Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'81 SUZUKI RM 250 Excellent con diti o n. re-built engi ne . White Bros . twi n air box , Safety ce er. new sprockets a nd chain . 5750 /0BO . (2 13 192B -1047 alter 3 p.m. (323 ) 750 Yamaha Dirttracker Excellent Jr . bike. Tr ack m asterfram e, Shell, Champio n. Goodyea r. Buff alo . Grea t condi t ion I Need cash . a stool for Slooo/0BO . (51 5) 83 1-2374. (32 3 / NWI Obsolete parts from 1937 to present '83 250CR HONDA . $22oo/0BO . Ridden one time only. Ask for Ray.days (213 )435-542 1. nights (7 14) 538- 1734. (123 -241 A ll drive-tra in parts; engin e and tranny for Twin s; ear ly and late two-stroke parts; and Sp r in t part s from day one . UPS one day service on $20 ord er or more . HARLEY-DAVIDSON OF OCEAN SPRINGS. Rt. 6 Box 14 1E. Ocean Spri ngs. MS 39584. Ports discoun ted ! (60 1187 5-9207. (22 3) 1980 YAMAHA IT 125G l ess th an 100 origi n al m iles . Looks bran d ne w I YAMAHA '83 YZ 490 $650. (2 13) 428 · 1870. (323· 24) M ust soli . M INTI Ridden 3 times. 51795.(714) 594 (32 3) 0 272 alter 5 p.m . ~ e-r e-r Moto Guzzi 850 Le Mans (l.J 100% or igina l. showroom con dit ion, 6500 miles. S3ooo. (91 6) 486 -92 59. THE COMBO S99.95. clock only. S89.95. 24 MPH Pacer. $ 129 .9 5. RoUchart hol der , $19.95 . Econ o clock. $4 9 .95 . l eath er t i mec ard holder , $1 4 .95 . Shipp ing incl uded. COUNTDOW N (2 131348 -838 1. (221/NSW /EOIITFNI 1983 8MW Krauser MKM 1000 1983 Honda MVX-250F V-3 47HP liq uid cooled z- str cke. WERA lega l. SUPER LOW PRICEI FOB. Dall as. Texas. Sold for off rood u se on ly. Call Ga ry Brammer (214) 25 2 -21 9 1 even - ings alte r 5 p.m . (322 ·23 / NW ) Wanted: Kawasaki 1 OOOSI or R 3500 mil es. abso lu tely f law less. VERY FAST! Make offer! (7 13)346 -153B aft er 6 p.m. (7 13) 785 -8538. SMITH . 1673 Brookvale Dr. " 2. Son Jo se. CA 95129. (408) 257 -8116. (123 1 Meteeters. Sun rim . Wh ite Bros. re- vafve. Wh ite nn EVERYTHING YOU NEED. shipped COO. PHILIPPE SERVICES. (7 14) 840-663 2. (122 ·23XI '82 HONDA CR-250 R HODAKA PARTS **** Power spri n g. Safety ceet. Inter AMS , very cl ean and w ell ma intained. Must see and r id el As k ing 51295. (7 14) 951 -02 60 eveni ngs. ask for Terr y. (1231 Kawasaki GPZ 550 Uni-Trak 1982. onl y 2.000 miles. exce ll ent cond it ion . j ust like new l 51900 . (2 1316 97-9554. (123) Do You Want To Look Fast?, Or 8e Fast? The se cr et s out l Amer ica n mo tocrossers are t h e fastest and bes t dr essed i n the world . Our Euro pe an fr iends still ha ve one t hi ng over mo st Ameri ca n rid er s. They u nd ersta nd t he necessity of proper sus pensi on for the ir motocross bike. It is as abs urd to the serious Europea n motocross rider to ru n standard suspe ns ion as it i s for u s to race i n l evis . And w ha t sh ock is the runa w ay cho ice of most European m ot ocr oss rider s? The WH ITE POWER '8 1 YAM AHA Y2-125H. LIKE NEW . low mile age. Boost bottle. This baby really goesl $750. (2 13) 326 -84 17. (123) Street Legal Yamaha Racer B.O .T.T. Bike ? Champi on fram e/ glass. 