Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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"My goal for the rest of the season is to win every mile National," said Bubba Shobert after his 12th place finish at Hagerstown. "I don't seem to get along too good on the half miles, but on the miles I think we've got the winning combination." Shobert had brake problems in the early laps which slowed his charge. will continue to warehouse and ship new motorcycles. About the negotialions, Malco West head VIi Von Scheunemann said, "We were hoping that things would be settled by the end of June, but now weare looking at the middle of August. It is a very complex issue. 1£ production doesn't stan soon, we will have our 1984 bikes late." Ricky Grahem WI. Inother rider who we. diuppointed with hi. showing It Hegemown. "I cen't seem to get very excited lbout heIf mile• •nd this track wean't .getty fun to race on. The lighting we. dim Ind you couldn't ... where the ruts were or whet the aurfece w. . like in some Ire..." Kawauki's Teem Green hi. ennounced their plrt./I••I.tance policy for the NMA Grand NlItionII. in Pone. City, Oldlhom., and the AMA Arneteur Netionels in Mill., Tennessee. Teem Green will provide teehnic:ilns to aid all riders, Ind technicel .alatence will be avai...". Itter prlctice. The exception wiIi be for thou riders who travel from Pone. City to Tenne..... Emergency peru will be eveilable It the time, but "beceu.. of tfie economy," there will be I chlH'gl for III .uch peru. . Team Honda's Mike Kidd and Terry Poovey didn't have too good a timeat Hagerstown with both of Kidd' s bikes having engine problems before practice ended as did one of Poovey's bikes. Kidd rode teammate Hank Scott's spare while Poovey rode his own spare. Both made it to the Last Chance Qualifier, but that was as far as they went. Gery Scott helded home Hriy from Higemown efter twisting hi. left knee during thl Lest Chence QUIInr when he hit I rut. "I'll be mining the Sinte Fe Short TrICk Nltionel," uid Scott, "beceu.. I went to work on my bike. for the upcoming DuQuoin Ind Hlw, thorne mile•. It wJ1l liso give my knee some extrl time to hul up." D~nding ch~mpion Chlrlie Pereth~n of Rifle Fliring. did it agIIln in the Craig Vetter High Mil. .ge Run. Pemhiln WI. the top qUIIlifier In the July 16 prellmlnery event held on the .tlHU lround Monterey, evereging 372.222 m.Pe with hi. 186 Vlmlhl-blnd atrHmliner. On Sundey, the top 1 6 qUlllfler. competed in the Nickel Rice It Legunl Sece running .. fir I. they could on I nickel'. worth (four ounce.' of glaoll~. Perethlln went thl longlst dlatence. Thl Ipperent winner of the on-treck event. Metau Mltauze~, we. ~Iaqullifled efter It w. . lurned thet he feiIed to heed the riders Instruction. lbout emptying the cerburetor fIoet bowl before the ride, due to Iinguege tranaletlon difficulties. By the time you read this, a successor will have been named to replace Dick O'Brien as head of the Harley-Davidson racingdeparunent. O'Brien, after 27 years in that position, is retiring. He declined to name who will assume his position when questioned about his retirement at the July 16 Hagerstown Half Mile National. "An official announcement will be made during our dealer's meeting on either Monday or Tuesday (July 18-19) about the changes," said O'Brien. He noted that the move had been a year in the planning. "My last official day at work," said O'Brien, "will be the day of orange and black-Halloween, ~tol:~edI. I've already sold my home 10 Milwaukee and I'm looking at property in the Statesville and Lake Norman area of Nonh Carolina." Will he be still connected with motorcycles or move into NASCAR stock car racing as has been rumored? "I've got a number of options I'm looking into," said a smiling O'Brien. 6 The bettie for rookil of the yelr honors in the clmee Pro Serl.. he. Din Ingram on top of the atending. lfUr hie 10th pllce fini.h in the Hegeratown Netionel. Rendy Green, who bed held the edventege, didn't rece et Hagerstown. Ingram Iud. Green, 29 points to 26. The officially estimated weekend crowd of 73,500 for the Champion Spark Plug 200 was the biggest ever for the Monterey, California, Laguna Seca Raceway. The AMAICamel Pro Series event drew more spectators than any car race or other promotion at the facility. It seemed as though Monterey played host to every lriterceptor, GS, GPz, Seca, Ducati, etc., e,,:er ~uilt, and there was plenty hopplOg 10 the facility's campground