Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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man then Chris Heisser on a Honda. Between motos O'Mara knew it would be anoLher tough race in the second round against Chandler. "If I can just get a beuer stan I am sure I can win:' said O'Mara. His plan paid off - he managed a much beuer start in th second go-round. Although Holland grabbed the holeshot in the second molO, O'Mara was happy in rhird. inches behind Chandler. It didn't take long before both Chandler O'Mara slipped by Holland. The leaders pulled away from the pack in a dog fight for the lead. But ing the third lap, Chandler slid I in one of Lhe many sandy turns. O'Mara took over the lead while OJandler recovered in third. Shonly, C1andIer had second in his grasp and for a few laps, Chandler was gaining sltghtly on Lhe leader, but Magoo's QM:e began to slow a few laps later. From then on the race was all o Mara's. He took the win ahead of Chandler, Holland, Heisser and Honda pilot Larry Brooks. Chandler blamed his mid-molO mistakes due to sickness. "It staned between mOlOS. I began feeling a bit sick. After I crashed I staned to catch him (O'Mara), but I started feeling much worse. It feels like the flu," explained Magoo. When the gate dropped for Lhe stan of the first moLO of the 250cc Pro class it was jim Tarantino, on a production '84 CR250 Honda, who shot into the lead. In close pursuit were Todd Harrell ona Honda, Husky's Mike Tripes and jeff Hicks also on a new Honda. A poor stan put Myerscough about mid-pack. but it didn't seem to bother him much. By the third lap, "Flyin' B,ian" had taken control of second. Myerscough set his sights on Tarantino and the factory pilot reeled in and passed Tarantino. Myerscough extended his lead while a heavy baule over second took place. Tarantino, Harrell and Hicks battled handlebarto-handlbar for the next couple of laps. EventuaJIy, Tarantino dropped . back to founh while Harrell and l-ficks duelled. No mauer how much pressure Hicks applied, Harrel would not give in. In the end, Myerscough took the easy win followed by Harrell, Hicks, Tarantino and Grossi. Grossi jammed into the lead at the stan of moLO two just ahead of Yamaha-mounted A.j. Whiting, Team Tamm's Hicks, Richard Sands and Allen Berluti. both on Suzukis. By the end of the first lap. Hicks had taken over Lhe lead while Myerscough was stuck back in founh. It took four laps before Myerscough had control of second, but he was still eight seconds behind Hicks. For Lhe next five laps, Myerscough could not gain any time on the leader. On the ninth lap, Hicks began to slow down dramatically. By lap 10, Myerscough showed no mercy and zapped Hicks for the lead. Again, Myerscougb easily ran away wiLh the win. Hicks still managed LO hold on LO second. He said later he began to experience some suspension problems and fatigue which caused him LO slow down. Third went to Whiting. Next came Berluti and Grossi. Even though Lhere were no factory stars in Lhe 500cc Pro class, there was still some very tight racing. Hondamounted Phil Larson roosted LO Lhe front of the pack at the start of moLO one inches ahead of some ex-factory stars Larry Wosick and jim Ellis. Wosick was aboard a Honda, while Ellis piloted a Yamaha. In fourth was john Whelchel on a Yamaha. By the second lap, Whelchel put his Yam into second place. He then set after Larson and the two switched positions several times. A lap later, Lhough, on the same five jumps that Chandler was double j urnping ear Iier, Larson crashed spectacularly. He landed just a tad too short on the second jump, which caused him to smack the third jump completely sideways. Larson was pitched over the bars, but was shaken up for only a brief period of time. He soon remounted at the rear of the pack. Whelchel found himself sitting on a very comfortable lead ahead of john Finkeldey, who brought his KTM up from a mid -pack start and Peter Snoneland, who had also worked his way up from a mediocre start. Between the second and fifth spot, positions switched back and forth many times. Whelchel took the win followed by Finkeldey, Snoneland. Wosick and Tim Locey. When the gate dropped for Lhe start of the second moLO, it was again Larson who had the quick clutch and the holeshot. But following closely was Whelchel. Tbe two fought over the lead, with the baule ending on the second lap when Larson fell in a deep sandy turn. He remounted quickly, back in sixth, and tried to make a comeback. However, the comeback auempt failed in a hurry when Larson tried LO take Lhe fifth spot away from Don Griewe, who was piloting a new CRSOO Honda. Griewe wanted no part of the move and when Larson tried to get in front. Griewe held his line and cut off Larson. Larson went down and that was the end of Larson's chance at Whelchel. Up front, Whelcbel's lead grew to an untouchable margin, which carried him to the cbeckered flag first. Finkeldey took second followed by Locey, Snorteland and Ellis, who took advantage of a small get-off by Griewe on the final lap. Griewe settled for fifth. • Results 125 PRo: 1. Johnny O'MIIrl (Hon): 2. Dlnny Chlndler (Hon); 3. G _ Holland (Suz); 4. Chris He_(Hon); 5. Mille Fi_ (Ylm~ 6. larry Brool

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