Cycle News

Cycle News 2020 Issue 27 July 7

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 38 of 105

IN THE WIND P38 BMW Debuts Adaptive Cruise Control A daptive cruise control has been a long time coming for motorcycles, and BMW became the first to develop the technol- ogy in its new Active Cruise Control (ACC) system. ACC was developed with commercial partner Bosch and mixes traditional cruise control with distance control to rec- ognize a vehicle in front of the motorcycle and maintains a gap between the two. "The many years of experi- ence with passenger car driver assistance systems of both com- panies could be applied selec- tively here and used for motor- cycle applications," BMW said in a press release. "The new ACC provides maximum comfort for the demanding touring motorcy- clist by automatically regulating the speed set by the rider and the distance to the vehicle driv- ing in front. The system auto- matically regulates the vehicle speed when the distance to the vehicle in front is reduced and keeps the distance defined by the rider. This distance can be varied in three stages. Both the riding speed as well as the dis- tance to the vehicle in front can be set conveniently using a but- ton. The individual settings are displayed on the TFT instrument cluster. The new BMW Motorrad ACC has two selectable control characteristics: comfortable or dynamic, in which the accelera- tion and deceleration behavior is changed accordingly. The distance control can also be de- activated in order to be able to use the Dynamic Cruise Control (DCC)." CN

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