Cycle News

Cycle News 2020 Issue 27 July 7

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 36 of 105

Border To Border On A Harley-Davidson LiveWire H arely-Davidson LiveWire owner Diego Cardenas made history by becoming the first LiveWire owner to ride from the San Diego/Mexican border to the Canadian border via the West Coast Green Highway (WCGH). Riding over 1400 miles, Carde- nas used the trip to highlight the benefits of the WCGH and of electric motorcycle travel, DC Fast charging stations are located every 25-50 miles on the WCGH. "I wanted to be a part of Harley-Davidson history and have my future grandkids be able to talk about how their grand- father was the first H-D electric motorcycle owner to do such a ride," said Cardenas. "I wanted to show the world that electric charging infrastructure is growing and be an inspiration for others to try riding electric motorcycles like the LiveWire. "The West Coast Green Highway is a really good idea, there are so many options that you can be confident you will get to where you need to go. Also, if you pull up and can- not use one charger, you have additional ones super close by. Please spread the word, this is so doable. If you have an electric motorcycle, or any bike, just get out and ride during these chal- lenging times." CN IN THE WIND P36 Have LiveWire, will travel. Diego Cardenas made Harley-Davidson history when he rode 1400 miles point-to-point on a LiveWire.

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