Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 02 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Portland. Oregon Singleshock Service Anaheim FACTORY RIDE •• rod p,adaclioa "gl. sh.cks ., ..... u... ~, I., ,ri..I..... SplIci.l· ATC·ODYSSEY OWiERS-_ ... ItOp •••p. S.,., p.ns • .cc. e.mor I., ATC • Odysse, relot.d ilIm.. H.g. discs. nt. do'i.. I.I Oct 15-17••,.n c.n/ , loy fr.. clIIl.g. 323 E. Bill R••d. An.••im. CA 92B05. (714) 9562950. iltS i. p.rfOnnucl Ind ~. ..... ST Rocing (7141594-2.79. 705 Bro. Conyon Rd.. Suil. 3. W.I.ul. CA 91789. WHITE BROS - 11750 S••• boord Circl•• SlIllan. CA 90.80. so,wic... HI·up o••n•• U.i·Trock. P,olink. FI.II... Whil. P..... 1 II 2 d., lum ..o..d. (7141 895-1991. SCOTT'S - C.ilpllll Io'k • shock llni n .1 singl•• d••1 "'ocks FIaIllI,. P,.Liak. U.i".k. O.lin.. Fo•• W.,ks. 1IIr11 .1 .40.00. 2627 Hon.I.I. A.... • ••1'.... CA 91020. (213) 246-1747. _ _ _ _ _ _ For D ....r Dir.ctory Info. C.1l Cycl. News (213) 427-7433 SERVICES - GET THE JOB ODIE RIGHT! -IIoriog1oy..,......... s.-- S.. . , lI.nd,••"';.. 11 "ct.ry ,p,,,, C...plll. . .cli.. son. Bolt Removal Service TAP-EX CO. - Brabn mds •iIinbIgrlll. wi1ll"'" II ...., AI.. E2 .1111, drill ...... .1I:. U.S. . . .hic 110 i.. ..'11 i-wle.. 1 lily soni... • ast plIrII. 1125 w. 144l1o. b-d_. CA 90249. (213) 3233.34. HElIKOII CO. - brallon lDoI .._II ••nic.. SI••••.1Ips, drils. E2-.11s , d ~, Il.c· 1rDIl p'ae n "plInd. i_rII i d. UPS ..nic•. 93B W. Hunlia 0,.....,.. wi.. CA 91016. (BI8135B-8596. c..... ''''Il.. .IC. ".P son.. c"'/chl,g•. IIi•• C•• dil·• • /C S.,. . . 7225 C..... AM.. C ..... P..k. CA 91.30. (213) 346-0472. _ . Marketing Services RIFLE PLASTICS - 0.....1 1IlIIIuIactlI... RiIIo flIirings - salll ..lianilly. RiIIo c•• h.lp ••ign. m....11 your productl i••• Ihn IDI..,III. ./C coal-2-coat645 LT.nk F..m Rtl. S•• Luis D~iIp •• CA 93406. (805) 544-2040. mf., • iii,. Parts Extrude Honing EXTRUDE HOIIE'S p_" n•• p'.c." .,•••ic.ll, i..p,••" T.,.EIIIII • 11_.. Perf • one••n ••, !wi cycl. cytiad . Emad. H••••845 E. C...,... Bhd. P.....a.!, CA 90723. (213) 531-297•. WE'VE GOT YOUR PART Cycl. S••. Oist. ..... .n R I., 3-"'• .,•• 4-wh.elo... Cle.. loll ..... ..... p.rII. IIISl.,C.rdiViu. UPS doily. Cion. W... At. 2 Bn 359. GUDlDWI. liS 38849. 24 h,.•_ r i.. SO". (.01) 346-2312. Exhaust Systems COFFIIAII'S .....iII~ • flIII Brake & Lamp Certificates Porting PORTIIG • AIRflOW TESTIIIG Slrell HIId c.1I illl1llIlli... COllp. ...c.i.. ' ••P• .p.cillili.. i. H·O • Kow.uki ....... 8IiIIIey Hi·P.rIDrIl . OR 5804 I. l""'rIlIlI. P.rll 97217. (5031289-1251. AII.....-•• _..,.,.'--"15112- Ii. leWD • UIIOERWOOD 321 E. 1 ..,.,i.1 Hwy. le H•••• (2131611-0553 .. (7141 B79B252. llulily B.W • HOlDA ...... ..nic.. plIrII. i_ .. siIIc. 