Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 09 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TEXAS TEXAS MIKE KIOO STm Mik. Kidd Rench. Boyd. lX. From Ft. Wontl tIk. Hwy 199 N to FM 730 N. then to FM 2048 W,. follow.ign•. All d_. Aelroclome lIp1ic. !rid<. Gltel0 •. m.. prK. 11:30. race 1 p.m. Inf. 8171433·5559 (Mibl. TUAS MX AND FLAT TRACK Rou 0...... Colleyville. lX. Hwy. 28. CoIleyvill•. All d_. T........ 1DO," pll. Pre<. 7 pm, ree. 8:30. Entry 18. 115 Pr•. Gil. ,". 18. 8·12 14. cflild fro'.Inf. 8171488·9133 (Bob Bagwelll· WASHINGTON HANNEGAN NIGHT FLAT TRACK .-.-Spoodwor.1lolIi9lom. WAElit 255 .H 1·5. 1 mi. lilt, IIH ... Honlllpn Rd. 114 mi. _ ... rigllt. Mini·lIp.n. Am ,. Semi Pro. Got. 5 p.m" pr.e. 7. riel 8. Entry 18/d1u. fII. porleing. Mt. Bobr M.e. Inf. 2081733· 7348 (G.orlll Lo....d). Sunday OKLAHOMA 81G "L" MOTOCROSS Big "L" MXTr.c~ Und••y. OK. Hwy 52 S.I OKC to 81onch.rd. Hwy 78 S to 4-wey 1I0p. 317 mi.•outh of Hwy 39 on 76. west 1 mi.. south 1 mi .• west 100 yd•. P•• W..·Ovor 30. Iroph" 1DO'" El p.b. G.II II •. m" pr.c. 11· 1. sign up cloll' t 2:30. race t. Entry n. Ex ., O. rider glt. 13. Witch 13. 8·12 11. Info 405/380·3391 (lH.r 5 p.m·I· September 15 CAUFORNIA TT STEEPLECHASE Ascot Plrk. Gardena. CA. Where th. Herbor. Son Diego .nd 91 lrwys meet. All c1ass.s. s 200.00 "'us half entry Pro pb. AMA 0-37 AM pts. Pro· Am riders flce with Pros for pts and money. Sion-up 5-6:30 pm. Gate $15.50. Entry 110. Pro. $15. Info. 213/318·1291. September 1 6 AME CAUFORN1A MOTOCROSS Indien Iluna Pn Vlleneil. CA. All clnu.. 40'" trophs. Budwlill' 10th Annuli Summer•. Gltl 5 pm. proc 7. 8. Entry 112, 117 Pro. M.mborsllip IIoqd. 120. AM~ P.O. Bol 1421 Riled•. CA 91335. Inf. 213/881·5778. AMA/0·38 MOTOCROSS Ladi Cycl. Bo.... Lodi. CA. 5801 E. Mol'll Rd. in lodi. All danes indud 3·....1". 100'" Pro pb. Gil. 5 pm. pllC 8. 7. Enlry 112. 115 E~ 14 w.tell. Inf. 209/388·7182 or 931· 3722. CMe Sand Hill Ranch. Brentwood, CA, Comlr of V.ssco Rd, &. Camino Dilblo. All d.sats. 5 ridlrs I ellIS. Six r.cI IIrin Must ride 3 night 6 1 dl'f r.CI to qullify tor Hi Point Trophy. Trophy for rider with most wins dwoughout serilS. Pr.c. 7, lice 7:30. Entry 115. 15 Wltell. Info 4151798·5695 or 834-332B. INTER SHOWS MOTORCYCLE SWAP MEET Orenge County Flirgrouncls. Cost. M .... CA. S.•nd of Newport 55 Frwy. Cp.n 6 pm to 10 pm. FII. porteing. 24 hol< info 714/495·2542. September 17 AIlIZOIlA MOTOCROSS Conyon Rcwy. P1loonix. AI. 1·17 to Corofrlo Hwy thon W. to 99tf1 Avo. lDcotld 2 ..i. W. of 99tfI Avo. end Corofroo Hwy. All - . incIud. Sit. end Mod. 3'"' Sp-. """'" tIIru 5 plee... lOOllo pb to Pros thru 5 piece•. Gil. 4:30 pm, pree 8. Entry 112 .och clu, 114 Ex d Pro•••ell d_. Gill _ 15. child under 12 12, bill. to. 15 (dlduct.d II .ign-""I. C.nyon RICIW.Y. Info 6021583· 0575 (Torn Timmonsl. CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS Huron. CA. From l.A.. N. on '·5 to 269. siOns to Huron. From, S. on 1·5 to Mwy 198. Ixit E. 19B to S. 2B9. Follow siOIll 10 All cl..... includ. 