Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1984 02 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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pion series. G.II 8:30 .m, prlC 8:30, r.ce 9. Enlry • IS, 120 Pro.•5 WItch. Info 41 5/634-3328 or834-8596IT.m Andersonl. CRC fAMILY ENDURO luclrnl. CA. A" el.UlS includ. ATV. 20" trophl, CRe piS. St.rt 8.m. Ently 120 tNil. 123 post. Non mlmllen add 15.1n1. 714/689-6114 doys. CAUfORNIA GRAN PRIX Hungry V.lle" CA. Hungry V.lley exit off Hwy 5 .pprox. 30 mi. No. at Magic All dasses indud. ATV. 20" rrophl. No pl.+ riding. Sit· urdlY opens 4 pm·9pm. Sunday gltl opens 7 1m. rating sllnS al 8. Entry I 15 ....1. 120 post U.S. IlIcing. Inf. 714/673·68 I 6. CRC CALIfORNIA MX SacIdIlbodl Part. Onnlll. CA. flWy 55 10 Chapmlf1 lxit. last 7 mi_ to Sontiogo C..,.., Rd. right t. fire st.tion. lett on rd plst tire stalion. All clIUIS. 3D" brass to Sptsmn. cash p.b. to Pros. 2 motos. G.te 7 a.m.• prlt. 8. r.ce 9:30. Entry S 12 Sptsmn.• 15 Pro; CRe memb. req' d. C.liforflii. Rlcing Club. Info 213/ 630·7519. OKLAHOMA MX Motorcycle RltlwlYs. Inc.. Okla· homa City. OK. 8otwo,nl·40 & 1·240. exit S. Oouglll 10 S.E. 59m & tum east. All c1.sses. Glle 9 a.m., pfiC. 10:30. rice 11 :30 or !lOon. Info 405/ 681·9492 (T.mmYI. CMC CALIfORNIA MX Carlsbld RlcewlY. Carlsbld. CA. 1·5 S to Palom.r Airport Rd, east 3 mi. tt! raceway. All classes. 30% troph. Gate 7 a.m., sign up 7. prlC. 8, rice 9. EntrY SI 0 Sptsmn. SIS Pro 1110 t. p.b.l. Inf. 714/557·3323. OKLAHOMA JUNIPER MX Juniper MX, McAlester. OK. Tulsa Turnpike (751 n."" .n 69 In•• Bus. 69). east It Exit 113. All dasses. thr.ugh 6th. 150% Ex p.b. Sign in 8 a.m.. prac. 9-10. rite 10:30. Entry 18 Sp".... 115 E~ sa Ill". Inf. 91 8/426-45331MtAlost,r Kawasakil. AMA 0·37 SUNRISE MX Sunrilf V.lIey Cycle AdeI.nto. CA. 2 mi. north of town on Hwy 395. All dust.. 50% MioilVet troph. 50" cash p.b. 10 Vet/Ex. Dislrict 37 pamls. Free O/N p.rking. Gate 1:30 I.m.. "" 9:30. Inf. 7141245· 7339. CALIfORNIA OEANZA MX DeAnz. Cycle Partt. Surmymead. CA. 10 mi. n5t of Riverside on Hwy 60 10 TheodOl'l exit All classes. 30ll same d.y Splsmn Iroph., 100" Pee W.. troph. Everybody goes 2 motos. Free cemping. Plrk open 7 days. Gale 6 I.m., pllC 8:30. rICe 9:30. Enlry $7 glle ... $10 Sptsmn. S14 Pro; non· mlmb. Idd .3 Inf. 714/653·8068. 5840. 7979. ARIlONA CANYON MX Canyon R.ce.ay. 1Y2 mi. west of 99th Ave & Carefree Hwy. Phoenix, AZ.. All classes. 33% Splsmn !roph.. 100% Ex p.b. Inf. 6021934-5027 (Bobl. 583·0575· AME CALIfORNIA MX Indi.n Dunes Cvcle Park.I-S to.Hwv 126. Valencia. CA. All classes. Pro p.b. & 30% Sptsmn lroph. Gate 7 a.m., prac. 8, Tlce 9. Enlry $12 Sptsmn, $17 Pr.1115 t. p.b.l; AME m,mb. "o·d. • .1 track (120). Americ.n Moto· cross Enlerprises, Inc.. P.O. Box 1421. Res,da. CA. 91335. Inf. 8181 881·5778. TEXAS LAKE WHITNEY MX like Whitney Cycle R.nch. Whitnly. TX. On fM 2960., Hwy 22. of WhiinlY. All c1ISHS. Troph.1t'Ifough 8th. 11.170 gluront"d pune. Split sched: Nov 9 •.m.. lnt/Ex Ipprox. 1:30 p.m. Camping S2Inhicle, glte $4. Emry 18 Am. SlO E.. lnfo 713/482· 7593. 