Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HERE THEYCOME! ~ The World'~ Greatest ~ Riders ~~~e. However, th e new un its were a y pl easant surp rise Th 0rk an.d work well , o ver a li kin~y rain . Whoops, roc ks and wh:t~ terha ve d • ....y? u. they provid e smo th 0 an co n sistent damping. With f InC . inc hes u128' h es In the rear a nd 12 7 'II Presents b e ,;bike to ~~n~ ~~l~ w~uld e?,pect the height is eno ug h tol~;use.'l~0~~b7 seat of th e b!kes doesn 't p ems w he n goi ng stra ig h t but "get bau g;ht o.ff bal ance in a n' o ff~a~ er ~ lUa llo n and things feel very 'W wa rh ' enough to fall do wn some t irnes w f b i en a foot can no t be planted ~r a ance. T he more we ro de th it, th e less of: n KTM h . oU J ~s tco mpensa te. h ' s ould engrneer the sea t elgh,t down to a n acce p ta ble level ' esp.eclall y for sho rte r rid ers T h losing s,ales to rid ers who try th:b~~e wh en th ey ca n't . ,gIve up on It. Perha s less wheel travel likt th: · s y would su ffice Sa II Inches d trav el ' wh ich l S'su ff' X of ' for icrent en u ros, That wou ld pr .d \~ eno u gh travel yet get the seat h~ig d own somew hat ' Spea ki KT M mg of seats sea ts have a . . being h ard I'k ' boreputallon for ard O r · , I eIn Impression was " h ere we go again " , ur ,ITst B h mut t e m?re we ro de th e bike, the ore we lik ed the sea t M h b previous able.a ]apa nese bike seat. yet comfort - Tr~~~allness c~e:;:~ ~~~bl~':l~\f~~~s~d l~ ~i~~~: ~~~tan? ~~d~1 w~~ :~:~ to~c~ ye~rs, It·~ m~~h fire~~~ wi1h~4i:~c m~2to2r is very oversquare ge . 5m m bore an d a 74 mm stro ke, th sa me as o n the 420 e I cc m oto~. KTM gets th e ex tra d isp aceme nt In the bo re ra th h ~o~bination of bore a~d st:~:e a~u~ It IS mor e eco no m ica l to d " h wa y rather th h olt t a t b ild an ave to design a n d Ul a w~o le new crank assembl KTM en gmeers believe in r , y. and th e huge fin s keep th e bi mmng co o I. W e did not ha ve a n . ig motor 1 . ~eto~allhon problem s, ev:nP~~fll;t~ ~~ ' mg In t e desert . Carburetor is a 40mm magnesi . bod B' A esrurny Ing.. n d yes, to start the motor ~old yo,UWIll still ha ve to " tickle" th e ar~. SIgh , Maybe some day the Bin ~freers w!ll discover the ch ok; · 1 e th e " tickle" method works . ~ :~ mes sy.and premix dribbles all o~~r ta e engme cases . T he Bin g is a tched to a rubber air boo t whi h . turn leads to the air box,'Th:cbo~~ ~~~~~:s~~efu lly .insJ;>ected to ins ure If 11 d ck sprmg IS not touch ing a o~e to touch , a hol e co ul d ~ wor.n in to t.he boot , allowin dirt u nfiltered air access in to th g b y, e car ureto r and into th e en in sive T h b g e. Very expen, . e , oot ~a n be rota ted to move ~ t , Sangu in etti recommends repla si n gle stage air ua stage Uni Pro-Co m mo~el. Regard less of which filter use , ex treme car e must be used to (Continued to page Jj) ~i~hthae ~toclk filt~; fs ,·r '{' SOOcc World Champ.onsh.p ". · :::.. .~'i,'.. v Wo 'o",C...k CA SUZUKI Belgium ' Engla nd YAMAHA Engl? nd HONDA B elgIum HON DA England HONDA CA HONDA YAMAHA Fi;l:ndn l uxembaur g YAMAHA YAMAHA HUSQVARNA Neil Hu.:::: Graham N a ns Andre Dave Th Gary Se:'rc: Hakan Carlquist J ukka Sintonen aak Van Veithoven Patrick Fura J Gerard Rond Malh~~be ~arldbad. ~~II~~d ~:::,Vh.::o .... ~:~dumm '.','. ,k Uef Penson Bert Von Zitzewitz Wa lter Gruhler Manfred Schnable Marizio Dolce To m Flink W en west Ge rmany west GGerman y est ermany I!a ly Finland i~i~:: SUZUKI HUSQVA RNA MAICO MAICO HO NDA MAICO HUSQVARNA Andre j Ledowsko j J urii Kudiakav Broc Glo ve r J eff Ward Warren Reid US S R U'S'S 'R' EI' M' s. I M:d : ; AI: n ' ng J ohn Finkeldey Sherwood , OR Troy MI CT Westbrook, Forest Hills, CA ~hatkBreker c K~un ~::;~;handler '~~kh~1 ,d, ,;:;;'00 :,reston J e~r~yaJenning s I ~~'lIk'PJOverland ar ones Scott Johnson Ca'~~ CAGIVA CAGIVA Y AMAHA KAWASAKI '{tMAHA Vi~ia, CA Ri versi JeC~A CA ~:. :-';"" 0, Hu~tin~t~\eoeh M~~CDOA ~6MN SUZUKI TX l os Angeles CA ' Norwalk CA CA Huntin p B ta'n P 'f 9 I' ch, CA oe, ic a ISO de s, CA Sarato9~ ~~~<;'VSARNA KAW2:AKI CA AKI YAMAHA ~ONDA USQVARNA YAMAHA YAMAHA Carlsbad Raceway June 25th and 26th SCHEDULE: Saturday. J u ne 25 . S ign-up and Tech Inspection : l O A M - 12 No on , EI Camino No rth Shopping Center lief! on Jefferson off 781 . International Time Trials, 2 PM at Carlsbad Racew ay . Sunday. June 26th. Tw o 45-minute Grand Prix Matos. S himano Mou ntain Bike Grand Prix, Tw o 250cc Champion ship Matos. Skydivin g and more. Gates open at 8 AM, first moto begins at 1 PM. Tickets available at Tlcketron or at the gate. Adults ISat & Sun1 S 15 Advance ticket prices: Adults ISunday onlyl S12 Children 12 & under S7 AMAli SANCTIONED SANCTIONED For more Information, call 17141 661-4198 23

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