as ~ell. One n,t0torcycle industry execulive, surveylOg the tent-studded scene quipped, "I think we have the second: or third-biggest city in Monterey County right here." The Klwl.lki rOld riel crlw Wilking lbout .Ix inch. . off ~ ground Ittlr thlir riCler took the Superblke win It Legunl on Sit· urdey, would uy little lbout the July 23-24 Superbike Pro-Am in Portlend, Oregon, other then thet the race would futura "Relney" conditione. Honda Support/Vance Be Hines rider Roberto Pietri had the pleasure of hosting his parents at Laguna Seca f~r th~ first time, they watched him raang 10 the United States. Eric Rausch, another Camel Pro Series rookie, deserved an award for his magic tricks in saving what looked to be a sure crash during the first heat at Hagerstown. Rausch got out of shape had his feet bounced off the foot pe~ by a violent tank-slapper and then almost ended up eating the triplec1a~ps -. a~1 the while trying to avoid traffiC 10 turn four. He kept it on two wheels, but didn't make the National from the heat, semi or Last Chance Qualifier. There'. I new Vlmehe deIIer in northern ClIIfomiI, end his neme Ie Kenny Roberta. Kenny Roberta' V.meh. Country hu opened ita doors in Sen JON, _ling Vamehu (of couru, Ind Rivl motor scooters. An Id in the legune Sece program invited petrone to "uk lbout Kenny'. fim InnUll High SiemI ROId Rilly this fell." Steve Moreheld, the second piece fini.her It Higemown, didn't preenter the event Ind thlt cost him I .276 pre-entry bonu•. "A miateke like thlt I only mike once," uid Morehe.d. He picked up .100 for being fist qUIIlnr plu• •220 in Iep money in eddltion to his U,61 0 cut of the puru. Winner Rlndy Go•• elrned .4,200 from the .24,000 puru plu. Iep money. While negotiations continue in this country over the purchase of the West Germ!!n M':Iico factory by a group of Amencan IDvest?rs, a COst-CUlling mov~ has been lO111aLed by the Maico dlstrlbutors here in the U.S. 'Effective July 18, Maico West clo ed its pans department and all pans orders will now be handled by Maico USA in Virginia. The move resulted in a layoff of parts personnel at Maico West, but the Burbank, California, facility The promoters of the new Santa Clara Supercross track called Papa the olher day and wanted to remind all of you night motocrossers out th.ere that they are kicking things off with a three-race series starting Friday, July 22. The following race dates will be July 29 and August 5. For more information, tum to eN's Calendar section under July 22 or ch~ck t~e Santa Clara listing under Fnday 10 the Every Week section. Ho.PIT.1 STOP: Both Steve W. . Ind Rhy. Howlrd will be spending I little more time In Monterey then they originelly pllnnecl. Both riders were invoived in nuty spills. . the Legune Sece roed race Ind Ira currently resting It Monterey'. Community Hoapitel. W. . fe11 herd Itter exiting tum nine, Ind while it WI. It fim felred thet he might re-injured the bon. . brokeo in hi. recent crashes, word from the ho.pitel i. thet hi. Injuries consist of cheat contusions. HI Ie listed in atlbIe condition. Howerd'. injuries Ire more extensive. The Formull Two point IHder cmhed he.vily in I high-speed tum while peuing aIowertreffic. He h. . multiple frleture. of the knee., Inlde. Ind I wrist. Ind Ihhough he i. in ateble condition, will probebly be in thl hoapitll for Inother week. We're sure both ofth.- guyacould u. . some word. of good c...... lbout now, so why not drop them 1get-welle.rd. The eddreu ofthl Monterey Community HoapitIl is P.O. Box HH, Monterey, CA 93940. Word from Honda MX Team Man- • ager Dave Arnold is that Bob Hannah will not be at the August 6 Superbowl of Motocross in Pasadena. His wrist injury, originally thought to be a sprain, is actually a cracked carpel lunate, a small bone in the wrist. Hannah had X-rays taken after he injured the wrist in Florida, but it was not until he had a doctor in I~ho ~e more X-rays while putling tensIOn on the wrist that the injury was discovered. According to Arnold, Bob is planning to rest up and try to make the next outdoor National. He wants to keep at least one of the titles he has worked for this season. We hid been Ivoiding Siddlebeck Plrk for testing since the .pring rlins left it rutted Ind dlne-ou•. We were forced there by time con.iderltion. recently, Ind were pI....d to find thet Siddlebeck hi. repeired III the trell•. They Ire still dusty but if you've been ateying IWlY beceu. . of the rain ruts, they Ire gone. •