3·whlrs. 30'" troph•. 100'" Pro pb. G.II 4,30 pm. proc. 8:30. ree. 7:30. Entry 115. 120 Pro. 14 gil'. Huron Cyel. Club. Info 209/935·0152 (Aick Worttti. September 18 BRA WYOMlllG MOTOCROSS GiIl.r.. Rcwy, GiIl.ttI. WY. AU d_1I indud ATe. 30'" trophs. i'ro pb end pro. tund. 8RA mom. llqud. Pree 10 lin. _11. Entry 110.115 Pro. Info 805/348·8361 (Dolo Friendl· OKlAHOMA TUlSA MX TulsL OK. South of TullI Irtl.m.· 1i....1RecoWlY oH Hwy 189 N,._ 38th St. All dlUl.. 33'" . " 150'" El p.b. Got. 8 '.m" proc. 9:30. _11. Entry 18 Sptsmn.112 ~ 14 gil'. TullI At•• MotOlpor1J. Inc. Info 918/286·6138 (Rickl. TEXAS MOSlER MX Mosi.r V.II.y MX Pn Ft. Worth. TX. All d_. $804 ouoro_d Ex pursl. No pit riding or Iltl prat. PrlC. 8 '.m" llCO 9; Int ,. Ex prec. 1:30 p.m. Enlry 111 Sptsmn. 118 ~ Gill $5. Info 214/357-4196. TEXAS CONROE MX Conto. MX Porte. Contoo. lX. 3 mi. .outh of town to Sen Jlcinto Ai..... All _ •. Troph. or gih CIrt. to 9tfI in Nov dUllS. Concessions. showtrl , bothroom.. Split scllodulo: prec. B •.m.• rlCl 10; 1m/Ex rlCi 1 p.m. Entry 18 Spllmn. $15 Ex. Gil. 14. Info 7121756-4114 (ConrlJl Soz). 273· 2338 (lrlcll). CMC CALIFORNIA MX Sodllllblcll P.rte, Ollno•. CA. Frwy 55 to ChIPman lxit. .m 7 mi. to Slnti.go Clnyon Rd. right to county fire st.tion.llh on rd fire st.tion. All cl...... 30% Iroph. G.II 7:30 a.m.. sign up &. prlc. 8·9, ric. 9:30. Entry 11 0 Spllmn. $15 Pro. Info 714/557·3323. Block O.rby Roclng. Info 20B1286· 7408 or 487·3593 (O.n lolli. NEVADA MOTOCROSS Slly Rench Pn 9 mi. N .•f NV ... Pyrllnid Loke Hwy. lIit 18 uti 1·80. All c1..... includ 3....1". 100 '" pb of '20. Glte 7 .m. pr.c 8. face 9. Entry S12, S20 Pro. s4 glte. Din RIC' ing Promotio... Inlo 7021747·8538 (Chri. Bonderl. AMA/0·38 CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Argyll P.rte, 11 mi. S. of OilOn. CA. OH Hwy 113. All c11..... 100'" pb. traph.. No bicyclll. no dOO" G.II 6:30 1m. sign·up 7. prlC 7:30 first 9. Enhy S15. $ 20 plus .5 Simi· Pro.15 child. Info 916/878· 3592 (Iklel CornpbeUJ. SRA CAUFORNIA GP Riverside Intemationll Rcwy. Riv· .rside. CA. Off Hwy 60. All e1ISIIS includ ATC/Olly. 20'" troph•. fin.ihlr pins. SRA lie I1Iqd. G.tes open 4 pm Set. prec 111m: 8 1m Sun. 1st r.ce 9. Entry S15 mail. S20 post. Info 714/828·1358 ~ METZE~ . ' 10TH ANNUAL Budweiser. CMC Send Hill Rench. Br._od. CA. Comer of V.uco Rd. &. CImino Diablo. All CIaSSIS. 