'I'lt•• without dlnll" to bol.! Also U ..... drills. "ps. lte. U.S. & mltric thrlld" inliftS i.,tall,d. 1 day service. par". 1825 w. 144th. G.rd.n•. CA 90249. (213) 3233134. HEUKOII CO. - br.ben t••1 '1lIIIoy.1 service. Studs. tiPS. drils, EZ·aats removed by ellc- tron process. Thre.ds rlplired. i...rts inst.lled. UPS str';c•. 938 W. Huntin.t.n Dr.. M.nro.,;•. CA 91016. (8181 358-8596. Brake & Lamp Certificates L.8ARD 80 UNDERWOOD 321 E. Impari.1 Hwy.. L. H.bra. (213) 691-0553.r (714) 8798252. D••lity BMW 80 HONDA SillS. lanice, parts & insur.nce sinc. 1946. Dp.n 7 d.ys a .... k. 3 mil......t .1 57 Frwy. Carburetor Systems BUIIEn'S LECTROII FUel SYSTEMS. - Car""ret I.r ..ost ...plic...... c...- Marketing Services GET THE JOB DOllE RIGHT! -Boring bylDp mactioists. s..n-Mlndrel honinl to ',etory sp.cs. Compl.t. mumn. shop Slrv., cra"s roblt.. .tc. S.m. d.y ser•., nlh/chllrg•. Mike Coa· di!,s MIC Ser';cI. 7225 C..... A••.• C..... Perb. CA 91630. (213) 346-0472. RiflE PLASTICS - Dlsignldl m.nufactured RifIt IIirings - ..Id n.ti.n.lly. RiIll c.n hllp design. mlgr 80 m.rllot rour pr.ductl id.. thn top-ratld M/C II.. c.ast-2-c.ast645 LT... Farm Rd.. S.n Luis Dbilll•. CA 93406. (8051 544-2040. Number Plates Extrude Honing EXTRUDE HOIIE'S p_er II... proclSS dyn.miully improves Top-E.d 80 Midra,•• p.r1.rmInce on Iny two cycl. cylinder. Estrud. H 6845 E. C.mpt•• ~Iwd.. P.ram ~ CA 90723. Enduro Rollcharts JART - Endor. R.llcharts Easy to raad - Usod by all.CIDfy t,lms - 1lI••y options - IUlrant,ed. Any Inlll.r.. any pilei - S5 ••ch d.y. Clob rat... Subscription serwin. 4673 Vi, II Prim...ra. Y.rba Li.d•. CA 92686. (714) 970-6876. Engine Building and repair CUSTOM MAIIUFACTUREO CYlIlIOER lII1ERS. Prot.typ. 2 Cycle instillations. Chrome "orIS sl....tL Sm.1I Enginl M.chin. W.rks.l.c .• 720 lI.rtheast242. Gresh.m. OR 97030. (503) 6675224. OHlIlIS SPECIALISTS - factory ••tharizell slles/serwice Ohlins single/twi. sh.cks. G....ine parts in stock. R.baitdi",/renlvi",. 1 d.y turnlround. Ohlins exclusive U.S. dist Simons I.c., 2625 Miller A••. CN. Mtn. Vi.... CA 94040. (4151 948-3470. Parts Exhaust Systems COFFMAN'S hos•• full Ii•••1 ATV high p.r1.r...nco exhaust systems. All gu.r.ntlld for quality 80 p.rfllm\lllCl. '15182A B.Is. Chic. Ad.. Hu.tingt•• Beach. CA. 92649 (714) 8972209/891-7172. WE'VE GOT YOUR PART Cycl. S.lwa••••. Oisl. f.mous Rod's Rack for 3·wheellrs & 4-wh..lers. Clean I.t. mod.1 used p.rts. Mas.erCard/Visa. UPS d.ily. CI."d W.... Rt. 2 B.x 359. Gu.t..... MS 38849. l4 hr.