750 motor by Har ry Lillie. M iku n i/ Axe l! pipes. etc. Ceri ani / Robert 's t ri ple cla mps. S&W ·s. Shell wheels. Gr im eca calipers. Dunlops. etc. .Immaculate. all new, never rac ed, low st reet miles. on ly $35OO/0BO . (4 15) 282-433 1. (41 5) 574 -0 29 2. (3 23- 25) Some tb ought s on motorcycle lubr icat ion fr om Robert H. Wehma n. president and ch ief engineer of Spect re Oils of Am er ica and Inte rc o nti nenta l Lubricants Corp. SUPER ADJUSTER. The WHITE POWER shock can and w il l cut second s off your lap ti m es w ith a bon us of le ss ride r fatig ue. And WHITE BROS . w ill guarant ee it . For the f irs t two months you own t he WH ITE POWER, we will mod ify it -fr ee-as ma ny ti m es as necessary to assure you of hav ing the w inning edge . 95 % of our WHITE POWER ow ners h ave f ou nd that our extensive test ing and th e sh ocks super ad j ustabil ity w ill make it right - the fi rst time. $430.00 is a lot of m on ey, but if tha t w ill mak e your product ion bike handle as good or sometimes better than the works bike . isn 't it worth it? Con tact Sell or Trade TZ 125 Fresh mo tor, EPM 's, spare. DID 's , cr ank. cYlin ders. hea d, gearin g, etc . Elect ric st arter. Bes t offer /trade for Pro Trac , 'B2 GPZ 550. Knight framed XR-5oo. (805) 466 ·6096. (122-23) '83 650 Yamaha Special Excellent condit ion , f ull fact ory warra nty . $1 550. Call (2 131866-3042 alter 5 p.m. (122-231 CAMPAGNOLO WHEELS. T2250 WM5 1 rear WM4 front, nev er used. $600/pa ir . Can sh ipl (4 15) 878 ·5013 . (122·25) If you ride a bi ke that uses eng ine oil to lubricate the gear box, you should insist on a MOTORCYCLE oil that will stay-In-qrade under motorcyc le operating cond it ions. If you are buy ing Cast rol , Quaker State, Pennzoil , Valvoline, Ama lie, or any other AUTOMOTIVE oi l for use i n your Honda, Yamaha , Kawasaki, Suzuki or Har ley..... STOP IT, RIGHT NOW ! The lubri c ati ng properti es of AUTOMOT IVE oils dete riorate rap idly when pass ing through a moto rcy cle gear bo x. When the go ing gets tough on ly a stay- ln-qrade rnotorcycle oi l will adequately lubricate you r eng ine and protect aga inst fa ilures. Go one step further, chang e over to GOLDEN SPECTRO 4 the n you wi ll know how much eas ier and smoother your bike will sh ift than it ever has before . Make your change to Golden Spectro 4 now and enjoy the benefits this summer and for many years to come. Sincerely, / ...-" ~~~-- tra il s and desert . $500. (4151 282 -6558. 1122·231 Support The American Team Robert H. Wehman Help se nd our Int ernat ional Six Day Enduro Team to Wales . Ridin g Je rs ey s $20 ; T-Sh irts 58 ; h ats $8 ; patch es 54; st icker s $2 ; pin 53 . You will be glad you did I Art Salomon. ISOE Fund . RO " 1. Box 56. Mon ticello . NY 1270 1. (9 14 17 94 -0 336. (3 22 / 23NEI 1983 YAMAHA RZ350K W ater i nj ect ed, st reet lega l road racer . Val ued $10.000. MUST SELL, 56500. Boise. Idah o. ca ll Dove (2081 322·7949. Alter 6 (208) 362 -6053. (123-24 /NW) YAMAHA T2250/ 350 GARAG E SALE: Ma ny good u sed engine parts. Rad iat ors . pipe s, etc . Call Joe (51 71 339·2 125 days. • STOP IT! - WHITE BROS. for WHITE POWER. 11750 Seaboard Circ le. Stanton . CA 906BO. (71 4) 895 -199 1. 