5 riders moe a dess. Six rate series. Must rid. 3 ni~ht 6 1 d.,. rice to qUllify for Hi POInl Trophy. Tr",hy for rid" wi1fl most wins throughout siries. PrlC. 7. riel 7:30. Entry $15. $5 witch. Info 4151798·5895 or 834-332B. TEXAS ARROYO MX Arr.yo MX P.rte, H.rtinllIn. lX. All classes + Enduro. Troph. to Jrd, 200" Ex p.b. G.I. 8:30 •.m" pr.c. 10:30. race 11 :30. Entry SS-5ptsmn, S12 h. Harlingen MX Auociation. Info 512/ 428·3895. ARIZONA DEER VALLEY MX Deer Vallly Cycl. Park. Phoenix, PJ.. 7th Sl." O V.Uey Rd. All ••r e1asses. 33% troph.. 100% Pro p.b. No pit riding. Glte 6:30 I.m.. pr.c. 8. rice 9. Entry S10 Sptsmn, $15 Pro. Watch $4 aduh.• 2 under-l2. Phoenix Super· cross R.clWl'fs. Inc. Info 602/887· 47691Johnl. CMMC CALIFORNIA MINI MX 81ronl Diks Raceway, Ramona. CA. Hwy 87 10 Lobsidl. .at on M.pleview. nonh on Ashwood, up Wildcol Corryon Rd 11 milll. Now Beg. d.lS. O/N temping a conca· sions. Sign up dOllS 7:30 shIrp. Entry S1O. Yllrly '"1mb. '15. Info 714/581· 7344 (G.ry). 447·9348 (Donnis). TEXAS IlIRlESON MX South of Fort Worth. TX.1·35 S from Fort Wontl to Hordgrovo ta..•at 2 mi. Ind tum right Ift,r bridge. All d-... Troph. thru 8th.I1.200ptnl poid por ..... end _II' (200'" p.b. rt leu _ 10 ridlrs/d_). No pit ridino or lit. prot. G . 7 ..... Split . _d: Nov prot. 8·8:30. Mini proc. 8:30-8:45. 1st IICI 9; Int,. Ex prot. 12:30 p.m" 1. GIllIS, ""'·10 ,. _·80 frll. Entry IIG Sptsmn. 120 Ex. Info 8171295· B908. 295·1760. _01 roc. OKlAHOMA CITY MX OkIohom. City. OK. Intlllleti... of 1·35" 1·40; .1Il·bound 1·40 .lIit .111· 1m, Wlst·bound 1-40 Alno. All clall•. 6 • .leI.... 150'" Ex p.b. Got. 8 •.m" prec. 10. llCO n..... Entry 18 Spt..... 11 0 ~ 14 gil'. Info 4051732·0212 (Howordl. AMA WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS Mt. Vi.w Recowey. S.ndy. OR. 4 mi. S.E. ofSendy. Hwy 211 to Bornllodt Rd. Ih 10 Rud. Ad.. 'ot to All cl.,,". 100% Pob Db. traph•. Got. 8:30. pr.c 8. 9:30. Entry 11 0 115 Pro. Info 503/868·840Q IDAHO EUROPEAN SCRAMBlES Uttl. G.m Cye'. Porte. Emrtllttt. 10. 6 mi. N. of Fillbirtl Rcwy.... P.erI Ad. FoUow siOIll. AU SIDRA d _ plUl Pro 125. 250 end open dUll•. 11 00 to lim overetl in tech Pro class. 6 bikls to mat. cia•. Sian·loCI 7 1m, 10. Entry $12. 115. 125 Prox. roc. JiiOSOiIa rs: ~ ~ ~ £JlA/L'O ~ Entry Fee $25 Pro, $15 Amateur AMaAAM ~.I '" f;t:~~ « 'll -< . A. ..... 'i .. . Your Inside Line to Road Racing... Dealers!!! CYCLI OWS Advertlslnel Distributors!!! 404/934-7850 East Afanufacturers!!! 213/427·7433 West (-I· AMI. 0·37 SUNIISE MX Surwill V.u.., Cycle Pn Ad.· I.nt•. CA. 2 mi. Nof town ... Hwy 395. All cl...... 5'"' _/'Ill • • . Piu Db" 0·37 pt•. Fr.. o/n pnno. Gil. 7:30 om . IICI 9:30. Info 7141245· 7339. 619/248·8109. =-.....::::- . SU';~;; CAUFORNIA OBSERVED TRIAL ATA V.II.y (near Jacymba. CAl. 65 mi. ElSt of 1·805 on 1·8. Arrowed from Mlnzlnitl B1vd/Clmpo turnoff. All d_lI. 20% lroph. end pt•. 