Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Gold Wmg Fork Subilizor .,..,. . .i_ from K.L Supply Co. Also ...._ far GSll00GK. K2-1300. Drop-forged. highly ......... edj.....bIe design. Installs in mi....... no modific8tione lD molOrCyde. Anodiz8cIfork _ _liz• for..- _ of BMW. NliIIeY. Honda. Ka_i. Yemehe. See _ _K.L DIller todeyl (401)727.8787. _ 5_. (234~ .nth_. DIRT BIKE RIDER - A MW English monthly _in TRIAlSa for the ENDURO. MOTOCROSS. •nd T ~._ nicel. 133 PI" yaw (12 _ ) . Semple COPY. 13. MOTORSPORT. 8115Gr8wi•• St. Louis. MO 83118. (314) 481·7983. O.el., inqui,i•• invited. (l34/NEXI '81 XR-80 Honda"Super Cleenl '79 CR-80 au....n.ion. '83 CR-BO _ . '82 CR lIInk. MMo, built to 95cc. THE BEST OF EVERYTH1NGI 1476/0BO. Moving/MUST SELL this _112'3) 599·0040. (134) ***83 KTM 250 LC ft'pes ••• *•• *ZRacing Product" *** h t i w ~ . , - l c i m Month. of _ _ _ end _"II his .....-top _boCtom _ _ in encI18gauge_pipeial hW-then_ 1129.95 VlSAlMASTERCARD/COD. (DII.... in· qui,ieaimrilld.Ie-:PROCYCLEKTM,l285E. Uncoln. Anaheim. CA 92806. (714) 772-8170. (234-38/NSW) _Ii Brend new '83 M.I. 250.490 Zero mileI. II' f _ riddenI Z&O: .1470. 490: 11670. ~"-ty12131375-9I24--'" (1341 Kawasaki Triple TNT Ch.mber. " Beck To School SaleI " 480 HONDA 1983. ONLY ' - n "'... month•• MWbore.ndtop.nd._chain.ndopr_with size 32 JT Honda penta. All. for 11500/080. (_I 462-3132 or ~) 353-2888. Jim. (134-36) 1979 SUZUKI RM 250. very ing 1500.(2131914-3141. _1_ for. _ (1341 Avon Super Venom. Triumphll Ou' lh.nks 10 Hep Jon. . .nd Avon Ty,.. for helping us 10 41h in Modified P,oduction Am.leu,. AMA . BoTT, Se.,. Poinl. Alao "'.nks 10 C...,ol.nd Sholi h.lm.... W... COist B,itish T,iumph .21, Michell G'lIn, (134) A1-.rlllll - • Chrorne-e249.95 unp-'199.96 Clutch Kits. 139.96. All yea,..•11 model.. See YOU' de.1er or ..II direct. HOT BIKE ENGINEERING. (4161 868-8275 or (415) 867-3884. Waship~ COD. (l34/NWlQ Ye., It'. FastJl C2-400. _ many -.-•••nd ....,. . to Iistl 1825/ 080. ClII (8061882-1425_ 3 p.m. (1341 d. Road Race Front Disc Brake 13- ~ull FlOIt .... eli.. with litanium float.,. .nd .11oy . .rrier. Four pialDn dull ...ion machined ..Ii_ .nd .Hoy tw....... PERFORMANCE MACHINE.INC.. Box 927-H. 156201l1inoia. Par.mount. CA 90723.1213) 834-8532. (134/NWlQ ..~ CRF RM250/600 Reed Kit A simple bolt on 10 petal CRF R_~. will gi.. you' RM that Ioat bonom end - midr.nge ge.2HPincr """' _ _ .nd ..ti_ion guar.ntIed. AIao I _ for Y225OK, KX-25O. T..... 250. Huskya. CR·25OR·•. CROTCH ROCKET FACTORY (805) 883-1428. (234-38/N$W) "A Twist Of The Wrist" THE MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACERS HANOBOOK. Crammed full of the aucceasful IIChniqIMS Keith Code u... to ridere like WAYNE