1223/NW) '7 9 HUSKY 250 CR. Original owner , set up for BRAND NEW. 1075cc KAWASAKI. turbo charg e. = ~ Pr iced acc ord ing to condi t ion. CASH WAITS I R.l . (123) leave message. C (122·23 ) 4,000 m i les , i mm aculat e condit ion . $2995. (21 31 SPECTRO OILS OF AMERICA 1983 YAMAHA RZ 350K 4 ,000 mi le s. i m m aculat e con dit ion . $29 97 . New m odel s, spa re part s, manuals & broch ures also ava il ab le. Cal l fo r prices . (21 3 ) 534-1894 even in gs . (322 -231 '83 HONDA CR 250 & CR 125 ROUT'E 7 ".0. eo. zoe 1IlIOQltFEl.D. CT . OUCM (323 -24) 1966 TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE 65Occ. Low mile age. extra s. $15OO/ 0 BO. (50 3) 479 -5835. Steve. (1 23 -24) 534-1894 evenings. CR.1 25 ri dden once. $l600 /OBO . CR-250 exce llent condition . $16oo/ 0 BO. (21 3) 285-9293 . (322· 23) ***BULTACO PARTS *** LARGE STOCK. W ILL SHIP C.O.D. (4 15) 332·3559. (22 1ITFN) (323 &. 25 / NE) • SUBSCRIBE 213)427 -7433(213 )427·7433(213)427 ,. ~I' ~ '¥PI~ SlI\!th MOTORCVCLES YAMAHA MAleO 1979 Six Cylinder Honda CBX Camber fa ir ing, air forks, Kon i shocks , drill ed discs, 6 int o 6 headers and pipes . A -Trak swi ngar m with new sprocke ts and cha in . Napol eon m irrors, crui se con trol. case protector, Cib ie dr iv ing lights , new M et zeler; perfect rear tire. Less than 15000 mil es, oil and filter changed every 2,000 m il es, mai n ta ined by the book! $3250. Lee Gray (4151 524· Overstock Sale $7.95 Manufacture direct, 1st quality Yamaha MX [e rsays. 8ELOWWHOLESALE: Three styles to choose from, these Ire a new weight " TUFF" pol y/conon - not aT-sh in. All ar e yellow-black. with 2 color pr ints and name brand logos . Small, Medium, Large, Xlarge. Order direct, in cl ude 2nd choice _ BIUA PRODUCTS 5486 McFaddan Ava.. Hun ting . . ton Beach. CA 92849 or (714) B98·8513. Order bv A . B. or C. (Personal checks allow 2 weeks.) 1123/NWX) HUSQVARNA KTM We t e ~n own 7563 INDIANA RIVERSIDE. CA, 92504 (714) 687 -1300 CRF 125-R Engine Kit (322 ·231 The ultimate Eng ine Performance Kit . 3-4 horse power ga in w ith the following it em s: (1 ) " ROCKET PIPE" increase m id -range. top end power w ith no Excellent condition, r idden on ly 500 miles. Desert and standard tank w ith tool k it , skid plate. $1300/ ether pipe. PERIODI 5135 . (2 ) " M OTOPLAT IGNITION " Super " Hot Speed" t icket. More low end and your 125R will pull 2 -3 ,000 more RPM 'sover stock OBO. (805 1541 -2080 alter 6 p.m. igniti ons. Bolts on for $174. (31 "8 PETAL REED" 6620. to r o u r se r v.ce WJlh ,1 s mI le ! loss of bonom. OUT LASTS! OUT PERFORMSI ANY '81 KTM 390 (322 ·23) TWO 1983 SUZUKI RM -125 O·s. One heavily modified pro -race machine. In jury forces sale , 51800. Stock bike. lika nawl 5850. (819) 753· 3935. (122- 23) 1.5 HP ga in low m id- range power. $45. (4 1 Pre jett ed 36 Mikuni or lectrons. (5) NEW side mounted White A ir Box .75 . Poning /Compression mods, also ava ilable . For more i n f or m ation: CROTCH ROCKET FACTORY. (805) 683-1426. 1220·23NW) Hond W8Sh.b~ Stav Soft OthlT18n Distributing Co . Box 356. Sen Luis Obispo. CA 93406 (8050)544-61 S1 • R id ing • Racin g • Str eet GLOVES Dealer Inquiries Invited 45

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