3rt! Round of C.lifomil Stlte Championship. Hellmts, • arlm, gr..nsticker or lie req. Sign-up 7:30 am, nln 10. Emry. Stete Pts. $17, non-mem '14. ATA mem $12. 17 .,.IfS.nd under. '1. San Diego Trlils Riders. krlo 819/232·7886 (dOYI 619/449·4980 CRt CAUFORNIA MX Indi.n Dulll. Cycl1.\\."'.... VII.neiI. CA. 1·5 to Hwy 1",i;.. " dolll•. Brou ~ for Sptsmn~!'; 2 SpllltVl. 115 Pro: mom/>. IIq·d.lnfo 213/830-7519. 'M .... _ NIG: 40% TROPHIES MOTOCROSS c.~ PE.FO. . . . . .CE ".".E. 'DURING SERIES SERIES '83 -- 1.1"'!l:"'I~1 P.O, Boll lltZ 1 SIgn-up 5 p.m. Reseda, Ca. 91115 PractIce 7 p.m. Aa~ (ZU) 111·5771 RACE 8 p.m. WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS ilmpico. WA. Sollthfork Foothills MX Plrt. 71 mi. Wist of V.kiml WA. On lower Aut.num Rd. lift It TImpico storl. Trlilhlld Promotions. 3rd rlCI of Sun Chlllinge SerilS. All el,sslI. 100% pb per riel for Pros plus $2000 oVI...lll1riIS. Sportsmen 33% tfophs. Musl run 6 of 9 rlCIS to qUilify, G.tll 81m. prac. 9. racI 10:30. Entry' t O. $20 Ekp. In', 509/248·1472 or 248·9113. CAUFORNIA OEANZA MX O.AtwI Cyel. Pn Sunnymo.d. CA. 10 mi. list of Riv.rsid. on Hwy 60 to Theodbrl .xit. All 30% ..... d.y Spllmn Iroph" 100'" P•• W.. troph. Everybody goes 2 matos. Fre. camping. PIflc optn 7 deys. Glte 6 a.m.• prato 8:30. rICe 9:30. Enlry '6 gole + 19 Spt..... 113 Pro: non· ...mb. odd $2. Info 714/853·8068. 5840.7979. § ~ ~~ ~ HOT FRIDAY NIGHTS! . Sep18mber 30 SUMMER BLOWOUT '83 September 16 $2.000 Pro Purse Pro/Amateur $2.500 Contingencies Competition DRAWINGS Entry Fee UVE MUSIC $17 Pro, S12Am8teur GIVEAWAYS 'I fidl-l!l ~~ e:::r . . S5~~-SERIES _ ContlnlMde_ PurSe_ - ~ ~ eRe PRESENTS THE _ _ $1000 00 MX September 23 AT (] Sept. 25, 1983 ~ Free Hats SADDLE8ACK PARK (1" "'" ro s;g.-UPl 30% Trophies This is a Qualifier for San Diego m.teu, Sup.,eros. Sportsman Pros 12.00 20.00 AMA CAUFORNIA TT Ascot Plrk, Gardlna. CA. Whlre thl Hlrbor, San Diego and 91 Frwys milt. All dasses. $200 plus h.1t entry Pro pb, AMA 0-37 Am Pts. Pro·Am riders race with Pros for pts Ind money. Sign-up 5·6:30 pm. Gltl $1· $5.50. Enlry $10. 115 Pro. 'In'o 213/318·1291. AMA/0·38 MOTOCROSS -Lodi Cyel. Bo.... ladi. CA. 5801 E. Morlt Rd. in lodi. All cl.Uls inc:lud 3·wtllrs. 100% Pro pb. G.II 5 pm. prtc 8. roc. 7. Entry 112. $15 E~ 14 w.tch. Info 209/388·71B2 or 931· 3722. September 24 ARIZONA MOTOCROSS Cotryon Rcwy. AI. '·17 to CotIHll Hwy then W. to 99th Avo. locltld 2 mi. W. of 99th Avo.•nd CotIHo. Hwy. All dosu. indud. Sit. end Mod. 3'"' S _ """'" thru 5 pllCII, 100110 pb to Pros thru 5 pile... Gil. 4:30 pm, pree 8. Entry $12 .och dou. 114 Ex. end Pro. 11th d_. Gill tou. _ 15. mid ...dor 12 12. bib ... 15 Idlductod II .ion....l. C.nyoo R.coWl'. Info 8021583· 0575 (Tom Ti"""""I. AMA CAUFORNIA HALF·MILE Ascot PIrtc. 60rdInL Co. - . tho HI

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