Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1980's

Cycle News 1983 06 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a nd ben d in g one o f th e Fantic's for k legs. Cranke rod e th e bik e in its damaged cond itio n 10 a gas stop. Th en the wily Six Days vetera n rem oved the fork leg a nd straigh tened it. using a tra iler hitch as a vise. In th e 125cc Qual ifier class. R ian t breezed o n to win with a 3664. Sinkoff. on ly 20 points behi nd at the beg inni ng of the day. lost fo ur mi nutes on th e co urse. and the resu lti ng 240 dropped him to fourt h in class, a lthough he was sti ll o n gold. Yamaha rider Perkins finished as runner -up in th e 250cc Intent class with a sco re of 3327. Ten points behind him ca me Driegan Weider. H owell , wh o bested Brown by 19 points for the 500cc win, summed up his weekend by saying, " I crashed twice yesterday and o nce today. I ha ven ' t been rid ing th at much . I inj u red m y thumb in Oklahoma , a nd since th en I' ve on ly ridde n the T exas event. I was ta ki ng it easy a nd trying to let m y thumb heal , a nd I think tha t showed yesterday.I th ink m y special test was good tod ay, though." In the Over 500cc Four-Stroke Qualifi er class, H onda rider Bill Fulmer Jr. was li sted as th e win ne r with a 3570, 10 points in front of fellow Honda rider Vern Pach olke. They were the on ly riders listed as fin ishing a fte r Drew Sm ith blew u p his XR500 in th e da y one mot oc ro ss a nd Bob Bal entine was too tire d to start the seco nd day. Another H onda fo urstro ke rider, Al Bak er, finished fourth in the 500cc Q ual ifier class behi nd Howell, Bro wn and Kevin Davis. Bak er was ridi ng a Honda XR350R . Wea ther for th e two-day event was marvelous, warm and su n ny, with one o f the bigger problems being a d usty motocross track o n the firs t day . Resu lts JAY SPRINGSTEEN 1~"Tt.R:'\i,\L COIUlESPOSDL"IriCE RACING DEVELOPMENT TEAM RACE REPORT 'To: DO. bc:iDIC s",J... RACING DEVELOPMENT TEAM RACE REPORT T _ IUrD. &kina s.Jn Ridooto ,[wnc: o.-=J :-ro°.me "JAy SPRtN::aSTE&N CAME L PRo SER IE",S 'ROlA-.Ip II Uul>on: 1DVI:'yl ue Do.vNS ----~ ~MU.-E UNE 4« jQ8.3 L - ~ 'S V I F:1R:sr NATIONAl- HERr'" .. I N My -YEA R AN D rr tS ON E O~ L te . ky ~ I E" My • 80QUAL GOLD: Carl Cranke (Fan) 3873. 125 QUA L GOLD : Dave Rian l (KTM) 3664; Jim Norris (Hus l 3702; Dan Dill on (KTMI 3 903 ; Dan Sinkoff (Husl 3976. 250QUAL GOLD: Kevin Hines tH us) 321 9; William Perkins (Yam) 33 27 ; Dr iegan W eider 333 7; Vic Ely (Yam) 3381 ; David Cra in (Ma i) 34 11; John 81yt he 3523. SILVER: Jo h n Vest; M ark Cook; Fritz Kadlec. Mo r ris Norm an; J . Castles; Garner Palenske. 500 QUAL GOLD : Ch ip How ell (Hus l 3254: Barr en Brown (Yaml 3273; Kevin Davis IKTM ) 3422; A I Baker (Hon) 3444; Reod Br ight 3655. SILVER : J oe Lojak ; Lyle Perkin s. FOUR·STROKE QUAL GOLD : 8 ill Fulmer Jr . (Hon ) 3770; Vern Pach olk e (Hon) 3780. 125A GOLD:Joe Klokkovold (3592); Bruce Hardy (3 7851 . 200A GOLD : Joe McCorm ick (3581) ; Don Blake (38 59). 200 FOUR-STROKE A GOLD : M ike Scott (4 1761. 250A GOLD: Ken Maahs (Hu s) 34 18; Stan Capps (34 67) Rex Seil (364 6); Cliff Lombar d (3 687) . 500A GOLD: Brad Turnidge IKTM) 3300; Tim Erickson 3491); Bill Duwors (3594) . (3442); Bob Leach 1 OVER 30A GOLD ; A lan Soymour (38 54 ); Grog A utr oy (4005); Terry Finslad (4063). OVER40A GOLD : DeWain e Beard (38791. 200 FOUR·STROKE 8 GOLD : Doug Chest nut (3690) ; Wes And erso n (39 94) . 250B GOLD: Bob Hasch (37 95 ); St ove Branst ett er (3 925). 350 FOUR·STRO KE B GOL D: Bill Crenshaw . THA KS FO PUTTI G US ON TOP. The Winning Une see the new line of 1983 Bell Helmets at your dealer today. IRS 500B GOLD; Dan ~an (35 79); M ike M odiclt (3 7 18); Dav id Paulin y (38 641; M ike Hess (3 B70); Jim W alsh 13930). OVER 30 B GOLD: Gary W oodward (3 908) ; M ichae l Sacha (4009). OVER 40B GOLD : Fred Cameron (3893); Ron Mo rganthaler 1 77 1 Tyrr e' Hart (4 022); Loo n W ilba nks (4 0 50); 39 ; A I Bau man n (41 3 6); Bob Eisele (4 17 5); Jim Burns 1 19 1). 4 OVER 50 B GOLD : Cloff Brech t 14053 ). ISDE QUALIFIERS ; t , Mark Hyde (5000); 2. Terry Cu nn ing ham (501 0 .7 1 3 . Drew Sm ith 15041.8 ); 4. ; Frank St acv (5094.6); 5. Kevin Hin es (510 9.61; 6 . Larry Roeseler (51 29 .1); 7 . Mike M elt on (5232.4); 8 . Kevin Brown (5269 .6); 9 . Ron Rib olzi (52 8 2.31; 10 . Fr itz Kad lec (532 4.61; t t . Ji m Norr is (534 8.11; 12 . Vic Ely (53 48 .6 ); 13 . W all y W il son (53 87 .2); 14 . Ray M ungen ast (54 9 7 .4); 15 . Dr iegan W eid er (5 518 .3) 16 . Jeff Russell 1 520 .61 17. J ohn Blyt he 5 ; 1 5532.0); 18. Kevin Davis (5 64 9.6); 19 . Barr ett Brown 15712.6); 20 . Dan Sinkoff (5736.3 ); 21. Scott Ely (5752.7); 22 . J oe Lojak (581 9 .5); 23 . Ed Lojak (inj u ry); 24 . Je ff Fredett e (injury); 25 . Ch ip Howell (inj ury) . FIRST ALT ERNATE: M att Cull ins (5 930 .8). More Ies ·de eye n Superb form, Dave, leading it " w ire to w ire" in this hotly contested race. Thanks for doin ' it on DUNLOPI on Dunlop than any ~ D UN.LOP other tire in the world. The Logical Choice 15

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