Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WEST America's weekly motorcycle newspaper Sharon Clayton, P ublisher Car ol ine Gen drv , Execut ive Secre tary (0 the Pu blisher Nancv Danger . Adverusing/ Edit or ia l Assfstant. Editorial Da ft" Bro wn. Senior Ed itor. Lance Brvson, Edi tor . Karel Kra mer. Ed itor. Da vid Edwards . Editor. Advertising Skip Joh nson . National Sal es Ma nager. T err y Pran, Sales Man ager . SH'\'C \\'il · so n . Salt's Man ager . Linda Bro wn . Ad vert ising Coordinator. H ill o a h Corry. Advert isi ng Assista n t. Graphics and Production Ro na Kra mer . Graphic Art ist. Gene t• Anisl. Ha tash ita. T ypography. Dennis Greene, Laboratory. B e n n et G r a p h i c M a r i o n Accounting /Data Processing :>Iike Klinger. Controller. Do n na B')'3n. Accounts R ecei va b le Coordinat or . Gen eva Repa ss. Assistant. T erry Dai ley. Credit Manager. Circulation R h e ba Smirh. Ma n a g er , Mich ell e H a n n a . Sarah Taylor. Debb ie Wa lker. L yna H ood. Assistants. Want Ads Lynda Milli".n . Want Ad Sales . Dealer Sales and Service Tim R ya n. Dea ler Sa les Manager. Service and Support Chris Aitcheson, Recep tion ist. Gregory Ha n son . S&S. West 2201 Cherry Ave.. Long Beach . CA P .O . Bo x 498. Long Beach . CA 9080 1· (}l98 (213) 427·7433; L.A. L ine 636-8844. East 4190 First Ave.. T uc ker . GA . P .O . Box 805. T ucker . GA 30085-0805. (404) 934-7850. CSTI,' News lWeSl (U S PS 141·340 ) is puhlish ed wee klv except the first a nd last week of the ca lendar year for $25 per yea r by Cycl e News. Inc.. 2201 C herry Avenue. Long Beach . CA 90806 . Second class postage paid at Long Beach . CA . POSTMASTER: Send form 3679 to Cycle News, P.O . BO ll 498, Long 8eac h, CA 90801 -0498. Subscription rates: O ne year, second class mail. $25 : (WQ years. second cla ss mail. $45 ; three Years , second class mail. $68; 25 weeks. S·I4. For eign rates ava ila ble on request. C ycle New s welcomes unsolicited editorial material including stories, ca rtoons, photos , etc. Su ch material. if published. becomes the exclu sive propertv of Cycle News. Such accepted mal e-rial is su bject to revision as is necessary in the sol e discret ion of Cycle News. Un so licited material wh ich is not used will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed sta mped envelope , All unsol icited material will be ha ndl ed with reasonable care, however. Cvcle Ne ws assumes no responsibiJity forthe saf ety . lo ss or damage to suc h material. Rep rint in g in whole or part o n ly by pe rm iss io n o f the pu b lisher. Advcrtism~ ra tes a nd circ u la tio n information wi ll be sen t upon request. See S.R.D.S. Cop yright

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