RAINEY and STEVE WISE. E..n Eddi. lawson '"The things Keith gonover in hi. book.,.Ill'''' doeU thing.' lhe lime..." ACROBAT BOOKS. P.O. Box 48DB2D. Dept. DC-2. Loa Ang.I... CA 9D04B. (213) 4849323. Cli 118.95 (I•• incl'-). O1he' ...1.., 115.95 (includes shipping end hendling). ,._ma. 83 Honda MVX250F 3 Cylinder Phona(214)252·2191 for_il•. Sold for off·roed u.. only. (534·36/NSW) 83 Hon VF400F"Mini Intercep. Phone (214) 252-2191 for_ils. Soldforolf-,oed u.. only. (534-36/NSW) Vi.. 6 M/C: Include signature. card II and expire- lion dlIl.. 12221NW/EOI/TfN) '83 Maico Spiders, Newin Crete " .~:~- " \- ~~~ '79 Honda 750F"12,500 mile. Oil .nd Ii..... chlnged avery 1.500 mi RiclunlIn fai,ing. saw SuapallSion. G'i Kosman brake•• Mike V _ pipe. Elite ti, 36 Ibe lighte' "'en stock. •• MW. II 860. (707) 847-3416 (134) 1983' Suzuki RG-260 Gama Bought newl 250: 11450. 490: 11550. Mewing. MUST SELLI (2131 328-8234 P'i.... P..rty. (1341 •••• SMASHED PIPE? •••• \- Phon. 1214) 252-2191 fordeteil•. Sold for off-,OId use onlv. (534-36/NSW) Garage Sale XR760 HARLEY, tiel reedy. 18.500. 260 YAMAHA. Don't throw aw-v that dameged aparwion chamber I~ 0' h.ldlrlLII WILLIAMS PIPES repeir itl For eatim...... II Tony (415) 591-2B22. (334-37X) 54 '81 HUSKY 43OCR. STANDARD bore. still frlSh. _chlin• •_.,ing.hetchmarllaincyli.-. 11100/080. (8191941-2890. (131-34) Y:z miles&. short tracker. race ready•• 1,800. Hart- Eighteen Mile. Per GaUonll 1982ToyotaR..ingV.n. 13.000mi.... perf... 112' box, • _ _ dUll•• 2-bunka. _shar, work bench. A/C. sterllO. Motor Home finilh thru·out. II 0,900. (303) 598-5189. (134-36/NSW) z.1I dyno Ul 0.14.250. All negotiable. Will deli..,. (707)442-8244; 1707) 442-4123. (134/NE) CRANKS REBUILT: Cylinde, bo,ed. Send to Boonie Knott Kuatorn F.....ication•. RR 2. BOll 141. Urt>ana. IL 81 801. ~ tu,naround. (217)4692784. (l34/NEX) Awesome Street Turbo Ka_ki 900 MTC. PiGone. triple di... _ ch,ome, golcl .nodi_ _•• custom peint. MUCH· MUCH MOREl He_like. _ m . _ ,ICed. O,lven lD.nd from wortl, just f i _ build· ingl IrntnlCullll bikell 110,000+ inwested. will co_tr.delI/offer. Gllting merriedll (806) 9259277. (134-35) 81 Maico490 fresh Ohlina. rerryclJbla. o-ring chain. fork kit• flow ported, new twlke shoes. frlsh top end. Senior cl... ,ide,. 1900. ClII _ 5;00 p.m. (801) 8921586. (l34/NE) Champion Roller FlatTreck Eqp. Knock-off .nd spool wh.el•••p'ock.... 38-40 Mikuni•• lICt,on•. Hu," di..... up. pipe. Bult..o .nd 0 ... pe"•. (201) 358-6370. (334-35/NEI Bultaco & 0 ... Parts Will ••11 mv-mer Of HP8r•••. Beat offer for uch pil•. (201) 366-5370. (334-35/NEI 82 VZ490·81 KX420"Must Sell Y2-490. Scott modi. - - . ..nk. Mid pl.... 1850. KX-420. stock. 1800. (714) 895-5419. (134-35)