•ns..ering str•. (6011 348-2312. Frame Straightening TilE FRAME SHOP - Prol..sion.1 collision speci.lists. All 'orms, front Ind. swing.rm, whee' reconditioRi.,.. tompletl Wilding '.cility to rlplir broken cn.s, fins. front .nd .cc., crush.d ' t.bes or 7 11074 Meretn· lit•• St••t••. CA 90680. (7141 893-6700. PRO-FUEl- High p.rI.rma.c. g.soline 108 leg.1 for all rlcing org.nil.tions. An.ntion speedw.y & drag r.cers: Methanol now .W1il.ble. C.II '0' the of your neerest deeler. (213) 830-4678. OFF ROAD RENTALS IIiC. M/C-Din, Stro.t ATC70-250. Odys. Tri-Mota 60-225DX, Suz.. j.t skies. Fork/III./h.m. slrllnJl,. Ports/.cc. Coli Los AJn1Ds. CA (213) 594-8901. (714) 891-9388 .r Oro,,". CA (714) 171-7390.•r Allsa. CA (213) 334-1234. Helmet Service CALIFORNIA M.t.rcycl. Agency means low cost m/c ins. We represent various ins. co·s. Phone Dr write for our I...est ..t.l.r y.ur m/c. (714) 956-5222. (2131637-0751. P.O. 8.x 3878. Anaheim. CA 92803. Portland. Oregon CYCLE HUB - Triumphl BSAI lI.rt•• /British Cycl. Suppl,/ Am.1 Bth Girlin,. A•••/ Lucos/Smith. UPSI COO/Visal Mast. CrtL 3602 liE S.ndy. P.rtI••d. OR 97232. 9 •.m.-7 p.m. 250 Ill.. c,cl. p.rts. Ph••• (503) 8E CYCLE. Garden Grove. CA ORAIIGE COUIITY CYCLE W.rld·s large.. dirt bike duler. Most complete Plrt .nd .ccessory store for .11 your hard to'find Opln 7 dlY'li • week. 13666 Herb.r Blvd.. Gard.n Gr•••. CA 92643. (7141 5307340. nto..,. AFM Pro 17 37 ATV News •••••••••..•• 41 J.e. Agajani.n ••••••• 25.38.39 AmericanHonda •• 6& Arizona Husqvarna •••••••• 32 B.C. Cycl•....• __ •..... 27 BeI"lowtr Vam.h. _... _... 36 Bell Helme.s ••• , •.•.•••• 27 Burba" YafNha ••••••••• 38 CMC _ 36 CRC _.. _ 37 Cal P.I, P.ngtJins ••. _. . . .. 36 lemonade Kawasaki ••••••• long Beach Suzuki .... _. _. Maxima , ••••••• , ••• ,. Metzeler Tires. • • • • • • • • • • Moto·X Fox ." •• , • • • • •• Moto Race • • • • • • • • • • • •• 43 36 15 11 17 31 MIC Tiro Corp. ........ .. 39 NMA ._._ ••••• _._ •••• 36 O~ ; _.. __ . __ 27 Orang. Co...., Cycl. . . . . . . . 31 NeD Othman Din ..•..... ~ •• 32 Performance Cycle Wortu • • •• 33 Pro-Am Trailers . , ....•... 40 RD Performance •••••••••• 27 SCORE .........•..... J.4 SRA_ _36 27 Cycle Service ••••••••••• 43 Russ DarneU. • • • • • • • • • •• 13 Deus Ex Machin. • • • • • • • • • 35 Or. John Frame Straigh'ening •• 27 Double Cross Racing Assn.. • • • 36 Dunlop Tires •.••••••••••• 2 Duralube • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 17 Esprit. , •••••••••••••• 31 Extrude Hone ••••••••••• 40 Flyln Ws _ 39 Hercules Distributing • , • _ ••• 33 Hi Point •••• _ •••••••• , 40 Husqvama Motor Corp. • • . • • • 43 Hy-TICh TIRES 80 STUFF - MIC Tire C.nter. M-22, M23. II... Ching Shin dirt tiras. Toun", buffs - WI chlnge tires whil. y.u 2116 E. CharllSt.n.Los V.gas.IIV 89104. (702) 382-8824. 0.. ~ ADVERTISERS INDEX Cyol. News Sub. Info. _..... 46 STEel SHOES - K.n Milly. si.c. 1950. Dirt Tracb $70. Lt. Wt. Spdw.y $75. S••d bo.t. raci Iyp•. 14"I.c. b••t S75. Everything f.r Spttdw.,. 