1948. Opll' 7 tIIys k. 3 noiIn _ I at 57 Frwy. ...._ at ATV . . syItIML ,.~. A Belu Chica Rtl.. HIIIIliIIet•• B..... CA. 92849 (714) 8972209/891-7172. Frame Straightening Carburetor Systems BEll lETTS LECTROII FUEL SYSTE.S. - C..lIorelan lor _.,... ...... CIas CE e -...... ~III H•• .. .11, 500 ., 600 ..Ii.... C1Ii-'_,.1liIhIIDro. OR 97123. 0,.. sonic•. 1922 I.W. G,.... TAE FRAIIESHOP - PraII.Ii_I calli... IplIcillisll. AI ...... Irolll ............... wIIoII ,oc.adiliaoi... Caoapllll . .hIingllcility II repsi, brak•• c_ fi... fr.m .ad .cc.. c'.... d fr....'. .....1111174I1.,c•• liItI. SIIII1... CA 90610. (7141 893-.700. (503) 640-3079. Class "C" Products DR JOHIIS - Procilia. fr ... m.igldo_g. H Ie , .. P,. SlaCk. D n roci . wh.... mIDI. f ... c.-. • STOR2 PERFOR.AIICE - P,. din 'UI. XR·750 PARTS • son. Fon iI. GRI.ECA • LOCKHEED .i.c ~ ..ko kil•. H _ IDrb. ignilio llC. 0,. c eli•• . . . 1312 T_, S~1IrI '2. V.IIs,.. CA 93001 (805) 65401 •. Helmet Service Enduro Rollcharts "elDry C....., SIIwi.. D.", II... ya., Bel H.kIIt Id'" • ......aigI. . . . M ...... ATV'. c_ •• fia roplli,. 1524 "A" 11IIIIaIIlri.1 P.... SI. C"'""'. CA 91722. (213)332-1598. PRO·FUEl- HiP ,.rf.rm..c. .uoIi. 108 DClI... LIlli fa, .1 rocing .'...iI.Ii..... Alii.. Ii.. lplIodwoy .. .rog rocon: 10111•. c.n lar lIoth til, M'" of yoar ••• rlst dul.r, (213) 1311-4&78. IDak .II1II ..... Ik. IIwI Fro. i_eli.. wilIo ~. Coli C... JART - EIIIII"", IIalIckorll boy....... - ..... Ioy elfoclDry - . -IIIIIY .,ti•• - ...,. _ ... Ally ....... lIlY - .s IIC. u,. CI. ,1111. S. . scri,tio nic.. 4673 Vi. le P'i 1I.d.. CA 92.0. (714) 970-.87•. _., Sorwic. ~_ 10 •.•.• 12'........ lp.•.• 4 ,... 1I...·Fri. III 1213) 921!Mlil ar 1714) 522-8292. Engine Building and repair Insurance CUSTOII .AIIUFACTURED CYlIIIDER lII1ERS. P,.my,o 2 Cycle ialIIIoliaos. C.ra_ Mros ........ S E iII• • • c.... .. W I 720 lI.nk.1Il242. OR 97030. (503) ••7G 5224. .... A••.., _ _ 1_ cast .1c i.. W. riprUlIit "ri... i.. CO'I. P.... Dr write 'or ••r 1 _ "" far you, ./c. (714) 95.-5222. (2131.37-0751. P.O. D.". ... B•• 3878. Anohli... CA 92803. .lDCh rid.. .. ..... JOE SARIIEES MOTORCYCLES - TriDmplI. Hande. BIIW. S..... s.nic•. P.ns .. Accn•. 2509 Bra.dw.y. Slcnmlnto. CA 95818. (916) 452-54911 Bakersfield KERII SPORT CYCLE - H...,. 1lT•• C••••. w. roc. willi •• solll D.son • •X rec. prep .,oci.lill 0.1in "ock sol . C.mpl"...I... so,wi . ,.rII .nd .ces. 307 19lt1 SI. 81•.,sfiold. CA 93301. (805) 324-62.6. '."!ypI. Ca,_ • 1 DAY SERVICE - PerII/.cc... DHmi,lrl/re•. UPS. yo.... ./C-Anl. Esp. Olllins ,ebId•. Tro'" o.liMry .. 1I11l1·./0uaIifll... F'••d.... H.ndI·H....." ..·K.waoki-lleica-KYII. w,,· ron.bu,g (116) 429-12321 Grondwi•• (816) 761-••21. IccnsorilS. lns.rlllce. Hlrd to gil plIns. ••U.rd., p.rII. 1835 W. C.........Ilh. F.... nan. CA 92133. (714) .71-2460. . ADVERTISERS INDEX AME •••••••••• _ ••••• 29 MI Cyele •••••••••••••• 31 ATV News •••••••••.