Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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can do well, but when problems come up he gets frustrated like any other rider would. Calm, cool and collected is the style we try for at every race because that's what pays off." Sponsorship plays a big part in any racer's program. "I've got some good sponsorship," says Farris, "but if you're a privateer running against the factories then you can always use more. Nixon has hdped me (or my three Expert seasons and has hdped me more than ever this year. Dennis Baldwin, of Cycle Experts, and Ronnie Hdms, o( Harley-Davidson of Maryland, also do a lot (or me. "One person who deserves a good bit of thanks is Gerald Williams. He bought me a Harley XR750 last year because I had one: bike at that time and it kept breaking down. He got tired o( seeing that and reached in his pocket (or the cash for an extra bike. Mr. WilliarnS is a good (riend of my (ather. He used to do some dirt tracking as a Novice. He still wants to be involved in racing and I guess he (igured i( he couldn't be in it himself, then the next best thing would be to give me some .help. I'm very glad he did. "Taylor White III is another individual who has helped me with my expenses. His son Taylor IV, and I grew up riding and then racing together. Taylor Jr., as we call him, is also an Expert, but doesn't go to as many races as he used to." Taylor White-the elder, although keeps a low profile and goes to only Nationals now, is probably best known as the sponsor o( two-time Daytona 200 winner Dale Singleton. White has been a "godfather" to many :racers over a period o( nearly 10 seasons. The list o( those who "owe" hite (or his generosity and help is quite long. orm Farris, who runs Norm's Motorcycle World in Dundalk, a suburb o( Baltimore, has Taylor as a silent plIItIler in the Yamaha dealership. Norm and Rodney have the normal a er and son relationship where the n is a racer. "Dad helps me out a lot J • 'd we have a typical relationship. He :l ants me to do everything his way. _ metimes that's good and sometimes I. We don't always get along at the es, but we try hard and I've learned rye got to try harder and listen more." Ted Rivard, a name familiar to old' line Triumph riders and dealers, does ~'tuning and building o( Rodney's iftes. Rivard used to work (or Tri- ,Jhph. He, Normand Nixon go back a ongway.. "Ted has been helping me witb my es since my Junior year," says Far~. "He spends a lot o( time working -on them. He has a (ull-time job and obably puts in another week's worth of'work on my equipment after he's ished with his job each week. ~"I think the key to a good, strong showing (or an entire season would be have a full-time mechanic. I don't ve the money to do thaI. Unless a >privateer is also a master mechanic, he can't make it·withoutsomeone know1:a1geable hdping bim. I wish Ted 'uld travel with me for a season, but with his job it's not possible," arris joined (orces with Patrick Jlacing's Carl Patrick in mid-July and 'U be riding Patrick's bikes at mile ationals. "We had problems at d>uQuoin and Cicero," says Farris, "but I have a feeling things are going 10 come together. When they do, everyne better watch out because we have the potential to win." nAnd how long will Farris keep on (racing? "I enjoy racing and I (eel I will keep on racing until it isn't (un anymore. Other types of racing don't seem lb'hold any attraction (or me. I'm just starting to come on strong and make a name (or mysdf. I want to continue to do that and show everyone just bow I ~~a.~ ~ ~1\Y,ijQ'l/:"'J" " _.".- , SACRAMENTO SUPERCROSS LARGEST TRACK IN SUPERCROSS HISTORY SACRAMENTO CAL EXPO TRACK TWICE AS LARGE AS AVERAGE SUPERCROSS TRACK THIS SAT. -'1 ,,~; .-." •• 7 PM 1983 Sacramento Track 3,000 Feet Long Tickets as low as $6 50 Inc. t.... TICKETS AT: • Bass Ticket Centers • Ticketron Outlets • Super Shops • Yamaha Dealers • Chargeline: (916) 443-2118 AMATEUR EVENT. OCT. 2 • 9 AM TDRCDDILMotorcycle Made Specifically For Your Available at your favorite dealer in: 101N/40, 201N/50, 30,40,50,60, 7Owt. The Oil Authority Mfg. By USA Lubricants Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (213) 944-6361 .17

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