8580 B.df.rd Mot.rway. C.ron•• CA 91720. (714) 735-0540. .... DIRTY HARRY'S - KTM. M.ic•. C••-Am. KTM par.. i...nt.r, in U.S.. UPS S.m. D.y Service. All models in stock. Specillizint! in rlCI prep.rltion. TUIS.-Fri. 10-8. Sit. 10-2. 757 R.ilro.d St.. Ver.... PA 15147. (4121828-2667 .r 828-1174. HUSKY ISUZUKI - 2 slllras. Bibesl parts I c1.thi.g/.cc ... 1 '"- h_! Porting/boring/th.cb rebldg. MX/.ndur./drag/ATV Sl'Ici.~sts. Big parts i... •hip last/UPS d.ily. Suzabi .f Shre..port/B.uitr. (31-8) 7420218/(318) 635-9731. Corona Racewty ••••••••• 37 Cycle News Products. •• 34.40.41 Steel Shoe ...... ...... ...... ...... Verona. PA Louisiana Ciry Cycl. Cenlor CUSTOM TRAILERS - Oico custom trlilers·build custom/buy tram stock .nclos.d security trlilers. Ittrlctive, durlbl. III stt.IIr.... 12.._16 _20 si••• 1 lind... ,,,.S, aptiODS., open 7 d.,.. St.p/col. 323 E. Btli Rd.• A ..... im. CA 92805. (714) 9562950. Riding Apparel Insurance TOWII AIID COUIITRY CYCLE SUluki salIS, slrvice. p.rts & .ccnsories. Insurance. Hard to g.t parts. order perts. 1835 W. CommoRWe.tth. Fullerton, CA 92633. (714) 871-2460. 43 Indian Ounes ••••••••••• 36 International Speedway •• ,., 37 Hap Jones IntI. ••••• ,.... 33 Koni Shocks ••••••••••• , 13 Ed Kroll & Sons _.. _..•. 32.33 Slater Bros. • •••••••• _•• 27 M.lcolm Smiltl M_e. __ • _• •• 43 Speetro of Colif.. . . . . . . . . . 36 StaditJ'l'l Motorsports ••••• ,. Bill Steen , . . . . . . . . . . . . Sunshine Cycles ••• , ,'. • • •• Sure Fire .•• , • • • • • • • • . • Suzuki Country •••••••••• 15 43 40 T & 0 Vamaha 25 17 2S Tack Master Co. , , • • • • • • • • 32 Tankstappers M.C. • ••••••• 40 Toreo .. , .. , , , 32 Town &: Country Honda •••••• 35 Tu Gee Ent. ••••• , ••••.• 43 U.S. Racing 37 Western Scooter Distributor ••• Wheel Works , •• , . . . . . . . Wis8Co Pistons , ••••• ~ ••• Wrangler •••• , ••• , . • • • . Yamaha Int'l. ..,., ••••• , 35 17 23 11 38 Trailers Rentals DR JOHIIS - Procisi•• Iroml,. Head .ngl. rak.. Pro Stock 81 Des.rt ".g wh.els, stems, crowns 81 'ork ..... stnig...... AlIIlCIdol ATV's CIS. . . . Idin. 80 fin 1524 "A" Industri.1 Parb St.. C.';n•• CA 91722. (213)332-1598. BelL HelMETS - K._ .b••t their '.ctory Culto...r S.rvic. Dlpt? your B.II H.I...t look Ind wDrlt like a.w! Fret iospacti•• with qoo't•. Cal. Cn· t.mer Ser';c. botw... 10 ..m.80 12 p.....nd 1 p.m. 80 4 p.m. M••.·Fri. at (2131 9219451 or (714)522-8292. Fullerton Champion MoriWiki. , . • • • • • 39 Tires 'Racing Fuel DIE DAY SERVICE - P.rts/ .c_rin. lint day I "II- UPS. Visa. M/C. Am. EIll. DhIio. r~ bid,. Tre••1, t. lIat1.1 lIaaIifitrs. Freedom H.nda (816) 363-446ll.Ilotky/K.w. (816) 7616621. Fr..... Husqmaa/K.wl MIic./KTM (816) 747-2053. KERII SPORT CYCLE - Husky. KTM, Cigivi. WI r.ce what WI SIll! Desert & MX rice prep Ohlin shock slles & senice. Compt.te sailS. serwice p.rts ••d .ccs. 307 19th St.. Bobersli.ld. CA 93301. (805) 324-6266. AME (LI3) 531-2976. t ..orb. C bldg. H.ndos .n1y 500 .r 600 si•• 1t cylinol...oly. Dy•• sonice. 