•••• 33 American Honda. 4&5.14&15.lnsert Moto-X Fox •••••••••••• 31 Arroyo Cycl. Porl< ••••••••• 29 BeIUlower Vam,h••••••••• 32 B1.nd,all Corp. • ••••••••• 31 CMC 28 CRC ••••••••••••••••• 29 Con-Am •••••••••••••• 13 Champion Moriwaki • • • • • • • • 30 City Cyci. Cantor • • • • • . • • • 29 Coron. R1ceMy . • • • • • • • • • 28 Covina ~"'i 37 Cyela Products. •• 30.32.37 Cyel. News Sob. Info. •••••• 40 Hercules Distributing ••••••• 37 ~TEEl SHOES - 1111 M I,. .. IInc. 1950. Din Troch $70. Lt WI. Spdw., $75. S.... hall Sp.cily 14"I.e. ~.Dl $15. EM,ylIoi.. I., Spo....,. 8580 BodIDnllialarWl,. CA 91720. (7141 735-0540. 0., TOWI AID COUITRY ...... so'wice. plIrII • Dr. John Frame Straightening •• 17 Doubt. Cross Racing Aun.. . . • 29 Extrude Hon. • . • • .. • • • . . 32 Steel Shoe DIRTY HARRY'S - KYII•• licD• C••-A... Lor.1II 1lT. p.rII in· Mila', i. U.S.• UPS S.... All madll. in mck. Sp.cializing in roc. propllroli... T....-Fri. U-8. SII. 10-2. 7!i7 R.ilra" St. V.ra•• PA 15147. (412) .28-2667.,128-1174. Warrensburg. MO ArizoRl HusqYlma •••••• • • 32 OHlIlIS SPECIALISTS - Fec· tic. Ohl.. siagI./lwia.cllJ. G .. ill. plIrII i. SlIICk. RoAid"/ro..hi... 1 lily Ohlias IIclusive U.S. lIiIl Sim... I.c. 2I25I1UIe, AM. CII.lIlII. Vi••• CA 94040. (415) 948-3410. Verona. PA Fullerton P,ogr"''' Ill', .uth.,iz.d ••Ios/ Sacramento Hi·Flite ••••••••••••••• 13 Hi Point •••••••••••• 17.27 Products ••.•••.•. 3 Indiln Dunes •••••.••.•• 29 Internation.1 Speedway ••••• 29 Hip Jones Inti. •. • • • • . • •. 31 KaI Gard Mig.••••••••••• 37 31 LM. S,lls &. Service ..••... 30 lImonade K.Wluki ••..••. 3D Mlxima ••...•..•••... 17 Moto Race. • . . • . . . • • • 30.37 M/C TIra Corp. • 37 NO Sp.rk Plugs 9 National Motor",orts Assn. ••• 28 N.o Oil N.otoch IntI.. 32 27 • Performance Cycle •••••••• 28 "'o·Form ••.••••••••••• 28 Quickor Engineering. • • • • • •• 3D SRA •••••••••••••••• 28 Saddl.blCk P.rk . . . . . . . . . 29 Shoei Hllmets .••••••••••• 3 M.lcolm Smith M.C. • •••••• 37 Speelro 01 Ca~I. . .. .. .. ... 32 Sport Tracks •••••••••••• 29 Stadium Motorsports • • • • • •• 28 Sunshine Cytles. • . • . • • . •• 30 SUltJ~ Country •••••••••• 27 T .. 0 Vam.ha •••••••••• 17 Toreo •••••••••••••••• 27 UFO/Finish Un. Racing ••••• 30 Vlnee &. Hines Racing • • • . •• 11 W.b C.m 32 Western Scooter Distributor .. , 17 Wh••1Works •.•••••••••• 27 Vomaha Inn. ...•.•..... 30 Rentals OFF ROAD REIITALS IIIC. II/C-Dirt, Sir.", ATC70-250. lIdys. Tri-lIa1I.o-225Dlt Soz.. i.l .kilS. Fa,k/lSl./I"... 1111..... Porll/lCc. eol las AlIIli1ao. CA (213) 594-1901 • (714) B91-9388., 0'..... CA (714) 771-7390••, AlaI. CA (213) 334-1234. ·.,aiII'··•• JEB·. hull, sp..... ..II1II....lIoo, IUilI/jockoll, Ray plIdd'" IIoalI. JalIispDrl slid... paho ....... roplic. T-thinsl I1ichl../p._.. ROlli cilllot .1. d........Ie..... Oaadrif.. glie. 574511. 