Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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: .itxAs.AusTJi Mx ......'.. ••.•' • • . September 30 CMC _ Hill Ronch. ~ llA. tom. 01 V_ e.<,;'l ConIino DiIIllo. All ........ ~ ';f:iors _ • ...... SiI -.lL~,: d/'1:l:8:30. 'ICI 9. Entry "5. .5 fII:.\.~ IH for & ... 5 _ch. Info 415/834-3328, 872-7859 fit 8348598. M1111 Ently - 820.00 " - Ently - t23.oo Non _ ...... edd 84 A.T.V:. 2 LOOPS Meil Ently - t20.OO ITArtT ...... Poet Ently - t23.oo --'"' _ _ C_ - , loop, No _ _Ip _iNd . No troptt. . • .15 Mel· .,, PMt Meil entries end two (21 lege' size aelf·eddressed, stamped enveloPeS '0: CAUFORNIA RACING CLUe 7801 Arlington Avenue - Riverside, c.lifomie 92503 (SAse) the 1~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~ln~fo~.~. Fun in Your Recing (71411189-11114 ~ ; CRt CAUFORNlA MX $ 0 _ ...... 0.... U Frwy 55 to ~ IIit. 'r\~\~'iI.i. Slntilllo CInyon "" ~~.". to county fir. _ ...ft.<:O ~ I"""llion. All d~\~~ ..... to Sp_ enh e.1-,>.) Plox 2 100lOI. 7 '.10.. jlI'c- 8, .... 9:30. Entry II 2 $plInln. II 5 Plo: CRt ntomb. fIq·d. tIIWomi. flocj. . Club. Info 2131 830·7519. '0 RACE CRC 01 RACE SCHEDULE lIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I ~RC ..... Oct. 2 - PRESIDENT'S CUP G.P. Indian Dunes Oct.. - MOTOCROSS SlIdd_clt P.ri< Oct. 14 - NIGHT MOTOCROSS IIKLAHOMA MX MOIon:ycfI Rocowoya. Inc.. Old.· hom. City. OK. _ n 1-40 • ~240. lIit S. IlougIIi S.E. 59th • tum _ . All d...... Gil. 9 '.10.. P'''. 10:30. ,... ,1:30 1M' ..... lnfo 4051 881-9492ITommyl· '0 CMC CAUFORNIA MX Co~abld RICIWIy. Cllfab.d. CA. 1·5 S to Pllomlr Airpon Rct .at 3 mi. •• ,..-,. All d...... 30' troph. Gat. 7 I.m.. sign up 7. prlC. 8....C. 9. &my 11 0 Sptamo. 115 Plo tll 0 to p.b.), Info 714/557·3323. IIKLAHOMA JUNIPER MX J...ipo, MX, McAIIIl•. Oft Tul.. Tumpiill 1751 notIh on 89 lno. Iu•. 891, .... II Eli! 113. All _ . Troph. tIorough lIlIl, 15Ol1 & p.b. Sigo io ....... pnc... 10._10:30.Enny '8 SIll-. ll5 E.t. l4 gill. Info 9181421-4533I_ _ l Indian Dunes All Events are San Diego Amateur SX Qualifiers '983 CRC Membership Required l;;;~iiiii(2'31830-7S19iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Desert Race for ATV's & Bikes Sunday, October 9th The Escondido Kawasaki Hare Scrambles Promoted by Dislrict 38 Vets Class Starts 9 a.m. EnTry $15.00 Location: Plaster City East in Imperial County Open Course - Pre-running encouraged Everyone Welcome No membership required Info: (6191427-5759 AMERICAN MOTORCYCLIST ASSOCIATION £ACEI Schedule' Thu.... Sep.29 . Motoerou O.C.I.R. Thu.... Oct. Ody8. 3 whl... e Fri. Oct. 7 Thu.... Oct.' 3 McnocrOct.'4 Motoc_ Fri. M01OCroa eooo.,. eooo.,. OCIR CoI'ONl 29

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