1922 II.W. Gra.t Hil1sllore. OR 97123. (503) 640-3079. BUFFALO IIUMBER PLATESNumber plates & stickers cusIotn m.dl for m""'rcycl.. 80 ATV's. M.ny dirt traclt .ccasaries. Super~ruic •. 1207 KilIarn.y St.. CA 94550. C.II Mo.., (415) 443-7012. SUZUKI COUIITRY RACING Complltt thocb 80 I.rll mods I.r '84 RM125. RM250. RM500. Highast quality c.mpo..nts 80 .il ulld. All mCMIifiutions Ire rice pro...! 2057 H......r A.... lIor· c •• CA (714) 359-8546. 734-0640. Missouri Bakersfield JEB's 'spoiler' h.I••• Is_ Sp..dmod. leather suits/i.ckets. R.y p.dd.d b J.llisp.rt studd.d p.1m replic. T-shir..1 stickers/posters. Retail c.tllog '1, dlilers w.lcom•. a•• llritogli•. 574511. 11 St.. Ph...ix. A2 85014 (602) 265-5846. BATES LEATHERS! All .f .ur qu.Jity .n w.iting for you.t thl bigger-thin evlf S.tes Leather Sh.p F.r Stre.t. MX. Comp.titian, everything. Plus gloves, riding belts, swuters. Sh.p ..ith the Pros. b. finld by Pros. 30 colors. Alt.rations, number Chlnges, cluning & replirs too. A1llccessories also .n displ.y! Op.n M-F 8-4:30. o. "I,clld Slturd.ys ••d by .ppl. 660W. 16th St.. 8each. CA. (213) 435-6551.1Ir.18 F..y. 80 PI'C~ic' C.... H..,. H H DEALERS ~------------------------------------, Cycle News Products Order Form Fill in thtI VI../M • . . , Charge b&enk or Mnd check Of _ess Name Cord Exp. O.t. _ -- Betow. IncUcete emount of products end Clrc" m. si:re. Above. print your credit card number. _a- ... o MX c.l Comic 8001I 75 .O"We Don', C How Th. H.II o PMw MX C.t T Shlf1 $7 95 S M XL '"'-Y 00 It In C.htornlll".1 00 Cl Cye" N_. E..I T. Sh,rt '6..95 S M l Xl Cl The Go W••, ., 00 Cleye" N_W••t T·Shlrt'6 96 S Xl OYou'U S.. I, Fir., In OCve" N_. Binch... 14 96.. You'll S.. II Fil,' In Cvele N_•• l 00 ~6~~.N:Mo::~ct\~~y~?2';;;~~ 0 Send .11 3 $2.00 BeMtulIIJ..MY " 0 00 SM lXl o Cycle News B...b.n C.p '5 95 e.., ~. ATC-ODYSSEY OWNERS - y.ur onl stop shop. Super parts & .cc. c.nter lor ATC 80 Odyss., related items. Huge discs.•vl. during f.llsel. Oct. 15-17.•pen 7 d.ys. c.ll/st.p by lor Ira. c.t.l.g. 323 E. 8.11 Road. A•• CA 92805. (714) 9562950. _ _ g Amlheim Z,p Clly Credll Cllld Number LAIDIG'S CYCLE - M.ic.1 C••-Am/KTM/M.IllGulli/D.c.ti/Sbi-D••/M.ntas./CZllo.erd./Bult.:•. UPS/ order plrts/s.rvice. "Parts our busi~ nlSs," 9-7 W.d. 364 S.•• St.. Abron. OH 44306. (2161253-7455. 24 hr. perts. _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ State Akron.OH money order to: P.O. BOX 498. Long Beech CA 90B01-0498 for • VISA Product Order Sub10tel '6% 18. iCA In only. los Angeles Co Ie. ·6'11%' Product, GI81ld To..I _ _ _ ---------------------------------~---- 47