11 S1.. Ph..... A2 85014 (.02) 285-5846. TIRES. STUFF - IIIC TO'. ConlI,. Brid " 11-22. II23. II. . C din lir... T••ring 1IuffI- .......... liro. whill yo. weit211. E. Cke,...• ilia. los V .... IV 19104. (702) 312-8824. BATES LEATHERSI All at Ill' le.lIoo..... woililll la, yon II 110. ~"',.1IoIn Blln leltho' Shop F., SIr.ot. lilt C ,.lili... •.. •• PI.. ....... riding ~oIlI. SWIll.... S••p wilIo 1110 Pra•• b. filii. loy P,... 0.., 30 li........, c.._ ... "plIirs ilia. All ri" .Isa •••ispl." Opo.II·F 1-4:30••n sol_d SltUm" .... loy .ppl. ..0 W. 11111 SI.laag BliCk. CA. (213) 435-.551. II,. LB Fwy.• p.cifie C.III Hwy. ..., ,ylhi... col.,.. All.,.· r------------------------------------,: Cycle News Products Order Form Fin In the VI./M.... Chaf9II baa. . or .... check Oil money order to: : P.O. BOX 49B. Long Beech CA 90B01-049B Trailers CUSTOII TRAILERS - Oic. _lroiIon-lloil. _/buy fr... ItOck soc.,ily lrIi..... I1IIIfr_12--1.·-20·....1 ItlrocliH. ....~ .. ...... ol....plio... apen 7 days. SlDp/"'~ 323 E. Bd R•• AN..... CA 92805. (714) 956- 2950. ~ CALIFORIIA lIala,cycl.l....- .AICO "W....... Rid. - Willcl'.M shack Twa .11•• ..hi salt.. low ., fi ' hi ., I..p' 110 R.lIin ."i... SU2UIII COUll· TRY. 20.1 II. H._... II•. 484. 1I.,c•• CA (714) 359-854•• (714) 734-0640. I., Tires Riding Apparel BElL HELMETS - bow ."'-t ,,-c. Racing Fuel HOlDA SHOCK SPECIAlIST p,o.. ..Iti.. mad. .Ii.. mlll. hi'.... shIrp ..........,./im· p'." hi·.,lId 1lI1ilily. SIli.. \lelian ...,_... 1 lily son. Ric. Jab_a. 19333 S....... 0,_ T.,...... CA 90503. (213) 371-3887. 7d.". WHY WAIT! Ship,.d .....' I.nae. BSA. AnleL La.... BTH Eo,fish. Cycl. Hull. I.c.. 3602 IE S.ndy Blvd.. P.n· I OR 97232. 10 '.m. I. 7 p Oi.ll-J•• B.Cycl. (1-5031 232-9253. DEALERS Name _ ... -.. - - - - - - - -State- - - - - zip - - -_City Credit Card Number c.rd Exp. 0118 Below. Indac. Above. print your _ ........ -- _ _ ,.. of products IIftd circle the . . . end etMk Qrd numbet. a MX e.t Comic Book .7& a ''We Don't Cere Mow n. HeR a New MX CnT·ShIrt '7. • S M n.v Do ft In c.lifonM" ",00 ac",* NMne.tT·Shirt ".M S M L Xl on. ..... Gow.t ".00 g==~=.::.:SlXL g~:'~lr::hc/=:~ g£o:.~~.~~~2~ a=:::I.~:;:';;',JoCycleNew..,.00 .............,0.00SMLXL D Cyel. N........... C.p 15.95 Akron.OH LAIDIG'S CYCLE - •• ic.1 C••·Anl/IITM/••IIGuzzi/Da· cIli/Ski·D••/II._/CZ/le..rd./Bahoc•. UPS/m.a .,dor p.rIIlsorlic•. "P.ns ••, basi._:. 9-7 ,sclpl W... 314 S. Arli.gla. St. Ak,••• OH 44305. (216)253-7455. 24 h,. p.rII. ::~~?~~~~I Lo. A~.Co. ,.•. +eY2"I --------_ _____________________________________ J Product Order Orand Total _ 39

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