Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 3 of 39

A thank you from the Maiello. The family of Albert Maiello wishes to acknowledge with heartfelt appre- ciation all the prayers, kindness and cards received from friends, racing buddies, Dave and Sandra Jordan and the promoters of the race, who so generously helped raise money for Albert. The generous donations we received really came in handy. Albert was in the hospital [or 26 days, at which time his father was on strike. Albert is now back home and is going 10 Sunnyview rehabilitation center a couple of days a week as an outpalient. His doctors feel that after a few weeks Iherapy and with the help of a lutor, Albert should be able to return to school with no trouble. We will be eternally grateful. AL and PAT MAIELLO Walerford, NY WEST America'. weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Clayton. Publish~r Carolin~ Gemlry. Exbi~ Walm. Lyna Hood. Assistants. Want Ads Lynda Milligan. Wan, Ad Sal~. O. .ler Sales and Service Nanq Em~ BrogJ!"f. ~Ier Sal~ Man· a!!"r. Tim Ryan. ~aler Sales Mana!!"r. West 2201 Ch~rry Av~ .• Long ~m. CA P.O. Box 498. Long ~ach. CA 90801· 0498 (21!) 427-74!!: L.A. Lin~ 6!6·8844. Ea.t 4190 Fim Av~.. Tuck~r. GA. P.O. Box 805. Tuck~r. GA !OO85·0805. (404) 9!4-7850. Cycl~ N~ws/W~, (USPS 141·!40) is publishe

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