8171694-2901. we" 0·38 CALIfORNIA SCRAMBUS Ancient Dry lin Bed in Imperi.1 County, CA. From Sin Dilgo; tilt. 1-8 E nd use dl. DunIWIY Ad. lxit N. 10 .• Ev.n He.s Hwy At. 10 Huff Rd .nd follow lhe errOWl. All clases i.nctud. ATC/Stot!< Ody. 4th AnnUli IlIttlo.· nib Chili Short eo..... 4 one how riCes .nd • 90 minutl tllm rICe for 1VtfY0ne. Races 511n 7:30 .m. PriC III dl'f SIt. Entry • 15 single races. .15 plr tllm. Non memb. re~. Info 619/427-5759. March 16 '"OWl. Hewes Hwy .nd follow Ihe 6 miles to pits. All e1.UlS includ. ATC/· Stock Ody. 20" trophl. PTlClicl .11 day S.t., stlrt 101m Sun. Enlry "5. Sour R.cing Tum. Info 619/427·5759. MONTANA MOTOCROSS Cornllis. MT. Riverbottom Track. one mile W. of Corv.llis. All clAsses. 30% ".phs. 100% bpI. pb. GI" 6 am. prac 8. rICe 9. Entty A..B and Mini '10. £Xperl '15_ HCMA. Info 406/961-4417IG"'I Ti "I. ARIZONA OEER VALLEY MX Deer V.lIey Cycle ?Irt.. Phoefliix, A2. 7th SI. & 0." Vllloy Rd. All dasses. 33% troph. 100% Pro p.b. N. pil riding. Glte 6:30 '.m., prac_ 8. rlCl 9. Emry 110 Sptsmn. 115 Pr•. W,tth 14 odull. S2 undor·l2. Phoenix Sopor· aoss ilIt-. Int. Inf. 8021867· 4769 (JoftIII. AMAtO·36 CAUfORNIA MOTOCROSS Argyll P.rk. 11 mi. south of Dixon, CA.•n Hwy 113. All cl,ss".•. 100% Pro pb. Contingencies. 0·36 number, liner .nd cDior required. Ala· ph.bll lener tor mOil without 0·36 number. AMA/O·36 rules .pply, both cards requil'!d .nd 6:30 am. sign-up 7. prac 7:30. first race 9. Entry' 15 Nov.•nd Jr.. SemiPro 120 plus '5 parte fee lor bigger purse. Post entries only. Walch '4. $ 1 child. Inf. 916/678·3592. OKLAHOMA TULSA MX Tulsa. OK. South of Tulu Interna· tional Raceway off Hwy 169 N & North 36th SI. All classos. 33% .. 150% Ex p.b. GI" 8 a.m.. P"~ 9:30. "CI 11. EntrY '8 112E~ 14 glte. Tulsa Are. Molosports, Inc. Info 9181266·6136 (Rickl. TEXAS MOSIER MX Mosier V.lley MX Paril. Ft Worth, TX. All cl.ues.• 804 QUlrlnleed Ex purse. No pit riding or lite prlC. Prac. 8 a.m.. race 9; Inl &. Ex prac. 1:30 p.m. Entry $11 Sptsmn, $16 Ex. Gate • 5. Inf.214/357-4196. TEXAS CONROE MX Conroe MX PaOt, Conroe. TX. 3 mi. south of town 10 S.n J.cinto River. All dlSses. Troph. or gilt ceft. 10 8th in Nov cllsses. Concessions. showers &. bathrooms. Split schedule: prac. 8 '.m.. (Ice 10; Inl/b race 1 p.m. Enlry $8 Splsmn.• 15 Ex. Gate '4. Info 7121756-4114, Sull. 273· 2336 Ilrotl-X Fox, Dept.CN • Cam ~II, CA 95008 "Btu"'''''" products contain no imitation oils (synthetics), only the highest quality ingredients available are used in "'8Ie-t,.a- 's exclusiveformulas. "B/e";" does not copy or try to imitate any other products. "Bte";I.«-originated "Racing Castor" in 1959. -B~", the original clean burning seize-free 2 c'lcle and 4,c'lcle racing castor! Don't settle for 1_ than the ultimate. Check our deal for the world's finest racing ca.tor products. •'[Corporation 1433-37 First St. Escalon, Calif. 95320 Dealers - Distributors Write or call (209) 838-7912 TH", LI. '.v lUI'. .: .,,..::CIAlIST 10% OFF WITH THIS AD MICYCLE 231 W ARROW HWY GLENDORA. CA (818)9633751 31

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