Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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and took them away, saying th ey would be revised. Check with us later in th e day." (Dead lin es for both our East and West editions requ ire reports to be filed early in the day. A n update on the point standings can be found in th e In The Wind (East) section and The Latest Poop [Westisection...Editor.) An ugly incident that occured in the pit area marred the day . Steve Oort , reportedly feeling he had been put down in a Last Chance Qualifier incident which involved Charles Roberts and Jim Filice, approached Robert s after the race and with one punch fractured Ro berts' left cheekbone. Robert s was ta ken to a nearby hospital. Oort was taken away by the police . Bill Boyce. AMA pro fessional competition manager, said, "We're not going to tolerate things like that at our races. Oort has been suspended. " Time Trials Harley-Davidson's Scott Parker turned in the fastest qualifying lap, just as he had done at the three preCamel Pro races . Parker's previous fast time was 25.492 seconds, and on ly former cha m p Steve Eklund and rookie Expert Eric Rausch were abl e to join him in the 25 second bracket. Eklund posted a 25.653 seco nd lap, while Rausch , who lives in Middl etown , Delaware, an d was obviousl y th e cro wd 's favorite rider, stopped the clocks at 25.805. Rounding out the top 10 fastest qualifiers were Ted Boody , Rod ney Farris, Springsteen. Goss, Graham, Garth Brow and Mike Kidd. Kidd was the only Team Honda rider to make the program. Both Hank Scott and Terry Poovey were already on the sidelines, victims of engine failures suffered by three wo rks Hondas during practice. One of " last year's" NS750Sidewinders let gowhen Scott backed off go ing into turn three and it scattered metal from the end of th e bac kstraight to the point in turn four where Scott p ulled off the track. Heats Jay Springsteen slices his Harley-Davidson through a tum en route to his Harrington win - the 36th of his career. AMA Grand National Championship/Camel Pro Series: Round 1.2 Springsteen rolls on at Harrington By Jack Mangus Photos by Henny Ray Abrams 8t Bill King HAR RINGTON, DE, JUNE I I Jay Springsteen continued to rewrite t~e record book as he romped to a runaway W I n in the H arrington Pabst Blue R ibbon Classic Half Mile ro u n d of the Camel Pro Series . The win was h is fourth a t the Delaware State Fairgrounds facility and it tied him with Ba rt Markel for the most National 8 half rriile wins, both having won 18. It was Springsteen's 36th National victory which moves him five ahead of Kenny Roberts on the all-time win list. J oining Springsteen in winner's circle after a strong second place ride was his Harley-Davidson teammate Scott Parker. Third went to Ricky Graham . the defending Grand National Champion. while the man he's battling for the point lead this year, Randy Goss, finished fourth. No o n e, including Graham and Goss. knew just where they stood in the point standings going into the Saturday afternoon race, nor did they know when they left. "We won our appeal of our disqualification in the Sacramento Mile," said Graham before the racing began, "but I spoke to Randy yesterday and I guess he's considering filing a protest. The AMA says I finished third at Sacramento and Ran dy finished fourth . He thinks he finished third. " The matter was still up in the air two days after the race . Pat McCoy, a member of the AMA 's professional racing department, said, "They gave me the Camel Pro point standings early this morning, but they came Fast qualifier Parker ran away with the first heat and he crossed the finish line as runner-up G art h Bro w was exiting the fo urt h turn . " I ju st ran her in up high a nd was hooking up rea l good," said Parker. "At one point I loo ked back a nd when I saw the lead I had I tried the low line and that worked too!" As easy as was Parker's win, the battle for the transfer spots behind him was a heated one. Brow, Gary Scott a nd Rod Farris fought for the second and third p lace finishes and the checkered flag saw Bro w and Farris tra nsfer to the Na tional with Scott headed for a semi. Jay Springsteen took command of the second heat at the start and he was never headed and took the win by a wide margin. Behind Springsteen, Eklund and Canadian Jon Cornwell hooked up in a dice for second that ended when Cornwell lost his steel shoe exiting turn four on the eighth lap. Ekl und went on to finish second, with Cornwell taki ng third. Chuck Springsteen, Kidd, J o h n Cooper and Sammy Sweet staged a mid-race battle over fourth with that spot eventually going to Springsteen. " T he race track is getting faster and you can ride anywhere, but it's drying out and I think the fast way around in the main will be down at the bottom," said J ay Springsteen as he accepted a trophy from promoter Jay Milligan for his heat race win. Randy Goss started on the pole in the third heat but was left buried in the back of the pack as the field hit turn one with Steve Morehead leading the way . Morehead's bad luck continued and after having led the first two laps he

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